12 Obvious Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Wants Space

When your boyfriend wants space, or if you notice how he changes his behavior to distance himself from you, then you start to fear the worst. His, “I need space,” words hit you like a train. Your thoughts are only about how he will break up with you and you think your fear might come […]

A Letter To My Future Wife About Our Perfect Marriage

This is dedicated to my future wife. Oh, how beautiful it is to say those words. It must be the best feeling in the world to call you that. I don’t know who or where you are, but having the opportunity to call someone ‘my wife’ gives me the sense that I fully belong to […]

A Letter To The Girl Who Doubts Herself

Hello there, The last thing that you want to hear right now is this. However, I need to tell you that things will get better, believe me. I know that you are a confident, strong woman, but when you are put in front of others, you seem to break and all of your walls fall. […]

5 Subtle Signs He Is Flirting With You And How To React

Having the ability to read someone by the way he behaves toward you or what he thinks sometimes seems impossible. Unless you have superhuman powers, it is hard to get inside a human’s mind and know what they are thinking. Most of the time that we deal with that, we don’t even notice it. However, […]

3 Damn Good Reasons Why You Should Give Your Ex A Second Chance

The perfect breakup doesn’t exist. An ex is an ex for a reason. The perfect breakup would be quick, easy, and simple. However, as we have all learned, life doesn’t work that way. The perfect breakup would include you learning your mistakes from the past relationship, taking with you the good things, and moving on […]

17 Giveaway Signs He Doesn’t Want A Relationship With You

You’ve been dating this guy for quite a while, but you’re unsure if he’s into you like you’re into him. He’s been playing hot-and-cold with you, so you start looking for any signs he doesn’t want a relationship with you. Falling in love with someone is a thrilling feeling. It gets your blood pumping, you […]

5 Undeniable Signs He Wants To Kiss You Right Now

Men are not easy to figure out, trust me. I know you have heard many times that men are easy to read, but they are not. They are human just like you and sometimes humans are complicated to read. They have this basket full of emotions and thoughts that are constantly changing. It’s hard to […]

Here Are 7 Stages Of A Man Falling In Love And How To Recognize Them

Men and women go through different stages when falling in love with someone. Women tend to have more feelings than men and sooner, like all of a sudden, there is this cluster of emotions that swirl inside them. Men are quite different. They have steps that they go through when falling in love with a […]

If He Loves You, He Will Do Whatever It Takes To Have You

Love, even if it is unexpressed, will find its way to the surface. First things first. When a man isn’t interested in you, he will show no desire toward you, he will not call you, and after just one date, he will disappear. Simple as that. Sometimes one date is enough for a man to […]