How Narcissists Treat Their Exes: 13 Ways He’ll Try To Break You

Have you ever wondered how narcissists treat their exes? It’s a weird territory that you don’t know much about. Either you’ve just gone through a breakup, or you’re trying to split ways with your narcissistic boyfriend. Whichever situation you’re in, even if you’re just worried about your friend who’s gone through a breakup recently, you’re […]

Flying Monkey: The Most Dangerous Tool Of A Narcissist

Have you ever heard of the term Flying Monkey; a.k.a., the henchmen a narcissist uses to do his dirty work? It’s a funny term. A flying monkey isn’t really the first thing that you’d think of when you imagine an evil sidekick. You imagine a submissive monster at best, but not such a small animal […]

13 Signs A Scorpio Man Is Playing You And Sees You As A Joke

Are there any concrete signs a Scorpio man is playing you? Or have we just heard so many awful stories about this sign that everyone has become paranoid? The stories can’t all be false, or can they? There’s just something about a Scorpio man that’s so alluring yet at the same time dangerous. This water […]

Why You Seem Intimidating To Men, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Do you have a feeling that you’re a bit too intimidating to the men around you? You would like to believe that they don’t fear you, but somehow it’s hard to believe that when you know for a fact that their behavior toward you differs a lot. It’s actually quite easy to tell why they’re […]

Read This If You Want To Stop Chasing After Unavailable Men

Can we ever stop chasing after unavailable men? I’m not even talking about the fact that some women are going after men in relationships who obviously aren’t interested. There are other men who are also emotionally unavailable. They forget what love and affection feel like, because of their past. That’s when you start to wonder […]

6 Signs He’s Texting Another Girl And Trying To Hide It

You’re baffled by how easy it is to lose trust in a person. You’re so certain that your man is texting another girl and he’s trying to hide it, that you have to make sure you’re seeing the right signs. I know that it can become very frustrating at times because you want to believe […]

When A Capricorn Man Kisses You, Consider These 10 Things

Should you get excited when a Capricorn man kisses you? Or is it just “another day, another kiss” for him; for him without any feelings involved? You have an assumption that this earth sign is a very serious one. A Capricorn guy isn’t someone who would go around and kiss any random girl… or are […]

Low-Key Relationship: The Guidebook You Never Knew You Needed

Do you ever feel like you’re in a low-key relationship with your partner? You don’t know what to think of it, nor do you understand why someone would want this. You have many concerns when it comes to this topic and it doesn’t make you feel confident in your relationship. At this point, your relationship […]

Did He Unfollow Me For Attention? Explaining His Boyish Games

“He’s driving me insane! Did he unfollow me for attention, or was he never interested to begin with?!” Well, now that your brain is scrambled from all the different questions, I feel like you need someone to help you out. Men can drive us insane with the smallest things they do, but at least we […]

Do Soul Ties Affect Men? 10 Things Men Try To Hide From You

Do soul ties affect men, or are they completely indifferent to everything?  While we were growing up, the idea of soulmates and soul ties was mostly geared toward women. Little girls saw the beautiful princess fall in love with a gentleman at first sight.  They would always explain their love as something that was “meant […]

How To Get An Emotionally Unavailable Man To Chase You?

How to get an emotionally unavailable man to chase you? ​It’s one of the biggest questions roaming around almost every woman’s head. That’s a bold statement, I know. But, with so many men out there who have no idea what they want from life, it’s hard to wrap your head around this concept. Are you […]

Why Does It Take Guys 8 Weeks To Miss You?

Why does it take guys 8 weeks to miss you? No one can blame you for freaking out! Your relationship came to an end and it doesn’t matter how hard you try; you can’t move on from this guy. Everything seems to remind you of him.  Right when you thought that you got used to […]

After 2 Weeks Of No Contact – Should I Give Up On This Scheme?

After 2 weeks of no contact should I give up on him?  There wasn’t a good enough answer for me when I was going through this. Nothing felt right because saying that I should just throw in the towel seemed brutal, but the thought of contacting him was even worse.  Obviously, my ex-boyfriend wasn’t even […]

15 Spiritual Ways To Get Your Ex Back And Rekindle The Flame

What are some spiritual ways to get your ex back? You still see him in your dreams and you’re not sure if you can handle this any longer. Your brain is filled with images of you two and you can’t seem to forget about him. There’s this undeniable need to rekindle the flame with your […]

15 Reasons Why Ignoring Your Ex Is Powerful And Impressive

It looks like there are many reasons why ignoring your ex is powerful. In the past, I never understood how this would be a power move. I always felt like I was at a loss if I didn’t reach out to my ex.  I mean, I was the one who was hurting and wanted him […]

Female Psychology: What’s She Thinking During The No-Contact Rule?

The no-contact rule and the female psychology behind it seem quite intriguing, right? It’s like that one thing everyone’s heard about but there’s nothing to actually describe it. So what’s happening in a woman’s brain when she’s not contacting a man after he’s broken up with her?  Social media has become a huge part of our […]

Why Do Exes Leave Their Stuff Behind After A Painful Breakup?

Why do exes leave their stuff behind? During your relationship with him, there were so many things that found their way into your home. It’s quite normal when you’re sharing your entire life with someone.  Your past relationship was with a person you thought would stay with you forever. You didn’t think that he would ever […]

How Does A Libra Man Test You? 14 Things To NOT Lose Your Mind Over

How does a Libra man test you before he commits to you?  This air sign is a force to be reckoned with. He’s ruled by Venus and, as you know, he’s one of the flirtiest men out there.  Is he testing you or is he just playing with your emotions? At first glance, it looks […]

Why Does He Text Me Every Day If He Only Wants Friendship?

If you’re thinking, “Why does he text me every day if he only wants friendship?” know that this happened to me too and it was like a cruel joke. He was having the time of his life while he was playing with my feelings and I was overthinking every small thing.  He was obviously having a […]

How Does A Sagittarius Man Test You? 15 Tests That’ll Mess Up Your Head

How does a Sagittarius man test you when you’re trying to figure out if you’re compatible?  What are the chances that you can figure this fire sign out without much effort? Good thing is that he isn’t as complicated as you may think at first.  He’s the commitment-phobe that everyone warned you about. He’s the […]

What A Leo Man Looks For In A Woman: 14 Sizzling-Hot Personality Traits

Have you been wondering what a Leo man looks for in a woman?  At first glance, it’s easy to think that you can figure him out without any outside help. He’s so extroverted, you believe you can see right through him.  However, he seems to surprise you with his little outbursts every now and then. […]

Angry Girl’s Guide To When A Guy Stops Texting You Every Day

When a guy stops texting you every day, you can’t help but feel like you did something wrong.  There’s not much to figure out on your own because you’re not even sure what happened. You thought that things were going great and that you were on the right track towards a serious relationship. Now, here […]

How Does A Virgo Man Test You? 14 Tricks He’ll Try To Play On You

You may be wondering, “How does a Virgo man test you?” or are you supposed to think that a perfectionist like this sign doesn’t test a potential partner?  This earth sign is anything but subtle when it comes to these things. He’s so calculated because he knows how important it is to find someone suitable […]

How Does An Aquarius Man Test You? Face These 15 Tests With Class

How does an Aquarius man test you? Aquarians are like a different species. These human beings are an enigma and there’s no way you can guess their next move.  It seems like every man born under this zodiac sign is a weirdo who doesn’t align with society’s standards. Even if that sounds unfair because you […]

How Does An Aries Man Test You? See If You Can Pass These 12 Tests

How does an Aries man test you?  This fire sign is really infiltrating every single one of your thoughts. Everything he says is so captivating, but it also confuses you.  You heard that Aries men like to test the women they’re interested in. It’s like a game for them more than anything else.  You probably […]

How Does A Capricorn Man Test You? 14 Tests To Look Out For

How does a Capricorn man test you? Is there a way to understand his behavior or should you worry that he’s going to discard you without a second thought? Would it be weird if you knew his hidden ways?  I can tell you with certainty that this earth sign isn’t particularly fond of casual relationships, which […]

How Does A Scorpio Man Test You? 13 Tests You’ll Have To Face

How does a Scorpio man test you? You’ll soon find out in this article. When you meet this water sign, you like to believe that you’re safe. He seems sweet enough, while also being sensual and flirty with you, and if that’s not the perfect catch then I don’t know what is. However, you’re scared that you […]

13 Signs A Pisces Man Is Playing You Like A Game

What are the signs a Pisces man is playing you? It’s not well known that water signs can be very manipulative. We see them as emotional beings who wouldn’t do anything to hurt you but actually, more often than not, it’s easy to get played by them.  A Pisces guy, just like someone born under the […]

What A Scorpio Man Wants To Hear: Make His Heart Skip A Beat

What a Scorpio man wants to hear isn’t that hard to figure out. This water sign has a long list of things that he despises, but I can assure you that you can win him over with just a few tricks.  When you first start to date, you think that this is going to be an […]

How Do Cheaters Feel After The Breakup? 5 Men Open Up To Us

How do cheaters feel after the breakup? It’s a mystery as they never talk about these things openly. It’s like these men act as if nothing ever happened and they can just ignore their past. All we can do is speculate about their feelings and thoughts. Fortunately, we found a way to talk to men […]

Why Is My Ex Keeping My Stuff? Get Your Things Back Without Drama

“Why is my ex keeping my stuff?”​ Is there anything more frustrating than when you’re trying to move on from someone but they keep a hold on you?  You and your ex broke up a long time ago but he’s still holding onto your things. You want your stuff back and your ex seems to […]

Do Cheaters Suffer? 6 Reasons Their Actions Bruise Them Too

Do cheaters suffer? Are the consequences of their own actions bad enough that they actually feel the pain of the other person? Well, this has been a wildly researched topic, because everyone wants to know the answer to it. We all know at least one person who’s come face to face with a cheater and […]

Platonic Twin Flame: Is It Possible And What Are The Benefits?

Ever heard of platonic twin flame? Wondering what it is and how it differs from a romantic one?  You heard so many times about what a twin flame is and how it’s the most sacred bond of them all. However, what if your twin flame relationship seems to be nothing more than a very close […]

Mono-Poly Relationship: What It Is And Why People Get Into It

The term mono-poly relationship sounds like something new. But couples like this have been out there for a long time – they just haven’t necessarily used this term to describe their love life. With so many other relationship statuses out there, it’s hard to figure out where you fit in. People bring out new terms […]

Relationship Status 101: All The Basics Covered

You know what a relationship status is on social media. When you put new information on your Facebook profile, you can choose to define your current relationship. They give you a list of statuses that you can choose from but that list is quite small.  There are so many ways to define your relationship with someone in […]

The 6 Ultimate Fake Relationship Rules To Bring Every RomCom To Its Knees

What if I told you that there are fake relationship rules? You’ve seen this happen in so many romantic comedies. The two main characters realize that they need to make this pact to get to a certain end goal. It’s an awful idea because you know how these things end. Even if it’s just in […]

Is He Pretending To Be Over Me? 7 Signs He’s Still Hurting

You may be asking yourself, “Is he pretending to be over me?” He could be showing a few signs of indifference but you’re not sure whether you’re seeing things clearly. You want to believe that he’s not over you but he’s putting on such a great act. It doesn’t matter whether you want him to […]

222 Angel Number And Its Magical Significance For Your Twin Flame

The 222 angel number meaning for your twin flame is something very special and significant for your journey. You keep seeing this number everywhere. You know that it’s a sign from your angels, but at one point you’ve started to get agitated by it. Everywhere you turn, the number 222 is following you. When you […]

When A Girl Ignores You But Likes You: Deal With It Like A Real Man

When a girl ignores you but likes you, it’s very hard to know what to do next. You want to show her that you care but how can you do that when she doesn’t let you?  You saw that she liked you. All the signs were there. She contacted you first, she made an effort to […]

When He Keeps You A Secret, Keep Him Out Of Your Life

Being in a relationship and keeping it a secret is like a never-ending waiting game. He keeps you a secret while you’re desperately trying to get him to commit to you. You can see the potential in your relationship because otherwise there are no issues between the two of you. There’s not a doubt in […]

How To Make A Libra Man Obsessed With You? 13 Tips To Win His Heart

How to make a Libra man obsessed with you? This air sign tends to be very romantic, so it may seem like he falls in love with everyone who crosses his path. However, you want him to be obsessed with you, not any other woman. You want that dreamy man all for yourself but you […]

6 Unmistakable Signs You Have A Savior Complex

Has anyone ever told you that you have a savior complex? A savior complex is often seen in people who believe that they’re capable of single-handedly helping people around them. This is mostly relevant in romantic relationships. Sometimes, this behavior can be seen in family dynamics. But it’s never something good. It’s a trauma response. […]