He Won’t Leave Me Alone: 10 Possible Reasons Why He’s Coming Back

“He won’t leave me alone! It’s getting out of hand. What can I do?” When you break up with a man, it was because you couldn’t stand each other anymore. Of course, people break up for different reasons, but your relationship was just awful and there was no future for the two of you. So […]

13 Quite Subtle Signs Of Reconciliation After Separation

People separate for many reasons but there are often signs of reconciliation after separation. You’ll see them and you’ll just know that the time has come to reconsider your choices. When people think about ending their marriage, a roller coaster of emotions is inevitable. That roller coaster makes you think that you won’t be able […]

How To Get A Taurus Man Back: 13 Tips To Get Him Interested Again

How to get a Taurus man back after a nasty breakup? Weren’t you supposed to find your happiness with a man born under the sign ruled by Venus?  You were so optimistic about this relationship, but things seemed to go really bad really quick. Even if you were together for years, you still feel like […]

How To Make A Guy Blush? 13 Tricks To Get Him Flustered

Wondering how to make a guy blush? It seems absolutely impossible, right?  Men are usually either very confident or extremely good at hiding their feelings. They cover up whenever they feel a blush coming on.  You might have read about different tips and tricks, but nothing seems to be working. You want to get him […]

12 Tips To Help You Set Boundaries Like A High-Value Woman

A high-value woman’s boundaries are ones that we all need to strive for.  When I say ‘high-value woman’, there’s probably a list of women going through your head. You have so many females in your life who fall into this category.  You know them, you envy them, and you want to be just like them. They’re so confident, […]

14 Clever And Flirty Texts That Will Make Him Chase You

Want to send him a few texts that will make him chase you, but you simply don’t know where to start? Sending a text message is a pretty hard thing to do when you don’t want to say too much yet also don’t want to make him think you don’t care.  You want him to […]

6 Things That’ll Happen When He Realizes You Blocked Him

What happens once he realizes you blocked him? Actually, a better question would be to ask what happened for you to even consider blocking this man. When you get into a new relationship and things seem so perfect, your social media is flooded with pictures of him. You constantly text each other and it becomes […]

7 Ways To Make Him Feel Sorry For Not Treating You Right

You can’t really make him feel sorry for not treating you right if you just talk about how much you want that to happen. You need to take action! It’s never easy to go through a bad relationship. So many of us out there are in an extremely bad relationship with someone who never knew […]

What Happens When You Ignore A Gemini Man? Is There A Better Way?

What happens when you ignore a Gemini man? Are you able to make him love you by taking a few steps back? Gemini is an air sign and we all know that air signs love avoiding people as much as talking to them. It’s actually a very toxic game of mixed signals that you can’t […]

My Boyfriend Doesn’t Help Me Financially (8 Wise Pieces Of Advice)

“My boyfriend doesn’t help me financially. What should I do?” Don’t worry and take a deep breath. Realize that something like this isn’t immediately a reason to break up with him.  You may want to think about the circumstances that have brought you to this point.  I would be lying if I said that I […]

Will I Ever Find Love Again? 9 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Earlier

​“Will I ever find love again?”  I’ve been asked that question by so many people. Even the people I thought never had any issues when it came to this topic.  You thought that it was enough to put yourself out there more, to be a social butterfly and give people a chance. You thought that […]

When Trust Is Broken In A Relationship: Can You Gain It Back?

When trust is broken in a relationship, you’re left wondering whether there’s a way to turn it into a healthy relationship again.  Building trust in a relationship takes quite a long time but it can be broken in a second. You make one wrong move and the trust is gone.  It doesn’t matter how long […]

My Husband Doesn’t Respect Me: 12 Signs It’s Time To Draw The Line

The other day I had coffee with a friend, who through frustrated tears told me, “I swear to God, my husband doesn’t respect me. I don’t know what to do anymore!” When we face a lack of respect in a marriage, it’s like an arrow straight to the heart.  You might believe that it’s a […]

How To Know A Sagittarius Guy Is Serious About You: 14 Obvious Signs

You’ve probably been wondering how to know a Sagittarius guy is serious about you and it’s probably not the easiest thing to understand. Sagittarius is a fire sign and as you may know, every fire sign is very impulsive and they’re not easy to read, and especially not when it comes to romantic relationships. You’ve […]

15 Subtle Signs A Taurus Man Likes You And Wants To Be With You

Spotting the signs a Taurus man likes you isn’t the easiest task out there. Taurus is a fixed earth sign that is ruled by the planet Venus. Because of the fact that earth signs are very subtle with their emotions, you won’t be able to spot the signs right away. You’ve probably tried flirting with […]

10 Signs She Is Testing Your Patience And How You Need To Deal With It

Whether she likes to admit it or not, she’s testing your patience and all the signs will be more than obvious. Women test men on many different things. We test them to see whether they’re boyfriend material, whether they’re patient enough, whether they’re able to hold their ground next to us, and many other things. […]

30+ Best Breakup Texts To Help You End A Relationship

More and more people choose to use a breakup text to end things with their partners. There is a moral dilemma surrounding this issue where we ask ourselves if this is truly the right way to end things. You’ve been in a relationship with this person for so long and now you decide to leave […]

How Long Does Infatuation Last + 9 Signs Of Infatuation

The inevitable question we’ve all asked ourselves at least once: How long does infatuation last? It’s so easy to become infatuated with someone and never be able to recognize it for what it really is. When you meet someone new, you’re absolutely smitten with them. They seem like your perfect match and everything they do […]

7 Undeniable Signs Of Twin Flame Telepathy And How You Can Use It

Twin flame telepathy is probably one of the most controversial topics out there.  You have probably heard of twin flames and what it means to find someone in this world who actually is more to you than just a soulmate.  Finding your twin flame is like giving someone free rein of your being. It doesn’t […]

20 Bulletproof Ways To Keep A Gemini Man Interested

When you want to keep a Gemini man interested, it won’t be the easiest task of your life.  Gemini is an air sign, and if we’ve learned anything about air signs, it’s that they’re not the biggest fans of commitment.  Getting a Gem to commit to you may seem like a challenge, which makes you […]

7 Tips To Make A Guy Grow Up And Commit To You

At some point, we’ve all wanted to make a guy grow up and commit to us. Sometimes, we’ve all wondered whether that makes us selfish. When you’re trying to make a guy commit to you and he doesn’t want that, it’s only going to hurt you more. That relationship won’t work out. But what about […]

What Is A Karmic Cycle And 9 Tips To Help You Break It

In your journey through life, you’ve probably heard of karma and the karmic cycle. It’s probably got you curious, since you don’t really understand the concept fully, and wondering: What is a karmic cycle anyway? Don’t worry, you’re at the right place. The concept of karma isn’t quite new to us, but a karmic cycle […]

If You Don’t Love Me, Just Leave Me Alone

For some reason, I’ve always been a magnet for men who thought they loved me. They’d be infatuated to the point where I’d actually believe them when they said they loved me. I’d fall in love, give them my everything, just for them to change their mind at some point in the relationship. How many […]

How Does A Married Man Feel When His Mistress Leaves Him?

How does a married man feel when his mistress leaves him? Does he even have the right to feel angry or mad? What’s going through his head? A married man has to go through a lot of trouble in order to maintain a stable relationship with his mistress, while at the same time being married […]

How To Be High Value When He Pulls Away

How to be a high-value woman when he pulls away is as easy as breathing when you know what to do. You met this guy that seems like an actually amazing man, so you let yourself develop a little crush on him. Judging from his behavior, you thought that he liked you just as much […]

How To Radiate Feminine Energy And Embrace Your Femininity

Everyone has their own way of defining feminine energy, but you always wanted to know how to radiate it. It’s very unique to each individual and standard feminine things may not relate to you, as they may not make you feel feminine at all! Whenever you tell your friends how you don’t feel like a […]

I’m Sorry If My Overthinking Makes It Hard To Love Me

My mind won’t stop working. It’s like one thought chases the next and they are all fighting for my attention all at once. Does that make me hard to love? My brain doesn’t have a pause button, not even when I really need a break. It exhausts me and keeps me awake at the same […]

16 Subtle Signs My Separated Wife Wants To Reconcile

They tell you that you should try everything to save your marriage, so you one day don’t even have to ask yourself about signs your separated wife wants to reconcile. A marriage doesn’t fall apart overnight. A married couple will try anything and everything before divorcing each other.  You’ve probably explored every possible avenue in […]

14 Ways To Tell If A Guy Is Interested In You Or Just Being Friendly

Is there a way to tell if a guy is interested in you or just being friendly? Decoding the behavior of men has become an entire art form. It’s like we have to look into every little thing just to know if they don’t mind having us around. Maybe we’re just overthinking? No. We’re definitely […]

A Man Can’t Handle The Same Treatment He Gives A Woman

The bar for men is so low that it’s on the floor. It’s always women who are ridiculed for the things we love and enjoy. Like all those romances we watched on the big screen or read in books could never teach us anything. We have been shamed to extremes when we’ve written about love, […]

13 Surprising Signs A Man Is In Love With His Mistress

The signs a man is in love with his mistress aren’t that obvious. A married man knows how to keep those things hidden to prevent his marriage from being ruined.  Men cheat on their wives simply because they’re unhappy but can’t stand losing them, or they might just want to straight-out hurt them. Either way, […]

15 Undeniable Signs Your Ex Girlfriend Still Loves You

There are many signs your ex-girlfriend still loves you that might not be that obvious yet certainly affirm your suspicion. As a girl myself, I can confirm to you that we don’t fall out of love right after the breakup. We tend to hold on to little memories and what-ifs, because it’s not that easy […]

An Open Letter To The Girl He Told Me Not To Worry About

“Why are you so upset?! She’s a friend. Don’t worry about her. I’m in a relationship with you, not her.” Those were the exact words he would tell me whenever I brought you up, whenever he said you were coming over to his place to chill. Every single time, I wanted to be happy for […]

How To Make A Girl Chase You By Ignoring Her: 9 Simple Tricks

How to make a girl chase you by ignoring her? This isn’t a question that is asked very often. Frankly, it sounds bizarre. Surely ignoring her should actually get the opposite reaction than the one you’re looking for? Why would a woman chase you when you’re ignoring her? Is that even possible? There has always […]

Signs She Is Testing You: 13 Tests Every Girl Will Put You Through

In the early stages of a relationship, you might want to keep an eye out for signs she is testing you. Why? Well, women test men to see if they’re boyfriend material. Even if we don’t like to admit it, we still test men when we meet them to see how serious they are about […]

Female Jealousy: 16 Signs A Girl Is Jealous Of Another Girl

The signs a girl is jealous of another girl are more than obvious if you know what to look for. Don’t just dismiss your gut feeling just because she says she’s not jealous! Look for the signs. If you’re wondering whether any of your female friends are jealous of you or if you’re a guy […]

12 Stages Of Emotional Healing That Will Help You Move On

The stages of emotional healing always depends on the individual. More often than not, the healing process takes a long time and you go through a lot of emotional pain. Emotional trauma can be caused by a long list of factors, and at this time, your mental health should be your biggest priority. What you’re […]

How Narcissists Destroy Empaths: 13 Things You Need To Know

Have you ever wondered about how narcissists destroy empaths? Maybe you’re an empath who isn’t even aware that you’re being manipulated to the point of no return? When you were a little girl, did you always feel like you could feel the pain and happiness of others? Were you always drawn to people and their […]

270+ Romantic Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend For A Deeper Connection

When you’re thinking about romantic questions to ask your girlfriend, it may seem daunting, because what question could you ask for it to seem romantic? Even if it’s just a girl you have been hanging out with for a longer period of time and you want to get to know her better, figuring out the […]

How To Respond When He Says He’s Busy? 10 Tips To Help You Out

How to respond when he says he’s busy can be quite a tricky question to answer. When you meet someone new, you let certain things slide because you believe that they will become better over time. This leads to numerous times when you’re left questioning yourself and the relationship you’re building. Why is he always […]

When A Woman Leaves You For Herself, She Won’t Be Back

When a woman leaves you for herself, it’s a moment you will remember forever. You will question everything you thought you knew about women. She doesn’t need you. That was her last goodbye. Women tend to invest a lot into relationships and they don’t mind being the one carrying the relationship for the most part. […]