13 Undeniable Signs He Is Getting Ready To Ask You Out

One of the most frustrating things about dating is not knowing what the guy wants from you. Is he serious about you or does he perhaps just want to hang out with you? The good news is there are signs he is getting ready to ask you out that can help you decipher a man’s […]

My Ex Wants Nothing To Do With Me: 8 Signs That It’s Really Over

“My ex wants nothing to do with me. Is it really over between us?” The question many people with broken hearts keep asking themselves over and over again. Knowing that the person you love and want to be with doesn’t want to share his life with you anymore can really feel like a stab right […]

She Left Me For Someone Else – Here’s What You Should Do Next

“I love her but she left me for someone else.” The sentence too many guys have said. Even if breakups are difficult to handle, it’s even worse when you know that a woman left you because of another guy. It’s not that you’re just thrown out of your relationship without you having any say in […]

8 Reasons Why She’s Not Ready For A Relationship & What To Do About It

What does it mean when a girl says to you that she’s not ready for a relationship?  It’s one of those questions that many guys ask themselves repeatedly and never seem to get a straight answer.  You finally meet this gorgeous girl who you consider to be potential girlfriend material, but she’s unsure whether she’d […]

How To Make A Girl Miss You Like Crazy: 14 Effective Tips

Many people believe that during the early honeymoon phase of romance, the more time you spend with each other, the more you’ll start to fall for each other. And for the most part, that’s actually true. But, genuine feelings only develop when a person starts to miss you. So, how to make a girl miss […]

A Married Man Dumped Me – Will He Come Back?

“A married man dumped me, will he come back?” So, the inevitable has happened to you. After all these years of being single by choice, you met this awesome man and everything was going great until you found out that he was married. Even though you promised yourself that you wouldn’t do that to another […]

14 Undeniable Signs He Will Marry You Someday And Make You His Wife

Are you wondering if there are signs he will marry you someday? Can you really tell if he genuinely loves you and wants to be your happily ever after? And most importantly, can you recognize those signs by yourself without giving away the fact that you’re ready to tie the knot? To answer your questions […]

How To Make Him Feel Guilty For Hurting You: 7 Highly Effective Ways

Breakups are difficult in their own way since they leave you with wounds that require a significant amount of time to heal. But in that process of post-breakup healing, how to make him feel guilty for hurting you in the first place? You have to understand that men and women are different when it comes […]

Does He Find Me Attractive? 13 Undeniable Signs He’s Into You

So, you met this awesome, super cute guy and you want to find out whether or not he likes you back? You spend an endless amount of time looking for signs he finds you irresistible, but still, you’re asking yourself: Does he find me attractive? Perhaps you’re not even sure what to look for or […]

The Ignoring Game: Don’t Text Him And He Will Text You

We all know that dating is difficult, but what’s even harder is figuring out whether or not the guy is actually into you at all. Well, if you’ve been wondering how to find out about his feelings for you and make him miss you at the same time, just don’t text him and he will […]

The Power Of Walking Away When He Won’t Commit To You

Is your relationship going through a rough patch right now? Are you giving your everything to let him know that you care about him but it still feels like he isn’t as invested as you are? Are you considering walking away when he won’t commit? All these questions are going through your mind if your […]

5 Ways To Shut Down A Narcissist And Make Him Leave You Alone

When you usually encounter a narcissist, it’s pretty hard to shut him down. Sometimes it feels like it’s impossible to achieve, since he always has a trick up his sleeve. Despite that, believe me when I say that it can be done effectively if you know what you’re doing. Spotting a narcissist may seem hard […]

3 No-Contact Rule Success Stories That Show Its Power

Whether or not you’re a believer in the no-contact rule, the truth is that it works. In this article, I’m going to share with you interesting no-contact success stories that I gathered over the years of writing about it.  While some might argue that the NC rule doesn’t work at all, others will definitely agree […]

12 Telltale Signs A Man Is Emotionally Attached To You

Dating can be really tricky to navigate when you aren’t sure what the other person truly feels about you. You think that he’ll be there for you through thick and thin, but before you know it, he disappears and leaves you alone. Luckily for you, there are signs a man is emotionally attached to you […]

Forehead Kiss: Secret Meanings Behind This Adorable Gesture

There are so many ways to show your appreciation to your loved one. One of the most gentle and charming ways to express your love to the person who means the world to you is with a forehead kiss. But do you wonder what the meaning behind it is? Well, as you already know, there […]

When A Guy Says You Are Amazing, What Does It Mean?

Everyone has a soft spot for flattery and compliments but when a guy says you’re amazing, what does it mean? How do you know whether he’s being sincere or if he’s just trying to get you to the bedroom and nothing else? These and many more questions are running through your mind while trying to […]

You Are My Everything Quotes: 90+ Amazing Sayings For Him And Her

One of the best ways to express your love to someone is by telling them how much they mean to you. Sometimes we’re lost for words, but still our love runs deep for our significant other. So here are the most dazzling “you are my everything” quotes that can help you out. Even if you’re […]

How To Respond To His First Text After The No-Contact Rule?

Are you nervous about receiving your ex’s first text after the no-contact rule? Are you questioning whether or not replying to his text messages will really make a difference in getting him back? Many women will agree with me saying that sending your ex-boyfriend a text first can only make the situation worse for you. […]

Do Avoidants Regret Breaking Up And Do They Come Back?

Perhaps you didn’t know, but there are different attachment styles and one of them is the avoidant kind. If you had the chance to come across a man with this style, then you must be wondering: Do avoidants regret breaking up? Don’t think that you’re the only one who’s ever asked this. It’s a perfectly […]

If She Stops Arguing With You, You’re No Longer Worth The Fight

The thing that many men fail to realize when it comes to love and relationships is that women don’t accept or believe in mediocre love. They will never decide to hide or suppress their feelings as they know it won’t do them any good. Those emotions will remain and they won’t go away any time […]

14 Warning Signs He Doesn’t Value You Anymore (Move On)

What does it mean when your boyfriend stops calling you? Does he seem distant and cold toward you and can you say that he’s changed lately, that he doesn’t behave the same way he did at the beginning of your relationship? Unfortunately, those could all be signs he doesn’t value you anymore. I understand that […]

How To Make A Capricorn Man Obsessed With You (13 Simple Tips)

So, you’ve met this awesome guy who’s career-driven, intelligent, and with a great sense of humor. Then you found out he is a Capricorn. You’re really into this guy, that’s why you’re wondering how to make a Capricorn man obsessed with you. Before we get into it, you have to understand that a Capricorn man […]

Does My Wife Miss Me During Separation? 10 Clear Signs She Does

Does my wife miss me during separation? Has she found some other guy? If she hasn’t met anyone yet, is it because she’s thinking about giving us a second chance?  These and many more questions pop into your head since you both decided that it’s time to separate. The act of separation is way more […]

11 Tips On How To Deal With Your Boyfriend Moving Away

When you think about the potential obstacles you and your significant other might face in your romantic relationship, your boyfriend moving away ranks pretty high on the list. It’s difficult to cope with the fact that your partner might be miles away from you. It could be that his family decided to relocate, or because […]

Does Letting Him Go To Get Him Back Work? Here’s What You Should Do

Is your relationship breaking down? Have you tried to fix it but still haven’t found a solution to your problems? Are you asking yourself if letting him go to get him back is the right move?  Maybe your friends gave you some advice on how to behave if he’s pulling away from you, telling you […]

14 Signs He Knows He Hurt You And Feels Miserable For Leaving You

Being in love is a wonderful thing. But sadly, not all relationships are meant to last forever. So, what if he hurt you? Are there any signs he knows he hurt you?  Finding peace within is difficult when your heart is broken into a million pieces. You start doubting that there’s such a thing as […]

7 Telltale Signs A Guy Doesn’t Know What He Wants

You’ve really started to like a guy and you can see yourself being in a serious relationship with him. But while you’re aware of your feelings for him, he doesn’t seem to be, so you start looking for the signs a guy doesn’t know what he wants. You’ve confessed your emotions to him, you’ve already […]

How To Make A Leo Man Miss You: 10 Tips & Tricks

Has your Leo guy started pulling away from you? Are you wondering how to make a Leo man miss you?  Since Leo is a fire sign and is considered the king of the jungle, you might think that making a Leo man miss you is difficult, but it’s not if you know the right ways […]

What Does It Mean To Have A Pure Heart And How It Can Benefit Your Life

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of someone being empathetic is having a crystal-clear heart. But what does it mean to have a pure heart? If you stop for a second and look around yourself, you’ll see those signs that someone has a pure heart in their chest. They simply radiate […]

14 Obvious Signs He Wants To Date You And Make It Official

Sometimes men have difficulty showing how they genuinely feel about you. If you’re wondering whether or not he’s serious about you, then you should pay attention to the signs he wants to date you. It’s a real lifesaver to know when a guy is a player and when he’s a real man who wants to […]

What Can I Do If My Husband Chooses His Family Over Me?

“My husband chooses his family over me. Is there anything I can do about it?” First, take a step back and breathe. Everything is going to be alright. You have to know that you’re not alone in this situation. When you exchanged your vows with the man you expected to choose you over everyone, you […]

Should I Be Worried If My Boyfriend Talks To His Ex Behind My Back?

“My boyfriend talks to his ex behind my back.” This is a sentence that no woman likes to say, and yet it happens quite a lot. No one has the right to tell you that you shouldn’t be worried about your ex-boyfriend talking to his ex-girlfriend behind your back.  You can always play it cool […]

12 Reasons Why Men Always Come Back After Breaking Your Heart

Even though he was the one who left you, he contacts you months later for no reason. So, you start wondering why men always come back.  Breakups are never easy, especially when you’re the one being dumped. You think that your ex-boyfriend will quickly move on and find another girl, and you’ll be sitting in […]

Is He Secretly Into You? 12 Undeniable Signs A Leo Man Likes You

Recognizing the signs a Leo man likes you is no easy task.  Because Leo belongs to the Fire element signs, you’ve probably heard that they love having the attention on them. And that’s true, but if they find someone worthy of their love, they give all that attention to the other person. Dating and loving a […]

Does He Need Space Or Is It Over? 7 Ways To Find Out The Truth

Is your partner slowly pulling away from you? Does he need some alone time? All these questions make you wonder – Does he need space or is it over? When he says that he needs space, it doesn’t automatically mean that he’s breaking up with you. Maybe he just needs time off to figure some […]

The Only Way You Can Make A Narcissist Regret Leaving You Is This

When you’re dating a narcissist, your whole life turns upside down. You start to question your own self-worth, sanity, and the possibility of being loved by a guy. However, after you go through the initial shock of dating a narcissist and once you give yourself time to heal emotionally as well as physically, the only […]

How Do You Know When A Guy Is Emotionally Attached? 15 Clear Signs

Unlike women who are always ready to pour out their feelings, men are mostly reserved when it comes to emotions. So, how do you know when a guy is emotionally attached to you? Maybe it’s just your head playing games with you and you’re deluding yourself into thinking he’s emotionally attached. The truth is, relationships […]

Why Do Men Come Back After No Contact? 10 Secrets Revealed

Whether you want to get rid of your ex-boyfriend for good or want your ex back, one thing is certain: The no contact rule sure works. But why do men come back after no contact? The truth is that breakups are tough. There’s no way around it. You feel hurt, your heart is aching, and […]

14 Signs He Knows He Messed Up And Feels Miserable After The Breakup

It’s difficult not to think of what might have been after getting out of a serious relationship. Does he regret leaving you? Does he miss you? All those questions swirl around your head. However, there are signs that show that he knows he messed up.  Being in love and having someone who has your back […]

Deciphering A Man’s Behavior: 12 Signs He Is Hurting After The Breakup

Even though men’s emotions are distinct from women’s, one thing is certain – there are signs he is hurting after the breakup.  Some might be pronounced, while others subtle and tricky to spot. Nevertheless, they’re clear signals that your ex-boyfriend is in great pain and needs time to recover.  And granted, dumpers don’t have the […]

10 Unlucky Signs You’re Stuck With A Selfish Wife And How To Deal With It

Regardless of whether you’re in a relationship or in marriage, we all have our moments when we act in a selfish way. However, having a selfish wife who behaves in immature and inconsiderate ways can cause some serious troubles in your marriage. When we talk about the most crucial parts of every healthy relationship and a […]