I’ve been disappointed in love too many times and I reached the point where I lost faith in it. Every one of my exes before you broke my heart but I thought that you were different, that you’d show me what true love really meant.
But you were just like the others. I’ll never get over the fact that you made me feel like I’m not good enough.
All my life, I’ve been searching for a man to love me the way I deserve to be loved. I wanted to experience what it means when someone accepts you the way you are, someone who would decide that I was worthy of his love and affection.
I wanted a man who wouldn’t just see me as his project and think that he could shape me into whatever suited him. My wish was to meet a guy who would add value to my life and who would know my worth.
And the thing is, I wanted a man to support me in my goals and dreams and never leave my side whenever things got tough. Respect and appreciation were things that I needed to have in a relationship.
Furthermore, I wanted a man who wouldn’t just see my quirks and flaws and I needed someone who would see that my good deeds outnumbered those bad ones. I wanted someone to see me as a human, not as his toy, and be there for me whenever I needed him.
I wanted to succeed in life but my desire was to be successful with you by my side. And I wanted you to have my back as much as I had yours.
Even though you took me for granted and played with my heart and trust, I kept running back to you whenever you called. I would’ve been there for you forever, you know, but you weren’t ready to do the same for me.
Instead of fighting for our love and our relationship, keeping me safe from all the bad people who wanted us to break up, you were the biggest mistake that ever happened to me. You didn’t know how to handle the pressure, so you let your anger out on me and you kept beating me down.
I didn’t want any of that to happen to us but you decided that I was no longer worth your attention. I thought you were the only one for me and I wanted you to feel the same way you did the first time we met.
The spark we had was long gone but I tried my best to reignite it. It backfired horribly and in the end, you were the one I should never have wished for.
In the process of falling for you, I neglected the relationship I had with myself.
Never in my wildest dreams could I have known that things would end like this.
Because of your cruel nature and poor treatment of me, I forgot who I was. I couldn’t believe that love would ever feel that way.
At one point, I even questioned whether or not I was worthy of you. I started believing that I didn’t deserve you and that I was nothing compared to you.
I thought that you knew me best and because of that, I trusted you to have my best interests at heart. Now I’ll never get over the fact that you made me feel like I’m not good enough.
You weren’t too picky when it came to the tools you used to make me feel that way and the more you hurt me, the better you seemed to feel about yourself. You’d always tell people how I was the bad one in our relationship and you portrayed yourself as a victim, when we both know that wasn’t true at all.
You kept doing mean things to me and you didn’t even care about my emotions. Your words and actions hurt my soul and body and tore my soft heart into a million pieces.
That’s when I reached my limit. I finally fell out of love with myself and you convinced me that I wasn’t worthy of being loved.
Truthfully, that feeling of being unworthy stayed deep into my heart for a long time. I don’t wish for anyone to feel that way, ever – not even my worst enemy.
Back then, I know that I was blinded by love but now I realize that you weren’t capable of loving me at all.
I wanted to be your best friend, someone you could always count on, but you were one of those men who would betray even their loved ones whenever they had the opportunity. And although it felt like my heart belonged to you, that kind of love was wrong.
You weren’t the one for me and we weren’t meant to stay together forever. I should’ve been able to lean on you, to run into your arms whenever life beat me down, but in running to you, I fell down and hit the ground so darn hard.
I’ll never get over the fact that you made me feel like I’m not enough and after giving myself some time to heal, I know that I truly regret having you in my life. Even though you taught me a valuable lesson about love, you’re the man I wish I had never met.
Sadly, it’s too late to do anything about it now. The only thing I have left to say to you is that I’ll never forgive you for making me set aside my dreams and goals.
I’ll never forget the times you fought against me and not even once paid attention to the words that were coming out of my mouth. I’ll never forgive you for making me doubt myself and forget how valuable I truly am.
Truth be told, you would’ve never survived the things I endured with you.
I know you’re not as strong as I am. I’m a strong woman who can’t love a weak man.
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