Should I Tell My Ex I Miss Him? 7 Signs It’s Worth A Shot

“Should I tell my ex I miss him?” How many times have you asked yourself that question? You know that you shouldn’t, but you also can feel the way your heartstrings are pulling you towards him.  Relationships fall apart for many reasons. Sometimes, they end simply because you realized that you weren’t right for each […]

Cheating Alert: My Boyfriend Talks To Other Females Online

When my boyfriend talks to other females online, I can’t help but feel jealous and insecure. It’s like he does it deliberately to upset me. I mean, he knows that I struggle with low self-esteem and that it won’t help me feel any better about myself, but he still chooses to do this. So how […]

He Has A Girlfriend But I Think He Likes Me: 8 Signs Your Gut Is Right

“He has a girlfriend, but I think he likes me.” No one wants to catch the stares of a man who’s already in a relationship. At least not someone who has a moral compass pointing the right way. We all know that a man who’s unfaithful to his current girlfriend is incapable of being faithful […]

My Ex Treats His New Girlfriend Better: 11 Reminders For Your Jealousy

“My ex treats his new girlfriend better than he treated me and I can’t help but be salty about it.” Are you finding yourself thinking this now that your ex is with someone new?  It’s never easy to see an ex move on. It’s a sting to the heart and you’d love to just be […]

How To Be Feminine In A Relationship: 14 Tips To Amplify Your Energy

Ever wondered how to be feminine in a relationship? Is there really such a thing as guidelines to our own femininity? Sometimes, we lose our feminine side when we’re in a relationship. This happens especially when you’re married to a man who works a lot. So at the end of the day, you have to […]

He Led Me On And Now Wants To Be Friends: Why Would He Do That?

“He led me on and now wants to be friends! What am I supposed to do now?” At what point did it become okay for men to just play with our feelings like this? They lead us on, show us the beautiful side of love, but then don’t want anything serious with us.  How many […]

6 Things You Should Do When He Tells You To Date Others

When he tells you to date others, you don’t really didn’t expect to hear it. You want to hear him say he intends on making you his and that he wants you just as much as you want him.  It’s hard to hear this from someone you have genuine feelings for.  Yes, maybe you were […]

My Husband Loves To Hear About My Past Lovers – Is He Crazy?

“My husband loves to hear about my past lovers. Does he love to hurt himself?” It’s awfully hard to remain rational in this situation. You want to give him all the info that he’s asking for because he’s your husband! He’s the man you plan to spend the rest of your life with, but you […]

He Slept With Me And Now Wants To Be Friends: What Should I Do?

“He slept with me and now wants to be friends. He must be kidding!” You can’t even hear him beyond those spoken words. All you’re picking up is the way his lips are moving, forming words that you don’t want to listen to! He took you home and now he’s pretending as if it’s so […]

My Girlfriend Wants Space But Still Texts Me: What Should I Do?

“My girlfriend wants space but still texts me. It’s confusing! What does she want?” One day, things seem just peachy between you two, but the next she’s acting completely differently. Before you even know it, she talking to you about how she needs space. Is this just a break or is she breaking up with […]

A Letter To The Emotionally Unavailable Man I Loved

Dear emotionally unavailable man, I really didn’t know how else to start this letter. I would love to say that you deserve to be named, but I’d be lying. This is the most that I’m prepared to give you at this point in life. Maybe years from now, I’ll give you the pleasure of letting […]

This Is How You’ll Lose The Girl With The Guarded Heart

When you manage to make the girl with the guarded heart fall in love with you, just know that you have something special. She’s not the type of girl to fall in and out of love easily. She’s been hurt one too many times, so she’s scared of letting anyone in. Why would she break […]

When You Walk Away From The Man Who Wasn’t Yours To Begin With

Have you ever had to let go of a man who was never yours to begin with? Have you felt the pain of separation, even though you knew you had no right to feel like that? It’s hard to explain. When I met him, all I saw was an instant connection. This man and I […]

14 Obvious Signs A Virgo Man Is Serious About You

When you start seeing the signs a Virgo man is serious about you, you’ll be the happiest woman alive.  Of course, that joy seems like a trap. You’re so used to being played by men to the point where it’s unusual for you to meet someone genuine.  But I can tell you that Virgo men […]

Just Because You Say You Love Me Doesn’t Mean I Feel Loved

It’s so hard to find someone who’s your perfect match these days, as we all have different ways of showing and receiving love. The good thing is that we’re becoming more and more aware of how we want to be loved and we know what we need in a relationship to feel fulfilled. We can […]

18 Not-So-Obvious Signs A Guy Likes You Over Text

Let’s face it. It’s not always easy to spot signs a guy likes you over text. When you see a guy in real life, you know how to read his body language. You can recognize the signs and know how to interpret them the right way. That’s why it’s so confusing when all you have […]

21 Statuses That Make Your Ex Jealous & Quotes To Make Him Envious

Want to post an epic status that makes your ex jealous as heck? Have we got a compilation for you! When you split ways with someone and you’re not really on good terms, you turn to little things like Instagram captions in order to invoke something within them. Social media is your only way to […]

19 Signs He Is Pursuing You And Wants To Make You His Girlfriend

When you start dating a new guy, you want to know if you’re really seeing signs he is pursuing you. You may be reading the signs wrong and you don’t want to get your hopes up.  I don’t want you to think that when a man shows you minimal effort, he’s worthy of your loving […]

12 Not-So-Subtle Signs She Is Desperate For Marriage

There are so many signs she is desperate for marriage. Women dream of their wedding day from a very young age. They dream of becoming someone’s wife.  So , you’ve been wondering if your girlfriend is desperate to get married because she’s been behaving kind of weirdly.  She tells you things that constantly make you […]

12 Effective Tips To Make A Guy Miss You And Crave Your Presence

Like every other woman in this world, you want to know how to make a guy miss you. It’s a strange need but at the same time, it’s completely understandable. When we’re in love, women are strange. We want our partner to constantly think of us when we’re not around, so we want him to […]

Everything You Need To Know About Ignoring An Aquarius Man

Ignoring an Aquarius man can go one of two ways. Either he will fall madly in love with you or he’ll completely move on. The latter doesn’t sound very encouraging, especially not if you really want to be with this man. Aquarians are fixed air signs that are known for their weird tendencies, their communication […]

Here’s What Makes A Woman Magnetic And Irresistible

What makes a woman magnetic and irresistible? We can all speculate as to what men find attractive and captivating but there’s no actual list of things that every single man in this world will find irresistible. Each man in this world has his own preferences. One man may go after a more cute and shy […]

15 Easy-To-Spot Signs He Caught Feelings For You

When you first start seeing someone, it’s not that easy to spot signs he caught feelings. You may have started out as friends, or even friends with benefits, but now you don’t know if he’s just being friendly or if he actually really likes you. Of course, you don’t want to get your hopes up. […]

12 Signs Of Dumper’s Remorse That Show Your Ex Wants You Back

Signs of dumper’s remorse are always right there in front of you. You don’t want to believe that he regrets breaking up with you, but there’s no other explanation for his behavior. Most dumpees don’t want to get their hopes up. When he comes back into your life, contacts you, and starts talking to you, […]

12 Blatantly Obvious Signs He Thinks You’re Beautiful

It’s not always obvious to pick up on signs he thinks you’re beautiful. You can’t read his mind and you can’t just outright ask him what he thinks about you. You and I both know that men aren’t that good at voicing their thoughts. Especially when it comes to sharing their feelings for you. We […]

8 Signs He’s Only Using You To Get Over His Ex-Girlfriend

Sometimes, it’s more than obvious when a guy is only using you to get over his ex-girlfriend. Girls handle this a little bit differently; we prefer to heal before we jump straight into a new relationship. But it seems that guys just love to bring other girls into that whole chaos and their wicked little […]

16 Undeniable Signs He Wants You To Be His Girlfriend Soon

You really like this guy and you want to know if you’re seeing signs he wants you to be his girlfriend soon. You’ve been talking for a while now. Everything is going smoothly, he texts you often, you talk a lot, but you still don’t know what’s going on in his mind. You think that […]

9 Situations In Which Blocking Someone You Love Is Your Only Option

Blocking someone you love is probably one of the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. We like to believe that social media isn’t that big of a deal nowadays but it has consumed our lives. You want to think that you live outside of society’s standards and that you can overcome the […]

“My Ex Blocked Me And I Didn’t Do Anything!” 8 Possible Reasons Why

“My ex blocked me and I didn’t do anything!”  My friend told me this last week and we talked about it for hours. Why would someone block you without an actual reason, right?  However, that wasn’t the first question that I asked myself, which was: “Why would you care?” When you spend months talking to […]

9 Hidden Reasons Why Ghosters Always Come Back

Why do ghosters always come back? It’s like they remember that there was someone they had to text and that’s when they come back to you.  Getting ghosted is the worst feeling in this world. You don’t know what you’ve done, nor do you know whether you’ve just been played.  However, when someone ghosts you […]

13 Surprising Signs A Libra Man Is Trying To Hide His Feelings For You

When you’re looking for signs a Libra man is trying to hide his feelings, you just end up confused.  Air signs, like Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini, know how to navigate a conversation in a way where you’ll always question their intentions. They’re known to be amazing flirts and very good with the ladies but that […]

How To Stop Obsessing Over Someone: 12 Highly Effective Tips

I’d be lying to you if I said that I’ve never searched up the question: How to stop obsessing over someone.  When you meet someone in a club, on the street, or on a dating app, you obsess over them quite easily.  Imagine you go to the beach, you meet this absolutely gorgeous man, and all […]

13 Otherworldly Signs Of Telepathy Between Lovers

Telepathy between lovers is a topic that many individuals have been bringing up for a while now. People have been seeing changes in their own surroundings once they’re with someone special and then they’re starting to put two and two together.  It’s been said that soulmates or twin flames can communicate with each other without […]

8 Ways To Spot Guys Who Have Never Had A Girlfriend

Guys who have never had a girlfriend are quite rare nowadays. You won’t just bump into one randomly, especially if you’re not a teenager. There are many reasons why a man has never had a girlfriend. It could simply be because he has never had time for one before or because he never paid too […]

How To Ask A Guy Out: 6 Ways That Guarantee He’ll Say YES

How to ask a guy out has never been an easy feat. You have to have a lot of courage and more often than not, people will tell you that it’s a guy’s job to do that. People believe that you should stand on the sidelines and wait for him to make the first move. […]

What To Do When A Libra Man Pulls Away: 9 Tips To Win Him Back

What to do when a Libra man pulls away is never an easy question to answer. Libra is an air sign and even though they’re extremely communicative, they also have very bad mood swings. You’ll most probably see the difference between them and the other air signs and, for example, earth signs, who have very […]

6 Ways To Make A Man Worship You In A Relationship

When you start a new relationship, you don’t even think about how to make him worship you. You just want him to love and appreciate you. But what if I told you that it’s completely possible to get both? I’ve seen the way my friends were always treated by their boyfriends. Those men treated them […]

Fifth Date: 9 Things You Need To Look Out For At This Point

The time has come to go on your fifth date with this man. You’ve already been on four and you’re excited for the next one, but there are many questions that are flooding your mind. You’ve made it through the awkwardness and intense silence. You were able to learn things about him that genuinely intrigue […]

11 Undeniable Signs Of Chemistry Between Two People

Chemistry between two people seems like one of the most important parts of their attraction. You just know when you click with someone on a while different level and it doesn’t always have to be because of the conversation. When people talk about love and romance, somehow it always comes back to chemistry. The way […]

13 Genuine Signs An Aquarius Man Is Interested In You

Do you want to know the signs an Aquarius man is interested? You’ll have to look very closely because you may miss them if you just as much as blink at the wrong moment. Aquarius is an air sign and even though they’re known for their amazing communication skills, they’re still very bad at expressing […]

11 Undeniable Signs Your Twin Flame Is Coming Back Into Your Life

Signs your twin flame is coming back aren’t that subtle. It’s a part of your soul that’s making a comeback in your life. The question you’re probably asking yourself first is “What is a twin flame?” Sometimes, people don’t know how to decipher the weird things that are happening to them and stumble upon this […]

My Husband Doesn’t Value Me: Is There Anything I Can Do?

“My husband doesn’t value me anymore. I feel so helpless, what should I do?” It’s quite hard to find an answer to this question, especially in this particular situation where we’re talking about a husband. People are much more careful when walking away from a spouse than they are from a boyfriend/girlfriend (as they should). […]