How Do Narcissists Feel When You Move On: 12 Iffy Behaviors

Were you dating a narcissist and broke up with him recently? Then, you’re probably facing some problems and one simple question crossed your mind. How do narcissists feel when you move on? First of all, don’t think that he feels sorry for you, or that he’ll be devastated. No, darling. His ability to be empathetic […]

11 Actual Things You Can Say Instead Of Ghosting Someone

Admit it, you’ve been there too. I think that there’s no person that hasn’t been involved with ghosting in some way. Have you ever thought about what to say instead of ghosting? I know that sometimes you’d simply forget the date and the person you went out with. But, it’s common courtesy to at least […]

Why Did A Narcissist Choose You? 9 Brutally Honest Reasons

Did he approach you with nothing but pure interest in who you are and where do you come from? He made you feel special by asking all of those personal questions? Unfortunately, darling, you were in a relationship with a narcissist and this is the first red flag you’ve missed. There’s no need to beat […]

My Gut Feeling Whispers My Ex Will Come Back: Wishful Thinking Or Not?

“My gut feeling is telling me that my ex will come back, am I wrong?“ This was the first sentence of her letter. Giving relationship advice in a women’s magazine means that you get a lot of these on a daily basis. Some questions are fairly easy to answer, while others require an extremely complex […]

They Always Come Back: Whys And Wherefores Of Their Return

Let me tell you a secret, they always come back. It’s not a lie, I promise. Exes always find their way back to you, especially if they know you’ve moved on. Life has a tendency to confuse us from time to time, that’s all. You’ve probably thought a lot about why exes keep coming back […]

Avoidant Attachment Triggers: Time To Stop Escaping The Relationship

We’re faced with a lot of positive and negative emotions daily and we have to find our unique way to survive that rollercoaster. Do you think that you may have avoidant attachment triggers? It’s time to find out. Our early relationships in life, the ones with both of our parents, closest family, and friends define […]

Do Guys Like When You Send Them Pictures Of Yourself? Here’s The Tea!

Do guys like it when you send them pictures of yourself? If this question has been haunting you for quite some time, it’s time to finally solve that dilemma. First of all, do you like to get a picture of the guy you’re dating or from your crush? I bet you do. Then, why would […]

The Fine Line Between Triggers And Red Flags You Should Be Aware Of

Can a line be drawn between triggers and red flags, or is it all the same? Let me help you by answering with a simple no, triggers and red flags are not the same. If you’re wondering what the difference is, keep on reading. First of all, let’s clear it up – what is the […]

Ending An Affair: 10 Steps To Take Before It’s Too Late

Why is ending an affair so tricky? It was supposed to be just a fling, and last only for a short time. You didn’t expect to catch feelings, but you made a wrong turn somewhere down the road. In order for your life to go back to normal, you know what you need to do […]

7 Men Reveal Why They’ll Choose A Situationship Over A Committed Relationship

Have you ever wondered why men choose a situationship rather than a serious relationship? I know I have. That’s why I took some time and did a little research of my own. I know that being committed to someone takes a lot of effort, especially when you’re young and you’d like to explore all the […]

7 Honest Reasons Why You’re Not Girlfriend Material

Welcome to The Ugly Truth, but by me this time, not Mike Chadway. (If you haven’t watched the movie, you may want to do yourself a favor.) I know this is a difficult topic to tackle and I’m also well aware that some of you won’t approve of a single word I’m about to say. […]

A Letter To The Girl Who’s Scared Of Falling In Love Again: You’ll Be Good

Hey there girl, I’ll start this letter with a simple sentence: You’ll be good. I promise you that. I know that right now my words don’t sound comforting, and they probably won’t for some time. But, eventually, you’ll see I was right. Not because I need your confirmation, but rather because I know what I’m […]

300+ Comments For A Beautiful Girl To Sweep Her Off Her Feet

Are you looking for something to compliment that girl you like? Do you need a specific comment for a beautiful girl to sweep her off of her feet? I’ll gladly help you! She already got a lot of likes, hearts, and comments when you saw her latest pic. Do you want to stand out from […]

What An ISFJ Woman Is Looking For In A Man?

We’ve been dreaming about our perfect man since we were little girls and we kind of created an imaginary (for some not) checklist of the traits our future husband has to have. I mean, he has to be tall, handsome, and kind. He has to treat me right and he has to love animals. Oh, […]

Words Of Affirmation For Men: 150+ Phrases To Make Him Feel Loved

So, you landed up here because you’re looking for words of affirmation for men? No need to ask twice – of course, I’ll help you! But before we dig deeper into the topic, we have to cover some basics. What precisely are words of affirmation? What does it mean if this is his love language […]

Wounded Feminine Energy: 5 Signs You’re Repressing Your Inner Goddess

Since you’re reading this article, you’re probably familiar with the term feminine energy. But what does wounded feminine energy mean? Time to find out. We both know that feminine energy is emotional, empathetic, kind, and compassionate – and it’s all about embracing intuition and creativity. About nurturing healthy and meaningful connections with others. Feminine energy […]

125+ Cheating Captions To Help You Spice Up Your Description

Do you want to dedicate a post on your social media to your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend who cheated on you? I’ll gladly help you with honest and sassy cheating captions. I know it’s never easy when you’ve been cheated on, but girl, his loss! There are different reasons why people cheat, yet each one of them […]

100+ I Miss You Messages For Him Guaranteed To Melt His Heart

How many times have you tried to express how much you’re longing for your person, but couldn’t figure out how to write that I miss you message for him and put a smile on his face? We both know it’s natural to feel a bit blue when someone you love is not around. Whether you’re […]

INFJ And ENTP: A Match Made In Heaven Or A Total Bust?

If it’s true that opposites attract, then the INFJ and ENTP relationship is a match made in heaven. Is it, though? Although these two seem to be on the opposite sides of the personality spectrum, it’s actually far from that. These individuals are closer than you think and this relationship is at the helm of […]

80+ Painful Messages You Can Send To Your Boyfriend After He Hurt You

How wonderful is it when you’re in love? I know, I know, but don’t get all sentimental now. This time, we’re talking about painful messages that you can send to your boyfriend if he hurt you. Once we fall in love, we think everything is going to be flawless. We’ll finally be able to write […]

A Letter To My Boyfriend About My Feelings: 7 Heart-Warming Examples

I know it sometimes gets really tough to express how you feel inside, but writing a letter to my boyfriend about my feelings always helps me. It’s a bit easier to bleed out on those plain white pages and fill them with your thoughts. Especially if you’re an overthinker like I am. Most of the […]

16 Clear-Cut Signs An Emotionally Unavailable Man Is In Love With You

Have you ever wondered what emotional unavailability is? What are the signs an emotionally unavailable man is in love with you? It is always difficult to talk about emotional unavailability, but one thing is for sure, nobody wants an unavailable partner. Practically every girl has had at least one guy she thought she could change, […]

Textationship: Is It A Real Or Pseudo Relationship?

You’ve probably heard about ghosting, zombieing, and benching – and a host of other weird, modern relationship jargon. But what the heck is a textationship? We kind of got used to the new words being added to the English dictionary every year, but this one sounds confusing. Honestly, I wonder who thought of it. It […]

19 Ultimate Surprise Birthday Ideas For Your Boyfriend

The special day is approaching and you still don’t have any ideas? I hope you’re ready for some surprise birthday ideas for your boyfriend. I know it’s never easy to buy a gift for your special someone, especially if you’ve been together for quite some time. It’s tough to be that cool girlfriend that has […]

How To NOT Catch Feelings: 14 Tested Tips That Work All The Time

Have you heard that some people have casual relationships and you’d like one? Maybe you thought of having a fling or being friends with benefits with someone, but movies taught you that it’ll get tricky? So not true. I’ll give you some tricks on how to not catch feelings. Falling in love is wonderful, but […]

The Worst Thing A Husband Can Say To His Wife: 13 Painful Examples

I know that the way we treat someone is more important than what we say, but have you ever thought about what is actually the worst thing a husband can say to his wife? A lot of marriages nowadays end up in divorce and there are a host of reasons for that, ranging from cheating […]

Why Are Men Running Away: 15 Reasons Why They Withdraw

How many times did this question cross your mind: Why are men running away? You met a perfect guy a couple of weeks ago and everything seems to be going great. You’re texting a lot and every time you go out together or with friends, it’s a bash. You have endless conversations about everything and […]

26 Obvious Signs She Is Developing Feelings For You

How many times did it happen that you hit on a girl and she said “I’m sorry, but you got it wrong”. Did you see some signs she is developing feelings for you and you’ve decided to approach her? Unfortunately, it turned out you were wrong? It’s really hard to understand when a girl is […]

10 Proven Ways How To Make Your Boyfriend Obsessed With You

Have you ever wondered how some couples make a fairy tale out of their love story? It seems so easy, yet you’ve tried it and you know it’s complicated. Here are some tips on how to make your boyfriend obsessed with you. I honestly don’t know why, but I feel like we need a disclaimer […]

When A Woman Goes Silent On You: The Meaning Behind Her Silence

When a woman goes silent on you, does it mean it’s going to be stormy? I’m sure you’ve heard about the saying “calm before the storm” and you’re familiar with that serene period that actually comes before a storm hits your area. You know what I’m talking about, right? Those big gray clouds slowly make […]