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16 More Than Obvious Signs Your Coworker Has Feelings For You

16 More Than Obvious Signs Your Coworker Has Feelings For You

Are you going crazy or is your coworker really showing some of the signs that he has feelings for you? The more you think about it, the better you see that he looks at you differently.

When you add to it the fact that you’ve been spending eight hours a day at work, stuck together in your workplace, it’s reasonable that you’re seeing a few of the giveaway signs that he likes you.

A workplace romance has become one of the stories we hear about all the time. A lot of people you meet in life have found their husband or wife in their mutual workspace.

So, it comes as no surprise to you that you’re suspicious of whether your coworker likes you because you know that there is a possibility.

But before you start planning your big wedding, let’s find out whether your male coworker actually has feelings for you.

If you’re a guy who wants to know whether your female coworker likes you, you can keep reading too, as this article works for all genders. Just swap ‘he’ with ‘she’ and you’re golden.

I’ll give you a list of telltale signs that you stand high chances of getting your movie-like workplace romance.

Let’s see whether your work colleague is just a friend or if he feels something more for you.

DONE! 16 More Than Obvious Signs Your Coworker Has Feelings For You

Some of the signs I stumbled upon were confusing to say the least.

They made no sense, as your coworker is someone you spend a third of your day with.

That’s why it’s reasonable that you’ll end up being close to each other.

Because of the complexity of the situation, I’ll give you nothing less than obvious signs that your coworker has feelings for you.

After you read them, you’ll be able to understand whether your coworker has crossed over the line of just being friendly and has tapped into the waters of romantic feelings.

1. He stares at you ALL THE TIME

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One of the good signs that your coworker has feelings for you is if you catch him staring at you all the time.

It’s no longer a coincidence if every time you look up, you see him looking straight into your eyes.

It makes no difference whether you’re in a meeting, taking a break, or in the middle of work. You feel him looking at you constantly.

Especially if you catch him staring, and he makes no effort to look away but instead smiles at you, it’s a clear sign that he wants more than a friendly relationship with you.

Even if someone else is talking, he’ll still want to make eye contact with you.

It means that the person who’s speaking is less interesting than you and truth be told, this is a story in itself.

2. He always makes sure that he’s close to you

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If you feel as if your coworker is following you everywhere you go, you should see that as one of the subtle signs that he has feelings for you.

Everywhere you go, he’s right next to you. He switched places with another guy because he wants to sit closer to you in the office.

He takes a lunch break at the exact same time you do. And even if you have a meeting, he makes an effort to grab a chair right next to you.

It’s obvious that he’s doing that on purpose because he wants to be in your close proximity.

He wants to be the first person you’ll see when you need help with something.

That way he can be your knight in shining armor; the one who saves you from all of your problems.

3. He keeps asking you about your relationship status

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One of the signs a male coworker has feelings for you is if you notice that he’s been trying to figure out whether you’re single or not.

Because he likes you, he wants to know whether he stands a chance with you. 

If you’re in a relationship, he’ll lose hope of love but if he finds out that you’re single, you’ll see the way his eyes light up immediately.

His dreams may stand a chance.

Asking a coworker their relationship status isn’t usually typical office chit-chat.

This question is of a personal nature and it smells fishy if he keeps asking you about it all the time, unless you’re the one who mentioned it to him first.

Also, don’t be surprised if other coworkers tell you that he’s been asking around about you.

Maybe he doesn’t think that it’s a good idea to ask you such a personal question, so he tries to get an answer by sniffing around.

4. He invites you to after-work outings

DONE! 16 More Than Obvious Signs Your Coworker Has Feelings For You

If your coworker has feelings for you, one of the signs you should look for is if he keeps asking you to go on after-work trips.

Because he likes you, he wants to spend as much time with you as possible. Time spent together at work simply isn’t enough for him.

He knows that it might be inappropriate to ask you out, especially if you haven’t shown any of the signs that you like him too, so what can he do in that case?

The perfect opportunity comes up every time your company has an office party or holiday lunch. He wants you there so he makes sure to invite you.

He might even casually mention it just to check whether you’re going.

If you don’t go, his day will be ruined and the chance to spend more time with you will go to waste.

5. He opens up to you and talks about his personal life

DONE! 16 More Than Obvious Signs Your Coworker Has Feelings For You

It’s one thing to have your favorites among all of your coworkers.

There are usually a few people who just sit right with you and you may even call them your close friends.

But one of the signs that your coworker has feelings for you is if he opens up to you and acts as if you’re his best friend when the two of you aren’t that close at all.

Think of the topics he chooses for your conversations. Do they go past the theme of work?

If he keeps telling you about his private life, his fears, and his problems, it’s obvious that he sees in you something that he doesn’t see in the rest of the coworkers.

He wants to be closer to you so he chooses to open up to you completely.

When you come to think of it, you’ll realize that we don’t usually tell the people we meet at work our deepest secrets.

Instead, we save those things for our good friends, for the people we’ve known for years.

However, if he feels such an attraction to you that he’s willing to open up his heart and soul to you, then it’s a strong indication that he likes you.

He sees you as more than just a coworker and if only you would see the same in him, he would be the happiest person alive.

6. You have his full attention

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Does it feel like he stops everything he’s doing in order to listen to what you have to say?

Even if he’s in the middle of a huge project, he’ll press pause on work to give you a hand with something.

A lot of the time, you’ll fail to see that as a sign that your coworker has feelings for you but if you think about it, it makes perfect sense.

He’s there for you when you’re tense, he makes sure to help you even when he’s busy with work himself and he always makes you a priority.

That’s not typical of coworkers.

Yes, they will help you with stuff but only after they’re done with their own work, yet this man leaves everything for you.

That’s suspicious, right?

7. He remembers the details you tell him

DONE! 16 More Than Obvious Signs Your Coworker Has Feelings For You

It’s obvious that while you’re at work, you’ll go through many different topics with your coworkers.

I mean, you’re stuck in the same place together for at least eight hours of your day which means that you have a lot of time to talk to each other.

But if he’s the only one of your coworkers who remembers every single detail you tell him, then it’s a sign that he has feelings for you.

He truly pays attention to your words and he makes an effort to memorize them because he knows that those things you say mean so much to you.

He’ll remember your birthday, your first memory as a kid, and the type of food that you’re allergic to.

This guy likes you, and he wants to feel closer to you by knowing everything about you.

8. He knows a lot of things about you purely because he pays attention

DONE! 16 More Than Obvious Signs Your Coworker Has Feelings For You

Besides listening to you carefully, a coworker who has feelings for you will also pay attention to you.

Sometimes, you won’t openly tell him something but he’ll pick up on your habits and know the way you deal with things when you’re nervous.

Don’t be surprised if he knows how you like your coffee or tells you what your favorite meal is.

He observes you, so he knows a lot of things about you, even if you never said them out loud.

This means that your coworker wants to know everything about you.

You’re probably the only person in the office he cares about, as he knows all of the things you like and dislike.

Someone could think that the two of you are best friends because the amount of things he knows about you crosses the line of friendliness.

9. He stays in touch with you outside of work

DONE! 16 More Than Obvious Signs Your Coworker Has Feelings For You

One of the sure-fire signs that your coworker likes you is if he keeps messaging you in real-life, completely unrelated to work.

He makes sure to stay in touch with you, so he calls you to see how you’re doing or he simply sends you a message to check on you.

It seems that he can’t wait another day to see your face at work, so he gives himself permission to talk to you even when you’re out of the office.

Weekends are especially hard for him as it means that he won’t see you for two days.

And that’s a long time when he wants to prove himself to you and make you fall in love with him the way he fell in love with you.

10. One of the obvious signs your coworker has feelings for you is if he compliments you A LOT

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It’s normal to tell your coworker that their hair looks great today or that you love their outfit. There’s nothing wrong with that.

But does it look like he’s been complimenting you way too much for a coworker? 

If he was just a coworker who was being friendly, you would receive a few compliments here and there.

But when you notice that he compliments everything you do, you might ask yourself whether he likes you.

And truth be told, too many compliments usually speak for themselves.

So, instead of convincing yourself that your coworker is just being friendly with you, you should see his compliments as one of the signs he has feelings for you.

The chances are that he can’t help himself, and he simply has to tell you how amazing you look in his eyes. And trust me, coworkers don’t do that.

11. His body language changes when he’s around you

DONE! 16 More Than Obvious Signs Your Coworker Has Feelings For You

Body language can also be one of the good ways to tell whether a guy from work likes you.

Why? Because he’ll unconsciously act differently around you.

There are various ways to tell that he sees you as more than a friend; you just need to know what to look for.

Does he make eye contact that lasts longer than usual?

Does he lean in every time you have something to say or does he keep fidgeting in his chair when the two of you sit close to each other?

All those body language signs can help you understand that your coworker has feelings for you.

Maybe he’s fighting with himself about whether he should admit them to you or if it’s too early.

But no matter what, when you walk into the office, he won’t be able to stay calm.

12. He gets jealous when you mention other guys

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Isn’t it weird that every time you mention the name of some other guy, he looks away from you or gives you a look that says ‘Don’t talk about other guys in my presence‘? Is it jealousy or are you losing your mind?

The chances are that you’re right and that he acts jealous every time you talk about other men.

This is one of the signs that your coworker has feelings for you.

He simply can’t go against himself and pretend that he’s fine with it when he hears you talking about your date last night.

He wishes that he was the one to take you out and make you laugh.

But he has no idea whether he should express his feelings for you because maybe that could ruin your professional relationship.

So, he suffers in silence, jealous of every guy who hits on you, and waits for his time to shine.

13. He makes an effort to bring you breakfast or coffee

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He’s the one who brings you coffee or your favorite sandwich most days.

Even though it means that he needs to get up earlier so he won’t be late for work, he still thinks that you’re worth the time.

This is one of the clear signs that your coworker has feelings for you.

I mean, you’re the first thing he thinks about when he wakes up, and even when it’s early in the morning, he thinks of the things he can do for you.

He wants your smile to be the first thing he sees and for the sake of it, he will go to the ends of the earth, and that’s not your typical coworker relationship.

This guy has feelings for you and he’s trying his best to win you over.

14. He has a special nickname for you

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Usually, we refer to a coworker by their first name.

Sometimes, if they have a nickname that everyone calls them, we start using it as a way of getting their attention.

But this guy doesn’t want to be the same as the rest of the company.

Instead, with you, he wants to stand out among all of your other coworkers, so he chooses a special nickname for you.

It’ll be something that describes you very well and it’ll usually be something funny because it’s his way of trying to tease you and make you laugh. 

If you want to be sure that this is one of the signs that your coworker has feelings for you, then look at the way he smiles when he calls you this nickname.

Do you see the spark in his eyes? 

You’re special to him and he would love it if you felt the same way about him.

But the only thing he can do is try to win you over and hope for the best.

He probably prays for the day when he will see the same spark in your eyes.

Maybe that’s when he can admit to you that his feelings for you are stronger than you think.

15. He touches you ‘accidentally’ 

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You notice that every time you find yourself in the same room as your coworker, he touches you accidentally.

But because of the number of times this has happened, it doesn’t feel like an accident anymore.

When he walks past you, he grazes your arm, or if you’re sitting next to each other in a meeting, he touches your knee by chance.

He might even caress your cheek as he tells you that you look nice that day.

This is a clear sign that your coworker has feelings for you.

His body is attracted to you, and sometimes he just can’t control the way his hand reaches out for you.

16. He asks you to spend time together outside of work

DONE! 16 More Than Obvious Signs Your Coworker Has Feelings For You

If your coworker is feeling brave, he might even ask you to spend some time together outside of work.

He knows that it’s a risky question but if he doesn’t ask you, he’ll never know how you feel about him.

If you say yes, it might mean that you’re willing to give him a chance.

To you, it might feel like a friendly coffee with a guy you met at work.

But if he keeps calling you to hang out every few days, then it’s obvious that he has feelings for you.

He wants you in his company but is too afraid to take you on a proper date.

So, he passes it off it as just a friendly outing, when the number of times he calls you to go out gives away his real intentions.

Final thoughts

DONE! 16 More Than Obvious Signs Your Coworker Has Feelings For You

You don’t have to be a relationship expert to notice that your coworker has feelings for you if he showers you with all of the signs listed above. 

Over time, these signs will get more obvious and you won’t be able to escape them. It’ll be clear that he’s chasing after you, trying to win you over.

Now, it all comes down to you. Do you feel the same way about him or would you never let yourself be one of the main characters of a workplace romance?

I bet that if you give him a simple hint that you like him, the next day he will tell you that he wants to take you on a date.

It’s clear that he has feelings for you. He only needs to know whether you feel the same way to know that he hasn’t taken things too far.

Your coworker would love to take you out, but he’s waiting for you to play your cards.

Who knows, maybe the two of you stand a chance of having a happy ending, but be careful.

If you know that you aren’t the type who dates their coworkers then tell him that before you let him fall in love with you.

You don’t want to hurt the feelings of a guy who has done nothing wrong except fall for his coworker.

16 More Than Obvious Signs Your Coworker Has Feelings For You

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