14 Unique Traits That Are Common In People With Big Eyes

From the moment you meet them, people with big eyes steal all of your attention. They radiate kindness and warmth and you can right away sense they could never hurt you. As Paulo Coelho said, “The eyes are the mirror of the soul and reflect everything that seems to be hidden.” If that’s the case, […]

What Girls Think Guys Want? 18 Things That Turn Real Men Off

If you’re a woman, you probably know what girls think guys want. But what if I told you that almost all those things actually turn real men off? I know that we all go through life assuming things about others and both women and men tend to do this. We all have different ideas about […]

You Deserve To Be With Someone Who Is Proud To Have You

You should be with someone who is proud to have you as that’s the only way you’ll get to find out what unconditional love feels like. Every other type of relationship will only last temporarily and won’t make you happy in the long run. But sometimes, finding the person who’s proud to call you theirs […]

How To Find Out A Guy’s Intentions (5 Men Reveal Their Secrets)

One of the scariest things about dating is the fact that you can easily fall for a man whose intentions aren’t pure. You can catch feelings for him and then you’re screwed. The heartbreak, the pain of moving on after him… Those are only some of the things that will follow. No woman wants to […]

Falling Out Of Love After Infidelity And Getting Yourself Back On Track

Do you feel like you’re falling out of love after infidelity? Since your partner cheated on you, have you started to realize that you no longer care about him the same way you used to? Well, let me tell you that you’re not alone. The attraction you once felt can completely disappear when someone cheats […]

This Is What Dating An Insecure Girl Feels Like

We’re all insecure about certain parts of both our body and soul. There’s always something we want to change about ourselves. Even when someone falls for us and tells us that they love every part we’re made of, we still show signs of self-doubt. But once you’re dating an insecure girl, you then realize how […]

Don’t Be A Woman Who Needs A Man, Instead Be A Woman A Man Needs

I’m sure that sometimes, you fall under the pressure of society. You convince yourself that you need a man to be happy, so you keep chasing after them all, desperately trying to find the right one. With every guy who hurts you, you lose a piece of yourself. And then, you try harder to make […]

What It Means When A Guy Locks Eyes With You And Doesn’t Look Away

So you’re wondering what it means when a guy locks eyes with you and doesn’t look away? Should you take it as a sign of attraction or are you setting your expectations way too high? Since everyone keeps raving about the power of eye contact and how it’s capable of revealing the hidden intentions of […]

Here’s How To Tell Someone How Much They Mean To You In Words

How to tell someone how much they mean to you in words? When you finally find a person who makes you happy, you feel the need to always shower them with compliments but at the same time, you don’t want to look pathetic. You feel like writing them a love letter or shouting from the […]

What Does It Mean When He Doesn’t Know What He Wants?

You met a guy who makes you happy and honestly, you feel like he could be the one but it turns out that he doesn’t know what he wants. As you’ve been spending more and more time together, you realized that you want a serious relationship with him. You want to try your luck and […]

“I Don’t Want My Husband To Touch Me Anymore”: What Now?

“I don’t want my husband to touch me anymore…” This sentence makes you realize that your marriage is facing an obstacle. Even though you probably think of it as something that doesn’t happen to anyone else, I can assure you that you’re not the only one. You’ll be surprised how many women experience the same […]

5 Men Give Us A Rundown Of The 5 Little Things A Woman Can Do To Drive Them Crazy

Apparently, men are simple. They don’t like to complicate things and you can usually figure out a lot about their feelings through their actions. But sometimes, you have to get inside their head to work out what they’re thinking about. You have to get to know more about their patterns of behavior to find out […]

“He Pursued Me Then Disappeared”: 10 Reasons Why Men Go MIA

“He pursued me then disappeared. Just when I thought that I found myself the right man, he dropped off the face of the earth. What now?” Since you’re reading this, I can safely assume that you’re facing a similar issue. A guy you liked came on strong and then, out of nowhere, ghosted you like […]

My Husband And I Are Separated And He Is Dating: Is It Cheating?

“My husband and I are separated and he’s dating someone else, while I still haven’t moved on. Does it mean that he’s cheating on me or am I overexaggerating?” Once you realize that your marriage is falling apart, there are two things you can do. You can either try to fix the damage and get […]

6 Reasons He Doesn’t Want To Label Your Relationship

You meet a guy who seems like a perfect match. As you get to know him, you start thinking that he could actually be the one. You like everything about him, and at one point, you realize that you don’t want to lose him. You don’t want to live a life where he’s not beside […]

What Does It Mean If A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You?

If a guy wants to spend time with you, does it mean that he actually likes you? Or could be that he’s using your attention to get something else for himself? In a world where it’s hard to trust people and everyone only cares about themselves, it can be hard to figure out the real […]

15 Signs He Misses You When You’re Not Around (But Is Quiet About It)

What are the signs he misses you when you’re not around? Can you spot through his behavior that he’s actually craving your presence, even though he hasn’t openly told you as much? Well, since men usually show their affection through actions and not words, it’s actually rather easy for you to figure out if your […]

What To Text Him When He Disappears Without An Explanation?

When a guy suddenly goes missing from your life, you want to find out what to text him when he disappears. Is there a message fit for the occasion that will make him realize he’s made a mistake? It’s never easy figuring out that a guy who had great potential to be your boyfriend ends […]

“My Boyfriend Is Ignoring Me”: How To Handle The Situation?

“My boyfriend is ignoring me and I have no idea why, nor do I have any idea what to do about it!” The moment you realize that your boyfriend has changed the way he treats you, you immediately feel like your whole world is about to collapse. He’s the last person on earth who should […]

When A Man Shuts Down Emotionally: 6 Reasons Why He Stonewalls You

When a man shuts down emotionally, you immediately feel the frustration. The one person who’s supposed to openly communicate with you decides to keep quiet. Ouch, this has to hurt. Maybe you got into an argument and right now, you genuinely feel like you’re the only one trying to resolve it. Your partner refuses to […]

How To Successfully Walk Away And Make Him Miss You

Once you notice that your guy is starting to pull away, you should be ready to walk away and make him miss you. At least, that’s what everyone keeps telling you. It seems that the best way to make a man come running back to you is to actually step away from him. Apparently, once […]

He Says He Loves Me But His Actions Say Different: What’s His Deal?

“He says he loves me but his actions say different. Does it mean that he’s lying to me?” When you find yourself in a situation where you can’t really figure out whether your partner truly loves you or if he’s playing with your feelings, you have no idea how to move on from there. You […]

If A Man Wants You, He Will Make It Happen – It’s That Simple

“If a man wants you, he will make it happen.” It’s the relationship advice you keep hearing all the time. Whenever you talk to your best friend about a guy who hasn’t been doing much to throw you off your feet, she repeats this one sentence. But do things really work this way? Will a […]

He Said He Liked Me But He Stopped Texting Me: What Now?

“He said he liked me but stopped texting me. What should I do now?” If you’ve been in the same situation, then you know how bad it feels when a guy who apparently has feelings for you disappears from your life. Without any warning or explanation, you simply stop getting his text messages. Last week […]

When A Man Abruptly Ends A Relationship, Here’s What You Should Do

When a man abruptly ends a relationship, you’re left wondering what just happened. What made him end things all of a sudden, without any explanation? As you were slowly getting to know each other, there were no red flags. Your new relationship was progressing and the connection you initially felt was only getting stronger. But […]

11 Straightforward Signs He Doesn’t Want To Lose You

Often, a guy won’t openly state that he can’t imagine his life without you. But he’ll certainly show you signs he doesn’t want to lose you and wants to have you around for the rest of his life. As your feelings for that one special person evolve, you start to worry about things you didn’t […]

He Likes Me But Started Dating Someone Else: Why Would He Do That?

“He likes me but started dating someone else.” Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? You started off well with a guy, he told you that he likes you, and mere days after, you saw him with someone else. The whole situation is confusing at least to say. A whole lot of questions […]

When He Doesn’t Call For Days, Here’s What You Can Do

You meet a great guy and the conversation is flowing back and forth. Everything seems to be going well, but suddenly, you stop hearing from him. What do you do when he doesn’t call for days? Is this a sign that you should give up on him? Understanding men isn’t the easiest thing in the […]

Don’t Let Past Relationships Ruin The Present One: 8 Steps To Follow

“Don’t let past relationships ruin the present one.” Everyone keeps telling you this, as if you don’t know what you’re doing is wrong. But when all of your previous relationships turned out badly and they now affect you in the worst way possible, it ends up being hard to forget about them. Every atom of your […]

“Is He Out Of My League?” Busting The Old-Fashioned Myth

How many times have you found yourself in a situation where you really liked a guy but you were afraid to go after him? Instead of asking for his number, you kept second-guessing yourself and asking: “Is he out of my league? Do I even stand a chance with him?” We’ve all been there. We ignored […]

Doing The Right Thing: “He Took Me For Granted, So I Left Him”

“He took me for granted so I left him. Have I made a mistake?” There’s nothing worse than when the person you love the most takes you for granted. The realization that you made them a priority while they don’t mind putting you last is enough to break your heart. You want your romantic relationship […]

I Have A Boyfriend But I Like Someone Else – 8 Things You Can Do

“I have a boyfriend but I like someone else. Should I feel bad about it? And what am I supposed to do about it?” Once you realize that you’re catching feelings for someone else while in a relationship, you instantly start to feel bad. But even though you think this behavior is rare, you must […]

Only A Strong Woman Can Walk Away From A Man And Teach Him A Lesson

He can call you weak. Let him do that as much as he wants. Let him blame you for not fighting for this relationship. What he doesn’t know is that only a strong woman can walk away from a man and teach him a lesson. Only a woman who knows she’ll have it better once […]

How To Ignore Your Boyfriend To Teach Him A Lesson

Recently, you feel like your partner hasn’t been treating you right. Maybe he’s been giving you the silent treatment, disregarding you, or hasn’t been spending time with you at all. So now you’ve reached the stage where you want to know how to ignore your boyfriend to teach him a lesson. You don’t want to […]

What Will Happen If You Follow The “Give Him 3 Days” Advice?

“Just give him 3 days. Wait three days, no texts, no calls, no nothing. Then see if he comes back.” The first time someone breaks your heart, you feel like you’ll never go back to your old self. You crawl through days filled with sadness with a feeling that nothing will ever be the same. […]

The Honest Truth: Is He Losing Interest Or Is He Just Stressed?

Your relationship with your partner has been going through some strange times. Something feels different and you’re currently facing a dilemma of your lifetime. Is he losing interest or just stressed out? It feels impossible to find an answer to this question on your own. If your friend was going through the same issue, you […]

Letter To Tell Someone They Hurt You: 3 Examples You Can Use

Are you trying to write a letter to tell someone they hurt you, but struggling to find the words? The pain is there but it feels impossible to put it down on paper. The moment you try to verbalize it, those powerful emotions they made you feel well up inside of you and you end […]

My Boyfriend Doesn’t Want To Spend Time With Me – 13 Things To Do

“My boyfriend doesn’t want to spend time with me and I have no idea what to do about it.” How many friends have come running to me, asking me to help them solve this terrible issue they’re facing. They were in desperate need of relationship advice as they tried all of the options and nothing […]

6 Ways To Introduce Your Feminine Energy In A Relationship

In a world where they expect you to fight for your success, we women often forget how to introduce our feminine energy in a relationship. Instead of knowing when to let a guy take control, we keep fighting for his attention, doing our best only to get what we want. In all that fuss, we […]

11 Straightforward Reasons Why Walking Away Is Powerful

People keep telling you that it’s vital to know when it’s time to pull the brakes and give your relationship a pause. They keep telling you that you’ve got to recognize when it’s time to stop putting in the effort, but you still can’t seem to understand why walking away is powerful. A lot of […]

The Ultimate Question: He Wants A Break. How Long Should I Give Him?

When your boyfriend asks you for a break, you feel like you’re having a mild heart attack. The horror runs through your veins – all you can see is the worst-case scenario where your relationship is coming to an end. But since you love him, you want to give this break thing a go. That’s […]

4 Signs He’s Not Worth Your Time And Energy

When we fall in love, we all tend to ignore the obvious red flags. Then, once reality hits us, we sit back in shock, trying to figure out what just happened. Something was playing out in front of your eyes, a scene you kept ignoring because deep down, you knew that it could change everything. […]