How To Know If A Taurus Man Likes You More Than A Friend?

Have you got your eyes on this one specific guy? His date of birth tells you that he is a Taurean and without any previous romantic experience with this zodiac sign, you have no idea how to know if a Taurus man likes you more than a friend. Before we start solving your dilemma of […]

9 Ways On How To Make Him Miss You Like Crazy And Commit To You

Your whole life, you have been listening to these words: “Men fall in love when they miss you,” and, “Men are afraid of commitment.” Naturally, you want to know the answer so you keep looking for ways of how to make him miss you and commit. Let’s say that you have met this great guy […]

12 Obvious Signs He Will Leave His Wife For You (No Matter What)

Going out with a married man is a messy situation. There are too many feelings involved but sometimes you simply can’t stop yourself and you are desperately looking for the signs he will leave his wife for you. When a married man decides to enter into an extra-marital affair, he knows that things will be […]

I Miss You, But There Is Something Else I Need To Tell You

The truth is that I miss you… I still dream about you every night (after hours of trying to fall asleep). When I finally succeed, I see your figure. Slowly, with your hands spread apart, you walk toward me. I am always running so I can get to you as fast as possible, but you […]

36 Inspiring Quotes About Putting Effort Into A Relationship

Putting effort into a relationship is what can make it or break it. If you give enough time and attention to your relationship, it will bloom like a flower. On the other hand, if you don’t focus on it, thinking that the other person will do it for you, your relationship is doomed to fail. […]

13 Telltale Signs You Really Hurt Him And His Feelings

It’s nothing new that a healthy relationship can turn into heartbreak and that the person you thought to be your best friend becomes just an ex-boyfriend. But sometimes, you give your ex such a hard time that you can’t help but see all of the signs you really hurt him. Yes, we as human beings […]

17 Easy-To-Notice Signs A Married Man Cares For You

It’s probably confusing when your gut’s telling you that you’re seeing signs a married man cares for you. It can be quite an awful feeling to experience because you don’t want to be someone’s reason for doing this to their wife. However, you also know that it’s not your fault, as a man is more […]

How To Be Irresistible To Men: 10 Easy Tips And Tricks

We all have that one friend who attracts each and every man she comes in contact with. Sometimes, you would love her to give you a lesson on how to be irresistible because you see how good at it she is. It’s not the way she dresses or talks; it seems like it is deeply […]

How To Make Him Regret Hurting You? 9 Subtle Ways To Achieve It

If you want to know how to make him regret hurting you, to begin with, let’s see what he did to you. Did your ex-boyfriend cheat on you? Did he leave you all of a sudden or maybe he said some words that still hurt you? No matter what he did, it probably feels like […]

“Does He Miss Me During No Contact?” 13 Surefire Signs He Does

You are days into the no contact rule and you start searching for, “Does he miss me during no contact?” articles. You miss your ex-boyfriend but you are not sure what is going on inside his head. Does he still feel love for you? Does he want you back? Is there any probability that you […]

9 Signs Of Romantic Body Language When A Man Falls In Love

We all know how guys work. Simple body language turns into romantic body language when a man falls in love. So, it’ll be much easier to figure out how he feels about you by observing his actions instead of waiting for him to say it out loud. Body language is subconscious and through it, you […]

“Is She Scared Of Her Feelings For Me?” 6 Signs That Give Her Away

You met this amazing girl and you feel like the two of you just clicked. However, you simply can’t escape the question that keeps popping up: “Is she scared of her feelings for me?” It seems like she likes you but you can’t be completely sure. It’s like she’s playing hot and cold with you […]

A Letter To The Girl Who Doesn’t Believe In Love Anymore

Do you remember your words, “I don’t believe in love anymore!”? Do you remember how you spent hours and hours crying yourself to sleep because of all of the heartbreaks you went through? You barely moved from your bed, thinking that your world had completely fallen apart. Do you remember all of the flashbacks you […]

“He Broke Up With Me. Will He Come Back?” 5 Honest Ways To Tell

Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you have to tell your friends that hurtful, “He broke up with me,” sentence. From that point on, your main question becomes, “Will he come back?” Breakups are hard but it’s even harder to wake up every day, wondering if he will come back. Is there any […]

6 Signs She Only Wants Attention And Is Wasting Your Time

You hit it off with a girl and everything seems good in the beginning. Your first date went amazingly. You’ve been out a couple of times and now you are wondering whether you should take things further. You’re over the moon because something is finally happening in your love life. She seems nice, you two have […]

Before Dating A Guy Who’s Been Hurt Before, Know This

We’ve all been hurt and we all know how it feels to go through pain. To wake up feeling drained and to go to bed feeling hopeless. When you give yourself fully to the person who then decides to break you into pieces, you end up having scars that run deep into your heart. It […]

How To Win A Girl’s Heart: 17 Effective Ways To Win And Keep A Girl

When you find the one who made you fall head over heels, your mind gets preoccupied with the thought that you need to win this girl’s heart. You can’t take your eyes off her. She is beautiful, fun, and intelligent. She’s more than you ever wished for. Because of that, you get the feeling that […]

How To Tell He Loves You By His Kiss: The Hidden Meaning Of A Kiss

Sometimes it’s easier to tell if a guy likes you by his kiss than by his words. We all know that men can be shy with expressing their feelings so they seek support from their actions. He would rather show you how he feels than try to come up with a word that can explain […]

9 Telltale Signs He’s Still Not Over You

What happens when you break up but your ex keeps sending you mixed signals? He’s not directly saying that he still wants you but his actions may suggest that he’s not over you. You find yourself thinking, ”Is it all in my head, or is he really hoping that the two of us could get […]

7 Heartbreaking Signs You Are Just A Rebound

A rebound relationship usually represents a substitution for the love that was lost in the previous relationship. Such a relationship is filled with regret and sadness, and generally doesn’t lead anywhere. Still, they are seen as a magical cure for a breakup. Like an eraser can make mistakes disappear, a rebound makes all of the […]

One Day, You Will Meet Someone Who Feels Like Home

Home represents comfort, security, and memories. It is the place where everything begins and ends. We usually associate it with a house or a town but what about when home becomes a person? What do you mean a person? How can a home be that? We all know what a home is. Ignore all of […]

If It’s Meant To Be, It Will Be

Sometimes you feel like everything is falling apart, like all the world is on your shoulders and you just can’t take it anymore. You start asking God why He is testing you, why He is putting so much pressure on you when you obviously can’t take it. You feel like you will crack at any […]

6 Signs He Is Not Interested Anymore That You Can Catch Early

We have all heard the saying ‘love is blind’‘. When you find yourself in a situation where you are giving your best while the other person doesn’t care, but you still decide to stay in touch with them, you tend to realize that that saying is completely true. When we fall in love, we tend […]

Is He Stringing Me Along? 12 Signs That Prove He Isn’t Genuine

The first time you meet a guy, you assume he has good intentions but that guy starts ghosting you… and you get a gut feeling that you will never have a serious relationship with him. You start to wonder – Is he stringing me along? We’ve all been there. One guy I liked used to […]

He Left Me, So Why Can’t I Stop Thinking About Him

Why did he leave me? Why can’t I stop thinking about him? Will I ever be able to get over him? It feels as if your mind is filled with questions that you have no answers for. The more you think of them, the harder it gets. You meet a guy; it all seems to […]

115 Best Walking Away Quotes And Sayings

Walking away from someone you love and care about is the hardest, but the bravest thing you can do. When you begin to feel worthless it’s the only option you have. So, if you’re having a hard time, check out our walking away quotes as they can inspire you to move on. Even if you […]