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What Does It Mean When She Calls You Bro? 11 Possible Explanations

What Does It Mean When She Calls You Bro? 11 Possible Explanations

When she calls you bro, you might feel confused. Does it mean that she sees you only as a friend?

Guys call each other bro all the time, and it’s something that has become completely normal.

They often use this word for their close friends, but sometimes they just want to seem cool.

We often think that this is a modern expression, but the word ‘bro’ became a part of the English language a long time ago.

It was simply an abbreviation of the expression ‘brother’ and people started to use it in the 1660s.

They used it only for their male siblings back then, but in the 1970s, it got a new meaning.

People started to use the word bro to refer to their male friend.

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Later, more meanings were assigned to this word, such as it being used for young men who are masculine and like to party all the time.

Eventually, the word bro simply became a name you use for people you care about.

Some people even use it as a substitute for the word ‘guy’.

However, it often means that you have a special connection with the person you’re calling bro.

But what does it mean when she calls you bro? Does she like you or just think of you as a friend?

It’s perfectly understandable if you’re not sure which.

When she calls you bro, and you’re into her, it can sting because it can make you feel that you’re only like a brother to her.

No man wants a woman who likes to see him as just a brother.

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Still, she never said that specifically, she simply used a name people often use for the people they like.

The most important question is whether she calls others that word too. If so, it doesn’t have to mean anything, and you don’t need to worry about it.

Maybe she only calls people she likes bro. That is a good sign, and you probably have a shot with her.

However, it’s true that it could mean that you are in the dreaded friend zone.

When she calls you bro, one of the possible explanations is that she sees you only as a friend. That is true, but, as I said, it’s only one of the feasible explanations.

It is still possible that she likes you, and that you have a chance with her. Maybe it’s just her way of teasing you and being playful.

It could also be true that she just doesn’t know how you would respond if she used a more endearing term.

Either way, when she calls you bro, you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it.

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You can still win her over, and it doesn’t have to mean that you’re in the friend zone.

All is not lost when she calls you bro, so don’t worry about it too much. Some girls even call their boyfriend bro.

It’s not her way of showing you that there’s no possibility for romance, so you shouldn’t lose all hope and give up on her just because she called you bro.

Maybe you are in the friend zone, but maybe it doesn’t mean anything.

Have you known this girl for a long time now, and feel like she could use a more endearing name?

It could mean that she isn’t sure of how she feels about you, but that’s not an obstacle you can’t overcome.

You have to look at the way she acts toward you as well. If there are signs that she likes you, there’s nothing to worry about when she calls you bro.

On the other hand, if she clearly sees you only as a friend, you could be stuck in that friend zone.

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We’ll get to all the possible explanations as to why she calls you bro, but let’s first see what you can do about it.

There are men who would back away when a girl calls them bro, but it’s not always the right response.

If you like her and she doesn’t see you as a potential partner, why wouldn’t you back away?

Well, because you shouldn’t assume that you have no chance with her just because she called you bro.

In the end, even if you are in the friend zone, it doesn’t mean that you’ll be there forever.

Sure, a lot of guys never get out of that zone, but there are those who do. The best love stories start as friendships and friendship can turn into love.

This is especially true if you haven’t known each other for a long time.

Perhaps she is trying to see whether she could have a future with you.

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She could be your friend to get to know you better and see whether you are a potential partner.

Maybe she already has feelings for you but isn’t sure that you feel the same way about her.

When she calls you bro, it could also just be her trying to act cool.

If she likes you, you will be able to tell by her body language, and not just by her words.

In any case, you shouldn’t directly tell her that you don’t like it when she calls you bro.

Don’t ask her whether that’s all you are to her, no matter how much it hurt you. She probably won’t understand what the big deal is.

If she called you bro, it’s not the same as if she told you that you’re like a brother to her.

Does she talk to you about other men she’s interested in?

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If so, you probably are in the friend zone and you should give up on her if you’re not happy only being a friend to her.

On the other hand, she could be trying to make you jealous, but there’s a clear difference.

If she clearly likes someone else, she’s not the right girl for you.

However, if there’s a chance that you could be more than friends, you could turn her into your girlfriend.

First, you have to stop her from calling you bro. If you get a ‘brother vibe’, it could be the reason why she called you that.

No one wants to date their brother, so you need to make this stop.

Why isn’t she sure that you can potentially be her partner? Have you made your feelings clear to her?

Maybe she only considers you a friend because you have never made a move on her.

The best way to get out of this situation and know what’s on her mind is to simply ask her out.

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Let her know that you’re interested in her because if you are hiding your feelings, that’s what could have gotten you into this mess in the first place.

Stop acting like her friend if you don’t want her to see you that way. Make it obvious to her that you want a relationship with her.

If there’s something about you that prevents her from seeing you as a potential boyfriend, try to change it.

Maybe she doesn’t think that you are responsible, so you can show her that you can be.

Don’t completely change who you are for a girl, but show her that you can change.

If she doesn’t think that you are romantic, surprise her with flowers and chocolate.

Most importantly, show her that you are attracted to her. A lot of guys get stuck in the friend zone just because they hide their true feelings.

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They pretend that they are okay with being just friends with a girl and never put the moves on her.

You have to find the courage to tell her how you feel about her.

If you don’t want her to see you like a brother, stop acting like one and start flirting with her!

What are you waiting for? Even if you haven’t known each other for a long time, you should give her a hint that you’re interested.

Don’t become her close friend just to get to be her boyfriend, though.

Sure, sometimes it can work but you’re risking staying only a friend to her forever.

If she asks you for advice about getting some other guy to like her, you are definitely in the friend zone.

How does she react when you touch her? People who like each other use every chance to touch each other.

How does she look when she’s around you? If she likes you, she will want to look good for you.

How does she introduce you to others? Does she always make sure to refer to you as a friend?

If she makes an effort to let everyone know that you’re just a friend, unfortunately, you are.

There’s only one way out of the friend zone. You have to tell her how you feel.

Either it will turn you into her boyfriend, or you will finally know for sure that you aren’t going to be one.

Here are the possible explanations as to why she called you bro:

1. She calls everyone bro

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If she calls others that too, you have nothing to worry about. It’s not her way of letting you know that you are in the friend zone.

If she calls the people she likes bro, it’s a good sign. It still doesn’t have to mean that she sees you as a potential partner, but she does like you.

You want her to start calling you honey instead of bro, and you can get there. Ask her out on a date and see how she reacts.

Whatever happens, you’ll know how she truly feels about you, and don’t forget that this is the only way out of the friend zone.

2. You have become a squad member

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A group of friends who are very close are called a squad. Have you been hanging out with her and her squad a lot lately?

Maybe you’re now a part of that crew. Do they all use the term bro for each other?

If so, you don’t need to be under the impression that you’re like a brother to her.

You are now a part of this girl’s inner circle of friends, and it doesn’t have to mean that you’re in the friend zone.

In this case, she surely thinks of you fondly, and you have become very close.

Does it mean that you will stay friends or that you could have a relationship?

It depends, but if you’re a part of the crew, don’t give it all up if she doesn’t want to be with you.

Having close friends is great, you will just need to find another romantic partner if she’s not into you.

3. She sees you as more than a friend but less than a potential partner

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Does she feel comfortable around you? Maybe she likes talking to you and telling you about her problems.

When she needs someone to comfort her, she turns to you because you know how to make her feel better.

She’s not dating anyone, and you have become really close, but she doesn’t seem interested in dating you.

This means that you have become an important part of her life, but sadly, not in a romantic way.

She genuinely cares about you more than other friends, but not in an intimate way. You have a special bond and are truly like a brother to her.

She considers you family, and that’s special. However, if you’re into her, it’s the last thing you want.

You have only two options. Either you will accept the platonic relationship you can have with her, or you can end things.

The best choice is to find another girl to date and try being just a close friend with this one.

However, if your feelings for her don’t go away when you find someone else, it’s best to end things altogether.

4. She is protective

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When a girl calls you bro, it could mean that she’s looking out for you. She doesn’t think that you can take care of yourself and wants to keep you safe.

It’s like you are her younger brother. She cares about you, but not in the way you would want her to.

Have you told her how you feel about her? If you’re not happy with the way she sees you, you have to let her know how you feel.

Don’t let her treat you like a younger brother if you want to be her boyfriend.

5. She is hiding her feelings for you

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Maybe she wants a relationship but is scared. She is hiding her feelings for you because she feels safer when your relationship is platonic.

Perhaps she doesn’t know that you like her, so she is worried that you would reject her.

It could also be true that she is simply afraid of rejection altogether because of past bad experiences.

Maybe she calls you bro so that you won’t suspect that she’s into you.

Pay attention to her body language and see whether there are signs that she likes you.

Don’t forget that you need to make your feelings clear to her even if she won’t do that with hers.

6. She is angry at you

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Sometimes people use the word bro in a negative way when they are upset with someone. It’s not that common, but it still happens.

In what situation did she call you bro? If she said it in an angry tone or you were fighting, she said it because she was angry at you.

Are you actually in a romantic relationship with her? If so, maybe she feels like you’re acting more like a friend than a partner.

People also use the word bro when someone crosses the line. Maybe you said something to her that you shouldn’t have.

7. She sees you only as a friend

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As mentioned above, unfortunately, calling you bro could mean that you’re in the friend zone.

It’s the dreaded, “I like you, but I don’t like you in that way,” situation.

How can you know for sure? Well, look at how she acts when she’s with you.

I already mentioned some of the signs that you’re in the friend zone. The biggest of them all is when she talks to you about another guy she likes.

Maybe she also responds to your messages with only a few words, she doesn’t dress up when going to see you, and she asks you for dating advice.

All of this proves that you’re not going to get to have a relationship with this girl. She sees you only as a friend and you should let her go if it hurts you.

However, be sure to let her know about your feelings before you do that.

She probably isn’t even aware of them if you haven’t said anything and act like a friend to her instead.

Always remember that the only way out of the friend zone is to come clean about how you feel.

8. She isn’t sure of how she feels about you

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You’d think that a girl would either see you as a potential boyfriend or as just a friend, but there’s a third option.

She could be unsure of her feelings for you and this is especially true if you’ve only known each other for a short time.

She’s still getting to know you and doesn’t know what kind of a relationship she wants with you, so she spends time with you and calls you bro until she figures out whether you are boyfriend material.

She could have feelings for you but be unsure whether they are just friendly or romantic.

Love at first sight exists but people often need more time to realize how they truly feel about someone.

Maybe she is scared of her feelings for you, so she doesn’t want to accept having them.

This is especially true if there is a reason why you shouldn’t be in a relationship.

9. She’s joking

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When women call guys bro, they’re often simply joking around and being playful.

She could think it’s funny to call you bro, and that’s the reason why she’s doing it. Not everything has to have a deeper meaning.

She could also be trying to be one of the guys, act cool, and fit in with her male friends.

Do other people around her use the term bro as well? She could be doing it because everyone else is.

You shouldn’t stress yourself out by analyzing every little thing she says.

If you like her, let her know, and you will find out whether you have a chance with her or not.

It sounds simple, but I know that it can be a lot harder than it sounds. Still, you have to be brave enough to go after the girl you like.

What’s the worst thing that could happen? If she rejects you, you’ll at least know the truth so you can find someone else.

10. She likes you but is scared of getting hurt

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Let’s not forget that this girl could actually be into you too. Just because she called you bro doesn’t have to mean that she sees you only as a friend.

There are a lot of possible explanations and one of them is that she’s into you.

Maybe she doesn’t want you to know that because you haven’t shown her that you like her too.

She plays it safe by calling you bro and keeps herself from potentially getting hurt.

Perhaps she likes you but is scared of getting hurt because others have hurt her in the past. You can never know unless you let her know how you feel.

Don’t forget that sometimes we don’t want to be with a person we like. A girl could be into you but think that you’re not the right man for her.

We can be into someone and still want to be only friends with them because we don’t want to get hurt.

11. She is romantically involved with someone else

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Are you sure that she isn’t seeing anyone? Maybe there’s someone else in her life whom she is faithful to.

Even if there isn’t, she could have feelings for someone else and it could also be true that she isn’t over her ex yet.

In the end, if you like her and want to know the real reason she calls you bro, you have to ask her.

Sometimes you just have to go for it and take your chances.

Good luck!

What Does It Mean When She Calls You Bro? 11 Possible Explanations

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