26 Bulletproof Signs Your Ex Is Not Over You And He Wants You Back

Breakups always hurt, but what if you see signs your ex is not over you? Most couples pretend that they’ve moved on after a breakup, but have they really? If you see the signs your ex is not over you, he’s far from moving on… In fact, he might be hoping to get back together […]

When He Pulls Away, Should I Do The Same? 7 Things You Can Do

Is he losing interest in me? When he pulls away, should I do the same? Is it already over between us? Did I do something to deserve this? If you are bothered by these questions and can’t stop thinking about your man, something’s changed between the two of you and you don’t know where you […]

15 Signs Of Emotional Neglect In Marriage And How To Deal With It

Relationships aren’t always easy, and marriage is a relationship that can’t escape problems either. If you’re feeling alone, misunderstood, and ignored, it might be a sign of emotional neglect in marriage. Even if you don’t think of it as a serious problem, you definitely shouldn’t ignore neglect. It can quickly turn a healthy relationship into […]

The Waiting Game – When A Guy Disappears, Does He Ever Come Back?

You thought that the two of you had something special, but he vanished into the thin air… Now you’re left asking yourself: When a guy disappears, does he ever come back? The truth is, no one can answer that question for you. You know what went on between the two of you and how it […]

How To Make Him Fear Losing You: 17 Effective Ways

You already know that your man should be afraid of you leaving him to truly appreciate you… but how do you really make him fear losing you? Relationships can be hard if he can’t make up his mind about you. Unfortunately, you can’t change his mind but you can make him scared of losing you. […]

20 Warning Signs Your Husband Has A Crush On Another Woman

Married couples promise each other eternal loyalty but that loyalty is often questioned. Are there warning signs your husband has a crush on another woman? Before you start thinking about getting a divorce, you should know that he may not be cheating on you… at least not in the traditional sense of that word. Having […]

Seeking Reassurance In A Relationship? 12 Ways To Rest Assured

Do you constantly need reassurance in a relationship? If so, you probably need a lot of answers to the same questions that always bother you. Do you really love me? Will you eventually leave me? Do you love me more than anyone else? Can you promise that you’ll never let me go? Am I more […]

Did He Block Me Because He Cares? 18 Reasons He Blocked You

We used to talk for hours, but he suddenly blocked me and I can’t reach him anymore… Did he block me because he cares or because he never cared to begin with? You’re not the only woman asking herself these questions. Did he block me because he cares or did our conversations mean nothing to […]

30-Day No-Contact Rule: Why Is It That Important Anyway?

You know how people use the expression “stay in touch”? Well, after someone touches your heart and hurts it, what you need is a 30-day no-contact rule. Life is really long and we aren’t aware of it even when we’re old. We love reminiscing about the past and romanticizing more than we should. Time helps […]

You Have To Leave Him Alone When He Pulls Away, Here’s Why

Leave him alone when he pulls away. You just have to. Something has changed in your relationship, even if you don’t like to admit it. You feel him pulling away and just want to pull him back, but it’s the wrong thing to do. I know you’re afraid of losing him and that’s what’s preventing […]

How To Respond To A Guy That Ghosted You? 25 Of The Best Responses

He disappeared from your life, and now, he texted you again. How to respond to a guy that ghosted you and what can you do when you get his message? What if you just want to check whether he’s alive and find out what happened? This is not unusual, and everyone who’s ever been ghosted […]

20+ Deep Emotional Love Letters For Him That Will Touch His Heart

The following deep emotional love letters for him will take you back to a time when people communicated through letters. Now we have texts and emails, but there’s something so romantic and much more personal in letters, isn’t there? To write deep emotional love letters for him, you have to put a lot of your […]

A Strong Woman Doesn’t Seek Revenge, She Lets Karma Do The Dirty Work

After breaking a woman’s heart, a man expects her to freak out and seek revenge. What he doesn’t expect is the way a strong woman reacts when her heart is broken… This kind of woman doesn’t seek revenge, she lets karma do the dirty work. Strong women are capable of anything, so men assume that […]

How To Accept Your Marriage Is Over: 10 Signs It Won’t Get Better

You’ve been together for a while now, so how to accept your marriage is over after all that time and all that hope? Is it really over and was there anything you could have done? You’re going to find probable signs of divorce in this article, but don’t ever blame yourself. If your spouse and […]

Thank You For Leaving Me Because I Wasn’t Capable Of Walking Away

I was broken into pieces when I watched you leave. When you walked out of my life, it felt like the whole world collapsed. How wouldn’t it when you were the man I loved more than life itself? My love for you was unconditional and I was sure that we’d last forever, no matter what. […]

Do Love Avoidants Miss You After A Breakup? 18 Signs They Still Care

It’s not always easy to understand people who have an avoidant attachment style. Do love avoidants miss you after a breakup? Let’s start from the beginning in case you’re not sure what attachment theory is. In short, it’s a psychological theory that describes the nature of the emotional bonds that develop between humans. The first […]

Does The No Contact Rule Work? It Does If You See These 10 Signs

You’ve probably already heard a lot about the no contact rule, but does it work? More importantly, does it work for you and how can you know? Naturally, the most obvious and positive sign that no contact is working is if your ex contacts you, but it’s not the only one. The first thing you […]

80 Best Funny Texts To Get Her Attention + Tips To Write Even Better Ones

You’re about to find some great funny texts to get her attention, but let’s just start off by saying that it’s not so simple to amaze a girl through texting. How witty are you? How good are you with words? And are you confident in your sense of humor? These funny texts to get her […]

How Should You React When A Guy Disappears And Then Comes Back? 10 Reasons He Does This

Now you see him, now you don’t… Maybe you like magic tricks, but when a guy disappears and then comes back, it’s frustrating, not entertaining. Even though this guy is not a magician, he’s not just going to reveal his secret behind disappearing and reappearing… We’ll do it for him though, and you’ll learn all […]

16 Reassuring Signs God Is Working On Your Marriage And Things Are Looking Up

If you’ve been having marital problems, you might have prayed for signs God is working on your marriage. Have your prayers been answered and are things really looking up? You’ll soon find out, but I need to tell you something first. Having faith and trusting that God will help you is good, but not enough. […]

Walking Away From A Person You Love Takes An Enormous Amount Of Courage

We often talk about breakups, but it’s almost always about the pain of being broken up with. Yes, watching someone walk away can hurt a lot, but sometimes, walking away hurts even more. We assume that it’s easy to walk away and that it means that you don’t care about the person anymore… They’re the […]

What Does It Mean When A Guy Stares At You? 14 Common Reasons

You catch him looking at you and try to decipher the look in his eyes, but it’s just not that easy… What does it mean when a guy stares at you? A guy looks at a girl from across the room, they lock eyes, and a beautiful love story begins… It’s something movies are basically […]

22 Signs Of Cheating Husband Guilt That Women Often Don’t Notice

Wives often don’t notice some clear signs of cheating husband guilt. It’s hard to even imagine that the reason your husband is always jittery and nervous is that he cheated on you. How wouldn’t it be when it’s only natural to assume that the person you’re married to will stay faithful to you? This is […]

21 Telltale Signs A Guy Is Falling For You Hard

You kinda like this guy, but you aren’t sure whether he’s interested in you. Thankfully, he doesn’t have to say it because there are telltale signs a guy is falling for you that say it for him. After all, it’s never about saying you care about someone, it’s about showing it. Most men don’t really […]

27 Habits Of A High-Value Woman That Make Her So Desirable

Before we get to the habits of a high-value woman, I’ve something important that I must get out there: Men don’t only care about the way women look. For a long time, it’s been believed that being desirable is all about looking good and an attractive body. But is this what men are really looking […]

Does Silence Make A Man Miss You? Do These 12 Things To Make Sure It Does

Does silence make a man miss you? Yes, it does, and I’ll tell you exactly why as well as how you can make it happen. You probably already know about the no contact rule, but does silence make a man miss you? When you use the no contact rule, you cut off all communication with […]

Top 40 Relatable Songs About Toxic Relationships

Unfortunately, a lot of us can relate to songs about toxic relationships. It’s not just that we get into toxic relationships, we often stay in them a lot longer than we should. Maybe you’re even in one right now. Listen to these songs about toxic relationships to remind yourself that you deserve better. Leaving an […]

Transactional Relationship: 7 Signs You’re Up For A Prenup

Relationships are a huge part of the human experience. Whether you’re getting more comfortable with your colleagues at work or bonding with your partner at home, relationships are a huge part of you, too – but maybe you haven’t heard of every type of relationship out there. Transactional relationships, anyone? Now, transactional relationships are more […]

17 Unexpected Things That Will Happen When You Ignore Her

When you ignore her, you’re probably doing it to get her interested… Men often use that technique, and they still do because they aren’t aware that it doesn’t work anymore. Long ago, it was thought that you’d make a girl crazy about you if you ignored her and treated her badly. Playing hard to get […]

This Is Why You Need To Use The Power Of Silence After A Breakup

A lot of people aren’t really aware of the true power of silence after a breakup. Whether you want to get your ex back or to move on, silence is the way to go. After a split, everyone needs some silence, space, and time. You need it to recover from heartbreak and gain a clearer […]

How Does A Man Pursue A Woman? 10 Steps To Win The Chase

Does a man overcome difficult obstacles to prove his love to a girl who pushes him away, while secretly hoping that he would keep chasing her? This is what romance novels and movies teach us, but how does a man pursue a woman in the real world? “Pursuit” seems like a somewhat outdated word, but […]

How To Make An Introvert Miss You? 23 Ways To Make Them Crazy About You

If you want to know how to make an introvert miss you, you’ve come to the right place. Love should be simple, don’t you agree? Well, when you’re in love with an introvert, it’s not so simple… Extroverts can be vocal about their emotions, but introverts not so much. They keep everything inside and don’t […]

Actions Over Words: 18 Types Of Touches And Their Meanings

Who would’ve thought that you don’t need words in order to get a message across? Different types of touches and their meanings can successfully show another person what’s going on in your head. When someone tells you something, they can easily hide the truth from you. They can tell a lie while looking you directly […]

17 Exciting Signs Your Soulmate Is Near And You’ll Soon Be Together

When you see the signs your soulmate is near, you have every reason to be excited. They’re telling you that a very significant and life-changing moment in your life is soon going to happen. That moment represents a magical union – you’ll finally feel that everything is the way it’s supposed to be. Just the […]

When A Guy Says You’re A Great Person, Does It Mean That He Likes You?

When a guy says you’re a great person, it makes you feel good about yourself and appreciated. Still, you can’t help but wonder what he truly means by that. Usually, someone who tells you that you’re a great person thinks that you have really good values and qualities. Does it mean that they like you, […]

20 Signs He Regrets Breaking Up With You And Causing You Pain

A man can leave you broken-hearted but eventually show signs he regrets breaking up with you. It happens all the time and you probably already know why. The truth is, people often don’t appreciate something they have until they lose it. Also, a man often acts like a little kid does when someone takes away […]

34 Powerful Characteristics Of A Strong Woman That Make Her Different

Strong women aren’t born that way – they become strong to survive the storms they have to face. The characteristics of a strong woman will have you understand this type of female. We admire their confidence, strength, courage, and honesty. Still, these are not the only traits of a strong woman. We often aren’t even […]

Don’t Force A Man Who Doesn’t Really Want You To Stay With You

You’ve been waiting for a text or a call from him for a while now. No matter how obvious it is that he’s never going to contact you first, you still hope that he cares enough to do so. Maybe he’s even supposed to apologize, but he’s not going to send anything at all. You’ve […]

When A Guy Says He Wants To See You Again, Does He Really?

When a guy says he wants to see you again, can you believe him? Well, we all know that actions speak louder than words. When a guy says he wants to see you again, it could be the truth and mean that he likes you. Usually, it’s true that he would like to get to […]

16 Devastating Signs Your Husband Is Not Attracted To You Anymore

Are there signs your husband is not attracted to you anymore? If you are asking yourself this question, something is probably making you think that your marriage is falling apart. I also wanted to check for signs showing my husband was not attracted to me once we started spending less time together. Maybe there’s something […]