You Are Who You Surround Yourself With, So Choose Wisely

Friendship Sayings
By Zoella Woods

They say that, “You are who you surround yourself with.” And it’s true.

Even though we often don’t pay much attention to it, our close friends and family members with whom we spend most of our time influence us more than we think.

They can be our recipe for a better life or one of failure and negativity.

Let’s think about it.

When we were in high school, we chose our group of friends.


If you wanted to be lit, you spent time with the cool kids who crashed parties and of whom everybody was jealous.

If you wanted to get smart and learn something new every day, you surrounded yourself with the so-called nerds and led a life of personal growth.

We all know what most of us wanted to be but that’s a story in itself.

What I’m trying to say is that even from a young age, we understood that our peer group should be filled with people we want to become like.

You can’t expect to spend time with negative people who don’t believe that the world is a place where you can thrive and expect that each day, you’ll wake up filled with positivity and ready to start the day in the best way possible.

That’s not how things work.

It means that you need to choose your friends wisely as they influence your life completely.

Each day spent with a friend shapes you into something that you weren’t the day before.

Do you want to give yourself a hard time and spend your whole life wandering from person to person or do you want to have an incredible inner circle of friends who’ll push you every day to become the best version of yourself?


The decision is up to you. Do you want to thrive in life or are you okay with stagnating and always being in the same place?

The types of people you should surround yourself with!

Humans don’t easily welcome the idea of change. We like to have a routine and stick with it.

Because of that, our good friends are usually our old friends with whom we share some of our best memories.

However, life is all about progressing and working to become a better version of yourself.

Have you ever thought that maybe your old friends are keeping you from moving on and reaching your full potential? 

The vibes they keep giving you may stop you from becoming the person you really want to become.

That’s why it’s important to surround yourself with people who want the same thing as you.

I’m not saying that you should stop going out with your old friends.

You love them and they’ll always be a part of you, as you went through different experiences together.

But if you notice that they aren’t moving forward the way you want to then maybe you should find a selection of people who’ll push you out of your comfort zone and help you improve.

Keep ones like these in your inner circle of friends and change will be inevitable!

1. Passionate and ambitious people


If you want to lead a successful life, you need to surround yourself with successful people and ones who have the ambition to become successful.

They’re well aware of their goals and they know what they want from life.

This makes them work toward their future, always having in mind the bigger picture.

Passionate and ambitious people are great to have in your inner circle of friends as they can always inspire you to be more like them and to focus on your goals and aspirations.

2. Problem solvers


We’re all fully aware that life is full of problems. No matter what you do, you’ll always find yourself in situations that seem unsolvable.

In that case, you have two options. You can either keep complaining about how things never work out or you can look for a solution.

Once you surround yourself with problem solvers, you’ll be inspired to tackle your issues.

They’ll also help you figure out the solutions and work your way forward.

No mission will be impossible when you’re surrounded by people like this!

3. Doers


Doers don’t think about plans in ways where they can’t exist. Instead, they make everything possible, without complaining or too much fuss.

These people have their goals and they work their way forward to turn them into successes.

Once you surround yourself with people like this, you’ll feel inspired to work for your goals too.

They’ll teach you how to stay focused and how to stop procrastinating.

They’ll show you the importance of time and how it can shape you into a new version of yourself. Doers have intentions and they work for them!

4. Ones who have the same goals as you


Spending time with people who want the same things as you will always be valuable.

They make you more focused on the objective and it’s easier for you when you see that other people are facing the same issues as you are.

Whenever you feel that there’s no light at the end of the tunnel, people who have the same goals as you will be able to give you meaningful advice and act as support.

It’ll be easy for you to relate to them as you know that you’re going through the same thing.

5. People who inspire you


Once you surround yourself with people you can look up to, it’s easier for you to understand what the things are you have to go through in order to succeed.

People like this will teach you that growth starts outside of your comfort zone and that it takes a lot of time and energy to reach your goals.

These role models will help you become the smartest person in the room on a certain topic and they’ll impact your mindset more than you think.

I know that you dream of becoming like them but what if your dreams can actually turn into reality?

6. Ones who help you reach your full potential


The road to success can get hard every now and then. You’ll most likely end up in a situation where you’ll start doubting yourself.

When this happens, you need to be surrounded by people who’ll help you reach your full potential.

They’ll push you to your limits and help you realize that you can do whatever you want.

Real life is full of obstacles and you need to be prepared for each and every one of them.

Once you find yourself some friends who’ll always be there to assure you that you can accomplish your dreams, you’ll be able to do everything you set your mind to.

7. People who bring out the best in you


Once you surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you, life gets easier.

They know what you’re capable of and they always remind you of that.

You’ll spend a few hours with them and you’ll immediately feel inspired to do new things.

These people will always make you feel positive about yourself and they’ll keep reminding you of how much of an incredible person you are.

8. Ones who are honest with you


We all want to think the best of ourselves. No one ever says, “Oh, I’m a terrible person.”

But when you’re working for your goals, you need to surround yourself with people who are honest with you.

They’ll openly tell you whenever they feel that you did something wrong.

And the best part is that you’ll feel that the only reason they’re telling you that is because they want you to become an improved version of yourself.

They won’t put you down. Instead, they’ll tell you both your good and bad sides with one wish in mind – to help you succeed.

People like this will help you constantly grow and you’ll feel satisfied that you have those in your life who want you to thrive.

9. People who keep you happy and positive


The journey to success will be full of difficulties. Sleepless nights, stressed days, and everyday challenges will most certainly affect your self-esteem.

That’s why you need to surround yourself with positive people who’ll keep you happy and who’ll make life seem less hard than it actually is.

It’s important to have someone who is able to always keep your spirits up, even when you have every right to feel down.

Friends like this will boost your energy when you need it the most and they’ll help you move on toward your goals.

10. Ones who always move forward


Once you surround yourself with people who always move forward, you’ll want to lead a life of constant progress.

It’ll make you set life goals that will keep you motivated to always move forward through life.

Even when you feel like giving up, you’ll look around and see your friends who never do and it’ll give you the motivation to keep going.

People like this encourage you to always work on yourself and to never settle for less than you can get.

How to surround yourself with people who are good for you

Sometimes, it can be hard to understand what you’re supposed to do if you want to surround yourself with the right people.

You don’t just walk out onto the street and ask them to be your friends, right?

Before you begin your journey to success, you need to take some steps that’ll make your goal achievable.

I’ll try to explain to you what you’re supposed to do if you want to lead a happier life and be surrounded by people who’ll turn you into a better version of yourself.

1. Know what you want from life


Before you even start looking for the right people to surround yourself with, you need to know what it is that you actually want from life.

What are your goals, aspirations, and dreams?

Once you realize that, you’ll be able to create some bullet points in your head that will help you keep focused on them.

With a clear idea in mind, it’s easier to focus on what you want and enroll on a path to success.

When your ideas are all over the place, you find yourself in a situation where you don’t know what you’re doing.

Instead of moving forward, you’ll be stuck in the same spot, as it gets hard to focus on the next step.

If it makes it easier, you can write down your daily, weekly, or monthly goals.

By doing this, you’ll know what needs to be done and what the deadline is for each one of them.

You’ll have everything written down in front of you and it’ll be easier to keep focused.

2. Say goodbye to negative people who keep pulling you down


You need to free yourself from all those people who only make your life more difficult.

Even if they’re your childhood friends, you need to find the right place for them and that certainly isn’t your inner circle.

The number of negative people in your life should never be bigger than the number of positive ones. Keep that in mind!

The ones who suck out all of the positive energy out of you need to be gone.

Make some space for people who’ll actually help you become the best version of yourself.

You need those who’ll cheer you up and be the wind beneath your wings when things get hard.

You already have your own difficulties, so you shouldn’t be the one listening to the constant drama of people who never make an effort to be there for you.

So, surround yourself with people who care about you, who want to see you succeed, and who actually listen to you.

Their positivity will be the thing that can save you when times get difficult and you end up feeling like you want to give up.

3. Look for people who know more than you do


When you surround yourself with people who actually know more than you do, you open up a door to a world you’ve never been before.

Hours of talking will go by so fast and you’ll always end up wanting more.

They’ll be your best company and they’ll always inspire you to do greater things.

On the flip side, when you surround yourself with people who think of you as the smartest person in the room, you’re actually limiting yourself.

You’ll never be able to learn and improve if you keep being the one who knows the most.

That’s why you need people who challenge you and push you to be better at everything you do.

Maybe you’re capable of much more but you first need to see other people doing the same thing. It can inspire you and help you do the things you have always been afraid of.

People who know more than you will push you out of your comfort zone and they’ll let you see the possibilities that are hiding behind your closed door.

4. Work on creating meaningful relationships with people who know what they want from life


Do you know some people who actually have their life in order and they’re constantly working on becoming bigger and better?

Why don’t you try to contact them and work on developing meaningful relationships with them?

When you have the same goal as others, you increase the chances of better communication between all of you.

You’re working toward the same finish line and you’re going through the same things, which makes it easier to understand what other people are going through.

Plus successful people have no problem sharing their experiences with others.

They love inspiring people to tackle their problems and work hard for their aspirations.

15 quotes to inspire you to surround yourself with the best people!


The same way bad people can make you bad, good people can make you good.

That’s why you need to pay attention to with whom you’re spending your time.

Your friends, family members, and co-workers affect you more than you think.

If you feel stuck and it looks like life makes no sense and you’ll never be able to move forward, read these quotes.

They’ll help you feel inspired and they’ll motivate you to surround yourself with the best people possible. 

Only that way can you expect that your life will change and become better than it is now!

1. “If we surround ourselves with people who are successful, who are forward-moving, who are positive, who are focused on producing results, who support us, it will challenge us to be more and do more and share more. If you can surround yourself with people who will never let you settle for less than you can be, you have the greatest gift that anyone can hope for.” – Tony Robbins


2. “You become like the five people you spend the most time with. Choose carefully.” – Jim Rohn

3. “Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who’ll argue with you.” – John Wooden

4. “You need to associate with people that inspire you, people that challenge you to rise higher, people that make you better. Don’t waste your valuable time with people that are not adding to your growth. Your destiny is too important.” – Joel Osteen

5. “Surround yourself with those who only lift you higher.” – Oprah Winfrey

6. “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” – Unknown

7. “Surround yourself with people that reflect who you want to be and how you want to feel. Energies are contagious.” – Unknown

8. “It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.” – Warren Buffett

9. “You cannot change the people around you. But you can change the people that you choose to be around.” – Unknown


10. “People inspire you, or they drain you. Pick them wisely.” – Hans F. Hansen

11. “Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground.” – Wilfred Peterson

12. “The only thing that changes our life long-term is when we raise our standards.” – Tony Robbins

13. “Surround yourself with positive people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you.” – Roy T. Bennett

14. “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” – Mark Twain

15. “Always surround yourself with people who are better than you. If you’re hanging around bad people, they’re going to start bringing you down… But if you surround yourself with good people, they’re going to be pulling you up.” – Donny Osmond


I hope that this article was helpful and that it helped you understand the importance of the people who surround you.

They affect you on many levels and shape you into a different person. It’s up to you to choose who you want to be.

Do you want it to be your downfall and you become a person you never wanted to be or do you want to move forward and become the best version of yourself?

Be aware that the company you keep will subconsciously either help motivate you or help you to completely lose your will to move through life.

That’s why it’s your job to find the right people who’ll inspire you to do great things.

They can make every day feel like a dream but they can also make it look like hell.

Do you want to be surrounded by people who drain your energy or ones who always know how to make you feel positive about yourself?

You’re the creator of your own destiny so choose wisely what you want your life to look like!

You Are Who You Surround Yourself With, So Choose Wisely 23