The Feelings Puppeteer: 7 Signs Of An Empathic Narcissist

Just because it seems that an empathic narcissist is a nicer version of a cruel manipulator, it doesn’t actually mean it’s true. I would rather say that this kind of person is even more dangerous to society since he’ll act all nice on the outside while plotting the show of his lifetime on the inside. […]

The Hidden Agendas In Narcissistic Rebound Relationships

Rebound relationships can get complicated pretty fast, but when you’re in such a relationship with a narcissist, everything can feel ten times more complex. People end up in rebound relationships for various reasons, but most of the time, they’re looking for a way to get over their ex. We could say that these relationships are […]

The Risks Of Rebound Relationships Following Narcissistic Abuse

Everything changes after narcissistic abuse. The person who existed before your encounter with a narcissist is no longer there, and honestly, you probably feel that you’ll never return to your old self. As you finally break free from the shackles of a narcissist, you realize that you have no idea how to live life on […]

16 Painful Clues That Prove Your Ex Is A Narcissist

Narcissists only care about their own needs but I guess you already know that since you think that your ex is a narcissist. You just need some proof to support your opinion. All in all, a narcissist is a person who could never love you the way you deserve to be loved. I am telling […]

My Boyfriend Is Happier With His Friends: What’s The Catch?

“My boyfriend is happier with his friends, and I’m not really sure why. Am I too much of a burden to him? Does it mean I don’t make him happy?” When you find yourself in a situation where you start to feel like you’re not making your partner happy, things can go downhill pretty fast. […]

Saving A Marriage: What To Do When Your Wife Ignores You?

When your wife ignores you, the whole world stops for a second. You feel lost, confused, and rejected. But the worst part is that you probably have no idea what’s going on. Husbands often face this issue when they find themselves in a situation where their wife doesn’t talk to them. Or at least, she […]

How To End A Situationship When It No Longer Works For You?

Situationships are all sunshine and rainbows until one person starts developing feelings or maybe even realizes that their fling is going nowhere. When you find yourself in a similar situation, you realize that you’re just wasting your time. How to end a situationship and come out of it as a winner? At one point, you […]

My Husband Finds Fault With Everything I Do: 6 Reasons Why

“My husband finds fault with everything I do and I’m not really sure how long I can tolerate this. Am I really that bad of a person or is he exaggerating?” Many women out there feel unhappy in their marriages. As soon as they say “I do,” their partners change and they realize that they […]

What Kills Long-Distance Relationships? 7 Serious Problems

Challenges may arise in any relationship. But things can get even more complicated when the two of you are miles apart and FaceTime and messages are the only means of everyday communication. What kills long-distance relationships, though? The moment we fall in love with someone, we usually don’t plan to see them a couple of […]

How Friends Destroy Marriages? 7 Ways They Ruin Your Union

Getting married is a huge step in everyone’s life, but most of us don’t want to drastically change our lives because of it. We still want to have some time for ourselves and meet with friends who were there before the spouse came. But lately, you’ve been feeling as if your friends are sabotaging your […]

Watch Out: 7 Warning Signs He Will Cheat In The Future

Falling for someone means giving them your heart and trusting them that they’re not going to break it into pieces. No matter how happy the two of you are together, there’s always this hidden fear of infidelity. What if your partner goes behind your back and betrays your trust? Are there any warning signs he […]

Age Gap Issues: 7 Red Flags When Dating An Older Man

Falling in love is a precious experience but you can start questioning your decision once you realize how much older your partner is. You’re scared that he’s going to break your heart into pieces. So, how can you be sure that he’s not just playing with you? What are the red flags when dating an […]

What Are The Unrealistic Expectations In A Relationship?

Unrealistic expectations in a relationship are the main reasons why couples start arguing and fighting. They’re probably the main cause of breakups, too. But why is that so? The moment you start to expect your partner to act in a certain way before communicating that with him, you fall deep into a pit of assumption. […]

The Reveal: Why Do Guys Stay In Touch With Ex-Girlfriends?

After many failed relationships and a ton of experiences with men, there’s one thing that’s still bothering you. Why do guys stay in touch with ex-girlfriends? Most of the guys you dated were in contact with their exes. It doesn’t really matter when they broke up, they still talk to each other and even hang […]

7 Body Language Signs She Likes You More Than A Friend

When you’re unsure of how a woman feels about you, you don’t need to wait for her to say those words out loud. Instead, you can easily pay attention to all the body language signs she likes you. Trust me, she’s going to exhibit them even if she’s not aware of it. We communicate with […]

7 Signals Of Insecure Body Language That Reveal How You Feel

We all have those moments when our self-esteem drops and the thing we want the most is to hide somewhere where we won’t have to talk to anyone. At this point, we all show certain signs of insecure body language which give us away. If you think that no one can sense how anxious you […]

8 (Unconscious) Signals Of Submissive Body Language

“I can’t do it! Is there a way to look invisible? I better stay quiet so they don’t notice I’m here.” In a nutshell, this is what a submissive body language looks like, and it’s not a pretty sight. When you feel like you stand no chance fighting against someone or something, you may choose […]

Solo Again: What Happens When A Rebound Relationship Ends?

After the breakup, your friends kept convincing you that you should look for a rebound, someone who would get you out of the suffering slump. So, you did exactly what they said and right now, you’re experiencing another breakup. What happens when a rebound relationship ends? Does it hurt the same way? Relationships can get […]

What Should I Do If My Ex Is In A Rebound Relationship?

“I assume that my ex is in a rebound relationship but I don’t know if it’s true. Am I making this up or has he really replaced me with the first woman he met after our breakup? And what do I do about it? Should I be out for revenge?” Going through a breakup is […]

How To Help Someone In A Forced Relationship Fight Fate?

Anyone can end up in a forced relationship for a lot of different reasons. It doesn’t matter if it’s the fear of being alone, low self-esteem, or pressure from parents, the point is that these relationships are extremely complicated. So, how to help someone in a forced relationship? Maybe your friend is stuck in one […]

7 Signs Of Rebound Relationships That Can Save You Time

You finally found a decent guy and got your hopes up. But now you realize that something’s off. It feels as if the only reason why the two of you are together is that he’s trying to make his ex jealous. Could it be true? What are some rebound relationship signs that you should be […]

Overlapping Relationships: Are They Considered As Cheating?

Being in overlapping relationships is oftentimes treacherous waters. But some people still choose to do it. Even though they’re not single, they look for their next partner and whenever they feel ready, they simply start the second relationship even though they still haven’t ended the first one. I told you, this is some risky terrain. […]

Codependent Relationships: How To Know You’re Stuck In One

Codependent relationships can seriously affect those who find their way into them. Even though it may seem that this type of relationship is just a bit more complex than a healthy one, the difference is actually huge. In a codependent relationship, you rely on your partner and treat him as if he’s an extension of […]

7 Karmic Relationship Stages: Steps That Alter Your Destiny

Karmic relationships usually don’t last a long time, but the intense emotions they make you feel are definitely out of this world. Everything is happening so fast and at one point, you may start wondering where will this bond eventually take you. So, what are the karmic relationship stages, and how do they develop? For […]

37 You Don’t Love Me Quotes To Give Voice To Your Emotions

When you finally find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and then realize that they don’t feel the same way about you, it feels like it’s the end of the world. You spend your nights scrolling through the vast sea of “you don’t love me” quotes, trying to feel […]

36 Quotes About Letting Go To Inspire You To Move On

There are some times in life when you feel like you’re stuck. No matter how hard you try to make a move, you end up standing in the same spot. At those moments, quotes about letting go could be your saving grace. One true reality slap you need to hear to shake yourself up and […]

How To Get Over Someone You Love But Is Toxic? 7 Useful Tips

Some relationships are broken from the start it’s just that we don’t see it right away. But when the mask falls off and you realize that you must leave this person for the sake of your well-being, there’s one question that keeps haunting you. How to get over someone you love but is toxic and […]

How To Get Over Someone Who Cheated On You: 7 Worthy Tips

How to get over someone who cheated on you when all you want to do is hide under the blanket and pretend like nothing ever happened? Finding out that your partner went behind your back and kissed the lips of someone else is officially the worst feeling in the world. Confusion, betrayal, pain – you […]

1234 Angel Number And Its Significance For Your Twin Flame

The 1234 angel number carries an important significance to your twin flame. Whether you’re on the journey of reconnecting with your twin flame or you have no idea what that term even means, this might be THE article that answers all your questions. On the side of the building you pass by every morning on […]

Revealing The Truth: Do Rebounds Make You Miss Your Ex More?

Once your relationship ends, you may think about finding yourself a new guy who’ll make you forget about your ex. But at that point, questions will arise. Do rebounds make you miss your ex more or will your new partner actually serve as a Band-Aid for your previous wounds? A rebound relationship is usually an […]

Dealing With Someone Who Turns Things Around On You: 6 Things To Do

When you’re dealing with someone who turns things around on you, you never feel truly happy. No matter what you do, your partner will always find something to nag you about. Even when he’s the one to blame, he’ll still treat you as if you’re the one who made a mistake. You can do your […]

How To Make A Guy Regret Ghosting You: 10 Powerful Strategies

You started talking with some random dude without the intention of falling for him. But things were going so well that you eventually realized you liked him a lot. Right now, you’re Googling “how to make a guy regret ghosting you” as, for some reason, he completely stopped contacting you. You have no idea why […]

He Keeps Looking At Me From A Distance: 17 Reasons Why

“He keeps looking at me from a distance and I’m not really sure why. Does he like me but doesn’t have the courage to approach me or is he just a creep?” You’re probably in a situation now where a man is staring at you from a distance and you don’t know whether he intends […]

6 Warning Signs You’re Dating An Arrogant Man, Not A Confident One

When you fall in love, you tend to look at the world with rose-colored glasses. The person in front of you seems to be perfect and there’s nothing that bothers you about him. But then you hear your friends telling you how your guy is arrogant and how they don’t understand how you can tolerate […]

Men Confess: 5 Reasons Younger Men Fall For Older Women

For different reasons, many younger men have realized that they tend to be more attracted to older women than ones their own age. Once the light bulb goes on, many of them try their luck with cougars just to see how well they get along. And guess what? The majority of them then decide to […]

Why Does He Randomly Text Me After Months? And What Do I Do Then?

“I haven’t heard from my ex in ages. And all of a sudden, I see his message on the screen. Why does he randomly text me after months and does it mean that he wants to get back together?” When your relationship ends, at first, you feel crushed. But as time goes by, you realize […]

12 Signs The Kiss Meant Something To Him And Wasn’t Just An Accident

Unexpectedly and completely out of nowhere, your lips touched. And now you’re trying to figure out the signs the kiss meant something to him. You don’t want to get your hopes up if it was just an accident. You already like this guy, so the fact that he kissed you is thrilling. At the same […]

Why Would A Guy Tell You About Another Girl? 9 Possible Explanations

At first, you thought you were getting on really well but then he started talking about some other woman. Why would a guy tell you about another girl and does it mean that he’s not actually interested in you? His behavior makes you feel confused and you have no idea what to do next. This […]

Spilling The Tea: Why Does A Girl Get Nervous Around A Guy?

If you’ve ever found yourself on a date with a woman who was showing clear signs of anxiety and stress then you probably want to know the answer to the following question: Why does a girl get nervous around a guy? The first time you saw her, she probably looked like the most attractive woman […]

How To Win An “I Love You More” Argument? 14 Things You Can Say

How to win an, “I love you more,” argument? The sweetest fight you can ever have with your partner? We’ve all gone through many disputes with our partner but you must admit that the cutest one is when you argue about who loves each other more. Honestly, it can’t really count as a real fight. […]

5 Signs You’re Dating A Man With An Inferiority Complex

We all feel self-conscious at certain points in our life. You start to doubt yourself, thinking that you’re not capable of achieving great things. But then you remind yourself of your worth and prove to yourself that you can do everything you set your mind to. By increasing your self-confidence, you realize that if you […]

My Husband Turns Everything Around On Me: 22 Possible Reasons Why

“My husband turns everything around on me and I don’t think that I can take it anymore. Why does he keep acting this way?” It’s a question many women want to find out the answer to. Once your healthy relationship turns into a blame game in which you’re always the one who’s losing, you start […]