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6 Reasons The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Girl With A Soft Heart

6 Reasons The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Girl With A Soft Heart

When life hasn’t been good to you, you tend to shut down and build up walls to protect yourself from experiencing that hurt and pain ever again.

However, she has never done that. She still wears her heart on her sleeve, even if it makes her more vulnerable.

She is a girl, a woman, with a soft heart.

Sometimes we believe that people who have a soft heart are naive and that they haven’t been through a lot of things in life.

When we think that, we’re greatly mistaken.

She is someone who has been through so much and still manages to keep her heart pure and her feelings clear and that’s exactly the girl you want in your life.

The best relationship in your life will be with a girl who has a soft heart.

Even if she isn’t the love of your life and you end up breaking up, she will always have a special place in your heart.

You might not believe me right now, but there are actual reasons behind this statement.

If you want to know why this is the complete truth, please continue reading.

1. She will see all your struggles

DONE! 6 Reasons The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Girl With A Soft Heart

You know what it feels like when you’re in a relationship with someone who doesn’t understand you and doesn’t seem to care about what you’re going through.

A girl with a soft heart is someone who will listen to you intently. Even if she doesn’t share your struggles, she’ll try to understand you.

She is so empathetic that sometimes your struggles will be seen in her eyes as well. She feels all of your good and bad emotions like they’re her own.

Even if you tell her that you don’t need her help with anything, she will insist on making things easier for you.

That is just how she is as a human being.

2. She doesn’t give up easily

DONE! 6 Reasons The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Girl With A Soft Heart

Just because she has a soft heart, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t know her own worth. However, she doesn’t give up easily.

Whenever you go to her with a problem or something that you think can be improved in your relationship, she will listen to you closely.

If your reasons are rational and if you know how to communicate them correctly, she will never once doubt your intentions, which is why this woman is the best person you will ever date.

Her heart is so soft and understanding that she will do anything and everything to make you both happy.

She knows that she can’t just love everyone she meets, but when she does love someone (in this case, you), know that she won’t give up on you.

3. She will teach you that it’s OK to be vulnerable

DONE! 6 Reasons The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Girl With A Soft Heart

You can’t deny the fact that men haven’t been taught to be vulnerable and that having tough skin is the only important thing.

Tears from a man aren’t something that is considered to be normal in society.

Nevertheless, a girl with a soft heart won’t allow you to hide your emotions from her.

She will love you and she will show you that being vulnerable is so much better than acting tough.

She will teach you that all of your emotions are valid.

After some time has gone by, she will be able to read every little emotion on your face like an open book.

No one before her was ever able to understand you on such a level.

At one point, you won’t even try to hide your emotions from her any longer, because things will feel so safe and comfortable with her.

4. She will love the entirety of you

DONE! 6 Reasons The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Girl With A Soft Heart

If the girl you’re seeing has a soft heart, she will love all of you, all of your imperfections just as much as the best parts of you.

She won’t shy away from your dark past or any traumas you’ve endured. She’s been through an awful lot herself so why would she judge you?

That’s why we say that she will love the entirety of you.

She will show you how to wholeheartedly love each and every insecurity and imperfection that you may have.

Of course, she will expect the same thing in return, but her love for you will always be obvious.

She will tell you that all of those self-doubts and flaws make you the man you are and she wouldn’t want it any other way.

5. Her gentleness is a refreshing change

DONE! 6 Reasons The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Girl With A Soft Heart

In a world where people often try to outdo anyone and everyone on who can be more heartless, this woman is a breath of fresh air.

You will see it immediately.

Even if you try to keep your guard up around her, because that’s what you’ve learned to do over the years, she will tear your walls down so fast.

A girl with a soft heart isn’t someone who can accept cold behavior and she won’t accept you trying to play hard to get. She knows that they’re games and she won’t play along.

This woman will be honest with you the entire time and she won’t hold back, as that would mean acting like someone she’s not.

After a while, you will realize how rare and special she actually is.

6. She is forgiving

DONE! 6 Reasons The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Girl With A Soft Heart

Everyone makes mistakes and a girl with a soft heart knows that. Nobody’s perfect and we shouldn’t expect that.

The best relationship will be with a girl with a soft heart, as you will learn that you deserve forgiveness.

Of course, she has her own standards and there are things where even she draws the line.

On the other hand, she knows that life is stressful and she will understand when you need time for yourself. She will never demand your attention.

If you have real reasons for your behavior, she will be extremely forgiving. This woman will teach you that love and forgiveness go hand in hand.

You will know that it’s worth fighting for this relationship because she is worthy of all your efforts.

6 Reasons The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Girl With A Soft Heart

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