What A Guy Is Thinking When He Kisses You: 11 Thoughts Every Guy Has

Hugs and kisses
By Peyton White

Oh, the first kiss, an important part of bonding between two people. It’s a magical moment when a couple shares their emotions through physical touch.

That said, it’s difficult to understand what a guy is thinking when he kisses you.

You’re trembling, your heart is beating fast, and you have clammy hands when the moment happens.

You find yourself thinking about what to do and how to respond. You barely get a chance to think about his thoughts at that particular moment.

Although the first kiss can be scary or awkward, it says a lot about the guy’s intentions and what he wants from you.

You can tell whether he’s being truthful or not by observing the way he kisses you and you’ll learn more about what he likes or dislikes about it as time passes.

Sometimes a kiss works, and sometimes it doesn’t. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles.

You have to wing it because there’s no special technique that you can use. You have to trust your feelings and let go.

It’s not just girls who tend to overthink the first kiss. Guys do that too.

In fact, guys are often more nervous than girls because they usually suppress their feelings. 

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When the magical moment happens, they realize that things have started to get real.

Another reason why guys are usually more nervous is that they know they need to make the first move.

It’s always terrifying doing so, as knowing that you’re the initiator can be nerve-racking.

Of course, guys don’t want to come off as too strong, and that’s why they overthink it sometimes. They put a lot of pressure on themselves.

On the other hand, knowing what a guy is thinking when he kisses you can help you determine his feelings about you.

You can tell whether or not he likes you, and whether he wants a proper relationship or just a casual fling.

But how do you know whether this guy wants to kiss you or not?

Can you tell by his body language or by the way he speaks that he wants to kiss you at that time? Or do you need to take a wild guess?

Well, let me tell you that some signs can tell you for sure that he wants to kiss you. It’s up to you to notice them.

You have to consider whether the guy is being flirty with you or not. 

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In most cases, when a guy wants to kiss you, he starts to behave very differently (for instance, he smiles a lot or giggles).

You know he wants to kiss you if he acts this way.

He’ll give you his utmost attention. He won’t look anywhere else and his eyes will be solely focused on you.

He’s already kissed you in his mind. Now it’s time to make it happen.

Also, another sign that a guy wants to kiss you is when he stares at your lips. It’s a sure-fire sign that you’re about to be swept off your feet because he wants you so badly. 

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A guy will stare at your mouth or keep glancing down at your lips as you speak.

Your words will slowly attract him and eventually, he won’t be able to resist you.

He even might be doing it deliberately just to plant the idea in your mind of you two kissing.

But in most cases, he’ll do this subconsciously and won’t even be aware of it.

His only wish is to kiss you right there and then. That’s why his focus will be on your lips and nothing else.

If you’re still unsure whether or not he wants to kiss you, then pay attention to the next sign.

If a guy suddenly falls silently, then you can be sure that he wants to kiss you. 

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Being silent is just a reflection of his nervousness.

He doesn’t know what to say and he can’t think straight, which is why he’s out of words and just stops saying anything.

He’s busy thinking about how and when he’s going to make his move. Maybe he’s thinking, “Is this the perfect moment for our first kiss?”

You know, it takes a lot of courage to make the first move. Showing a girl his genuine emotions can be terrifying for a guy.

His mind will be racing at that moment, so no wonder he can’t think straight.

On top of that, an unmistakable sign a guy wants to kiss you is when he gets closer and leans into you. 

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His first move will be to get as near to you as he can without making you feel uncomfortable. Kissing while you’re five feet apart is impossible, right?

For a kiss to be perfect and comfortable, the distance between you needs to be shortened. That’s why he’ll move closer and closer to you.

He’ll start repositioning himself next to you, which is when you know he’s definitely planning something in the next few seconds.

Leaning in is the ultimate move, and you’ll know exactly why he’s doing it.

What a guy thinks when he kisses you can mean the difference between being in a relationship with him or just having a casual fling.

You can tell a lot by the way he kisses you. You might not even know it, but there are different types of kisses and each of them has a hidden meaning.

There’s the kiss on the lips that means he loves you, is attracted to you, and wants a relationship with you.

If you give him a chance, then he’ll try to start a romantic relationship with you.

Then there’s the forehead kiss. 

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It’s not unusual for a guy to kiss a girl on her forehead, even though it’s a type of kiss mostly associated with our parents, who kissed you in such a way to reassure you that they loved you and wanted to protect you.

On the other hand, if a guy kisses you on the forehead and there’s a distance between your bodies, then the kiss says your relationship is purely platonic.

However, if there’s no distance between his torso and your groin, that means he wants you to feel protected and safe.

In most cases, girls tend to close their eyes and lean in when a guy kisses them on the forehead.

This kiss means that a guy wants you to feel safe with him and he feels comfortable around you.

A kiss that can sometimes be ambiguous is a kiss on the cheek.

When a guy kisses you there, it means that he isn’t interested in any romantic endeavors with you and you should move away from him.

Sometimes this type of kiss can be even more awkward than a handshake.

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Although it has negative connotations, if a man kisses you on the cheek a bit longer, that means he’s testing the waters as he doesn’t know how far he can go.

He’s unsure about your feelings and doesn’t want to be pushy. The guy is probably shy and doesn’t know how to express his emotions toward you.

Then we have the hand kiss. This is a kiss that means he’s a gentleman, and it’s the type of kiss a guy uses when he’s flirting with you.

A guy is truly interested in you if he kisses you on the hand. But be careful, as sometimes guys use this to test whether or not things will go their way.

The ultimate kiss of affection and attraction is the tongue kiss, aka the French kiss. It’s the kiss that immediately shows you his intentions.

You can’t be thinking that a guy who gives you a French kiss wants anything other than a relationship from you.

He’s attracted to you both physically and mentally and wants more from you.

After such a kiss, you’ll definitely be sure he’d like to start a romantic relationship with you.

The kiss that I think most women tend to neglect when thinking about a guy’s intentions is the kiss on the neck.

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It’s one heck of a passionate and erotic kiss.

It’s mostly associated with lust, if you’ve just started dating and don’t know each other well.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether a guy wants an emotional relationship with you rather than a physical one, because a kiss on the neck is sensual.

It isn’t intended to create a deeper bond with you, and my suggestion would be to get to know the guy pretty well before allowing him to kiss you there.

Now that we’ve covered several types of kisses, we can turn our attention toward his thought process and what a guy is thinking when he kisses you.

When the magic happens, especially if it’s your first kiss with a special guy, you’ll get this tingling feeling and won’t have any time to think about him.

You’ll enjoy every second of it, and depending on the guy, you can officially say you’re in a relationship.

But what is it that guys think when kissing a girl? Do they think about her lips, or do they feel like they’re in seventh heaven like you do?

The answers to these questions, as well as the other things I’ll mention here, might surprise you.

1. “Finally, it’s happening!”

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While he might spend a lot of time creating the mood and waiting for the right moment to kiss you, the first thought that pops into his mind is, “Finally, it worked!”

If a guy has put in the effort to kiss you and make everything perfect, then he’s probably been thinking for a long while about when the best time to kiss you is.

It is hard for you because you can’t read his mind, so it might seem to you like the kiss is pretty spontaneous.

That’s rarely the case, though, as he’ll have been planning to kiss you and you weren’t even aware of it.

If you’d been observant enough, you could’ve predicted his move, but in most cases, that doesn’t really happen.

He probably came up with a game plan just in case you didn’t reject him.

His sole purpose was to create the perfect mood, and he waited for the right moment to make the first move.

Guys don’t want to ask for a kiss, as they know if they do, they’ll ruin the moment.

That said, his only hope is to dive in and assume that you’ll kiss him back.

That’s why his first thought when touching your lips with his is usually that of celebration because everything worked out great.

2. “Is my breath okay?”

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When the first kiss happens, people mostly become nervous and wonder whether their breath is okay or not.

A guy might be worried, even if he hasn’t eaten any garlic or onions.

If you’re wondering why he’s being nervous, this might be the reason.

It’s something that most girls tend to overlook when kissing a guy, even if he has bad breath.

Even so, it’s not something that a guy should allowed to happen.

3. “This is a bit awkward now.”

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While kissing is a great way to connect with a person you like, it can be super awkward sometimes if you don’t do it properly.

It might be that your lips are slightly off and not positioned at the right angle.

Once you realize that, it can definitely ruin the moment, but don’t worry.

If the guy isn’t an amateur and knows what he’s doing, then he’ll quickly reposition his lips and continue.

Such bloopers happen even to the most experienced guys.

4. “I hope she can’t tell how nervous I am.”

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What a guy is thinking when he kisses you can be hard to tell when you feel butterflies in your stomach.

No matter how many people you’ve kissed before, the nervousness never wears off.

You’ll feel it every time you’re experiencing the first kiss with a special someone.

A guy might wonder whether you can tell how nervous he is right before he kisses you.

His heart will beat very fast and he’ll feel embarrassed if you notice his apprehension.

Nevertheless, it’s quite normal to feel that way, especially because it means that he’s really into you and that he’s likely not a player.

5. “Ooh, she’s so wonderful.”

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If a guy is kissing you, then he must like you.

One of the things that runs through his mind at that particular moment is how gorgeous and beautiful you are.

He wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but there.

He’s really attracted to you, and he’d like to sit back and enjoy your beauty, but at that moment, he wants to press his lips against yours and passionately kiss you.

You shouldn’t trouble your thoughts with whether or not he likes you. His opinion of you is certainly rather positive if he kisses you.

You should just enjoy the moment and relish the feelings you have right now.

6. “I hope she likes it.”

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When a guy is really into you, then he might be afraid of screwing it up the first time.

And trust me, it’s not weird that you wonder what he’s thinking when he kisses you, as he probably thinks about the same things as you do.

That said, a guy who wants you badly will do anything to make you comfortable and make you enjoy the kiss as much as possible.

That’s why he’ll be thinking about whether or not you’re enjoying it. He might be even looking for signs to see if you are.

Maybe you can hug him or hold his hand to give him confirmation that you’re enjoying it.

7. “Ah, what do I do with my hands?”

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Kissing isn’t just about touching each other’s lips; it’s more than that.

You have to use your entire body to make sure you’re connecting on a deeper level.

Sometimes guys don’t know what to do with their hands.

They don’t want to look awkward and leave their hands at their sides, but they don’t want to overstep your boundaries either.

He might be thinking, “What should I do with my hands now?”

If it’s okay with you, then you can grab his hands and put them on your hips, like many guys do.

Of course, that’s if you’re comfortable with that. Know your boundaries and never let a man overstep them.

8. “Should I go in for a French kiss? I don’t want to be sloppy.”

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Going in for a French kiss can surely backfire on you.

If it’s wet and sloppy, the experience will be disgusting, but that said, don’t expect too much tongue action at the beginning of the kiss.

He’ll be careful about what he does. He might try to give it a go and use a bit of tongue and see if you respond back.

A guy who knows how to respect a girl won’t make you uncomfortable for sure. He doesn’t want to be sloppy.

If a guy overthinks too much, he might ruin the moment, but most guys will be extra careful.

9. “I want to know whether she likes it. Should I open my eyes?”

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Of course, a guy wants to know whether you like it or not. It’s what’s on his mind while he’s kissing you.

Because of his curiosity, he might open his eyes to see whether you’re enjoying it as much as he is.

Some people keep their eyes open when they kiss, and he might wonder whether you’re one of them.

It can be quite uncomfortable making eye contact while kissing each other. That’s why he might peek to see whether you like it.

He wants to see your facial expression while he’s kissing you.

10. “What now?!”

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What a guy is thinking when he kisses you can be really tough to tell.

But what happens after the kiss can tell you a lot more about a guy’s feelings than you think.

Picture this: You’re both smiling at each other, you’re happy, but what now? Does he ask you, “Did you like it?” or something different?

Well, it’s difficult to start a conversation after you’ve had a pretty special moment.

Guys are very careful about what they say afterward because they don’t want to say something stupid and ruin the moment.

Mostly, guys will expect you to say something after you’ve kissed.

You might think that his mind has gone blank, and he’s just standing there, but he’s got a lot on his mind.

He’s just afraid that he might screw everything up.

11. “Is she my girlfriend now that we’ve kissed?”

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If you’re asking yourself what a guy is thinking when he kisses you, this could be one option.

Now that you’re standing there, looking at him with your gorgeous eyes, he might be wondering whether or not you two are official now.

He might be wondering whether you liked the kiss and if it meant anything to you, as it surely meant a lot to him.

He’ll avoid directly asking you your opinion because he doesn’t want you to think he’s desperate.

Also, he doesn’t want to come off the wrong way and make the situation awkward.

What a guy is thinking when he kisses you is tough to tell because emotions are in play. And whenever feelings are involved, it’s hard to say with complete certainty.

On the other hand, you can tell a lot about a guy if he kisses you. You can tell how confident he is or whether there’s any chemistry between you two.

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The way he behaves while kissing you can tell you whether he’s appreciative of you or not.

You can tell if a guy will respect you and won’t run away at the slightest problem.

You shouldn’t worry too much about what a guy is thinking when he kisses you.

There are instances when his mind has gone completely blank and he isn’t thinking about anything because he’s enjoying kissing you, just like you are him.

Don’t bother trying to read his mind. Instead, let your body experience the beautiful moment when two people deeply connect with each other.

Completely immerse yourself in the present and let the universe take care of the rest.

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