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9 Undeniable Signs A Married Male Coworker Likes You

9 Undeniable Signs A Married Male Coworker Likes You

Men are never that easy to read, no matter how much you try to make yourself believe that.

When it comes to a married man who is your coworker, how can you be sure whether he’s interested in you or if he’s just being nice?

Is he being professional in the way he treats you? Does he compliment your work because you did well or does he have a hidden motive?

All of these questions can be answered if you pay close attention to these next signs.

If these apply to your married male coworker, then he actually has a crush on you.

1. He goes out of his way to see you

DONE! 9 Undeniable Signs A Married Male Coworker Likes You

In an office, or any workspace in general, people have their own tasks and jobs to do.

There isn’t much time to talk to your coworkers outside of your lunch break.

Your male coworker likes you if you see him going out of his way to see you.

He will find any lame excuse, from needing some paper from you to simply asking you about your opinions on work things that aren’t your responsibility.

A man who doesn’t have a crush on you won’t be doing this, that’s for sure.

On the other hand, a man who thinks you’re cute will make his way to your desk even if he has no business being there.

2. You always catch him looking at you

DONE! 9 Undeniable Signs A Married Male Coworker Likes You

You can always feel a pair of eyes on you and when you look around, you lock eyes with this man.

Why was he looking at you? Is there something in your hair?

Well, your married male coworker might have a crush on you. He knows that you are off-limits to him so he chooses to admire you from afar.

3. He’s curious about your love life

DONE! 9 Undeniable Signs A Married Male Coworker Likes You

A man who isn’t interested in you won’t be asking about your love life this often.

If he does ask you for detailed descriptions of your dates, then he likes you for sure.

He might even mention your previous relationships to find out what went wrong. He is extremely curious about you and he doesn’t want to hide it.

Even if you try to keep your personal life private, he doesn’t seem to take no for an answer and he always finds a way to mention your love life in front of others.

If you do mention certain parts of your love life to him, he’ll hold on to it and will most probably mention it sometime in the future.

4. He’s always there to save the day

DONE! 9 Undeniable Signs A Married Male Coworker Likes You

When you’re feeling bad or if you get a scolding from management, he always seems to be right there by your side.

He will talk down to people who make you feel bad and joke around just to make you feel better again.

This is a nice gesture and we all appreciate it when someone sees us struggle and chooses to help.

However, if that someone is a man then things are a bit different. He wants to win you over by showing you that he’ll be there for you.

5. He doesn’t mention his wife

DONE! 9 Undeniable Signs A Married Male Coworker Likes You

A married man who likes you won’t ever mention his wife. Even if he does mention her, he’ll do so by showing her in a bad light.

When you ask him about his wife and his marriage, he’ll brush it off. He’ll say that he doesn’t want to talk about it or he’ll swiftly change the subject.

Well, if that isn’t an obvious sign he likes you, then I don’t know what is. Bonus points to him if he chooses to hide his wedding ring when he’s next to you.

6. He compliments you often

DONE! 9 Undeniable Signs A Married Male Coworker Likes You

He is not blind to the fact that you’re a gorgeous woman and he lets you know that.

Even if he’s a married man, he’ll still come up to you and tell you that you look pretty that day.

He’ll ask you about your hair or your dress just to continue the conversation.

Your married male coworker likes you and it’s obvious if he does everything in his power to compliment you, whether it’s the way you do something at work or the way you look that day.

He always finds an excuse to compliment you. A man who doesn’t like you wouldn’t be doing this.

7. He takes more care of himself

DONE! 9 Undeniable Signs A Married Male Coworker Likes You

A man who has a crush on you starts dressing differently because he hopes you’ll notice him better.

If you have noticed that he has been shaving more often or he’s been wearing new suits, then this is it.

You may even smell a new, different, better aftershave than the one he had been using up until now.

All of these are clear signs that your male coworker has feelings for you, even if he’s married.

Of course, he won’t hesitate to ask you if you notice anything different about him and he’ll be extremely happy if you do.

8. He buys you gifts

DONE! 9 Undeniable Signs A Married Male Coworker Likes You

A man who buys you gifts is clearly a man who is interested in you. If you have been wondering this up until now, this is a surefire sign he likes you.

Buying gifts for someone in your workplace isn’t a common occurrence and obviously, it only happens when you are very interested in someone.

Even if he buys you something small like chocolate or remembers to get you coffee on his way to work, the sign is there.

He places all his hope in this gift that it will make you realize why he’s giving it you.

He’s evidently thinking of you enough to remember to buy you something he knows you will like.

9. You text each other

DONE! 9 Undeniable Signs A Married Male Coworker Likes You

If your relationship with this coworker has progressed to texting each other then it’s settled. He likes you.

Texting gives him a safe space because he can erase the messages before his wife sees anything.

This is his best bet he won’t be caught in the fact that he has developed feelings for someone else.

Texting you is also his way of showing you that he has a genuine interest in you and he doesn’t shy away from texting you first.

The only question left is: What would his wife think of all this?

9 Undeniable Signs A Married Male Coworker Likes You

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