Why Do Guys Pull Away Before They Commit? Top 10 Reasons

Why do guys pull away before they commit? Girl, you’re not the only one asking this. Everything was going great. Your relationship was slowly but surely progressing and you even had a talk about taking things to the next level. But all of a sudden, you’ve stopped receiving his good morning texts. Your dates have […]

All Of The Things You Need To Know About A Mutual Breakup

We’re all aware that breaking up with the one who means the world to you is hard but does a mutual breakup carry the same amount of pain? Is it easier to heal after it or does it hurt the same way? You created a strong connection with that one special person. You felt like […]

11 Reasons Why Giving Him Space To Figure Out What He Wants Works

Giving him space to figure out what he wants may seem like a scary thing to do. You may think that it would most likely result in a break-up but that’s not how it always works. When a guy asks you for some space, you instantly feel like the whole world has turned against you. […]

9 Things That Harm Your Relationship The Same Way Cheating Does

We all think of cheating as a disease of the dating world. It’s that one thing that most of us would never forgive. The moment you find out your partner is cheating on you, you head straight out that door, looking for happiness somewhere else. But at the same time, other things harm our relationships […]

How Do You Know When A Relationship Is Over? 16 Obvious Signs

When a relationship crisis hits, all you can do is wonder if you’re approaching the end of the relationship. You overanalyze things and start asking yourself: How do you know when a relationship is over? Are there some red flags that you should pay close attention to? Or do you simply let go of it […]

What Does It Mean When A Guy Says He Wants You To Be Happy?

What does it mean when a guy says he wants you to be happy? Is there a deeper message that you’re supposed to know about? Maybe you realized that the guy you’re dating keeps saying this a lot and you’re not really sure what it means. What is he trying to tell you? Is it […]

A Woman Will Leave You Emotionally Before She Says She’s Done

There’s one fact that most men have no idea about: A woman leaves you emotionally before she tells you that she’s done with you. When she sees that your relationship is struggling, she’ll give her best to salvage it. She’ll put in all of her efforts and focus on everything that can help fix things. […]

When A Guy Tells You, “You Have A Beautiful Smile” (80+ Quotes)

The award for the best compliment you could get goes to the heart-melting phrase, “You have a beautiful smile.” When someone tells you this, you instantly feel the warmth around your heart and your lips shape in the form of a shy, honest smile that shows gratitude without saying a word. A smile must be […]

15 Undeniable Signs He Wants A Casual Relationship

You have serious intentions with this guy and you want him to feel the same way about you. Still, it feels that he’s been giving you signs he wants a casual relationship. Welcome to the agony of wanting a serious relationship with a guy who wants to stay in the arena of casual dating. It’s […]

12 Obvious Breadcrumbing Signs That You Need To Know How To Spot

You’ve been seeing this guy, but it seems that he’s been showing you signs of breadcrumbing. At least that’s what your friends told you… With all these new terms that are used to try and describe modern dating, it comes as no surprise that you’re feeling confused. Ghosting, gaslighting, and now breadcrumbing. How can you […]

9 Tips On How To Effectively Use Reverse Psychology On A Man

Have you ever wondered whether it’s possible to use reverse psychology on a man? Does it really work or is it a waste of time? Maybe you laid your eyes on that one special guy. You tried every possible solution that could make him fall for you bot nothing seemed to work. Perhaps you want […]

How To Tell If A Male Coworker Likes You Or Is Just Being Friendly?

Wondering how to tell whether a male coworker likes you or if he’s just being friendly? Are there any signs that can give him away and help you understand what’s really going on between the two of you? Worry no more because this article is perfect for you. It often happens that at some point […]

Why Did He Block Me? 10 Possible Reasons Behind His Actions

You’re scrolling through social media and out of boredom, you type his name in the search bar. A few seconds later, you realize that you can’t find his profile, and not knowing what’s happening, you ask yourself, “Why did he block me?” Modern dating has made it easier to get rid of all of the […]

When Someone Is On Your Mind, Are You On Theirs As Well?

Are you familiar with the notion that when someone is on your mind, it means that you’re on theirs as well? Based on that, when you keep thinking about someone, it basically means that they’re thinking about you too. But how much truth is in this saying? Does it really mean that just because you’ve […]

10 Subtle Body Language Signs He Secretly Likes You

Can a guy’s body language and specific movements be a good enough sign that he secretly likes you? Can you analyze his behavior when you’re in his company to get an idea of how he feels for you? By now, it’s clear that men take time to show their feelings. Men wait for the right […]

The Invisible Thread That Connects Those Who Are Meant To Be Together

There’s an old legend that states that those who are meant to be together are tied by a red string. The string is invisible to the eyes, but the two souls always feel its presence. Its color is that of love and desire, the color that represents the passion between two people. So, from the […]

13 Signs Of A Pure Heart That Show How Precious Those Who Have It Are

When you look around, it’s easy to notice all of the signs that the person sitting next to you has a pure heart in their chest. The calmness shines out of them, and you simply know that what guides them through life are positive thoughts and a kind heart. A heart that’s crystal-clean even though […]

When He Pulls Away, Do Nothing And Get Yourself Back On Track

“When he pulls away, do nothing about it. Let him come back to you.” You’re probably no stranger to these words. By now, you’re even sick to death of hearing them. I also know that it seems unbelievable that the right step to take when he pulls away is to pretend that you don’t care. […]

16 More Than Obvious Signs Your Coworker Has Feelings For You

Are you going crazy or is your coworker really showing some of the signs that he has feelings for you? The more you think about it, the better you see that he looks at you differently. When you add to it the fact that you’ve been spending eight hours a day at work, stuck together […]

What Do Emojis Mean From Guys? 18 Emojis Fully Decoded

Have you ever wondered, “What do emojis mean from guys?” Are they carefully choosing which ones to send, or do they simply send the first one they see in order not to send a blank, emotionless text message? Times have changed and instead of decoding other people’s handwriting, we’re stuck deciphering emoticons and what they […]

The 15 Easiest Ways To Make Your Boyfriend Miss You

If you want to know how to make your boyfriend miss you, you’ve come to the right place! Many women ask themselves the same thing. Is there a way to make a guy miss you and think about you when you’re not around? If you make him miss you, do you stand a higher chance […]

The Simple Truth – If He Truly Wants You, He Will Pursue You

The truth is simple, yet harsh – If he wants you, he will pursue you. No excuses, and no explanations for his deeds. Trust me, he knows very well what he wants from life, and from this point of view, it looks like he isn’t interested in you. When you meet a good man, for […]

When He Pulls Away, Let Him Go, Then Take Back Your Power

The worst-case scenario – Suddenly, he pulls away from you, and the only thing you can do is let go of him. It doesn’t look like a dream come true, but unfortunately, it happens all the time. It’s as if most men come to the point where a relationship becomes too stressful and they don’t […]

To All Men – A Mistake That Keeps Repeating Is Called A Decision

As creatures of habit, we love to have a routine. It makes us feel safe, as it creates space we’re familiar with. But can we call it a safe zone if a man keeps making the same mistake? And how many times should that mistake be repeated in order for it to become something else? […]

When A Woman Stops Arguing, She’s Done With You

To all men who keep making the wrong conclusions about women, know that when a woman stops arguing, she’s done with you. I know that there’s one thing you all hate, and that’s a woman nagging. Even when they know that they’re wrong, men hate to hear it said out loud. They hate it when […]

What Does It Mean When A Guy Says He’s Crazy About You?

When a guy says he’s crazy about you, what does he actually mean? He keeps repeating these words and you have no idea what to think of them. Is it a sign of real love or does it mean that he’ll leave you once his flaming emotions burn down? When you find yourself in a […]

14 Top Signs He Regrets Hurting You And Feels Guilty For Losing You

Let’s be honest; your ex won’t openly admit that he regrets hurting you but the chances are he’ll shower you with many signs that can easily give him away. We all want to know what happens in the mind of the other person after a breakup. Has your ex moved on or is he still […]

An Overthinking Girl Needs To Date An Understanding Guy

Dating an overthinking girl can feel like a challenge. Men hear the word ‘overthink’ and immediately freeze out of fear. We all know that the minds of overthinkers work like machines. There’s always something happening, millions of questions, what-ifs, and whys. And the worst thing is that if you’re an overthinker, you know that there […]

Don’t Teach A Man How To Be One

I’m sorry to say this, but if you have to teach a man how to be your man then he isn’t the right one. You can keep making the excuse that men are ignorant when it comes to love and that they need a push in the right direction for them to learn what they’re […]

If He Behaves Like This, It’s Time For You To Walk Away

Sometimes, we make too many excuses for someone who actually isn’t that great and we don’t know when it’s time to walk away. We convince ourself that their soul is genuinely sincere and that their bad behavior will pass. Over and over again, we keep forgiving them for the things that they’ve done, not realizing […]

12 Times A Man Will Feel Regret For Losing A Good Woman

I’ll be honest and say that losing a good woman is one of the biggest mistakes you could make in life. It costs you more than you think and once it happens, you’ll hardly be able to fix it. Men are supposed to know that a good woman is hard to find. She’s not waiting […]

7 Tips For Writing An ‘Open When You Miss Me’ Letter + Cute Examples

‘Open when you miss me’ letters are a great way to connect with your partner on a deeper level. They make it easier to go through that sad feeling of missing your partner and wishing that he could be there, right next to you. If you’re in a long-distance relationship or you haven’t been able […]

Can An Empath’s And A Narcissist’s Marriage Turn Into A Love Story?

We’ve all read about the relationships between empaths and narcissists, but what happens when those two end up in a marriage? Are there any chances of their relationship working out or is it doomed to fail from the very beginning? With all honesty, I can say that a marriage between an empath and a narcissist […]

You Lost Me The Second You Acted Like Losing Me Didn’t Matter

Let’s get some things straight. I’m a tough girl. I know how to handle life on my own, without anyone’s help. At the same time, I can’t say that I wouldn’t like having someone who’d make my life even better. Someone who’ll be there to support me and who I’ll support. And truth be told, […]

You Traded My Love For Her Attention

When I met you, I thought you were my dream come true. A charming, smart, and funny guy – is there anything more a woman could ask for? I still remember our dates and how amazing you made me feel. I think I’ve never been more relaxed with anyone. Everything was simple and easy – […]

How To Let Go Of Someone You Love? 11 Tips To Move Away From Pain

Is there a way to let go of someone you love when you don’t want to let go? You really like this person but things have fallen apart and there’s nothing to hold on to anymore. Your love story has ended and now comes the hard time of pretending that the one who means everything […]

Get Him To Commit By Pulling Away – 7 Tips For Success!

It’s a well-known story that men are afraid of commitment and the best way to get them to commit is by pulling away. The number of women who are facing the same issue is constantly rising. All of them want to know why are men afraid of it and which technique is best to use. […]

How To Tease A Guy Over Text? 11 Incredible Tips That Work

No matter how long you have known each other, there comes a point when you want to know the best ways to tease a guy over text. Text messages have become the main way of keeping a conversation going. Back and forth, the convo keeps developing but sometimes you want to take things to the […]

Sometimes, The Things Left Unsaid Mean More Than You Think

I’ll go against myself today and I won’t say that communication is the key. Instead, I’ll say that silence is. Silence is the key to letting you know the real intentions of the person you planned your future with. It’s the key to letting you know the truth when words seem to fail. Silence gives […]

Is He Waiting For Me To Text Him First? The Top 8 Signs To Look Out For

Is he waiting for me to text him first or does he just need more time to take the first step? Oh, the well-known uncertainty at the very beginning of dating. Dating is hard in itself, but it seems that it got even harder with the appearance of online dating. It’s not about going on […]

5 Stages Of Letting Go Of Him And Realizing He Wasn’t The One

“He wasn’t the one,” is such a simple sentence but it can make you feel a thousand painful emotions. You read it and your stomach immediately twists. Your mind goes back to all of the negative things you had to go through after your breakup. Tears, sadness, and pain, all mixed together. There was no […]

A Strong Woman Knows That It’s Time To Walk Away When This Happens

We hear stories about strong women all the time. They are powerful and fearless and they know what they deserve. They know what they have to offer and they will never let themselves feel less than that. No matter whether we are talking about life, work, or relationships, they have their standards set up high. […]