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The Power Of Walking Away From A Man: When You Should Leave And What Will Happen

The Power Of Walking Away From A Man: When You Should Leave And What Will Happen

Don’t ever underestimate the power of walking away from a man.

When he can’t appreciate what he has, he needs to find out how it would feel to lose it.

As you know, people often take things for granted until they no longer have them.

Once that thing is no longer in their life, they start wishing they had appreciated it much more while they had it.

It’s the same if the ‘thing’ in question is love, or even not a thing at all but a person who got tired of not being treated right.

Maybe you’ve been dating a man who put a lot of effort into winning you over.

He regularly texted and called you, and even showed you a lot of respect.

All this seemed perfect until one day, he realized that he had won you over.

He stopped giving you the attention and affection you deserve and started acting differently.

DONE! The Power Of Walking Away From A Man When You Should Leave And What Will Happen

Maybe he doesn’t treat you the way he should anymore, or he even barely acknowledges you.

He could be thinking that you’ll never leave no matter how he acts, and he needs to realize that he’s wrong.

You might be wondering whether there’s something you did that got him to change the way he treats you…

No, it’s not about something you did, it’s about him thinking that once a girl loves you, you don’t have to try anymore.

Men often don’t really realize the value of what they have until we remind them that they could lose it.

That’s what the power of walking away from a man does.

Your man needs to understand that you don’t need him, you just want him… or at least you did until he started taking you for granted.

By walking away from him, you’ll send him that message and he’ll hear it loud and clear.

DONE! The Power Of Walking Away From A Man When You Should Leave And What Will Happen

It will make him think about the things he did wrong in the relationship.

If he truly loves you, he’ll realize that he has been giving you a lot less than what you deserve.

He will start pursuing you because he’ll finally know that he shouldn’t have ever stopped.

All this sounds great, but how can you get yourself to walk away from someone you care about? Well, you have to be a strong woman.

You know that strong women don’t nag or beg for love and attention, right?

You need to take your happiness and well-being into your own hands, like all strong women do.

They are the kind of women who have standards, just like many others do.

What makes them so different is that they act as soon as they notice that their standards are not being met.

A strong woman isn’t going to wait for her man to magically change and she’s aware that it’s not going to just somehow happen.

Men fall in love in our absence, not in our presence, and strong women know that.

DONE! The Power Of Walking Away From A Man When You Should Leave And What Will Happen

You have to show a man that he’ll lose you if he doesn’t respect you or treat you right.

He needs to become aware that he has to put some effort into keeping you around.

Let him feel that he lost you and he’ll realize that he has to fight for you.

If he wants you back, he will need to stop being an immature boy and start being a real man.

A real man knows that someone else will fight for a strong woman if he doesn’t.

Strong women don’t tolerate men who treat them badly. By using the power of walking away from a man, they show him that he has to commit.

When you should use the power of walking away from a man

To prevent getting hurt and to teach your guy a valuable lesson, you need to know when to walk away.

You have to put your happiness first and protect both your heart and your self-respect.

It’s not cowardly or selfish to walk away…

Respecting yourself and loving yourself means walking away from those who can’t respect or love you the same.

Here’s when it’s time to leave a man and show him that the way he’s acting won’t be tolerated:

1. Walk away from a man when he takes you for granted

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If your man has started taking you for granted, you should definitely show him that you deserve better.

When a man feels like he’s already won a woman’s heart, he tends to take her for granted.

Somehow, he thinks that once you fall for him, he doesn’t have to put any effort in anymore.

The funny thing is that men actually love the chase. They want to fight for a girl, work on winning her over, and finally get her.

Competing with other guys and getting to be the one you choose gets their heart beating, which is why they try hard to win your heart when you first start dating.

Maybe your guy used to contact you every day and always liked everything you posted on social media.

That’s just a small example of some of the ways he used to give you attention in the beginning.

He showered you with affection, but once he saw that you had fallen in love, he started taking you for granted.

Does he really believe that a man needs to chase a woman only until he’s won her heart? Unfortunately, like many men, he probably does.

Guys seem to forget that a woman can walk away when she feels neglected. Once she does, they want to get her interested again so the chase is back on.

2. Leave when he ignores you and you aren’t even sure that he’s interested

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When a man ignores you and you aren’t even sure whether he’s interested, you may think that you’ve done something wrong.

Maybe he’ll notice you if you show him more affection, right?


You wait for him to make up his mind about you and you do what you think is right, but now you must understand something…

The more attention you show him and act like his close friend, the more you’ll push him away even further.

Do you know why he’s ignoring you? There are three possible explanations and I’ll start with the most likely one.

Either he’s not sure whether he’s interested or not, pretending not to be interested or really isn’t interested.

I mentioned that he could be unsure, so let me explain.

When you show a man too much affection, he can’t know whether he’s genuinely interested or not.

What’s more, you’re the one chasing him, so it’ll make him slowly lose interest because he wants to do the chasing.

Some men will instead pretend for a long time that they’re not interested. They play hard to get so they can boost their ego as much as they can.

In both these situations, it’s best to walk away just like when he really isn’t interested.

Once you walk away, he will realize whether he’s interested and will surely stop faking interest.

3. Use the power of walking away from a man when he sends mixed signals

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Indecisive men tend to send mixed signals.

You know what I’m talking about… One day he loves you like crazy and the next, he wants to leave you.

It feels awful when a man showers you with attention one day and doesn’t even notice you the next…

You don’t know how to stop this toxic cycle and you like the guy but have no idea how to talk to him about it.

Maybe you even find excuses for him just to justify his bad behavior so you don’t even realize that the mixed signals are the problem.

Deep down, you’re probably aware of it and know that you shouldn’t tolerate it.

Strong women don’t tolerate men who play games such as sending mixed signals.

They don’t want to waste their time on indecisive men when they can have a man who’s sure about them.

Let’s say you keep tolerating this bad behavior… Do you know what will happen?

Absolutely nothing unexpected. He’ll just keep playing his confusing game and you’ll keep justifying it.

DONE! The Power Of Walking Away From A Man When You Should Leave And What Will Happen

You can only deal with indecisive or confused men by walking away from them.

Do you know what will happen if you use the power of walking away from a man?

It will make him realize that you’re not going to waste your time and that he’ll lose what he has.

He’ll be forced to finally make a decision and he’ll be aware that he could lose an amazing woman.

Either he loves you or doesn’t. He will have to choose whether he wants to be with you or he wants to watch you leave.

There’s nothing in-between and you have to know right away, so give him an ultimatum by walking away.

If you’ve realized that you have to walk away, you’re probably wondering what comes next.

What are the possible outcomes of using the power of walking away from a man?

One thing’s for sure and it’s that he’ll be confused and shocked by your willingness to leave him.

DONE! The Power Of Walking Away From A Man When You Should Leave And What Will Happen

It will make him open his eyes, finally see what he has lost, and regret not appreciating you while he had the chance.

This is the most likely outcome if he really cares about you.

If the two of you are meant to be together, this is just one of the obstacles that you’ll overcome.

What’s more, it will make your bond stronger and you’ll be closer than ever before.

Walking away is sometimes merely a challenge that strengthens the relationship in the end.

I’m going to tell you exactly what effect the power of walking away from a man will have on him if he cares about you… But what if he doesn’t?

Well, isn’t walking away the only option you have then? Otherwise, you would just be wasting your time and end up hurt.

Here’s what’s going to happen when you walk away from him, especially if he doesn’t want to lose you:

1. When you walk away from a man, he’ll chase you

DONE! The Power Of Walking Away From A Man When You Should Leave And What Will Happen

I already told you that men love the chase, and you probably knew that already.

Just think of a cat chasing a toy – it’ll chase it only when the toy seems to be running away.

If you leave the toy close to the cat instead, it’ll lose interest. It’s just not interesting when there’s no chase.

Surprisingly enough, this is how men tend to function when it comes to dating. To keep them interested, you have to make them chase you.

Walk away and give him a chance to start chasing you again.

Men don’t really like it when everything is served on a silver platter and just handed to them.

They have a need to earn it, fight for it, and win it, and that’s what they really want to do.

Whether we like it or not, that’s how a man’s brain works and the sooner we accept it, the happier our love life will be.

If he doesn’t chase you when you walk away, keep walking because otherwise he’ll just waste your time and he isn’t the man for you.

2. The power of walking away from a man makes him realize your independence

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Once a man wins your heart, he starts considering you as his and his only.

He believes that everything will be okay because you belong to him now, since he chased you at first.

What he forgets is that you’re still an independent woman and you don’t really need him.

He thinks that you’ll stay with him regardless of how he treats you.

Strong women aren’t scared of moving on and he needs to see that you’re one of them. When you walk away, he most certainly will.

He’ll suddenly realize that you don’t really need a man to be happy and that you can be completely fine on your own.

More importantly, he’ll see that you’re not going to tolerate his bad behavior since you still have standards.

High-quality women stick to their standards regardless of their feelings for a man.

If a woman like that sees that her man isn’t putting in the same amount of effort as she does, she leaves.

The same goes for if she sees that he doesn’t meet her needs or wants.

She never nags or begs a man to notice her or change. Instead, she uses the power of walking away from a man to send him a message.

That message goes something like this:

“You didn’t appreciate me or didn’t know how, and because of that, you no longer have me.”

That comes as a huge shock to all guys. It makes them feel that they aren’t capable of keeping an independent, strong woman around.

They don’t like to feel that way, so they start putting a lot of effort in, in order to prove otherwise.

3. When you walk away from a man, he’ll realize that he’s replaceable

DONE! The Power Of Walking Away From A Man When You Should Leave And What Will Happen

Do you know why men want to chase women? Well, for one thing, it leaves them feeling irreplaceable.

A man who chases a woman knows that he must compete with other guys for her attention. To win her, he has to be better than them; the best, in fact.

This means that once he wins her heart, he’ll feel irreplaceable. He’s the best, right?

He surely feels like a winner and thinks that there’s no one else like him. You shouldn’t think that, though.

If he doesn’t treat you right, trust me, there’s someone who would, and you need to be aware of that.

When you leave, he becomes aware of it too and starts feeling replaceable. The power of walking away from a man makes him think:

“Will she meet someone stronger and better than me?”

He gets scared that that will happen and feels the need to compete with other guys again.

Men hate feeling replaceable even more than women do because it hurts their ego.

Your man wants to be irreplaceable and to feel like the best, strongest man.

By walking away, you’ll show him that he needs to put effort into winning you back and he’ll feel that way again.

4. The power of walking away from a man will make him feel like he’s not in control anymore

DONE! The Power Of Walking Away From A Man When You Should Leave And What Will Happen

A man who plays games, ignores you, or doesn’t appreciate you, has the control in your relationship.

He is well aware that he’s in full control, and the person in control is the person who sets the rules.

Your man knows how strongly you feel about him and thinks that you’ll always let things slide and obey, regardless of how he acts.

Control gives a man the complete freedom to say and do whatever he wants, without considering the consequences.

After all, he doesn’t think that there will be any ramifications, but you need to prove him wrong.

Get him to commit by pulling away! Use the power of walking away from a man to take back some of the control.

There has to be a balance of power between a woman and a man.

He has to know that he can’t only do what he wants and that he has to prove his love to make your relationship work.

Your man needs to control his own words and actions; not everything other than that.

My ex only tried to control me without ever controlling himself and this is why I walked away from him.

5. When you walk away, he’ll realize that he actually needs you a lot more than you could ever need him

DONE! The Power Of Walking Away From A Man When You Should Leave And What Will Happen

If you always shower him with attention and affection, he’ll think that it’s you who needs him.

When you’re trying to be the best girlfriend to him, he just thinks that your happiness comes from making him happy.

He’ll also consider you needy if you beg for attention while he doesn’t even notice you.

Women who do that always end up being taken for granted, and I do mean always. You need to show him that you don’t need him but he needs you.

Show him that you’re fine on your own and he’ll realize that you’re not needy and that you can live without him.

This will confuse him and he’ll become aware that he’s the one who needs you.

6. The power of walking away from a man makes him see that you value your self-worth

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You should never settle for someone who doesn’t deserve you.

Do you know what walking away is actually all about? Self-love, self-respect, and self-esteem!

No man will stay indifferent to these three important things that a strong woman shows.

You need to value your self-worth enough to walk away from anyone who isn’t worthy of your time or energy.

Your man is going to see that you don’t intend to wait for him forever. You’re not going to make excuses for him anymore.

He’ll finally see that you know what you want and deserve and aren’t going to stay if you don’t get either.

The most powerful women are like that, and no one wants to lose that kind of woman.

He will think about the things he did wrong in the relationship and start thinking about how to get you back.

If he doesn’t, and he just lets you walk away, he’s actually doing you a favor.

A man who doesn’t want to try to win you back will eventually break your heart.

If he doesn’t even realize what he had once he sees that he lost it, he would have never appreciated you.

Don’t regret walking away from him if he doesn’t chase you.

Do you know what will happen if you stay and he doesn’t care enough to pursue you?

You will only waste a lot of your time on someone who doesn’t truly care about you.

Walking away is always the best choice. It makes it clear who deserves more of your time and who never deserved any of it in the first place.

Good luck!

The Power Of Walking Away From A Man: When You Should Leave And What Will Happen

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