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80+ Happy Monthsary Messages To Make Them Fall In Love Again

80+ Happy Monthsary Messages To Make Them Fall In Love Again

“We’ve been together for a little while now and we love celebrating every little thing in our relationship. It makes us both incredibly happy! So, our 6th monthsary is approaching and I want to send him a cute happy monthsary message. What do I say!?”

There are certain relationship milestones that have been viewed as worthy of celebration throughout history. I’m talking about anniversaries, engagements, weddings, saying “I love you” for the first time, and similar moments that take your relationship to the next level.

But, there are times when you start seeing the beauty in the little things. “I love you” notes on the fridge, “good night” whispers and sleepovers under the open sky, and “happy monthsary” messages. These things might be little, but they make you fall in love with your partner all over again.

When you think about it, there’s hardly anything better in this world than feeling loved and appreciated. While there’s nothing wrong with a delicately wrapped piece of jewelry every now and then, there are certain confessions of love that can’t be wrapped (and shouldn’t, for that matter).

Imagine waking up in the morning, unsuspecting of anything that’s going on around you, and seeing a message from your partner that reads: “I knew I found the love of my life when I realized you were someone I couldn’t imagine living without. I love you!”

That right there is exactly what I’m talking about! Pretty much everyone who’s ever been in a relationship has celebrated those big milestones, but not everyone has made the effort to celebrate the small ones. Trust me, those are the ones that matter the most.

So, grab your phone or a piece of paper and start jotting down these romantic “happy monthsary” confessions of love!

Happy monthsary messages for your girlfriend

80+ Happy Monthsary Messages To Make Them Fall In Love Again

Be honest now, have you even been in a relationship if you haven’t had your girlfriend throw blood-boiling glances at you because you forgot about your anniversary? You can’t recover from that without a huge bouquet of her favorite flowers and a four-page letter of apology!

But, you can certainly redeem yourself next time you get an opportunity to surprise her with a heart-melting confession of love. Even when you don’t have the tradition of celebrating monthsaries, there’s no reason you shouldn’t have one from now on.

A heartwarming “happy monthsary” message should do the trick! I’m here to help you with a couple of ideas you can use for inspiration or even leave them as they are. So, let’s get to work!

1. Happy monthsary, my one and only! I just wanted to remind you of the immense love and gratitude I feel every time I look at your face sleeping right next to me. I love you!

2. I fell in love with you when I wasn’t even sure I would ever fall in love with anyone. I’m grateful for every moment you have spent by my side, and I’m looking forward to every moment we’re yet to spend together.

3. I’m so grateful to have met someone who knows how to love me and make me smile, and someone willing to make the effort to make this relationship work. Happy monthsary, baby. I had no doubt in my mind we’d make it this far.

4. I can’t believe God sent me someone who loves me through thick and thin, through good and bad, through every single fear and flaw. I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you do for me.

Romantic messages for your girlfriend

5. You loved me when I couldn’t imagine anyone ever would. I’m incredibly grateful for every moment you’ve spent with me, and I’m praying you will spend many more. Happy monthsary!

6. I wasn’t looking for love when I met you… But I’m sure glad that’s exactly what I found. I had no idea I could ever be this lucky, and I just want you to know how incredibly grateful for you I am. Happy monthsary, baby. I love you!

7. I choose you, and I will continue to choose you over and over again. There’s no one in this world I would rather share my life with. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Happy monthsary!

8. How did I get so lucky!? I’m looking at your sleepy face while I’m writing this message, and all I can think about is how much I love you. Happy monthsary, baby!

9. I know we don’t usually celebrate these kinds of things, but I couldn’t help myself. I just want to remind you of how much I love you, and how grateful I am to have you in my life. And I don’t want you to forget that.

10. Do you want to know how I’m so sure you’re the one for me? Because you make everything feel so easy. Even when it’s difficult you make it feel simple. Even when we’re struggling you make it feel as if we’re not. I don’t know how you do it, but I know I love you for it. Happy monthsary!

11. You’re never too much and never enough for me, remember that! Happy monthsary, baby!

12. Whatever this feeling is, I know I’ve been praying for it all my life… Happy monthsary!

Funny messages for your girlfriend

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13. Do I even have to say I love you!? I mean, I listen to Taylor Swift with you, I think it’s pretty clear how I feel about you! Happy monthsary!

14. Have I ever told you how much I love you? I sure hope I have because there’s nobody in this world who means more to me than you do! “I’d climb every mountain, I’d swim every ocean…” Anyway, happy monthsary!

15. Honestly, words can’t even describe how I feel about you, so here’s a quote I found online. “I love you from my head to-ma-toes!” Happy monthsary, baby!

16. How do I say this without sounding weird!? I love you with all my belly! I would say I love you with all my heart, but honestly, my belly is a lot bigger. Happy monthsary!

17. Happy monthsary, baby! I just want you to know that I’ve enjoyed annoying you for the past couple of months, and I hope to annoy you for the next… Well, for the rest of my life!

18. I knew I loved you the moment I figured out my feelings for you didn’t change even when I was really, really, really, hungry. Happy monthsary!

19. Happy monthsary, baby! I love you so much, I don’t even mind that you have a Samsung phone when we both know my iPhone is so much better!

20. You’re the best thing that’s ever been mine! Besides Nutella, but you get the picture! Happy monthsary, baby!

21. You know those days when you don’t want to see anyone because you’re like “I’m so over people today?” Well, I want to see you even on those days. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is. Happy monthsary!

22. “What is love, baby don’t hurt me…” Happy monthsary, baby!

Happy monthsary messages for your boyfriend

As women, we don’t typically have the tendency to forget anything important in our relationship. We circle important dates in our calendars, we download apps that tell us how many days we’ve been in a relationship, and we celebrate every single milestone. But…

We have to admit that there are times when we forget to smother our boyfriends with love and attention. These things aren’t only reserved for us, and we should remember that more often. We should celebrate the little things, even when we feel silly doing that!

If you’re thinking of spoiling your boyfriend on this special day, you can do so with these “happy monthsary” messages. Pick your favorite, type it out, and click that send button! Trust me, he will be over the moon!

23. You make me feel beautiful even when I’m wearing my pajamas. You make me feel protected even when I’m watching a horror movie with the lights off. And you make me feel happy even when my world is falling apart. Happy monthsary, baby!

24. You take care of me, you make smile, and you love me more than I love myself. What did I ever do to deserve someone like you in my life!? Happy monthsary, baby!

25. I don’t even think you’re aware of how much I respect, appreciate, and love you. And today feels like a great day for me to confess that to you. Happy monthsary, my love!

26. I’m holding on for dear life and I’m praying every day that you’ll never wake up and realize you no longer want to be with me. I love you more than words can say. Happy monthsary, baby!

27. There’s always room for your hand in mine, don’t you dare forget that. Happy monthsary, baby!

Romantic messages for your boyfriend

80+ Happy Monthsary Messages To Make Them Fall In Love Again

28. I don’t think I will ever be able to find the words to describe how much you mean to me, but I will certainly spend the rest of my life trying. Happy monthsary, my love!

29. Who would’ve known you would end up being such an important part of my life? I didn’t, but I’m so happy that you did. Happy monthsary, baby!

30. Have I ever told you how much I love you? I want to spend every minute of my day hugging, kissing you, and holding you in my arms. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do today! Happy monthsary, baby!

31. I never thought I’d have someone in my life who makes me fall in love every single day. You are that someone. Happy monthsary, baby!

32. I look at you and I think to myself “Wow, how did I ever get so lucky?” I hope you make me feel that way for the rest of my life. Happy monthsary, baby!

33. I never believed in soulmates until I met you. I never believed there was one person in this world who was meant to stay by my side until the end of the world… Until I met you. Happy monthsary, baby! I’m hoping for many more to spend with you!

34. You’re the best accident that’s ever happened to me. I love you so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life proving that to you. Happy monthsary, baby!

35. I can’t help but think that the universe conspired to help us end up together. And I’ve never been more grateful for anything in my life. Happy monthsary, baby!

36. I can’t help but feel like I must’ve loved you for more than one lifetime. Happy monthsary, baby!

Funny messages for your boyfriend

37. The moment I met you I knew you were pretty weird… But I loved that about you! Happy monthsary, I love you more than anything in this world!

38. Do you have any idea how happy you make me feel? Or do I have to wake you up right now and smother you with my love? Oh wait, why don’t I do that!? Happy monthsary, baby! Here I come!

39. Have you ever loved someone so much you wanted to squeeze them so tightly but you were too afraid they would die from your embrace!? That’s how I feel about you. Happy monthsary!

40. Loving you feels like listening to your favorite song on a Sunday morning while you’re drinking your coffee and looking out of the window… Who knew cottage core was my aesthetic!? Happy monthsary, baby!

41. Whenever I’m having a really bad day at work, you’re the only person I want to talk to. That sucks for you, but I really appreciate that you never tell me to calm down or lighten up. Happy monthsary!

42. There are so many things that make me happy, like pizza, or a really good shopping spree. But you are the thing that makes me the happiest! Aside from pizza… And a really good shopping spree… Anyway, happy monthsary!

43. I love you because you don’t break up with me when I ask you things like “Would you love me if I was a worm?” or “Would you come to my funeral if I died?” Happy monthsary, baby!

44. Every time you leave for work my heart gives me a little “well, this sucks” moment. That’s how much you mean to me! Happy monthsary, baby!

45. I love you more than I love the smell of a new book. And that’s saying something. And that’s why you should really get me a new book for this monthsary… Oh yeah, happy monthsary, baby!

Happy monthsary messages for your long-distance relationship

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Have you ever heard anyone say “Yeah, my boyfriend lives across the country, traveling for eight hours just to see him makes me so happy!?” I’m pretty sure you haven’t because, let’s face it, long-distance relationships suck.

It’s incredibly difficult to maintain a sense of romance when your partner lives in a different time zone. No matter how much you try to romanticize it, there’s nothing appealing about spending most of your night awake waiting for that Skype call. Don’t even get me started on anniversaries!

With that rant out of the way, I have to admit that not everything is so dark and gloomy when it comes to these types of relationships. There are so many ways you can spice things up, surprise each other, and celebrate those small relationship milestones.

“Happy monthsary” messages might be the thing you’ve been looking for! They’re short, sweet, and incredibly romantic even though the two of you are currently sleeping in different parts of the world. You’re one click away from making their day a whole lot better!

46. No matter how many miles are between us, I want you to know that you’re worth every single one of them. I love you, and happy monthsary!

47. There are days like this when the distance between us makes me hug my pillow a little longer, cry a little harder, and love you a little more. Happy monthsary, baby!

48. This is difficult, I don’t want to lie to you. But, if missing you every day means I’m always a day closer to seeing you again… That’s enough to keep me going. Happy monthsary, baby!

49. I miss you, every second, every minute, every hour, every day… I can’t wait for the moment I get to hold you in my arms again. Happy monthsary, baby. I love you!

50. Happy monthsary, baby! I’ll keep you in my dreams until I can hold you in my arms. I love you!

Sweet long-distance messages

51. Happy monthsary, baby! We’ve made it this far regardless of the distance, and I’m sure we’ll make it even further. Never forget how much I love you!

52. Not seeing you every day makes my heart hurt. But I remind myself that not having you in my life would make my heart stop beating. I hope you’re having a great day, wherever you are! Happy monthsary, baby!

53. Loving you made me realize that you can be homesick for people, too. Today I miss you a little more than yesterday, but it makes me happy that we’ve come this far. Happy monthsary, baby!

54. I’ve waited for you this long, and I’ll wait for you even longer. Please don’t forget how much I love you and how much your love means to me! Happy monthsary!

55. Who would’ve thought we would make it this far!? They didn’t lie when they said that “distance makes the heart grow fonder.” My heart couldn’t grow fonder even if it tried! Happy monthsary, baby!

56. My heart made the choice for me, and I chose you even though you’re miles away. Imagine what would happen if you were here!? Happy monthsary, baby!

57. Miles and time zones don’t mean a thing. You’re never too far away because you’re right here in my heart. Happy monthsary, baby!

58. I don’t think there was ever a time in our relationship where I wanted to teleport to wherever you are more than I do at this moment. Happy monthsary, baby. I love you so much!

59. Distance makes everything more difficult, but I choose to believe that it’s also making our relationship stronger, more durable, and more mature. I’m so happy we made it this far! Happy monthsary, baby!

60. These miles between us don’t mean a thing because you mean everything. Happy monthsary!

Cheesy long-distance messages

80+ Happy Monthsary Messages To Make Them Fall In Love Again

61. You made Winnie the Pooh sound like he knows what he’s talking about. “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” Argh, why would you do that to me!? Happy monthsary, baby!

62. Who knew I would be lying in bed on our monthsary calculating what time it is wherever you are!? Happy monthsary, baby. I love you!

63. If you ever question whether I love you as much as you love me, just remember that I choose you over sleep every single night! Happy monthsary, baby!

64. Who knew I would be adjusting the pillows on my bed to make it seem as if I’m cuddling with you!? That tells you everything you need to know about how much I love you and how much I miss you. Happy monthsary, baby!

65. Would it be weird if I sent you a list of reasons why I love you for every day we’ve been apart? It would, but you would appreciate it? Yeah, that’s definitely one of them! Happy monthsary, baby!

66. Guess what I’m doing right now? I’m listening to your favorite song because it makes me feel closer to you… I know that’s weird, but there’s a reason why I’m doing that. Happy monthsary, baby!

67. I’m tired of seeing your face on my screen… Because I want to see it in real life. Happy monthsary, baby!

68. Today is supposed to be a happy day, but… It’s turning into one of those days when I can literally feel every single mile between us. I love you!

69. If blowing and catching kisses over the phone doesn’t prove how much you mean to me, I don’t know what will. Happy monthsary, baby! Here’s to another one!

70. No matter how far away you are, always remember that you’re the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about when I go to sleep. I love you!

Happy monthsary messages for every relationship

Celebrating small milestones in your relationship shouldn’t be something you overlook because you don’t really know how to bring it up to your partner. Trust me, your partner will fall head over heels for you (again) if you surprise them with pretty much anything.

Yes, there will be people who will tell you that celebrating monthsaries sounds like a way to spend money on unnecessary gifts or to put pressure on your partner to surprise you with some grand gesture of love. And you shouldn’t listen to those people!

It’s incredibly important that you and your partner feel loved and appreciated. Trust me, all you need to do is surprise them with a touching confession of love on your monthsary and see what a positive impact that makes on your relationship.

Long monthsary messages

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71. Nobody makes me feel the way that you do. I wake up every day grateful for everything I have in my life, but I have to admit, I’m most grateful for having you by my side. I pray every night you feel the same way about me for the rest of my life. There’s nothing left to say but, I love you!

72. I just wanted to write something that will put a smile on your face because that’s exactly what you’ve been doing for the past couple of months. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I will spend the rest of my life trying to prove my love for you. Happy monthsary, baby!

73. Sometimes I think to myself “Wow, I hope every woman in the world has the opportunity to have someone like you by their side.” But then I remember that nobody comes even close to being the level of amazing you are. Nobody compares to you. Sucks for them, but it sure doesn’t suck for me. I love you!

74. I’m so completely, foolishly, and utterly in love with you. I just spent half an hour looking up different words and synonyms I could use to describe how much I love you, and honestly, I failed miserably. I don’t think such words even exist. I’m just going to let my lips speak for themselves. Happy monthsary, baby!

75. You changed my life the moment you decided to call me yours. Honestly, I had no idea what happiness even was before you decided to walk into my life and make everything better. I love you so much and I hope you know my heart melts every time you take my hand or kiss my lips. I love you!

Short happy monthsary messages

76. You make my heart beat faster. Sometimes I feel like I’m getting a heart attack, but then I remember it’s probably because you’re holding my hand. Happy monthsary, baby!

77. Do you understand how much I miss your handsome face every single day!? Get over here right now and let me smother you with my love!

78. Honestly, considering how much I love I’m not even surprised I keep dreaming about your face every single night.

79. If nothing lasts forever, can I be your nothing? Happy monthsary, baby!

80. Baby, I’m trying to decide whether I prefer waking up next to you or going to sleep with you by my side. Hurry up so I can compare the two and finally make up my mind! Happy monthsary!

81. Isn’t it so cute when someone sends you a long paragraph while you’re asleep about how much you mean to them, and that’s the first thing you see when you wake up in the morning? Well, that’s exactly what I’m doing right now!

82. You’re the one person who understands me when no one else does. Happy monthsary, baby!

83. Thank you for being the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you to the moon and back, baby!

84. Thank you for giving me the best couple of months I’ve ever had in my life. We’ve made it this far, and I can’t wait to see how much further we grow together. Happy monthsary, baby!

85. I just wanted you to know something. When I picture myself happy, I always picture myself with you. Happy monthsary, baby!

80+ Happy Monthsary Messages To Make Them Fall In Love Again

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