Deep Things To Say To Your Boyfriend: 65 Soul-Stirring Examples

Are you trying to show your guy how much he means to you? Are you looking for deep things to say to your boyfriend that will make him realize just how important he is to you? Then don’t leave this page as you’re about to find exactly what you’re looking for! Even though guys tend […]

65+ Text Messages To Make Him Obsess Over You Uncontrollably

Are you looking for text messages to make him obsess over you? Are you in need of something that will leave him thinking about you even hours after you’ve ended the conversation? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this fast-paced world, we mostly stay in touch through texting. It’s the easiest way of […]

6 Surprising Things Men Overthink About In Relationships

Women aren’t the only overthinkers. Men have their doubts as well, especially when it comes to relationships. They often worry about all sorts of things, but the main difference is that they usually keep quiet about their insecurities. Instead of letting their partner know what’s bothering them, they decide to deal with the issues on […]

100+ Inspiring “Sweet Dreams” Quotes To Wish Someone A Good Night

Nothing says ‘good night’ to the person who means the most to you better than “sweet dreams” quotes that you can use every time the moon makes its appearance. They’re perfect for showing someone that you care about them and that you’re thinking about them those last moments before you finally fall asleep. Maybe your […]

How To Tell Your Boyfriend You Love Him? 12 Cute Ways To Melt His Heart

These last few days, you’ve been trying to figure out how to tell your boyfriend you love him. He means the world to you and you don’t want to lose him, which makes this experience even more nerve-racking than you expected it to be. You’re not nervous about whether he’ll say it back to you. […]

Taking Power Away From A Narcissist And Successfully Outsmarting Them

Taking power away from a narcissist is one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do in your life. At times, it’ll feel like the greatest battle you’ve ever gone through but you have to win it in order to give yourself the future you deserve. Narcissists are a dangerous breed. They shake up […]

When A Man Is Blushing: Are His Red Cheeks A Sign Of Attraction?

When you see a man blushing, can you actually consider his red cheeks a sign of attraction? Should you suppose that he likes you or is it all in your head and you’re stretching the idea too far? Sometimes, it’s hard to know what a man feels for you. You give your all to understand […]

17 Signs Of True Love From A Man You Need To Know How To Spot

Sometimes, you’re unsure whether your partner is really into you and desperate to learn how to spot the signs of true love from a man. How do you know that he’s with you for all of the right reasons? How can you be sure that he’s the love of your life and he isn’t pretending? […]

17 Alarming Signs Of A Desperate Man You Need To Know How To Spot

Sometimes, it can be easy to mistake the signs of a desperate man and think he’s sending you signals that he’s interested in you. You see him trying his best to win you over and you start to think that he likes you a lot. But once you start dating this guy, you realize that […]

How To Tell If A Guy Thinks You’re Pretty? 17 Signs He’s Attracted To You

Sometimes, you want to know how to tell if a guy thinks you’re pretty, especially if you find him interesting and he ticks most of your boxes. Maybe you’ve noticed that he looks at you differently but you want to be sure that it’s not all in your head. You want to know whether you’re […]

Should You Ignore A Guy Who Takes You For Granted?

Everyone will tell you that you should ignore a guy who takes you for granted but sometimes, you want to get to the bottom of the problem first. You want to know what made him treat you the way he does. Did you do something wrong? Is he pulling away from you and is there […]

16 Signs He Thinks About You A Lot And Likes You More Than You Know

Are there even any signs that reveal he thinks about you a lot? Can you use his behavior to find out whether you’re on his mind? Well, even though it sounds weird, looking at the signals a guy’s sending you is a great way to figure out what he’s thinking about, especially because men rarely […]

Do Guys Feel Bad When They Hurt You? 10 Obvious Signs They Do

It doesn’t matter whether he broke up with you, said something that hurt your heart, or maybe even cheated on you. When your partner does something hurtful, you can’t help but wonder. “Do guys feel bad when they hurt you?” As a woman, you know how much trouble you’d have falling asleep if you knew […]

14 Sure Signs He Finds You Adorable And Is Interested In You

Do you have a hunch that this one guy has been showing you some signs he finds you adorable? This makes you happy but you first need to be sure that it’s not all in your head. Maybe you like him a lot and the idea that he may feel the same way about you […]

40+ Cute Paragraphs For Your Crush That Will Melt Their Heart

Do you need a cute paragraph for your crush? And does it feel like mission impossible to put all of your feelings into words? I know how you feel – I’ve totally been there. I know how hard it can be to express the way you feel about this special person. Even though they mean […]

Solving The Mystery: What To Do When He Texts After Ignoring You?

At some point, he went MIA and you accepted the fact that you wouldn’t be hearing from him ever again. But here you are, reading through articles. You’re trying to figure out what to do when he texts after ignoring you. Let me guess, your love story looked like a romance from the very beginning. […]

Walking Away From A Situationship: 7 Easy Steps To Do The Right Thing

Walking away from a situationship is always hard. You easily find yourself in one, but when it’s time to do the right thing, it’s not as easy to leave the relationship that’s not making you happy. We’ve all been there. We’ve ended up in situationships because, for some reason, we didn’t know how to enter […]

If Your Ex Blocks You, You Won: The Meaning Of The Phrase

People keep telling you that if your ex blocks you, you won, but you can’t really wrap your head around the meaning of it. How could you be the one who wins when he decided to cut you off from his life completely? More often than not, ex-partners end up on the list of blocked […]

He Finally Texted Me After 3 Days – How Do I Respond?

“I didn’t think I would ever hear from him ever again but he finally texted me after 3 days. What should I do?”  This is a question which many women face. However, few of them have an honest answer as to what to do in a situation like this.  I know that you’ve been thinking […]

Mystery Solved: Will He Come Back When He’s Ready For A Relationship?

Sometimes, a man pulls away from you with the excuse that you met each other at the wrong time. When that happens, there’s only one question on your mind… Will he come back when he’s ready for a relationship? When you start dating a new guy and you realize that you like him a lot, […]

6 Reasons Why Walking Away Is Attractive And When To Pack Your Bags

They say that walking away is attractive, as it makes the other person realize what they’re about to lose. Also, it helps you prove your worth and save time that could get wasted on someone who doesn’t deserve to be in your life. By walking away from a guy who doesn’t put any effort into […]

14 Weird Signs He’s Falling For You Hard But Doesn’t Know How To Say It

Sometimes, you get the feeling that you’re seeing all these weird signs he’s falling for you. But you’re not really sure whether it’s all in your head or if you actually understand his actions correctly. Maybe you’ve met this new guy and you’ve been spending a lot of your free time together. You started off really […]

10 Reasons Your Girl Wants A Break And What To Do About It

When your girl wants a break, the first thing that comes to your mind is that she’s leaving you forever. You freeze for a second as you have no idea how to react. Is she trying to break up with you and doesn’t know how to tell you as much? Or does she really need […]

Letting Go Of The One Who’s Not Meant To Be Yours Happens In These 3 Stages

We’ve all been there. We stayed in a broken relationship for too long because we were afraid of admitting the truth. We held on to memories from the past, thinking that our partner could change. Maybe one day, we would wake up and things wouldn’t hurt anymore. Our relationship would change for the better and […]

80+ Of The Most Romantic Things To Say To Her And Melt Her Heart

You’re trying to figure out the most romantic thing to say to her and even though you feel all these emotions for her, you’re having a hard time finding the right words. You probably like this person a lot and you wish to turn your romance into a love story. You want to prove to […]

How To Tell If A Hug Is Romantic? 9 Things To Pay Attention To

Sometimes, all you want to know is how to tell whether a hug is romantic. You want to decipher its hidden meaning! Did this guy hug you because he wants you to know that he likes you or did he just give you a friendly hug? You need an answer right now! Hugs can easily […]

When To DTR? 11 Signs It’s Time To Figure Out Your Relationship Status

Dating can be fun when the boundaries between what’s right and what’s wrong are completely lessened. But that doesn’t make it any easier to figure out when to DTR (‘define the relationship’) without completely messing up the timing. DTR is all about having that serious talk with the person you’ve been dating for a while. […]

The 3-Month Rule In Dating: Everything You Need To Know About It

You believe that you’ve met the perfect guy and naturally, you want to take your relationship to the next level. But everyone keeps telling you about this 3-month rule in dating and you don’t know what to think of it. To be honest, you’re not really sure what you’re supposed to do or how to […]

When You Catch A Guy Staring At You, What Is He Thinking?

When you catch a guy staring at you, what is he thinking? Is he doing it because he likes you or is there something on your face that’s making him stare? You would think that his look was completely random if he wasn’t staring at you for minutes like you’re some piece of art. Because […]

When He Does These 5 Things, He Doesn’t Deserve A Second Chance

Sometimes, it’s hard to break up with someone and completely cut off contact with them for the sake of your own happiness, especially if you’ve been together for a long time and you’re used to having them around. Once you do, you keep convincing yourself that giving them another chance may be the right call. […]

The Power Of Looking Into Someone’s Eyes And Seeing Their Soul

People say that looking into someone’s eyes to see their soul works like a charm. They say that if you want to know what someone is really like, you only need to make deep eye contact with them and you’ll get to know the actual truth. But do things actually work this way? Can you […]

The 19 Most Obvious Signs He Doesn’t Like You Back

You finally feel like you’ve met the guy of your dreams. He’s everything you’ve ever wanted but right now, you’re Googling signs he doesn’t like you because you don’t think that he feels the same way about you. Whether it’s a guy you have your eyes on or one you’re already in a relationship with, […]

Why Do Guys Come Back When You Ignore Them? The Actual Truth

The million-dollar dating question, the one that’s kept bothering us for decades. Why do guys come back when you ignore them? Have you figured it out yet? Every time you stop talking to a guy, he suddenly becomes more interested in you. He looks for ways to get back into your life and save your […]

How To Respond To Breadcrumbing? 11 Tips To Win His Game

If you’ve ever fallen into the hands of a guy who kept stringing you along, then it’s no surprise that you want to know how to respond to breadcrumbing.  When you meet a breadcrumber, at first you think that you’ve finally met someone who’ll make your world a better place. However, the reality turns out […]

10 Must-Read Tips To Solve The “Second Date Kiss” Dilemma

After you’ve had a successful first date, you immediately start thinking about that second date kiss. Your cheeks are already blushing at the sheer thought of it, but you’re still unsure if you should go for it or rather wait a little longer. At the very end of the first date, you already know if […]

My Boyfriend Accuses Me Of Everything! 11 Possible Reasons Why

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re ranting to your friend over the phone and yelling these words, “My boyfriend accuses me of everything and I can’t take it anymore! Why does this keep happening?” Day after day, your partner keeps accusing you of the things you have done but also of […]

5 Intriguing Reasons Why Guys Fall In Love When They Miss You

If I got a dollar every time someone told me that guys fall in love when they miss you, I’d be rolling in it. But do things actually work that way? Do men really start to crave you more the moment you pull away from them? Do you trust the saying “out of sight, out […]

What Does It Mean If He Hasn’t Contacted You In A Month?

What does it mean if he hasn’t contacted you in a month and what can you do about it? Is there one simple answer that can help you turn the circumstances to your advantage? There could be many logical explanations as to why you’re sitting alone in your room and asking yourself why a guy […]

14 Signs He Wants You In His Future And Can’t Imagine A Life Without You

You’ve met an amazing guy and all you keep looking for are signs he wants you in his future – signs that show you he wants to make you a part of his life forever. When you finally find your final piece of the puzzle, all you think about is your future together. You want […]

I Still Love You But I’m Done Chasing After You

For too long, I’ve been chasing after you. I’ve been trying to get your attention, thinking that you’d realize how much I love you. I thought that one day, something would click inside your head and you would figure out that you and I could actually work. We could be happy if both of us […]

I Can’t Stop Thinking About Him! 9 Reasons Why He’s On Your Mind

“I can’t stop thinking about him! No matter how hard I try, I always fail to get him off my mind.” Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt like that? This person who can’t leave your head may be your ex, your current boyfriend, or your almost love. He may even […]

11 Daily Struggles You’ll Face While Dating A Mama’s Boy

Relationships can get tough for different reasons, and dating a mama’s boy can definitely count as one of them. Maybe you’ve noticed that your partner has a close relationship with his mother. At first, you thought it to be a good thing as men who treat their mothers well also tend to pass that treatment […]