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How To Make Him Regret Hurting You? 9 Subtle Ways To Achieve It

How To Make Him Regret Hurting You? 9 Subtle Ways To Achieve It

If you want to know how to make him regret hurting you, to begin with, let’s see what he did to you.

Did your ex-boyfriend cheat on you? Did he leave you all of a sudden or maybe he said some words that still hurt you?

No matter what he did, it probably feels like you were just a game that entertained him for some time.

When he felt bored, he left, after doing things that still make your stomach ache.

It hurt like hell, seeing him walk away and moving on with his life while you felt like your whole world was about to collapse.

Heartbroken, crying your eyes out, you spent days or months waiting for him to come back.

Over that period of time, you had one and only one thought in your head – how to make him regret hurting you.

What is it that you can do that will make him understand that losing you was the worst thing that could’ve happened to him?

You need to get that guy to regret all the things he did to you which still hurt.

It’s not even about getting your ex back and trying again, in a fresh, new relationship.

No, this isn’t about a second chance. It’s about getting the best revenge that you could possibly get.

You just need to make him regret hurting you so he feels at least a small amount of the emotions you felt when he broke you.

However, if you want to make him regret hurting you, you need to be careful with the way you’ll achieve your revenge.

(To be honest, the best possible way would be to forget about your ex-boyfriend and completely erase him from your life but I know that this is easier said than done.)

This is how NOT to make him regret hurting you!

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Your recipe for the best revenge shouldn’t include anything physical, so no assaults, and also no swear words, or ruining his property. 

You should never let your anger make you blind to reality.

Spreading lies about him is never a good option either (even though your anger can make you feel like it is).

But remember, you should never ruin the rest of his life just because he hurt you.

Yes, he ruined yours but you should never use his actions as an example.

If he was reckless, it doesn’t mean that you have to be like that too. That would be foolish.

Also, if he has a new girlfriend, don’t approach her and tell her lies about her man, thinking that it will help you.

That won’t be revenge and it won’t make your ex regret losing you. Instead, it can only make you look like a maniac and get you a restraining order.

He shouldn’t be a priority and you shouldn’t let your anger fool you into believing that anything mentioned above would help you make him regret hurting you.

You are the one who has the power now. Use it carefully and don’t overdo it. 

Sometimes, less is more.

So, firstly, be clear with yourself. If you feel like you really need revenge in order to move on with your life, then seek emotional vengeance.

This is revenge where he will understand how terribly he treated you, through which he will understand that you are not a game and that he should never again play with people’s feelings.

That’s the best revenge. It will help you to move on with your life without looking crazy.

How to make him regret hurting you?

DONE! How To Make Him Regret Hurting You 9 Subtle Ways To Achieve It

In the first place, you need to promise yourself that your moves toward making your ex-boyfriend regret that he hurt you will be subtle.

You won’t focus your whole attention on making him suffer.

Instead, you will show him how it feels when someone hurts you and he won’t even realize that you’ve been planning it.

You will move on with your own life while teaching him a lesson, which will be your best revenge.

I promise you, in a couple of months’ time, he will understand that losing you was the worst thing that happened to him. 

The following steps will make him regret losing you. You just need to be persistent.

Now, let’s turn your heartbreak into the best lesson of his life.

1. Focus on yoursef

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It may seem like a pointless step, but the best way to make your ex-boyfriend regret hurting you is if you put yourself as a priority.

Don’t think about your heartbreak or what he did to you. Instead, put some effort into improving yourself.

You don’t need to worry anymore about how you can incorporate a new hobby into the busy schedule of keeping a relationship alive.

Now that he’s gone, you have all the time in the world.

This is a perfect opportunity to work on yourself and do everything you maybe never had enough time for. Trust me, this will make him re-evaluate his decision. 

He will see how well you are doing without him and it will make him wonder why he hurt you in the first place.

He will realize what an amazing person you are and that tiny little seed of regret will be planted in his consciousness.

When that happens, his regret will grow more and more. At the same time, you will start to feel better about yourself and about your new single life.

Last year, you couldn’t imagine yourself without him and now you finally realize that it’s not that hard.

Erase all of the negative thoughts from your mind and prepare for new experiences.

​Life is beautiful when you know how to embrace it. Focus on yourself and everything else will come along with it.

2. Show him that you are not thinking about him anymore

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Let me tell you, nothing hurts more than feeling our ex is slowly but surely removing us from their life.

When you want to make him regret hurting you, you simply need to show him that you won’t spend your whole life thinking about him.

You won’t twitch at the sound of his voice and your body won’t tremble when you accidentally see him in town.

Instead, you will remain calm and you will treat him like a complete stranger.

If he approaches you, it will feel like a random stranger asked you for something.

Even if you have spent the whole night crying and wondering how he could hurt you the way he did, you won’t show him that.

You will be brave and proud. You will stand in front of him like nothing ever happened between the two of you.

Trust me, it will hurt him. The idea that you don’t think about him will hurt his ego.

Once that happens, he will start thinking about you. He may even try to get back into your life but you won’t let him.

His time is over. Now, it’s your time to show him he won’t be able to come and go as he likes.

You let him in once and that was the last time. No second chances on your part. He can go look somewhere else!

3. Enjoy your freedom

DONE! How To Make Him Regret Hurting You 9 Subtle Ways To Achieve It

If your ex-boyfriend was a narcissist or a person who always manipulated you and your decisions, then it’s the perfect time to start enjoying your freedom.

You won’t need to ignore the things you always wanted to do just because you knew he wouldn’t approve of them.

Now, you can do whatever you like. And while you are enjoying your life, he can watch from afar, regretting that he ever let you go.

It’s your time to live a great life; the one you always wanted to have. Go do whatever you like and let him see that nothing can stop you now.

Remember all of the times he was annoyed at you for doing the things you love and do them now out of revenge.

You’ve been quiet for too long but now that you are just an ex-girlfriend and that you’re free from his chains, you can do all the things you always longed to do.

Go run a marathon because he can’t tell you anymore that you’re not capable of doing it.

Travel the world all alone as he has no right to tell you that you can’t go on your own.

Do all of the things he made you believe you couldn’t do and the ones he said were not for you.

Now, let him see that you can do anything you set your heart on. One lame guy who left you heartbroken won’t be in control of your life anymore.

4. Ignore him

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The no contact rule! You need to apply it immediately if you still haven’t.

Mute his social media accounts, delete his number, and erase his texts. Ignore your ex-boyfriend like your life depends on it!

The goal here is not to get him to miss you or wish to want you back. Instead, it’s to create a new life through a series of positive changes. 

Letting go of someone who used to mean the world to you is tough but you need to remember how that person made you feel.

You don’t need your ex-boyfriend back in your life. Instead, you need to enjoy your life with your loved ones, without paying any attention to him.

Stop all ways to contact this guy. It will hurt his ego and make him regret hurting you.

He will crawl into your mind from time to time but that’s normal. It will pass as long as you focus on the positive things that can help you move on.

I understand that you would gladly want to call him and tell him everything he did to you.

You would scream and shout so he could see how it feels when the one you love the most hurts you.

You would explain to him the terrible feeling of sorrow that overtakes your whole body, the feeling that nothing makes sense anymore.

But that won’t make him regret hurting you; it could only make you look desperate, craving his attention.

That’s why you need to ignore him completely. Don’t trip up and text him or reach out to him through social media.

He doesn’t deserve your words, time, or attention.

He doesn’t deserve you when he treated you like a game. Don’t let him provoke you with his words and actions.

In a couple of months, he will regret that he hurt you and that will be your best revenge.

5. Let him see how well you are doing without him

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If you want to make him regret hurting you, you shouldn’t stay at home, feeling stuck and unable to move on.

Instead, you need to show him how well you are doing without him.

You don’t need him to have fun or to be happy. You have yourself for that and you will move on like nothing ever happened.

If he sees that you are doing things and going places, he will start questioning his decision. 

“Was letting go of her truly the best option?”

If you want to achieve that, you need to focus on yourself.

It’s your success and the great life that you are living without him that will make him regret hurting you.

You should move on because once your ex-boyfriend sees that your life is only blooming since he left, you are certain to get what you wanted.

The thought of you not even thinking about him will eat away at him.

His ego won’t be able to take it and he will start to think about you.

But guess who won’t pick up the phone when he calls, saying that he needs to talk to you? YOU!

He had his chance and it’s not your problem that he blew it. Your self-worth won’t let you welcome him back into your life again!

6. Try new things

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If you want to make him regret hurting you, you need to show him that your life hasn’t ended.

You are working on yourself, trying new things, and creating a new life that will be even better than the one you had when he was in it.

Now is the perfect chance to enjoy the single life and do everything you always wanted to try.

You only need your will and lots of positive spirit; that’s a winning combination for positive changes.

Call your best friend and make a plan to do all the things you always wanted to do but never had time for.

New hobbies and new people in your life lead to new opportunities and new opportunities are the perfect start to a new life.

Embrace the new changes and look for the positive ones that are happening right now.

You will love them and it will make him regret hurting you and losing you.

7. Improve your confidence

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One of the most important things to do after any breakup is to find your self-worth again.

After you’ve been hurt, it’s easy to slip into a dark state of mind where you don’t feel like you are worth much.

Your self-esteem drops and you start to think that everything was your fault. That’s why the best cure for heartbreak is to work on your self-confidence.

You need to realize that your ex-boyfriend didn’t realize how much you are worth and that’s why he should be left in the past.

Now, it’s time to work on yourself because that is the only thing that can make him regret hurting you.

You need to become someone he will regret losing. 

Look in the mirror and observe the person you are seeing. She is a beautiful, strong, and independent woman who can do whatever she wants.

She is full of self-confidence and she knows her worth. No one can play with her because she won’t let them.

If you treat her like a game, you will be the one who is destined to lose.

8. Do things for yourself and not for him

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If you want these steps to work and to finally make him regret hurting you, you need to shift your focus.

Instead of doing all of this for him, you need to do it for yourself. That’s why you need to improve yourself for your own sake.

If you do all of the things above just to make him regret hurting you, you won’t achieve anything.

You will pretend that you’ve moved on but instead, you will be stuck in time, hopelessly waiting for him to come back.

He will be the one who has the power and you will be waiting for him to give you a second chance.

That shouldn’t be a part of your plan. Instead, you should focus on your own happiness and do everything purely out of a wish to achieve it.

Once you truly start to believe in yourself and do things for your own good, the people around you will notice that.

And trust me, your ex-boyfriend will notice it too.

He will see all of the positive changes and he will realize that you’ve truly moved on, which will make him regret losing you.

He will be jealous of the great life you have without him and he will see that you don’t need him to come back.

That’s what hurts them the most – the thought that they are not needed anymore. 

He will realize that you are doing things for yourself and that if he had stayed, he would maybe feel happier than he feels now.

9. Make him a bit jealous

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It may seem like this isn’t a good step to take but sometimes you just need to show him what he has lost.

And what better way than making him a bit jealous about your new life.

The best way to do this is to start dating other men. Not only will it make him jealous but it will also help you to move on faster.

Once you realize that there are a ton of great men out there, you will stop constantly thinking about your ex-boyfriend.

You don’t have to be too obvious about dating because trust me, he will find out about it; through your social media or mutual friends, he will find out info that you have started going on dates.

He will be aware of it and it will be the last step in your plan for revenge. He will start thinking about you and it can easily make him regret hurting you.

The point of this is not only about making him regret hurting you; it’s also about you finding closure.

It is always hard to move on with your life once your heart has been broken into millions of pieces. 

“This guy hurt me and I want to show him how it feels!” You feel like you need to explain this to everyone around you.

DONE! How To Make Him Regret Hurting You 9 Subtle Ways To Achieve It

But you also need to be careful about this. Don’t put yourself out there too much.

Yes, he did a lot of terrible things that made you lose faith in yourself but if you focus only on the bad, you are just making it harder for yourself to let things go.

Instead, look on the bright side. He is gone; the guy who didn’t respect you is now out of your life.

He hurt your feelings and ruined your plans but maybe that’s a good thing.

Maybe God wanted things to turn out this way. He closed one door for you and opened a number of others so that you can find your destiny.

You have a chance to make some great decisions that will lead you to even greater things in life.

So, instead of putting all of your efforts into hurting your ex-boyfriend the way he hurt you, you need to accept it as an experience that will help you improve.

You can work on ways to make him regret hurting you, but you should do them only to show him your worth.

Don’t welcome him back into your life again and don’t do it if you want him to come back running to you.

He hurt you once and you shouldn’t give him a second chance to do it again!

How To Make Him Regret Hurting You? 9 Subtle Ways To Achieve It

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