Why Would Someone Pretend To Love You? 12 Selfish Reasons

Why would someone pretend to love you? Are there such cruel people out there who’d go so far as to put an act on just to keep you around? You fall head over heels for a man and everything he’s done for you. Even his tiny quirks are adorable to you. You’re so in love […]

How To Respond To An Ex Asking How You Are And Seem Unfazed

Your former boyfriend texted you out of the blue. And now you’re wondering how to respond to an ex asking how you are.  Are you even supposed to reply to him? If yes, what should you say? Can you make him just go away if you go radio-silent for long enough?  You have a history […]

How Does A Cancer Man Test You? 11 Most Common Methods

How does a Cancer man test you? He’s going to test you in many ways to see how compatible you are with one another. This way, he’ll be able to determine whether you’ll be good for him. People born under this sign are extremely intuitive. Cancer is ruled by the moon, which has always been […]

Divorcing A Narcissistic Husband: The Ultimate Guide To Breaking Loose

When you’re thinking about divorcing a narcissistic husband, you can’t even begin to fathom how to go about doing it. Victims of narcissistic abuse are extremely anxious. The fear they experience when they think of their narcissistic spouse is real.  Yes, of course, relationships require a lot of hard work. They need to be tended to […]

How To Attract A Pisces Man: 14 Effective Tips And Tricks

The day has arrived – you don’t need to ask yourself how to attract a Pisces man anymore! ​You want this dreamy man for yourself, but you have no clue what to do to catch his attention.  As with every other water sign, you see him as a huge romantic. Even the sign of Pisces, which […]

What To Do When Someone You Love Hurts You Deeply

When someone you love hurts you deeply with words, you feel like your entire world is falling apart. You can’t even comprehend why they’d do it, let alone how you should react, especially when your significant other is the person in question. Your relationship is starting to rip at the seams because of this. You’re […]

15 Distinct Signs A Sagittarius Man Has Feelings For You

Are there signs a Sagittarius man has feelings for you that you can see right away? Well, this fire sign is so spontaneous and unpredictable that you’re just left to wonder about these things. He can do something so out of the ordinary that you’re not even sure what to do or think afterward. Is that […]

Is He Nothing More Than A Serial Dater? 5 Ways To Find Out

Is it that bad to date a serial dater? Well, if you’re one yourself, then there’s nothing bad about it. You’re just there for the thrill of the game and to meet as many different people as you possibly can. That’s completely fine. Many people are like that and you have the full right to […]

How To Make An Aquarius Man Miss You? 15 Tips And Tricks For You

How to make an Aquarius man miss you?  It’s like a mystery that can’t be solved. He seems so detached from his emotions that you don’t even know if he can miss another human being.  Well, this air sign is something else, alright. You can’t win him over with basic tricks that you’ve used in […]

5 Signs You’re Dealing With A Passive-Aggressive Man

Most women aren’t even aware when they’re dealing with a passive-aggressive man. These men know how to hide their tracks and how to make you rethink your beliefs constantly. Do you have a man like this in your life? Anger is a completely normal human emotion. It’s there to protect us from pain; it sets […]

A Letter To My Miserable Ex: It’s Finally Your Time To Hurt

My dear miserable ex, Look at you! How many messages have you sent me these past few days? How many times have you tried to get to me by calling my number at ungodly hours of the night? You seem like you’re under stress. It sounds like you regret something. Try being more careful or […]

6 Signs Your Ex Is Dealing With Post-Breakup Depression

Post-breakup depression should never be joked about. It’s a serious period where a person is at their all-time low. So many people in this world experience this and everyone has their reasons. Some people get triggered by the fact that they don’t know what to do afterward, while others are devastated by the loss of […]

Angel Numbers: The 888 Meaning In Love And Relationships

If you’re reading this, you’ve been seeing the same number over and over again. It’s like you’re going insane, so you’re now wondering what the 888 meaning in love is. Are you just imagining things or is this number following you? I can genuinely tell you that you’re not going crazy, your angels are just […]

Angel Numbers: The 777 Meaning In Love And Relationships

Have you been searching for the 777 meaning in love? I know it gets quite frustrating when you keep seeing the same number over and over again. At one point you start to yell at the sky to just tell you straight up what’s going on. Of course, you look like you’ve lost your mind […]

Angel Numbers: The 666 Meaning In Love And Relationships

Are you wondering what the 666 meaning in love truly is? Well, let me start by saying that this number doesn’t mean what you think it does. Many people have a preconceived notion about this number and its likely meaning. However, I can assure you that it’s so much more than the superstition people are […]

Angel Numbers: The 555 Meaning In Love And Relationships

You’re looking for the 555 meaning in love because you’ve been seeing the number everywhere, right? It’s always somewhere close to you. When you go to the supermarket. In the car’s license plate in front of you. You thought that it was a coincidence at the beginning, but right now it’s outright creepy. Why does […]

Angel Numbers: The 444 Meaning In Love And Relationships

If you’re looking for the 444 meaning in love, then you’re in the right place! 444 is a very powerful number sequence that’s brought to you by your guardian angels. They’re trying hard to show you what you need and what’s coming your way. Your team of angels is trying hard to communicate with you. […]

Angel Numbers: The 222 Meaning In Love And Relationships

Are you looking to find the meaning of 222 in love? Well, you’re in the right place. There could be many reasons you’re looking for the meaning of this angel number. But let me guess that it’s mostly because you’re seeing this number wherever you go. You’re suddenly seeing it in your home and in […]

Angel Numbers: The 333 Meaning In Love And Relationships

The 333 meaning in love is a specific one, only accurate for this number. Let me guess what’s going on. You’ve been seeing the number 333 everywhere. At first, you thought it a funny coincidence, and that you were simply paying more attention to it the more you stumbled upon it. But it’s not a […]

111 Angel Number And Its Significance For Your Twin Flame

The 111 angel number has a specific meaning for your twin flame. Your angels have something very important to tell you for sure if you’ve been seeing this combination of numbers. Wherever you turn, you keep catching sight of these numbers. You see them randomly but the pattern always draws your attention, as the numbers are everywhere! […]

When You Give Him Too Many Chances, It’ll Lead To This

We’re all guilty of giving a man too many chances. You completely give up everything you used to stand for in the name of the love you feel for that man. It doesn’t matter that it’s completely one-sided. You just want to show him that loving someone means being there for them. But giving a […]

To That Narcissistic Piece Of Trash: A Letter From Your Angry Ex

I’m not even going to start this letter with a nice greeting, as you don’t deserve as much. You’ve been telling others that I’m nothing more than an angry ex of yours who doesn’t deserve your time of day anymore but you never tell the people around you what actually happened. I can’t believe that […]

When A Widower Pulls Away: 9 Possible Reasons And How To Deal With It

When a widower pulls away, you can’t really treat him like you would any other man. His late wife is still part of his memories and you know that you can’t compete with her.  But you’re curious to find out the trigger that makes him pull away after everything you two went through. You think […]

What To Do When Your Pisces Man Backs Off? 7 Tips To Win Him Back

What to do when your Pisces man backs off? And is it possible to win him back again?  There was nothing that prepared you for this. When you found out that he was a Pisces you were ecstatic! He’s a water sign, you probably thought that he’d be romantic, emotional, and very caring.  But here […]

An Aries Man Stopped Texting You? This Is What You Need To Do Now

So, let me guess, your Aries man stopped texting you? The silence he left behind is definitely deafening.  You want to talk to him, you want to get to know him better and see where things are going. But here you are instead. You’re looking at your phone and constantly contemplating whether you should send […]

What Type Of Woman Is An Alpha Male Attracted To? 14 Traits You Need

What type of woman is an alpha male attracted to? Who does this man see as his equal in life to the point where he completely falls in love with her and wants her to stay by his side forever?  The alpha man is the epitome of a natural leader and provider. He’s the guy who […]

7 Signs He’s About To Ghost You Even If He Seems Very Interested

You’re scared that he’s about to ghost you. Something feels wrong, though you can’t really pinpoint what, and you have a hunch that ghosting is the most logical answer. You’ve been seeing each other for a while now and things seem to be okay. They were better before, though. He used to be very interested […]

My Boyfriend Would Rather Be With His Friends Than Me: What Now?

“My boyfriend would rather be with his friends than me. Does that mean that I’m not a priority to him?” I would love to tell you that all men are saints, but I’d be lying. Sometimes, men tend to put their friends above the person they’re with and that’s just sad. I supposed that it’s […]

Why Do Guys Take Forever To Text Back? 12 Men Explain Themselves

Every woman has at least once asked herself: “Why do guys take forever to text back?” It’s tragic to see it happen so often, but we can’t deny the fact that modern dating has more flaws than just this one. We can argue that texting isn’t strictly a necessity in dating, but it’s true that […]

He Doesn’t Express His Feelings For Me: Does He Even Care?

“He doesn’t express his feelings for me. I feel like he doesn’t care!” I can tell you with certainty that you’re not the only woman who feels like this. Men usually tend to avoid talking about their feelings and it only gets worse as time progresses. Sometimes, when trying to win you over, he shows […]

12 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Still Emotionally Attached To His Ex-Wife

Your boyfriend is still emotionally attached to his ex-wife and you feel like you’re constantly competing with her. Even though he says that he loves you and that he’s over her, it still doesn’t feel right. It’s like he doesn’t see how much all of this is affecting you. After a while, he even got […]

Am I Overthinking Or Is He Losing Interest? 8 Signs Your Gut Is Right

“Am I overthinking or is he losing interest?” That’s quite a valid question to ask. Our mind tends to play games on us. If you have anxiety, your mind is probably not your best friend. It tells you that the way his voice has changed is actually a direct attack on you. Your mind makes […]

Is He Preoccupied? 9 Apparent Signs He’s Too Busy For A Relationship

You have a feeling that you’re seeing the signs he’s too busy for a relationship but what if he’s just not that into you? It’s hard to know the answer to this question, without making a fool of yourself and going out of your way to ask him about it. You want to know. You […]

An Open Letter To My Ex’s New Girlfriend: You’re Not Special

To my ex’s new girlfriend: Run. I’m so sorry for saying this, but I took the liberty to reach out to you and tell you what I wish someone had told me before. I wanted someone to tell me that he’d break me as hard as he did. However, there was no one to stop […]

What To Say When You Confront The Other Woman

It’s never easy to know what to say when you confront the other woman. You don’t want to seem too aggressive but you also want to get your point across. ​Your husband had an affair. This woman was bold enough to seduce a married man and she’s part of the reason that you’re now stuck with a […]

What It’s Like To Love A Girl With Abandonment Issues

Abandonment issues. It’s no joke. They come from those deep wounds within that remind her of all the people who left her in her life. She remembers every time she opened up to someone just to watch them walk out of her life. So now she’s scared. She doesn’t want to let people see the […]

Seeking Attention From Others While In A Relationship Leads To Disaster

Seeking attention from others while in a relationship is a little bit too common. People get into a relationship and they promise that they’re going to be exclusive and loyal but then they go out of their way to impress others.  Is it a self-esteem issue? Is it their constant need for validation or are they […]

Should I Text A Scorpio Man First? The Do’s And Don’ts To Consider

Should I text a Scorpio man first? ​A water sign like Scorpio is so unpredictable that you can’t ever know what to expect in most situations. Sometimes, you’re sure things are completely fine, but other times, you question every single one of their reactions.  So how are you supposed to know if it’s okay to […]

Cut Him Off, He Will Miss You: Does It Truly Work?

Cut him off and he will miss you, I can promise you that.  When a relationship ends, be it a committed one or a complicated situationship, you may still end up wondering what you should do in order to make them miss you.  I believe that this is a natural human desire. You can’t just […]

6 Things You Can Do To Effectively Hurt A Narcissist’s Ego

So, you want to hurt a narcissist’s ego, am I correct? You want to show him that he can’t just play games with you whenever he pleases. You want to remind him that you’re a woman who isn’t just going to stand on the side and take his abuse! But you forget your own power […]

“You Hurt Me But I Still Love You” – My Last Letter To You

A “You hurt me but I still love you” letter isn’t an easy one to write at all. You need to convey the right message that comes from the bottom of your heart, without being overbearing. A letter like this won’t write itself. You have to be extremely careful with your words, but also with […]

This Is What You Should Do When Your Boyfriend Stops Making An Effort

When your boyfriend stops making an effort, it’s totally understandable to feel neglected.  Not only do you feel like he doesn’t love you anymore, but you also consider it to be a red flag. Why would the man who made you so happy at the beginning of the relationship suddenly decide to step on the […]