Does Silence Make A Man Miss You? Do These 12 Things To Make Sure It Does

The power of silence
By Ana V.

Does silence make a man miss you? Yes, it does, and I’ll tell you exactly why as well as how you can make it happen.

You probably already know about the no contact rule, but does silence make a man miss you?

When you use the no contact rule, you cut off all communication with a guy, leaving nothing but silence…

This silence can tell him more than words ever could.

Whether the guy in question is your boyfriend, your ex, or someone you like, silence is the best technique you can use.

You need to be aware that there’s more you need to do than just cut off contact, though.

Maybe you’ve just recently met some guy but you like him. If he’s losing interest, you can make him miss you.

Maybe you’d like your ex to miss you, or your boyfriend is pulling away…

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A period of silence will do the trick, but it’s important what you do during this time.

What I’m trying to tell you is that silence can work on any guy, but what you do during that time is crucial.

If you’re interested in learning more about how silence can help make a man miss you, I highly recommend checking out this book: What If You Knew What Men Secretly Wanted, but They Could Never Tell You.

Does silence make a man miss you? Well, if you’re staring at your phone and waiting for his call the entire time, it most likely won’t work.

Live your life and be too busy enjoying it to wait for a man. That’s how you’ll get him in the end, but even if you don’t, by that time, you won’t care.

Right now, you’re focused on him and you’re obsessing over your relationship.

This makes you pick apart every single interaction and analyze everything.

You need to be focused on yourself instead. Spend time with friends, work on yourself, and learn new things.

Keep in mind that a person can’t possibly miss you if you’re always around.

Stop being so available and let him notice the sudden absence of love in his life.

You’ll soon learn what you can do while using the power of silence to make him miss you. Right now, let’s see why it will work.

Does silence make a man miss you? 5 reasons why this trick works

1. It makes him see what he has lost

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People don’t always appreciate what they have until they get scared that they’ll lose it.

Maybe this man was taking you for granted because he wasn’t afraid of losing you.

By using silence, you’ll get him to realize that he could lose you.

This will scare him and he’ll start to worry about what will happen if he doesn’t appreciate you.

He’ll become aware that he has to do something about it if he doesn’t want to lose you.

We tend to take people for granted when they’re constantly available. Once we sense their absence, we realize what we had and that we almost lost it.

After all, we can’t possibly miss someone who’s always around. Once they take a step back, they let us see the difference they make in our life.

2. Why does silence make a man miss you? It breaks his habits

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If you’ve been a part of his life for some time, you’ve definitely made a difference to it. For instance, he probably got used to certain things.

Talking to you every night might have turned into a routine habit. No one likes to break their habits, and, by using silence, you’re forcing him to.

Just by being quiet, you’re breaking his habit of talking to you.

He’ll probably want to tell you something at some point, and he’ll realize that he can’t.

By not being available to him then, you’ll make him miss you.

3. It forces him to analyze things

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While you’re wondering, “Does silence make a man miss you?” he’ll be wondering why you’re so quiet all of a sudden…

The silence is clearly the result of something he did, so he’ll think about it. He’ll analyze the relationship and his actions.

If he cares about you, he’ll want to fix things and make up for whatever he did wrong.

Even if he doesn’t, just the process of analyzing your relationship will make him reflect on his feelings for you.

He’ll remember all the good times the two of you have had and it’ll make him miss you.

In addition, he’ll realize that he’s curious about you, respects you, and might even care for you.

Otherwise, why would he feel the need to analyze what caused you to be quiet all of a sudden?

4. Why does silence make a man miss you? It creates uncertainty

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I don’t know whether you’re aware of it, but uncertainty and attraction are connected.

When you use silence, you build uncertainty and that makes a man think about you.

Why isn’t she talking to me? Does she like me? Has she stopped liking me?

All these and similar questions will be on his mind when you go quiet. He’ll think about you a lot and it’ll make him miss you.

Guys are attracted to uncertainty and they love a challenge. If you served everything on a silver platter, it might have gotten him bored.

This way, he’s forced to reach out if he wants to keep you around. Don’t make it easy for him and he’ll want it even more.

People always appreciate things that require them to put effort into gaining them more than those they’re just handed.

5. It gives him time

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You now already know the answer to, “Does silence make a man miss you?” and here’s one more reason why it does.

Men move at a slower pace than we do in a relationship.

While we can instantly think that a man we meet could be our husband one day, a man needs more time to get there.

Give him some time to think about how he really feels about you and what he wants out of the relationship. Once you do that, he’ll miss you.

Once he has time to think things through, he’ll realize that he’s not as happy without you as he was with you.

As a result, he’ll miss you and want you back.

Does silence make a man miss you? 12 ways to use silence to get him to think about you

1. Cut off all contact and use silence to make a man miss you

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When you miss someone, it can be really difficult to avoid reaching out to them. You like them, so you want to talk to them whenever you can.

All this is perfectly natural but does silence make a man miss you much more efficiently than keeping in touch? Definitely.

You have to step away and show him what he’s missing. Don’t text him, don’t call him, and don’t contact him on social media.

He won’t miss you if you keep reaching out to him all the time. Give him something to miss by ignoring him.

He’ll surely wonder what’s going on and how come you suddenly don’t seem so interested in him.

This is why the first rule of using the power of silence to make him miss you is cutting off all contact.

I know how hard this can be when you like a guy and just want to talk to him… but wouldn’t it be better if he felt that way about you too?

Give him a chance to show you whether he does.

2. Don’t respond to his texts and calls right away

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When someone we like texts or calls us, we want to respond right away. This is especially true if we’ve been waiting for them to contact us.

Everyone knows that and it makes a guy think that you’ve been waiting by the phone for his call or message.

Show him that you have better things to do than wait for him to make up his mind.

Guys love the chase and by just being a little patient, you’ll show him that he needs to chase you.

When he texts or calls you, wait for at least a little while before responding. Don’t seem too eager to hear from him and it’ll make him interested.

These games can seem a little silly, but we still use them because they work.

Being too available simply isn’t attractive, and we always want the attention of those who don’t give us any.

3. Be the one who ends the conversation

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After you’ve given him some time, he’ll reach out and you should talk to him. Be sure to be the one who ends the conversation, though.

If the two of you start texting, end the communication by sending the last message.

You can always say that it’s been nice talking to him, but that you’re busy right now and that you’ll talk another time.

The same goes for if he calls. You need to be the one who hangs up the phone.

The purpose of this is to leave him wanting more. Playing hard to get is just another one of the silly games we play to get men to think about us.

It just works. Stay calm when you talk to him, and leave him wishing that he talked to you more.

This will make him reach out to you again. He won’t be able to get you out of his head and the desire to connect with you will keep growing.

4. Use social media silence to make a man miss you

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Much like uncertainty can cause attraction, so can suspense.

Don’t use social media as much as you usually do. Make it harder for him to find out what’s going on with you by not posting things as often as usual.

Most importantly, don’t communicate with him on social media.

This doesn’t just mean that you shouldn’t send him a message; don’t comment on anything he posts and don’t even give him a like on his cute picture.

Make him see that you’re too busy enjoying your life to bother with social media, especially his social media profiles.

Does silence make a man miss you? As long as it includes social media silence, it sure does.

Also, rest assured that he’ll check out your profiles from time to time.

He’ll want to know what you’ve been up to, but he won’t be able to find out that way…

This will make him see that he has to reach out to you if he wants to know what’s going in your life.

Maybe you’ve met someone new? He’ll surely wonder about that and it’ll make him afraid that he’ll lose his chance with you.

5. Use the same fragrance when you’re around him

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Does silence make a man miss you? Yes, but you could use a few more tricks that work too.

People memorize certain scents and it means that scents can bring back memories.

If you always use the same perfume when you’re around him, he’ll think of you whenever he notices the same one.

You can take this a bit further by leaving that scent around his home.

Obviously, you can’t just spray it around and risk getting caught but what’s wrong with applying the fragrance while you’re at his place?

It doesn’t look suspicious and it gets the job done.

6. Be fun and mysterious

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Who doesn’t love a little mystery? Men surely love it, so you shouldn’t deny him the adventure of slowly discovering what you’re all about.

Don’t tell him everything about you right away. Make him wonder and put effort into figuring you out.

He doesn’t want to know your whole life story right away.

Keep some secrets to yourself because there’s enough time to talk about that if he sticks around.

Being honest and completely upfront isn’t a bad thing, but it often causes men to lose interest.

If you instead keep him curious and surprise him, he’ll want you more.

Another thing men like as much as mystery is fun. As long as it’s fun to be around you, he’ll want to be around you more often.

Add some excitement to your dates by ditching the classics. Instead of dinner and a movie, have an adventure outdoors.

If he has a memorable time with you, he’ll surely miss you when you go quiet.

If you want to know about what men secretly want, I highly recommend checking out this book: What If You Knew What Men Secretly Wanted, but They Could Never Tell You.

7. Leave something behind

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The smallest things can make a person miss you. What if while cleaning up their room, they stumble upon your earring?

It would surely make them think of you. This is a small trick women often use to make a man miss them.

Simply leave something behind while you’re at his place. It should be something cute and seemingly random like a hair clip.

Don’t overdo it by leaving something personal like a toothbrush because that will freak him out… but an adorable hair clip or an earring will do the trick.

Once he finds it, he’ll instantly think of you and miss you. Maybe use a hint I mentioned earlier and leave behind a scarf that smells like you.

You don’t have to leave it at his place, because you can also accidentally ‘forget it’ in his car.

Does silence make a man miss you? Sure, but it can’t hurt to use these other tricks too.

If you leave something behind before using silence, he’ll have a reminder of you and an excuse to call.

8. Let him deserve your love

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You need to make a man fight for you, not just give him what he wants as soon as he wants it.

Yes, you should flirt with him, but don’t take all the fun out of trying to win your heart. Men like to fight for what they want, as otherwise, it’s too easy.

He needs to deserve your love, and he wants to. Winning something is only appreciated if you have to work on it.

Don’t make it so easy for him to win your heart and he’ll be more eager to do so.

You’ll have all the time in the world for kisses and other physical affection once you’re in love.

Making him wait for it will make him want to work for it.

9. Give him time and space

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When we fall for someone, we want to spend all our time with them.

This is only natural, but it makes us look clingy and not as relaxed as we want to seem.

Guys care a lot about being able to have some alone time.

Instead of spending the entire weekend with him, go out and have fun with your friends.

Don’t spend all your time with him, and it’ll be good for both of you. It’ll make him miss you, but it’ll help you relax too.

Give him time and space, and he’ll want to spend time with you. In addition, he’ll be curious about how you’re spending your time without him.

Enjoy yourself and remember that you don’t owe him any explanations. If he wants to know your whereabouts, he needs to call and ask you.

10. Make him see what he’s missing

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Does silence make a man miss you? Absolutely, as long as you don’t just sit around and wait for his call.

Have fun! Show him that you’re doing great without him.

Go to a party and post pictures of you having a great time. Not only will it make him see what he’s missing, but it’ll also make him a little jealous.

He’ll realize that you’re not going to waste your time waiting for him to commit.

You can learn how to make him miss you and commit but it’s crucial that you have your own life.

We often make the mistake of making a man the center of our world and neglect everything else.

This isn’t just bad for us but it makes men less attracted to us as well.

A man wants his woman to have a life outside of the relationship.

He needs to see that you’re doing your own thing, regardless of whether he’s there or not.

11. Show your confidence on social media

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Rest assured that he’ll check out your profiles from time to time once you stop talking to him.

Maybe he won’t give you a sign of it, but he’ll be looking.

What interesting things are going on in your life? Maybe you’re taking cooking lessons or you’ve painted a beautiful portrait.

Show your confidence and your progress on social media.

Don’t post anything fake, just be the best version of yourself and make sure to have a great time.

Show that, and he’ll wish he was there with you.

Instead of posting a sad song, post an amazing selfie that will make him see what a gorgeous woman he’s risking losing.

12. Make some changes to make your life even better and become the best version of yourself

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Use the power of silence after a breakup and you’ll see what wonders it can do.

It’s best to use it on an ex, but it’ll work on your boyfriend or a guy you like too.

We often make the mistake of focusing on a guy when we want him to miss us…

Instead, you need to focus entirely on yourself and that is much more likely to make a guy miss you.

Make some changes in your life to make it even better and work on yourself.

If anything’s going to get his attention, it’s when he sees that you’ve become the best version of yourself.

Does silence make a man miss you? Now you know the full answer.

The short one is, “Yes,” but you need to use that time wisely. Don’t chase a man or wait for him.

I highly recommend checking out this book: What If You Knew What Men Secretly Wanted, but They Could Never Tell You.

Simply enjoy your life and try not to think about him too much. He will definitely notice that and it’ll make him more interested in you.

Leave him alone because he will come back if you use these tips to make him miss you.

How couldn’t he miss a beautiful, independent woman who’s fun to be around?

Good luck!

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