Here’s How To Tell Someone How Much They Mean To You In Words

Words of affection
By Zoella Woods

How to tell someone how much they mean to you in words? When you finally find a person who makes you happy, you feel the need to always shower them with compliments but at the same time, you don’t want to look pathetic.

You feel like writing them a love letter or shouting from the top of a mountain that they’re the best thing that ever happened to you.

You know that you can count on them on your bad days when you feel like everything is falling apart. At the same time, they’re the only person who truly celebrates your successes and helps you become the best version of yourself.

So, once you finally meet someone like that, how do you let them know how much they mean to you? You need the right words so they can realize that you don’t want to lose them, not in a million years.

How to tell someone how much they mean to you in words

Expressing your feelings through words may scare you, especially if your love language isn’t words of affirmation. Maybe you’re more about doing acts of service and showing your special person how much you care about them that way.

Perhaps you tend to be too nervous when telling someone how you feel about them face to face. You would rather text them how much they mean to you since you’re too shy to do the talking while standing in front of them.

But sometimes, it’s not about using all those big fancy words and acting all romantic. Sometimes, it’s the little things that matter the most.

It’s the everyday sentences that we all keep hearing on a daily basis but that indeed have a deeper meaning. So, when you’re trying to find a way to tell someone how much they mean to you using words, here’s what you could say.

1. “I love you.”

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I know that I’m stating the obvious with this one but I believe that it should always be the first choice.

When you feel like you’ve found your true love and you want to show that person how much they mean to you, you can simply say it with those three words.

I’m aware that this isn’t a life-changing way of expressing your feelings but it’s packed with love and its meaning is self-evident.

If you’re already in a romantic relationship and you’re looking for a way to express your emotions for someone, then you can use this easy way.

This is especially if the relationship is relatively fresh and you’re trying to talk about your feelings for the first time.

When you want your romantic partner to know how much they mean to you, then this is a great way to start.

2. “Text me when you get home.”

This sentence is filled with love and it’s a great way to tell someone how much they mean to you by using words.

You’re worried about your special person and you want to be sure that they arrive home safely, which simply shows that you care about them.

Besides your partner, you can always text this to your best friend or one of your family members. The message always remains the same – I’m concerned about you and I want to be sure that you get home safely.

3. “Are you hungry? I can cook you something to eat.”

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We all care about our loved ones and we want them to be in the best condition all the time. So, wanting to know whether they’re hungry and being willing to make them a meal is a great way to show your love.

You can easily tell someone how much they mean to you through words by asking them whether they’d like a proper meal.

Personally, I never looked for a partner who could make my life feel like a love story from the movies. I just wanted to meet a man who would want to know whether I’d already eaten and who would be ready to make something for me.

For me, it’s always been that simple and I’m sure that your special someone will appreciate the sentiment too.

4. “How are you feeling?”

We all go through some hard times when we don’t feel like getting out of bed. At some point in our life, we all feel like our world is falling apart and we can’t do anything about it.

In those moments, it’s important to have someone by your side, someone who’s there for you and who cares about your feelings. That person will be your shoulder to cry on and your motivation to pick yourself up and move on.

So, if you want to show someone through words how much they mean to you, you can always ask them how they’re feeling. It’s a great way to show them that you’re willing to listen to everything that’s bothering them.

Even if you can’t give them proper advice, being there for them and letting them open their heart to you will also work wonders. 

5. “I understand how you feel.”

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“I understand what you’re talking about since I listened to you closely and wanted to figure out where you were coming from.”

There’s nothing better than a person who listens to you and who truly gets your words. It makes you feel safe and it shows you that you’re not all alone in this world.

There’s someone out there who cares about you and who’s always ready to listen to what you have to say.

So, when you’re trying to figure out how to tell someone how much they mean to you in words, then this could be the way to go.

Let your special person realize that you get what they’re talking about and they will certainly see that as a sign that you care.

6. “I feel like I’ve known you forever.”

Saying these words will show your special person how much they mean to you. With them, everything feels natural and you have the feeling that you’ve known each other for years.

Even if you’ve just met, you can still feel like you know a lot about this person. You connect on a deeper level and it all starts to feel as if you’ve known each other in past lives.

It seems like your meeting was inevitable, something that was meant to happen. That’s why you truly feel happy that you have such a person in your life.

When I met the love of my life, I remember how weird I felt on our first date since it felt nothing like I was used to.

There was no awkward silence and the conversation was going back and forth as if we had known each other for a long time.

We realized that we shared the same sense of humor and from that point on, we discovered more and more things that we agreed on.

I knew that I mustn’t lose him as from the very beginning of our romantic love story, he was the only person who made me feel so comfortable.

The first time I told him that I felt like I’d known him forever, it was actually my way of letting him know that I didn’t want to go a day without him since he meant too much to me.

7. “I’m so happy when I’m with you.”

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If you want to make your special person feel all of the love you have for them, then you can use this sentence. “I’m so happy when I’m with you,” stands for, “I love you and I don’t ever want to lose you.”

It represents the purest form of appreciation you can feel for someone. When you let someone know that their presence in your life makes you happy, you’re actually showing them that they have nothing to worry about.

It acts as proof of love when said in such a way that they’ll know you’re being honest with them.

So, what are you waiting for? Tell that special someone how much they mean to you by using this sentence.

You can say it face to face or if you don’t feel brave enough, you can always text them. It doesn’t matter which way you do it as long as you share your emotions with them.

8. “You inspire me to grow as a person.”

“You mean so much to me the point where I want to grow as a person and become the best version of myself just to see you happy.”

The last time my boyfriend told me that I inspired him to be a better human being, I felt so honored and happy. I knew that was his way of showing me how much I meant to him and it couldn’t get any better than that.

Sometimes, the best way to tell someone you love them and care about them is through words that on the surface speak nothing of love. But once they realize the real meaning of what you’re saying, it all starts to be a bit clearer.

They realize how much they mean to you and instantly, a huge smile spreads across their face.

9. “I’m grateful for the day I met you.”

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How to tell someone how much they mean to you in words? Well, what about sharing with them that you’ll never forget the day you met them?

What about letting them know that you’re forever grateful for the moment they walked into your life? Sometimes, we all need a reminder that shows us that someone appreciates everything we do for them.

We need a sign that they still care about us, even if they already told us that. So if you’re looking for a way to tell that special someone how much you care about them, then you can’t go wrong with this example.

Let them hear that you’re thankful that you have them in your life, since moments like that are priceless.

10. “I can be myself when I’m with you.”

This one speaks from the heart and is probably one of the greatest things a person can tell you. It’s one of the best compliments when someone tells you that they can be themselves when they’re with you.

It only shows how great you are together and how happy the other person makes you.

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if, “I love you,” was replaced with, “I can be myself around you.” That’s how powerful and meaningful this sentence is.

So, if you’re looking for a way to tell someone how much they mean to you in words, then this is one of the best options you can use. Let them know that you feel at ease whenever you’re around them.

Express how calm they make you and how you don’t feel like you have to pretend you’re someone else. It’ll become clear to them that you’re happy to have them in your life and that you don’t want to lose them.

And who doesn’t want to hear that?

11. “You’re my special person.”

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When someone has a special place in your heart, it’s obvious that they mean so much to you. You don’t even want to think about losing them because you know that the world would never be the same without them.

You want them to remain in your life forever and keep making you happy till the end of time.

Expressing the emotions you feel for someone is easy as long as you’re being honest. They will instantly know that what you’re telling them is true and their heart will melt right away.

“You’re my special person,” carries a ton of feelings. It can easily show someone how much they mean to you by using a few simple words such as these.

The smile on their face after you tell them this will be priceless. I guarantee you that it will be one of the best things in the world.

12. “You’re my soulmate.”

If you’re trying to find a way to tell someone how much they mean to you, you can always do that by letting them know they’re your soulmate. They’ll immediately understand the message you’re trying to convey.

When you find the person you want to grow old with, it also means you’ve found your soulmate. You attract each other on another level and the connection you feel is something that will last forever.

This person is your match made in heaven and you’re grateful for the moment they walked into your life. So, let them know that by calling them your soulmate and showing them what they mean to you.

13. “You mean the world to me.”

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Similar to, “You’re my soulmate,” the words, “You mean the world to me,” also convey the same meaning.

When someone means a lot to you, then it’s obvious that you also care about them. You don’t want to risk losing them and you want them to stay by your side forever.

Even when things get hard, you’ll be there for each other and no one else could replace their place in your heart. So, if you want to know how to tell someone how much they mean to you, maybe you can use this saying.

You won’t believe how happy you can make someone by showering them with this simple compliment.

14. “You’re the first person I think about in the morning.”

They say that you care the most about the first person you think of when you wake up and the last one that’s on your mind before you fall asleep.

So, when you say this to your special someone, I’m sure they will understand how much you care about them. They will realize that your feelings are real and you’re not trying to play with their heart.

Instead, you’re honest about your intentions and you’re not trying to mess with them.

This is one of the easier ways to tell someone how much they mean to you by using words. I’m sure they will get the point and smile at you as a sign of appreciation.

15. “I would feel incomplete without you.”

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When someone helps you become the person you’re meant to be, you have the feeling that without them, you would have no idea who you are. You would feel incomplete and unable to reach your full potential.

If you let them know that, they will immediately realize how much they mean to you. It’ll become obvious that both of you are on the same page and you have no intention of hurting each other.

“I would feel incomplete without you as you’ve helped me become the best version of myself and I’m forever thankful for that.”

Try saying this to your special someone and see what happens next. It’ll amaze you how such a simple sentence can bring someone so much happiness.

16. “You give me goosebumps.”

How to tell someone how much they mean to you in words? Have you thought about letting them know that every time you’re together, you get goosebumps all over your body?

Does this feel like the right way to go? If you truly feel like your whole body reacts when you see each other, then it’s a sign that your feelings for this person are stronger than you may have thought.

They make your whole body shiver whenever you see them coming. This goes to show that you feel strong emotions for your person, even if you haven’t admitted it yet.

Their presence in your life makes you happy and you would probably be devastated if you ever lost them. Let them know that by saying this simple sentence and I’m sure they’ll understand the meaning behind it.

17. “I trust you.”

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Every relationship is based on trust. When there’s no trust, there’s no love and when there’s no love, there’s also no happiness.

So, when you tell someone that you trust them, you actually show them with words how much they mean to you. You let them know that you’ve put your heart in their hands so they can take care of it.

Even though you know that they could decide to break it, you still trust them enough to believe that they won’t choose to go down that road. You’re confident that they will treat it with kindness and tenderness instead of tearing it apart.

18. “I would go anywhere with you.”

“I care about you so much that I would go anywhere with you. If you wanted me to, I would quit my job and move countries just to wake up and fall asleep with you by my side.”

Once you tell them how much they mean to you in words, your special someone will know how you feel. If you let yourself be vulnerable in front of them, you allow them to see how much you care about them.

Even though your feelings for this person are much greater than these words, it’s still a great way to help them understand what role they play in your life.

You’ll see in their eyes that they understand what you’re talking about. They know how much they mean to you and honestly, they probably feel the same way about you.

19. “If something happened to me, you would be the first person I’d call.”

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When you care about someone, you show them that by making them a huge part of your life. And when someone means so much to you, then you express that by sharing everything with them first.

It doesn’t matter whether you got promoted or just quit a job that was no longer making you happy, it’s always about that first person you call to let them know the news.

That’s why you can easily let someone know how much they mean to you by telling them with these words.

“You’re the first person I’d call if something happened to me, whether good or bad. That’s how much you mean to me.”

20. “Your smile makes me smile.”

“You mean so much to me that seeing you smile instantly makes me smile too. At the same time, seeing you sad breaks my heart into pieces and I’d do whatever I could to save you from the world’s pain.”

Who would’ve thought that, “Your smile makes me smile,” had such meaning? It clearly shows that you don’t ever want to lose this person, since their presence in your life makes you happy and that’s all that matters.

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