Long-Distance Open Relationship Guide: 7 Rules To Make It Work

Being in a long-distance relationship can be scary but having an open relationship while the two of you are miles apart can be terrifying. The thing is that a long-distance open relationship is only possible if both partners are on the same page. You have to be emotionally, physically, and mentally in the right place […]

Why Do Guys Want Casual Relationships? Everything Explained

In today’s dating world, it’s almost impossible to find a man who’s ready for a serious relationship. Most of them aren’t even able to stay with you for a couple of months. So, why do guys want casual relationships anyway?  Even though they’re not that different from women, many men stay away from romantic relationships […]

Inside A Man’s Mind: Do Guys Fall In Love With Friends With Benefits?

Do guys fall in love with friends with benefits? Are they capable of feeling anything for a girl they thought they’d never get serious with? Are women the only ones who think that this kind of relationship can turn into something more?  Truth be told, men aren’t that different from women when it comes to […]

What To Do When Someone Pretends To Love You, And How To Avoid Being Hurt Again

To love and be loved – that’s what we all strive for. We spend the majority of our lives searching and looking for real love and what’s difficult to grasp is the fact that many of us won’t even experience the beauty of it. But there are things that are worse than that. Imagine being […]

12 Warning Signs She Is Pretending To Love You

Being in love and in a healthy relationship should make you feel complete, secure, and like you’re capable of achieving anything. But you need to be really certain that your significant other genuinely loves you. That’s why it’s necessary to pay attention to the signs she is pretending to love you.  We live in a […]

18 Unfortunate Signs You Are Unattractive

Feeling unattractive is one of the worst emotions that you can experience. You question your worth and believe that no guy will ever consider you girlfriend material. But, are there signs you are unattractive?  Is it all inside your head or do you actually have some traits that repel men? Perhaps you’re just in a […]

14 Unbelievable Reasons Why A Cheating Person Shows No Remorse

Have you been cheated on by a man you thought would never commit such an atrocity? Are you wondering why a cheating person shows no remorse, even though it’s only natural to feel guilty afterward? If so, then this article is for you. Here I’ll mention a couple of reasons why some men can cheat […]

How Does An Alpha Male Pursue A Woman?

Not many women are able to resist the charismatic personality of an alpha male. Usually, they’re enchanted by his presence and it’s possible to even go crazy after meeting a man like that. But how does an alpha male pursue a woman? How do his charming personality and stunning looks evoke such powerful emotions in […]

9 Signs You’re Unhappily Married And In Love With Someone Else

When you think about marriage, you imagine two people happy together and enjoying their life to the fullest. But that doesn’t always happen and there’s often someone who’s unhappily married and in love with someone else.  In general, a human being has a tough time controlling their heart. We all search for that special someone […]

Solving The Mystery: Do Guys Notice When You Stop Texting Them?

He replies to you every couple of days, so you’re wondering what would happen if you start to ignore him? Would he even care that you don’t send him texts anymore? Or would he miss you even more? But the question that’s really bugging you is this – do guys notice when you stop texting […]

14 Undeniable Signs An Aries Man Secretly Likes You

Deciphering a guy’s intention isn’t that difficult if you know how to spot the signs an Aries man secretly likes you. They’re not shy at expressing their emotions and what’s most important is that they don’t act passively.  An Aries man will do anything in his power to prove to you that his heart belongs […]

Do Friends With Benefits Talk Every Day? Here’s Your Answer

Tell me this… Do you and your FWB exchange text messages on a daily basis? If yes, then you’re probably asking yourself, “Do friends with benefits talk every day?” With the rise of modern technology, it’s fairly easy to maintain communication with someone. Everything is just one click away. Even though technology has its advantages, […]

How Does A Pisces Man Test You? 10 Ways He Checks Your Loyalty

There are times when your relationship with a Pisces man is unbearable and you’re put under a lot of stress. They constantly seek assurance of your love and it can be difficult to handle a man like that. So, how does a Pisces man test you? Before we get to the main point, it’s crucial […]

7 Possible Reasons Why You Haven’t Heard From Him All Day

So, you’ve met this intelligent, good-looking guy and you’ve been dating for a while now. You exchange texts and calls, and it seems as if everything is going great. Then suddenly, he goes into silent mode and you haven’t heard from him all day. I understand that it’s quite tough for you now that he […]

11 Undeniable Signs A Libra Woman Is Not Interested In You Anymore

Being in a relationship with a Libra woman can be quite a ride. They have extremely bad mood swings, while at the same time they’re very communicative and open. You’re probably experiencing the former and that’s the reason why you’re looking for signs a Libra woman is not interested in you anymore. Despite their unusual […]

Break-Up Messages: 40+ Texts To Tell Your Partner It’s Over

Knowing that you reached the end with your partner may leave you with emotional scars that take months or sometimes even years to recover from. And putting all those emotions into one break-up message is tough for sure. After all, this is the person you spent a lot of time together with. You shared your […]

12 Clear-Cut Signs That A Taurus Man Has Lost Interest In You

Are you in a relationship with a Taurus guy? Are you having problems and fights all the time? If so, then you’re probably looking for signs that a Taurus man has lost interest in you.  Don’t get me wrong, Taureans are absolute marriage material. Your life will be beautiful and amazing in every way if […]

20 Twin Flame Signs And Symptoms You Have When You Find Your Match

Have you ever met a person and immediately felt as if you’ve known each other for years? Did you feel instantly attracted to them? Perhaps you thought you were crazy for feeling that way but this is one of the twin flame signs and symptoms. I understand that you may have many questions regarding twin […]

“Your Perception Of Me Is A Reflection Of You”: 90+ Powerful Quotes

“Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me.” – Coach Bobbi Tell me how many times have you struggled to accept other people’s opinions about yourself? Be honest and admit that you didn’t even try doing certain things because others told you that you wouldn’t […]

Early Signs Of A Controlling Man – 13 Red Flags To Look Out For

Have you ever been manipulated by a man whose only goal was to satisfy his needs and ignore yours? You probably have and now you’re wondering whether there are any early signs of a controlling man. You’re likely thinking about how you couldn’t see those red flags. How you could be so foolish to believe […]

Why Is My Ex Hot And Cold? 8 Possible Explanations

Out of the blue, you receive a message from your ex saying, “Hello,” but then after a couple of exchanged texts, he becomes distant and doesn’t answer anything. So, you start wondering, “Why is my ex hot and cold?”  The thing is, your relationship ended a while ago. Even after all this time, your ex […]

If A Man Wants You In His Life, He’ll Do These 16 Things For You

Be honest and tell me: How many times has a man promised you that he’ll stay by your side forever? And how many times has he broken that promise? The truth is, if a man wants you in his life, he’ll do whatever it takes to keep his word.  It’s heartbreaking to be dating someone […]

7 Reasons Men Respond To Silence And Distance

Whoever told you that men feel and react the same way women do lives in an illusion and doesn’t know what he/she is saying. The truth is men respond to silence and distance while women respond to communication and sincerity. The sooner you realize that men are different from women, the easier will be for […]

What Does Taking It Slow Mean To A Guy? 16 Possible Explanations

What does taking it slow mean to a guy? This is a question many girls want answers to since men and women don’t interpret taking relationships slowly the same way. I know that you’re head over heels with this man. Maybe you even can’t wait for him to pop the big question and seal the […]

What Makes A Man Fall In Love And Commit? 11 Essential Qualities

Many women struggle to attract the guy they like and in most cases, they think that something’s wrong with them, even though it’s far from that. So, precisely what makes a man fall in love and commit to a woman?  Let me tell you straight away that the secret recipe for a successful and committed […]

How To Get A Second Chance With A Guy? 9 Tips To Get Him Back

Have you two broken up and you feel miserable because you know it was your fault? You know that he made you genuinely happy and now you’re wondering how to get a second chance with a guy?  Sometimes break-ups can really feel like it’s the end of the world because you’re left alone and scared. […]

Do These 6 Things When Someone Keeps Coming Back Into Your Life

Does he tell you that he wants to be with you, but then immediately leave when things start to get serious? Why does he come and go whenever it suits him, and what should you do when someone keeps coming back into your life?  A lot of people have been in this situation. One moment […]

Here’s Why You Should Never Love A Man More Than He Loves You

Genuine love is an amazing thing that only happens once in a lifetime. But just because you can say that you love your partner, it doesn’t mean that your relationship will be successful. There has to be balance – you should never love a man more than he loves you. Many people forget that the […]

6 Must-Follow Tips When Breaking Up With A Married Man

Being the “other woman,” even though you honestly love him and he loves you, is depressing and sad. No matter how you justify or spin it, you’ll never be truly accepted by him. So, why is breaking up with a married man so difficult?  In most cases, women who get in involved with a married […]

12 Possible Reasons He Wants To Take It Slow With You

The first time you saw your man, you knew he was the one for you – brilliant, intelligent, charming, and good-looking. But there’s one thing that really bugs you: He wants to take it slow.  What does it mean to take things slow? Does it mean that he’s not quite sure how he’s feeling about […]

Do These 7 Things When Your Boyfriend Says Another Girl Is Pretty

Getting a compliment from your boyfriend can really boost your self-esteem and show you that he still cares about you. But what if he starts complimenting other girls? What does it mean when your boyfriend says another girl is pretty?  Does it mean that he wants to break up with you because he found someone […]

6 Clear-Cut Reasons To Never Date A Man With A Child

Being in a relationship with a man who has a kid isn’t an easy experience at all. Many women regret dating a single dad and promise themselves to never date a man with a child again. But why is that so? Why do women have a problem accepting that their man has a child with […]

Why Walking Away From Him Creates Attraction: 8 Reasonable Reasons

Are you considering walking away from your man even though you love him? If so, then you must be wondering what the consequences of your action will be. Well, let me tell you straight away that, more often than not, walking away from him creates attraction. Whether you just started your relationship or have been […]

How To Re-Attract A Girl Who Lost Interest In You: 7 Tips To Get Her Back

So, you’ve met this amazing woman, you dated for a couple of months, and then you popped the exclusivity question. But after a while, she seems to have become bored in your relationship and you can’t figure out what happened. So now you’re left wondering how to re-attract a girl who lost interest. This happens […]

My Boyfriend Doesn’t Make Me Feel Special: What’s My Next Step?

“My boyfriend doesn’t make me feel special and has stopped putting in effort. What do I do now?” It doesn’t matter if you’re in the wrong relationship or in the right relationship that’s been neglected for a while, the truth is people take love for granted sometimes. But you can’t have a healthy partnership without […]

Stop Breaking Your Own Heart: When She Pulls Away, Do Nothing!

There are many reasons why women start pulling away, even though you proved to her that you’re serious about her and want to take your relationship to the next level. That’s why my best advice to you is this: When she pulls away, do nothing! Don’t be too discouraged if you notice her pulling away […]

I Thought He Liked Me But He Has A Girlfriend… Now What?

“The worst-case scenario happened to me. I thought he liked me, but he has a girlfriend. What should I do now?” We’ve all been there and experienced it. You meet an awesome, funny, and good-looking man who’s as close as it gets to being your dream guy. But after some time, you find out that […]

How Does A Man Feel When A Woman Walks Away?

There are instances when knowing how a man feels about you seems like an impossible task. In those situations, the only way you can make him confess his feelings for you is to walk away. But how does a man feel when a woman walks away?  The power of leaving a man is tremendous and […]

She Stopped Texting Me Every Day: What To Do If She Ignores You

I understand the position you’re in. I know how you’re feeling if you’ve been thinking, “She stopped texting me every day. Is it because of something I did and what can I do to turn the situation around?” We’ve all been there and lived it. You met this awesome girl, you exchanged numbers, and you […]

She Walked Away Because I Wouldn’t Commit – How Can I Get Her Back?

“She walked away because I wouldn’t commit to her. Is there a way that I can overcome my fear and get her back?” While some dream of finding the love of their life and being with that one person for the rest of their days, others have a hard time committing to anyone. To them, […]

I Broke Up With My Girlfriend But I Miss Her! What Should I Do?

“I broke up with my girlfriend, but I miss her so much. Can I get her back?” This is something that happens rather frequently, even though men don’t want to admit it to themselves. They maintain that “macho” image when, in actual fact, they have a soft heart and regret dumping the girl they love. […]

Girl Stopped Texting Me: 9 Reasons A Girl Would Ghost You

“I really messed up this time – the girl stopped texting me.” It’s not uncommon for guys to blame themselves in a scenario like this.  It’s frustrating to be in a situation where she’s not messaging or calling you back, and I know exactly how you feel. I’ve been there and dealt with it, and […]