How does a married man feel when his mistress leaves him? Does he even have the right to feel angry or mad? What’s going through his head?
A married man has to go through a lot of trouble in order to maintain a stable relationship with his mistress, while at the same time being married to another woman.
Of course, we’re going to address the moral dilemma this situation creates.
A man who’s a liar and a cheater can’t do anything good for his wife afterward. She’s been betrayed by the one person she loved the most.
He broke her heart without thinking twice about it. Even if he says that he loves his wife, he’s lying, as a man who’s in love with her would never go after anyone else.
How does a married man feel when his mistress leaves him? This woman has been his sanctuary, his safe space, she’s someone he went to when he felt he couldn’t talk to his wife.
That doesn’t have to mean he went to her for advice. She was someone he enjoyed the silence with, someone who understood him without one word spoken.
That’s exactly why he’d be so distressed if she decided to walk away from him, especially if she did so without an actual explanation.
She was his safe haven, so how could he remain unaffected?
8 signs a married man is in love with his mistress
Before we talk about how a married man feels when his mistress leaves him, let’s first figure out whether he loves her.
We wouldn’t want to jump to conclusions based on things we assume are true.
This is why we need to look for the signs a married man loves his mistress, whether you’re the wife who’s searching for answers or you’re the other woman wanting to figure out his weird behavior.
Both of the women in his life deserve an actual answer, even if he’s not capable of giving it them.
This man is a self-centered and selfish liar.
If he could, he’d have both women and never regret his decision, which is why we need to be careful when assessing how he’d feel if his mistress left him.
Can a man even love his mistress when he has a wife (and probably kids) waiting for him at home?
Absolutely, yes. He’ll fall in love with the one who’s more exciting or the one who’s giving more than the other ever could.
He’ll look for comfort and safety in the arms of his mistress and may fall in love with her. Sometimes men fall head over heels for the other woman.
It’s never the wife’s fault, of course. The husband makes the decision himself.
So, if you want to know whether a man loves his mistress, keep your eyes open for these signs.
1. He isn’t wearing his wedding ring
How often he wears his ring around his mistress says a lot about how he feels about her.
Of course, not every married man will refuse to wear his wedding ring when he’s with the woman he’s cheating with.
Sometimes they do wear it as a sign that the mistress will never be as important as the wife.
When he decides to not wear the ring around her, it means that he’s catching feelings.
He doesn’t want to put the mistress in an uncomfortable position and it’s a symbol.
It’s his way of saying that when he takes off his ring, he completely belongs to her.
He might even forget to put it back on before he goes home.
If that happens, the wife should automatically know that his emotions for his mistress are real.
2. He forgets important dates
A man who’s developing real feelings for his mistress will forget extremely important dates in relation to his wife.
When it comes to his marriage, it’s obviously fallen a place below the relationship with his mistress.
A man who loves his wife would never forget her birthday or their wedding anniversary.
However, that might happen more often once he starts catching feelings for his mistress.
For example, he’ll be having dinner with his wife and he’ll just jump up, remembering last-minute that he doesn’t have a present for her birthday the next day.
Once he starts forgetting these important events, it’s more than clear that he’s developing feelings for his mistress. His mind has been clouded by her.
3. He buys his mistress expensive gifts
One of the most obvious signs he’s falling in love with his mistress is when he starts spending more money on her.
The gifts he gives her are so much better and more expensive than the ones he gives his wife.
This happens because men love to take on the role of the provider. They’ll provide for the woman they’re interested in.
Every man loves flashing his money around and pretending like he can get whatever he wants with just one swipe of his card.
He wants to impress the woman he loves and show her that she’s safe with him.
So if the man you’re thinking of does this, then he’s in love with his mistress.
4. He remembers the little things
Why would he bother remembering small, insignificant information about his mistress unless he was falling madly in love with her?
Men don’t bother remembering such information just to impress someone.
However, when they’re actually interested in someone and they’re falling in love, they will remember every little detail.
His mistress can see that every time he mentions some random fact about her.
She’ll know he’s falling in love with her when he remembers how she likes her coffee or what her favorite color is.
5. He changes his appearance
His wife is confused by his sudden change in appearance, but his mistress knows that it’s because of her.
His mistress probably said how she likes his hair long and he let it grow out.
She said she’d love to see him wearing red more often and that’s exactly what he’s doing.
When a man changes his appearance to be more attractive to a woman, he’s falling in love with her.
Men are too proud to let themselves fall under the influence of a female.
That’s exactly why it speaks volumes when he decides to do something like this.
How does a married man feel when his mistress leaves him after he has changed his entire appearance for her?
I think the answer to this question is becoming more apparent the more you’re reading.
6. He defends his mistress
A man who doesn’t want to ruin his marriage doesn’t even start an affair.
However, when he does and his wife finds out, he’ll usually make it seem like she’s at fault.
He’ll say that his mistress seduced him or something along those lines.
But what happens when he starts defending the other woman?
When he says that she has nothing to do with it and that she’s a sweetheart who just got caught up in a nasty situation?
Can you tell me that a man who’s not in love would ever do something like this?
A man who wants to get rid of his mistress would put all the blame on her and forget about her.
But a man who’s in love? He’ll go the extra mile just to protect her from his wife and from anyone else.
7. His mistress is his biggest priority
The mistress can call him whenever she pleases and he’ll find an excuse just to be there next to her.
His wife might see him leaving important gatherings without an explanation and deep down, she’ll know that it’s because of his mistress.
He’ll avoid anything and everything just to make the other woman the biggest priority in his life.
The next thing you know, he’s avoiding things that have nothing to do with his mistress just because he wants to spend more time with her.
Rather than speculating about whether he may or may not have feelings for her, let me tell you that this is a clear sign he’s in love with her.
Why else would he so obviously run away from his wife to be with his mistress?
8. He talks about getting a divorce
We’ve all heard stories of those poor mistresses who live their life hoping their man will leave his wife.
Nearly every man who starts an affair promises his mistress at least once that he’ll divorce his wife.
However, what are the chances of that actually happening?
His mistress probably didn’t want to get her hopes up so she stopped believing his words.
But what should we think when he actually gets the divorce papers and actually discusses it?
His wife might have thought that he would get tired of his mistress soon enough and stay with her, but he started talking about divorce and now she doesn’t know what to think either.
Well, let me tell you that that’s a man who loves his mistress enough to divorce his wife.
How does a married man feel when his mistress leaves him, especially after he went through a divorce for her? That’s a tough question.
But the truth stands that this man actually loves his mistress and probably more than he ever loved his wife.
How does a married man feel when his mistress leaves him?
Being broken up with for any reason is absolutely awful.
Even if you just think that the man you love doesn’t reciprocate your feelings, you’ll still be hurt.
The amount of pain a man will feel depends on how much time and effort he dedicated to his mistress.
After seeing all the signs that were right there and realizing that he loves his mistress, it’s not that hard to see that he’ll be heartbroken when she leaves him.
As stated before, no breakup is easy.
Even if he still has a wife and children at home, as he hasn’t left them, he will still feel the impact of losing his mistress.
A big part of his life is going to disappear and if you thought that he’d be cold-hearted about it, think twice.
So let’s figure out how a married man feels when his mistress leaves him.
1. He thinks it’s all his fault
If he loves his mistress, the pain of their separation will start with guilt. He’ll feel like he didn’t give her enough time and effort.
He’ll believe that it was all his fault and that she left because he was taking too long to divorce his wife.
There are women out there who respect themselves enough to leave once they realize that they’ll always be the other woman.
No one wants to willingly share their man.
So once she found out how messed up that entire relationship was, she made a decision to honor herself.
Even if the breakup doesn’t have anything to do with him, he’ll still blame himself for everything that happened.
That same guilt can eat him up, to the point where he’ll go and beg for her to come back.
2. He’s angry with her and himself
He’s angry with her for not seeing his kindness.
A narcissistic man who doesn’t see how much his actions hurt his mistress would never understand what she went through.
That’s why he’ll be annoyed at her for not being there for him and leaving his side.
His anger comes from the fact that he doesn’t understand his mistress’ point of view.
On the other hand, he may just as well be angry with himself.
How does a married man feel when his mistress leaves him? Anger is always the most obvious answer when it comes to men.
He’ll be mad with himself for not divorcing his wife earlier.
The anger will become even more obvious if he loves the other woman very much and the thought of someone else having her will drive him wild.
A married man can’t lose his mistress without feeling like he has lost a part of himself.
You might think that I’m overexaggerating, but he will be angry once she decides to break up with him and it’ll be more than obvious.
3. How does a married man feel when his mistress leaves him? Disappointed!
He tried. This man tried so hard to make her happy, even though he knew that his wife was waiting for him at home.
He’s disappointed that his efforts were in vain and that he didn’t know how to make things better.
He’s also disappointed that there’s nothing more he can do to get her back.
Pursuing her would probably put his marriage in a weird position, because not every man wants to divorce his wife right away.
He’s disappointed in his mistress for not seeing how hard he tried.
Disappointment probably isn’t the emotion you were looking for here, but it really is one of the most obvious things.
When looking for an answer to the question of how a married man feels when his mistress leaves him, you’ll come across a lot of answers that say the same thing.
4. He feels misunderstood
His mistress left him, his wife hates him, and no one around him seems to understand why he did what he did.
They’re all against him and the only person he ever went to when he needed a safe haven was his mistress.
She didn’t understand her position in his life and she couldn’t comprehend what he had to go through for them to be together.
His mistress probably didn’t understand when he said that he loved her, or when he said that he needed just a little more time.
He now feels misunderstood by the one person he thought understood him the best.
5. His ego is hurt
Sometimes, there’s no such thing as love between two people. Maybe he was just pretending?
Either way, how does a married man feel when his mistress leaves him?
Even if he loved her more than anyone else, a man’s ego is extremely fragile.
He should have been the one to leave her! He should have been the one to walk away.
Wasn’t she the one who begged him to stay by her side? Wasn’t she the one who begged him to leave his wife for her?
That same mistress is leaving him now, after making him feel like the most wanted man in the universe.
He sees this as nothing more than a hard hit to his ego.
How dare she leave him? Why wasn’t he the one to leave her?
6. He feels hopeless
His mistress was the only person he had who understood him. She was his refuge and his comfort.
Who is he now that she’s gone?
Have you ever seen a man who has lost all hope? His emotions are obvious on the face of a man who’s just been broken up with.
He’ll mostly feel hopeless if he already turned in the divorce papers and made a deal with his wife. Or ex-wife?
The only promise he did have was to his mistress and now that she’s gone as well, he’s left completely alone.
There isn’t anything in this world that can help him.
He has lost both women who meant something to him and now he’s all alone and there’s no one to turn to.
How does a married man feel when his mistress leaves him? He feels lost and hopeless.
7. How does a married man feel when his mistress leaves him? His heart is broken.
When things have a rocky start, people don’t usually believe that it can become a strong and love-filled relationship.
However, that doesn’t always have to be the case, especially when we’re talking about a man and his mistress.
When you’re always going to this one person for love, advice, and intimacy, you’ll develop emotions.
It doesn’t matter whether the beginning was rocky if it made them both question their moral compass.
Those things don’t matter a while into the relationship.
He fell in love with her and she probably loved him as well. Things just got out of control and she had to make a decision – she chose to walk away.
How does a married man feel when his mistress leaves him? If he truly loved her, then he’s heartbroken.
Even though he might still have a wife to go back home to, it’s not the same without his mistress. He wants to be with her, obviously.
Having her leave him is absolutely breaking him apart and it’s heart-rending.
Some would say that it’s karma for all the hearts he broke on his way to happiness. Now that same happiness has turned into a broken heart.
When his mistress leaves him, a married man will never forget her.
Unless he’s a player who’s been cheating on his wife for goodness knows how long, he won’t forget his mistress.
As stated before, he risked everything to be with her.
He cheated on his wife to be with another woman and he didn’t even know whether he’d have a future with her.
The biggest problem he may be facing is that his mistress and wife aren’t the only two people who know about this.
There are probably more people out there who will hate him for what he has done.
He thought that he’d go through those troubles with her and not alone.
You can’t trust a man who cheated on his wife.
He once told her that he loved her and he probably said those same words to her while he was cheating.
So when he says those words to his mistress, why would she believe him?
Either way, he doesn’t deserve either of those women and he should feel all those negative emotions.
We’ve all heard the words ‘once a cheater, always a cheater‘.
Those same words probably drew his mistress away from him, even when she thought that they’d spend eternity together.
Now that he doesn’t even have his ego to keep him from falling into despair, he might learn what it means for those two women.
All those empty promises were broken by him a long time ago. His mistress is now breaking his heart just like he broke his wife’s.
He loved the other woman. Because of that, he’ll never forget her.
How does a married man feel when his mistress leaves him? What would you say?