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If You’re Wondering, “Does My Ex Ever Think About Me?” He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

If You’re Wondering, “Does My Ex Ever Think About Me?” He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

“Does my ex ever think about me?” I asked myself this question almost every day for a year after we broke up.

When the man you love leaves you broken-hearted, it’s normal to think of him.

You think of him as soon as you wake up, everything reminds you of him during the day, and you think about him before going to sleep.

You’re in a lot of pain, and you miss him badly. You start reminiscing about the great times you had and can’t help but remember how happy you were.

Now that he is your ex, you can’t help but wonder, “Does my ex ever think about me too? I miss him, so does he also miss me?”

You’re reading this article because you want to find out whether your ex thinks about you as much as you think about him.

You probably want to get back together with him, don’t you?

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

I know how you feel. As I said earlier, I also constantly wondered if my ex ever thought about me.

It made me realize a few things about exes, and I’m going to share with you what I learned.

Every breakup is different, and we all handle it differently. However, all of us feel the same particular emotions.

I’m going to help you realize how your ex is probably feeling. You will also learn what you can do if you’re constantly thinking about him.

The first thing you need to understand is that it’s only natural to think about someone you basically shared your life with.

You invested a lot of energy and time into that relationship so it’s only natural that you can’t act like nothing happened.

Regardless of whether you want him back or not, it’s normal to still think about him and ask yourself, “Does my ex ever think about me too?”

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

Maybe you would just like to fast-forward things and suddenly not think about him anymore…

Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. You have to be gentle with yourself and keep in mind that it’s a process, so give yourself some time.

Don’t beat yourself up if you simply can’t get yourself to stop thinking about him. You’re only human, and it takes time to get over someone you loved.

The best way to get over him is to keep yourself busy. As long you keep your mind occupied, you won’t think about him as much as you do now.

It’s even okay if you think that you still love him, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying your life and doing what you love.

I also wondered whether it was normal to still love my ex, and I realized that you can’t simply stop loving someone who meant the world to you.

It’s okay if you still love him but don’t let it stop you from living your life and know that you will get over him.

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

Your heart is broken now, and it hurts, but don’t let yourself wallow in self-pity or cry yourself to sleep every night.

If you do that, it won’t help you get him back, nor will it help you get over him.

It could only prolong the process and make things harder for you, so try to be strong. You can survive this, and you will, so don’t ever think that you can’t.

Why do you constantly think about him? It’s very simple actually, you still have some feelings for him.

What you’re feeling could be nostalgia and love. However, it could be just a need for closure or simply the pain of getting hurt by the person you loved.

If you’re wondering, “Does my ex ever think about me and feel the same way?” the simple explanation is that if your ex contacts you, he’s been thinking about you.

This doesn’t mean that if he doesn’t reach out, he’s not thinking about you, but if he does, it’s clear.

If your ex texts or calls you every now and then, you are surely on his mind.

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

Maybe he doesn’t contact you, but he asks others about you.

He may talk to someone you know to find out how you’ve been doing, and this is a sign he thinks about you.

How does he act on social media? If he likes your posts or comments on them, you’re on his mind.

Maybe you talked to him, and you noticed that he’s feeling nostalgic.

Does he think about you? Let’s answer that question once and for all.

Does my ex ever think about me?

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

Unless a person has amnesia, it will be impossible for them to forget about a past relationship that was important to them.

People always remember the relationships that changed the way they see themselves.

The same goes if the relationship touched them or significantly affected them.

This goes for every single person in this world, but especially for those who are nostalgic or sensitive.

If the relationship you had with your ex was important to you, it can be devastating to think that he has forgotten all about you.

You should know that you’re not the only person who wonders, “Does my ex ever think about me?”

A lot of us who have experienced a breakup from a relationship that meant a lot to us wonder the same thing.

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

You should also know that thinking about him too much could turn you into a person who’s stuck in the past.

I know that it can be scary to think that he has forgotten about you, but he probably hasn’t.

It really depends on the bond that the two of you used to share… but it’s most likely that he at least occasionally thinks about you.

Even though it’s normal to think about your ex, don’t let yourself obsess over him. It will make it a lot harder for you to move on, and it’s not healthy.

If you desperately want him back, ask yourself why you want him back if you know that it won’t work out. The problems you had the first time around won’t suddenly disappear.

Most people who get back together with their ex end up breaking up again, and it hurts even more the second time.

It’s normal to miss the person you loved, but many of us fall into depression or experience anxiety after a breakup.

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

I’m one of those people, and it was really hard for me to get over my ex.

I desperately wanted him back and tortured myself with the question, “Does my ex ever think about me too?”

We even got back together, but it only ended in another, even worse, breakup.

He wanted to try again afterward, but I said: “I miss you so badly, but I will never go back to you.”

After some time, I managed to find happiness again. In the end, I was grateful to myself for not getting stuck in an on and off relationship.

You just need some time and the support of your family and friends. If that’s not enough, you can always try counseling.

Maybe you’re wondering, “Does my ex ever think about me?” every time you think of him, but you can stop.

I’ll help you learn how to stop thinking about him, but I first need to tell you something.

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

If you desperately want to get back together with your ex, there are things that will help you see that you don’t truly want him back.

Of course, I will tell you some ways you can try to make him miss you if that’s what you want, but try to move on.

If you manage to stop thinking about him so much, you will be able to see your relationship clearly.

Who knows, maybe you should get back together, but right now, you only think that because you’re emotional.

It’s best that you try to move on and after you stop being emotional, think about whether it is really a good idea to take him back.

If he has forgotten about you, it only shows that you weren’t important to him, so why would you even want him back?

Don’t think that everyone is like your ex, so don’t be scared to fall in love again!

As for your ex, here are some situations that will help you realize if he thinks about you:

1. You weren’t in a one-sided relationship

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

A one-sided relationship can be easily forgotten. This is especially true for someone who was the one being pursued.

This is a situation where one person wasn’t as committed as the other and didn’t put as much effort into making it work.

If your ex was that person in your relationship, he might not think of you anymore.

However, if you had a mutual relationship, you both had an equal part in it. You would probably both like to forget about the bad times.

However, you had pleasant memories that you won’t ever forget.

A relationship can’t be only good or only bad. All relationships have bad times and good times, and we all like to remember the pleasant memories.

2. You regularly spent a lot of time together

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

It’s hard to forget a person you used to routinely spend a lot of time with.

Even if he doesn’t think about you every day, some things will remind him of those times.

For instance, your ex could walk by the restaurant where you had all your dates. He will certainly think about you at that moment.

This could happen to you as well. When we spend a lot of time with someone, small things tend to remind us of them.

However, if you didn’t spend a lot of time with your ex while you were together, he doesn’t have a lot to remember.

He could still think of you when he sees a photo of the two of you on one of his social media profiles, or when someone mentions you.

3. You still contacted each other when you were apart

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

When people love each other but can’t be together at that time, it’s normal to connect in other ways.

Maybe you texted or called each other, saw each other on Skype, or wrote emails.

All those interactions created memories that you share. He might find an old email from you and think of you fondly at that moment.

A lot of people these days connect romantically online, and it is important. Just think about how many dating sites and dating apps are out there.

When people stay connected while they’re apart, they remember the bond it created.

4. You worked together on achieving mutual goals

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

If you and your ex worked together on achieving something, they will surely think about those times even if you’re not together anymore.

Even now that you’re broken up, that success you achieved together is a part of him, just like it’s a part of you.

When he starts building on that success, he will remember that he made the first steps with you.

This accomplishment can be something simple, such as putting together furniture.

As long as you did it together, he will remember it.

Even such simple things can be hard, and you shared a feeling of mutual success if you did something like that.

5. You faced some life challenges together

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

He will never be able to forget you if you faced some life challenges together.

Maybe there was a major life crisis you dealt with together, and it will forever be important to both of you.

Life challenges either bring people together or manage to drive them apart. Either way, it is a very significant time in both of their lives.

The hardest times we have to go through in our lives create the strongest memories.

If the two of you went through a hard time together, it has certainly created a very strong bond.

You remember those days, and your ex won’t forget them either.

If you connect again, you can talk about it, and the two of you will have different memories of that time.

The moments you shared together and everything you went through mean something.

It shows that you had something that impacted both of you and was real and significant.

People can change each other’s lives and make them better.

If the two of you supported one another through a life challenge, you both understand what that means.

6. Your ex shows signs he’s thinking about you

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

Let’s not forget that there could be clear signs your ex still thinks about you.

Does he react to you on social media? If he likes or comments on your posts, you’re clearly still on his mind.

Does he ask your mutual friends about you?

Maybe one of your mutual friends will let you know that your ex has been asking them about you. This is a clear sign he thinks about you.

Did you have a shared account and you see him logging into it? A lot of things on social media can give you a hint that he thinks about you.

This includes some big changes in how he uses social media.

Maybe he keeps posting things that hint that he misses you. Does he call or text you at odd hours?

This also means he can’t get you out of his mind. He could even start going to places where he knows he could see you.

Another sign is if he still holds on to your items after you break up. Maybe he didn’t return your things and doesn’t want to?

I hope that these situations have helped you realize whether your ex still thinks about you.

Now it’s time to answer another two questions you probably have on your mind:

1. How can I make my ex think of me?

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

Your ex needs to miss you in order to think of you.

He needs to see that his life would be a lot better if you were a part of it and that he could lose you forever.

How can you make that happen? The best thing to do after a breakup is to apply the no contact rule.

You need to let him miss you by not being available to him. Stop all contact for at least 30 days.

Don’t reach out to him, and especially don’t do so to beg him to take you back.

Use this period to improve yourself and learn from the relationship you had. Wait for him to contact you first after the no contact period.

He needs a reason to miss you, and you can give him one by applying the no contact rule.

During that time, you have to work on yourself. The most important thing you should be working on is on giving your self-confidence a boost.

After a breakup, our ego takes a massive hit.

This makes us obsess about our ex, about what they think, how we miss them, and how badly we want them back.

You need to start living your life again and making yourself happy. Stay busy by spending time with friends and family.

Do the things that make you happy, and don’t forget to try new things as well.

Go out and try to meet new people. You can do that by picking up new hobbies or going to the gym.

Don’t stop creating new challenges for yourself. You will feel better a lot faster, and you won’t even have time to think about your ex.

He will notice all this, and it will remind him of the girl he fell in love with when you first started dating.

Once he sees that you’ve become the best possible version of yourself and that you aren’t desperate to get him back, he’ll think about you.

If he wants to come back after this, you need to think of solutions for the problems you had before, so that you won’t break up because of them again.

2. How can I stop thinking about my ex?

DONE! If You're Wondering, Does My Ex Ever Think About Me He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

If you think about him too much, you should know that it’s counterproductive.

It will make you sad, you will be tempted to contact him, and if you do, it will ruin everything you’ve been working for so far.

If you constantly think about him, you won’t be able to focus on yourself, and that is what you need to do right now.

You should try to improve and become an even better person and girlfriend… and ultimately, a catch no one could resist.

When you can’t stop thinking about your ex, there’s something you can try.

Decide that you’ll have a break from having him on your mind for at least five minutes.

Remind yourself that it’s okay to think about him after the break, but that you need a break from time to time.

Make every break five minutes longer and try taking at least three breaks every day.

When you’re taking a break, don’t just wait for it to pass and instead, do fun things.

Go outside for a walk. Call a close friend or spend some time with a pet. Read a book or try playing an instrument.

Do anything you like as long as it prevents you from being focused on your ex.

As long as you make some progress, you’re on the right track, even if you’re only taking small steps.

Keep moving forward and try to focus on yourself and making yourself happy.

Stay busy, and you will see that you will become stronger and think less about your ex with each day.

With time, it will only be easier, and you won’t even notice that you’ve stopped thinking about him.

At the moment, you are focused on what you had and how to get it back.

It makes you anxious and panicked because you’ve lost the control you used to have.

When you don’t reach out to your ex, he will probably feel the same way.

It’s more likely that he will come back to you if you don’t contact him and instead, try to move on.

Most of the time, an ex shows up wanting you back just when you’ve gotten over him.

That could happen to you too, and it will be your decision whether you want to take him back or not.

Good luck!

If You're Wondering, "Does My Ex Ever Think About Me?" He Does If You Have Been In These 6 Situations

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