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I Love Him Deeply But I Let Him Go

I Love Him Deeply But I Let Him Go

I didn’t let him go because I stopped loving him… I let him go because I love him.

You know what they say… If you love someone, let them go; if they come back, they are yours; if they don’t come back, they were never yours to begin with.

He didn’t come back.

There are times in your life when you simply have to let him go, no matter how much you love him.

Love simply isn’t enough. You can love the wrong person, and it won’t make them any more right for you.

I let him go because I love him, and he deserves to find the right person, just like I do.

The right person will fight for you and do everything it takes to keep you around.

I Love Him Deeply But I Let Him Go

He wasn’t willing to do that. When I told him that I thought I should go, he basically said, “There’s the door.”

If you love him, let him go, because if he loves you, he will fight his way back and do whatever it takes to make it work.

He was ready to give up on our love at the first sign of trouble. I got tired of being the only one who wanted to make our relationship work.

When I needed him to step up, he took a step back.

I let him go because I love him, and he deserves to find a person he will fight for.

He deserves to be with someone who he would say, “Don’t leave,” to, instead of, “There’s the door.”

We weren’t right for each other, and it became too obvious that we weren’t meant to be together.

I Love Him Deeply But I Let Him Go

Just because we were an important part of each other’s lives doesn’t mean that we should continue to be that.

We were on a certain path together, but we’d reached the end of that path, and there was no going back… not when we couldn’t see anything ahead. What would be the point?

I love him, but it was clear that we weren’t going to have a future together.

What was I supposed to do, just keep wasting my time on someone who obviously isn’t the person I’m going to spend the rest of my life with?

Just run around in circles and have the same fights over and over again?

Someone had to stop that, and for a long time, neither of us could because we loved each other too much to face the truth… We still do.

The funny thing about the truth is that you can’t keep running from it… Someday, it will catch you, and you’ll have to accept it.

I Love Him Deeply But I Let Him Go

The truth is that he isn’t my soulmate, no matter how much I want him to be. Don’t I deserve to be with my soulmate? Doesn’t he?

If you love him, let him go, and see if you get back together. People who are meant to be together will always end up together in the end.

It’s like there’s some invisible force that’s pushing them toward each other no matter how hard they fight it.

That force is their love, which causes them to realize that they’re only two parts of the same piece. Without each other, they’re incomplete.

Let him go if you don’t feel like you’re two parts of the same piece.

When people aren’t right for each other, something will always feel off, no matter how much they care about each other.

Another fact is that a man who loves you won’t let you just walk away. He will run after you, take your hand, and ask you to stay because he simply can’t let you go.

I Love Him Deeply But I Let Him Go

If you love someone, let them go, because they’ll come back if they love you too.

A man will chase the woman he cares about, and don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

When you walk away from a man, and he doesn’t go after you, it’s because he doesn’t care if you’ll leave.

Maybe he even wants you to.

When I let him go, he actually seemed relieved. All the fights, tears, yelling, and begging had finally stopped.

It was finally silent… And in that silence, we went our separate ways.

I still love him, so I catch myself looking at my phone, hoping that he’ll call… but he never does.

He actually wanted me to let him go. It doesn’t mean he didn’t love me, because I know he did. He just didn’t love me enough to fight for our love.

I Love Him Deeply But I Let Him Go

I know he’ll love someone that way.

There will be a girl he’ll beg to take him back when she lets him go, and he deserves to be with that girl, just like I deserve a man who will do the same for me.

There won’t be so many fights, tears, yelling, or begging when we are in a relationship.

Instead, when a problem occurs, he’ll take my hand and say, “What can we do to fix this? I want to make it work.”

You might think men like that don’t exist, but the truth is that every man is that man when he’s with the right girl, the girl he truly loves.

When a man loves a woman, he won’t let her walk away…

He won’t let her let him go. Instead, he’ll do everything that’s in his power to keep her around and make things right.

I Love Him Deeply But I Let Him Go

No matter how much you care about a guy, if he isn’t willing to put effort into the relationship, the truth is that the relationship doesn’t mean that much to him.

I love him, and I still cry when I think of him, hoping that he will knock on my door, wanting to make everything better… but he won’t, and I know that.

We weren’t right for each other, and now I’m more sure of that than I ever was.

Don’t forget what they say…

If you love someone, let them go; if they come back, they are yours; if they don’t come back, they were never yours to begin with.

I Love Him Deeply But I Let Him Go

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