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8 Subtle Signs A Married Man Likes You More Than A Friend

8 Subtle Signs A Married Man Likes You More Than A Friend

No matter what the situation is, you should never get involved with a married man.

Those types of men are off-limits, and it should stay that way, whether it’s your boss, someone you met at a family gathering, or anyone else.

Having a relationship with a married man will only bring confusion, and someone will end up being hurt, whether it is you or his family.

You should remember that these types of men are only searching for something temporary; they don’t need a woman because they have one already.

However, it is important for you to know whether he likes you or not.

Once you finally notice those subtle signs he likes you, then you can set boundaries and slowly move away from him.

You should never want a man who is already committed and in a relationship. You can never trust him because he will lie and deceive his spouse.

Don’t you think that eventually, he might do the same thing to you?

Also, having a relationship with a married man is a sign of being disrespectful. You shouldn’t date a guy with that quality, let alone a married man.

A married man who likes you more than a friend will give you subtle signs because he doesn’t want to get caught cheating. Well, some of those signs are:

1. He is jealous when you talk to other men

DONE! 8 Subtle Signs A Married Man Likes You More Than A Friend

Jealousy is one of the subtle signs that might be hard to notice. His protective nature intensifies every time that he sees you talking to other men.

While he should focus his attention on his wife, a married man who likes you more than a friend will give you his utmost attention because he might feel threatened if you talk to other guys.

Those signs might include interrupting you when you stand too close to another guy, or maybe he will say bad things about him in front of you.

His passive-aggressive behavior toward other men is a definite warning sign that a married man likes you more than a friend.

2. He asks personal questions

DONE! 8 Subtle Signs A Married Man Likes You More Than A Friend

A married man who likes you more than a friend will take a special interest in your life.

He will initiate conversations and ask personal questions just to show you he cares for you.

He might even eventually ask questions about your dating life, after he has asked you about your work, hobbies, and so on.

If you have doubts about whether he is just being friendly or genuinely likes you, remember that questions about your dating life are outside of the friendship boundary.

When the two of you are alone, he might ask you if you have a boyfriend because he wants to know about his competition, so he shifts his interest onto you.

3. He tries to get close to you

DONE! 8 Subtle Signs A Married Man Likes You More Than A Friend

There are different ways of how you can interpret when someone is being tactile with you.

He might think it is normal because it is his way of showing appreciation or empathy.

However, the other side of the coin is when a married man is particularly interested in you and becomes a little too touchy-feely with you.

If you are the only one with whom he initiates those types of touches, like long hugs or occasional touches on the wrist or arm, those are all signs he likes you more than a friend.

He behaves that way because he feels comfortable around you and feels the same kind of bond that he has with his wife, despite it being inappropriate.

4. He gives you small gifts

DONE! 8 Subtle Signs A Married Man Likes You More Than A Friend

When a married man gives you small gifts, it is a visible sign that he likes you more than a friend.

For example, maybe he’s your coworker and he wants to take you for a meal or he gives you your favorite chocolate.

Or maybe he buys you gifts that are more expensive than those he gives his wife.

A married man who likes you more than a friend will make time to choose a proper gift.

He will dedicate his time and efforts to impress you because he likes you.

A typical gift could be some kind of jewelry, or even clothes if he wants a romantic relationship with you.

He is actually trying to win you and your feelings over by buying you presents.

5. He doesn’t want to talk about his marriage

DONE! 8 Subtle Signs A Married Man Likes You More Than A Friend

If you ever find a man secretly hiding his love life, especially marriage, from you, then you should know that he likes you more than a friend.

It is not normal for a guy who is married to not talk about marriage at all. There must be a hidden reason behind it.

A married man who likes you will avoid talking about his personal life and will just focus on yours.

He doesn’t want to get caught, and he even might hide his wedding ring.

He simply doesn’t want to talk about his wife (or kids, if he has any) and the reason is that he wants to have a side relationship with you.

His focus will be on you, and he will try to keep his family all to himself.

6. He texts you for no particular reason

DONE! 8 Subtle Signs A Married Man Likes You More Than A Friend

Well, a married man doesn’t want anybody to know his secret, and that’s you.

The perfect way to show you his feelings while hiding them from other people is via text messages.

Maybe he will compliment you, or say that he noticed your hair was different. His texts may even convey secret messages.

Those simple comments are signs that he likes you.

If it is a coworker who likes you but is married, his texts will not just be about business. He may start flirting with you and constantly check on you.

7. He treats you differently

DONE! 8 Subtle Signs A Married Man Likes You More Than A Friend

You may notice how he treats you differently if you are in a group setting or at a family gathering.

His body language seems different and he might try to mimic yours.

Also, he might look at you differently in the sense that his gaze lasts longer than usual.

If his eyes go wherever you go then he likes you more than a friend. His eye contact will be the tool he uses to show you he is interested.

8. He notices your appearance

DONE! 8 Subtle Signs A Married Man Likes You More Than A Friend

A married man who is attracted to you will notice your appearance. He will highly compliment you every time you look cute and sweet.

He is confident enough to show you he is interested and tell you indirectly that he looks at your body.

His compliments have only one goal, and that is to make you feel good about yourself.

The next time you wear a beautiful dress or if you have a new haircut, notice if he compliments you.

If he does, then he certainly wants more than a friendship with you.

8 Subtle Signs A Married Man Likes You More Than A Friend

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