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21 Popular Tongue Tattoos That’ll Tickle Your Taste Buds

21 Popular Tongue Tattoos That’ll Tickle Your Taste Buds

Tongue tattoos seem to have gone from taboo to trendy, and that’s why you might be on the verge of getting one. What’s the deal with tattoos on the tongue, anyway? Tongue tattoos are done the same way as regular tattoos, they’re simply a little wetter and a lot more uncomfortable.

We do suggest that you don’t get too attached to your tongue tattoo because it will fade away within the first few days of getting it. Tongue tattoos are temporary, and they’re a great way to poke fun at your parents or surprise your friends – but that’s all they are. That being said, we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite tattoos on the tongue to inspire your next ink.

1. A flower tattoo on the tongue

21 Popular Tongue Tattoos That'll Tickle Your Taste Buds

With tongue tattoos, you might need to settle for smaller, simpler symbols rather than elaborate works of art. A flower tattoo, for example, can be a great way to commemorate your love of all things nature for a single day. A flower tattoo represents love, romance, and passion, too.

2. A smiley face tongue tattoo

Put a smile on your face with a smiley face tattoo on your tongue! A smiley face will remind you of everything you’re capable of doing when you believe in yourself. A smiley face tattoo represents happiness, satisfaction, and positive energy.

3. A seashell tattoo on the tongue

Hitting the beach tomorrow? Get a seashell tattoo on your tongue and get in the mood for sunbathing, swimming, and enjoying your life. A seashell tattoo represents protection, health, and happiness, too.

4. A spiral tattoo on the tongue

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If you’re itching to get a tongue tattoo to poke fun at your friends but you don’t know which design to go with, get a sassy spiral tattoo. It’s a great way for you to express your creativity with a symbol that represents growth, positive energy, and transformation.

5. A heart tattoo on the tongue

21 Popular Tongue Tattoos That'll Tickle Your Taste Buds
Credit: @ythinkit

Want to surprise your SO with a silly tattoo? Get a heart tattoo on your tongue and see what happens when the two of you try to smooch! A heart tattoo, as you might already know, represents affection, commitment, and unity.

6. A thumbs-up tongue tattoo

What do you do when you want to celebrate a promotion, a happy event, or a tough task you completed? You get a thumbs-up tattoo on your tongue! A thumbs-up tattoo represents satisfaction, happiness, and approval.

7. A skull tattoo on the tongue

If you’re looking for something a little more “masculine,” you might want to get a skull tattoo on your tongue! It might not last you a long time, but a skull tattoo will show the world that you mean business and that you aren’t afraid of anyone.

8. A dice tongue tattoo

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Credit: @blamemax

If you’re going to Vegas for the weekend, you might want to get a dice tattoo on your tongue! A dice tattoo represents risk-taking, gambling, and courage, and that might be something you want to show off on your trip. It’s pretty epic, too!

9. A star tongue tattoo

21 Popular Tongue Tattoos That'll Tickle Your Taste Buds
Credit: @j_imiela

What about a star tattoo on your tongue? Whether you want to remind yourself to reach for the stars or surprise your friends with a tongue tattoo of something silly and simple, you can always opt for a star tattoo. A star tattoo represents a desire to reach for your goals and aspirations, guidance, protection, or a significant achievement in your life.

10. Another spiral tongue tattoo

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Credit: @sara_fleur

We couldn’t pass on the opportunity to show off another spiral tattoo on the tongue! Whether you’re a fan of the symbol or you want to play with the meaning of the tattoo, you can’t go wrong with a spiral tattoo.

11. A tooth tattoo on the tongue

Want to play a prank on your dentist? Get a tooth tattoo on your tongue and see what happens! A tooth tattoo represents self-confidence, self-trust, and family, too.

12. A rhombus tattoo on the tongue

What about a rhombus tattoo on the tongue? Geometric shapes and symbols are a great way to express your creativity, and they happen to be the perfect motif for tongue tattoos, too.

13. A lightning tattoo on the tongue

Whether you’ve gone through a tough time or you simply want to get a fun tattoo on your tongue, you can opt for a lightning tattoo! A lightning tattoo represents strength, power, and energy, and can be a great way for you to take a few cool pics for Instagram.

14. Another heart tattoo on the tongue

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Credit: @plusttthree

We’d argue that you truly can’t go wrong with a heart tattoo. Whether you want to surprise your partner, show some love to a family member you’re close with, or poke fun at your bestie, you can always get a heart tattoo on your tongue.

15. An ornamental tongue tattoo

Ornamental tattoos are purely decorative, rather than functional or meaningful. Because of that, ornamental tattoos are perfect for your tongue because they’re going to fade away within a day or two anyway. Before you opt for the final design, consider getting an ornamental tattoo.

16. A tongue tattoo of an “x”

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Credit: @bams_ttt

Now, an “x” tattoo can mean many things, but you’re the one who gets to assign the actual meaning. Whether you want to throw shade at your ex, show everyone that you can go a day or two without gossiping, or underline the fact that you’re great at keeping secrets – you can do all that and more with an “x” tattoo on your tongue.

17. A flame tattoo on the tongue

Flame tattoos are getting more and more popular. Furthermore, they’re known to represent a burning passion for something or someone. With a tongue tattoo of a flame, you can commemorate your passion without committing to a permanent tattoo.

18. A tattoo of the “OK” sign on the tongue

Want to send a message to your friends or family? Get a tattoo of the “OK” sign and stick your tongue out every time somebody asks you about your day, your plans for the future, or something you simply don’t want to talk about.

19. A butterfly tattoo on the tongue

What about a butterfly on your tongue? Butterfly tattoos represent transformation, new beginnings, and new phases in your life, and that’s something you might want to celebrate for a day or two.

20. A tongue tattoo with a message

If you want to get a tongue tattoo but are unsure of the motif that would suit your personality, get a word, a number, or a mantra tattooed on your tongue! It’s a great way for you to send a message to the rest of the world without speaking up or raising your voice.

21. A tongue tattoo with a name

21 Popular Tongue Tattoos That'll Tickle Your Taste Buds
Credit: @arthur.satan

We’re ending the article with a unique tongue tattoo! If you want to commemorate your relationship, you might want to get a tongue tattoo of your and your partner’s name combined together. It’s the best way to have your own “Brangelina” moment!

21 Popular Tongue Tattoos That'll Tickle Your Taste Buds

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