You are texting a man you like, but you have no idea how to tell if a guy likes you over text.
It can be hard to figure out if someone’s into you but don’t worry, because you can learn how to tell if a guy likes you over text.
I know how frustrating it can be to wonder whether he’s into you or not. You can sense that there’s something going on but you aren’t sure what.
Where do you stand with him? No matter how much your gut feeling tells you that he likes you, you aren’t sure.
When someone texts you, you can’t see their body language and you can’t hear their voice, which makes it hard to read between the lines.
Most often, a person won’t simply tell you that they like you, at least not right away.
You have to learn how to tell if a guy likes you over text to know how he feels.
I am here to help you with that and it will be much easier once you know about these giveaway signs.
If he’s showing these signs, you can be sure that he’s into you.
Why hasn’t he said it yet? Well, maybe he wants to first make sure that you like him back.
He is probably wondering how to tell whether you like him over text too. Why don’t you get together instead of only texting?
If he wants to see you and talk in person, it will be a lot easier to tell whether he’s interested.
For now, learn how to tell if a guy likes you over text and if he’s showing these signs, suggest that you go out together.
Here’s how to tell if a guy likes you over text:
1. He tells you that he would like to be there with you
Knowing how to tell if a guy likes you over text is pretty easy if he’s showing this obvious sign.
Does he text you that he would like to be there with you at that time? Maybe he tells you about what the two of you would be doing if he was there?
This proves that he thinks about you and wants to spend time with you.
You wouldn’t want to spend time with someone you don’t like, right? Well, neither would he, so he probably likes you if he wishes he was there with you.
2. He uses a lot of emojis
First of all, you have to be aware that some people simply communicate by using a lot of emojis.
How does he text others? Look at the way he communicates on social media platforms, and if he uses a lot of emojis only with you, it’s a sign he likes you.
This is especially true if he uses flirty emojis, such as the one with the heart eyes, the one that signifies a kiss, and the smiley with its tongue out.
If he doesn’t usually use these emojis but uses them with you, it’s a sign he’s interested in you.
You still have to keep in mind that some men flirt with all women.
Have your friend text him to see whether he responds in the same way he does with you.
If he doesn’t use those emojis with your friend, you’re obviously special to him.
3. He texts you first
Who initiates texts? Are you the one who reaches out to him or does he initiate the conversation?
Does he only respond to your messages or is he engaged in the conversation?
If he likes you, he will text you first and respond quickly and he will also ask you questions to keep the conversation going.
This is a good sign that he likes you.
4. He cares about how you’re doing
When a man shows concern for and interest in you, it’s very likely that he’s interested in you.
He asks you how you’re doing because he genuinely cares about your well-being and wants you to be happy.
If he feels protective over you, he probably sees you as a potential girlfriend.
He wants you to know that you can always turn to him when you need a helping hand.
It’s important to him that you know that he’s always there for you as well. He surely admires your independence but wants to feel useful and wanted.
Ask for his help with something and see how he reacts.
5. His responses are thoughtful
A man who answers your texts with one word is not a man who’s into you.
If he is interested in you, his responses will be thoughtful and he will want to engage in the conversation.
He takes the time to think of a perfect response, which is a sign he cares about you.
When people are texting, they could be doing anything at that moment. Maybe he’s watching a movie, talking to someone else, playing a video game…
When you text him, however, he drops everything to think of a perfect response and that is the answer to how to tell if a guy likes you over text.
6. He tries to make you laugh
If he tries to make you laugh when you’re texting, he’s probably interested in you. He wants to make you smile even when he’s not there beside you.
You get funny messages from him because he cares about making you laugh.
It could be a meme, a funny GIF, a quote from some movie, an inside joke, or something completely unrelated.
He just wants to put a smile on your face because your happiness is important to him, which is a clear sign he likes you!
7. He makes plans with you
If he is really interested in you, he won’t settle for just texting. He’ll want to see you and talk to you in person.
Maybe he’ll make plans with you to see a movie or grab a drink.
Whatever plans he makes with you, if he wants to spend time with you in person, it’s a great sign.
Texting you isn’t enough for him and he wants to look at you when he talks to you.
8. He sends you inside jokes and gives you a nickname
A person who really gets you will be able to make you laugh by sending something only the two of you understand.
If you have some inside jokes, it shows that you’ve created a special bond.
Maybe he communicates with you by using emojis that only the two of you find funny.
He could reference something that happened when you were hanging out and turn it into an inside joke.
If he also gives you a special nickname, he likes you a lot. When people flirt, they use special nicknames to seem cute and create a deeper connection.
The nickname he gives you will be something special and intimate that only the two of you understand.
He will be trying to create a close connection with you by using your nickname as often as possible. You know what that means, don’t you?
See also: If A Guy Calls You Every Day, What Does It Mean? 5 Possible Explanations
9. He responds right away
There are guys who take forever to respond to your texts, and you should avoid them.
Of course, there is a pretty good chance that a guy is purposely doing that to seem cool, but it could also mean that he doesn’t like you.
If he instead always texts back quickly, it’s very likely that he’s into you. He doesn’t want to keep you waiting and looks forward to talking to you.
It’s great to know that someone cares enough for you to be there for you when you want to talk.
10. He gives you compliments
You should be aware that a lot of men will give you compliments without the intention of having anything serious with you.
However, a guy who likes you will give you compliments on things you haven’t even noticed.
He may notice something about your behavior that you weren’t even aware of or comment on an old photo of you that you forgot about.
Maybe he gives you compliments about your personality or he could also notice when you change something about your appearance.
If he notices these small changes in the way you look, it’s a bulletproof sign that he’s interested in you.
It means that he pays attention to you and he wouldn’t do that if he didn’t like you.
Does he give compliments to everyone or only to you? This is another thing you should pay attention to.
11. He randomly texts you
This guy sends you random texts out of the blue just to start a conversation with you.
He asks you random questions because he just wants to talk to you. There’s no hidden agenda in his messages and he simply reaches out because he likes you.
He wants you to know that he’s thinking about you, which proves that he’s interested.
Additionally, he makes sure you always keep in touch, even when you haven’t seen each other for a while.
12. He wants to know whether you are single or not
Maybe he directly asks you whether you are seeing anyone, and that’s because he wants to be your boyfriend.
Still, a lot of men won’t be so straightforward, so he may try to figure it out on his own by asking you indirect questions.
Maybe he’ll tell you that he’s single, so that you tell him about your relationship status.
If you tell him that you went to some party, he could ask you whether you went alone, to find out whether you have a boyfriend.
When you see him in person, try to tell him that you’re single, so that you can see the reaction on his face.
13. He talks about himself and his day with you
If he likes you, he will want you to get to know him better and this is why he will talk to you about his day and let you learn more about his life.
He doesn’t want to hide things from you, so he tells you about his friends and his plans for the future.
When a man lets you in, it shows that he wants to make you a part of his life. He cares about your opinions and wants you to get to know each other a little better.
Talk to him about your day and open up so he can see that you like him too.
14. He remembers the details you tell him
Men aren’t great at remembering details unless they’re interested in a woman.
If he remembers the little things you tell him and brings them up in a conversation later, he’s into you.
He wants to create a bond and thinks about you. Only people who genuinely care about you will remember the details you tell them.
Those who don’t really like you won’t listen to you so carefully.
15. He offers his help
Men like to solve problems. If you tell him about an issue you’re facing, he’ll try to figure out a solution.
He will also care about impressing you with that solution. A man who’s into you will offer his help when you’re having difficulty with something.
It could be a certain problem or just something you need advice on. Either way, he will offer his help because he wants you to think of him as a hero who’ll always save the day.
16. He lets you know about important changes in his life
When something significant happens in his life, you’re the first person to hear about it.
He lets you know about all the changes in his life, whether they are big or small, because you are important to him and he wants to include you in his life.
Whenever something important happens, he wants to celebrate it with you or confide in you. This is an undeniable sign that he cares about you.
17. He sends you goodnight texts
When he wants you to have sweet dreams, he will wish you a good night.
It’s great when someone thinks about you before going to bed and wants you to sleep peacefully.
You’re the last thing on his mind before he goes to sleep and it shows that he likes you.
People don’t send goodnight texts to those they don’t care about. You deserve to be with a man who’ll always send you goodnight texts.
18. He teases you
Men always tease the women they like, and it starts when they’re only boys, but never ends.
If a guy is interested in you, he will tease you. It’s his way of getting your attention and being playful.
He won’t pull your hair like he would have done to a girl he liked in kindergarten, but he’ll still tease you.
You should also be aware that some men aren’t really good at teasing girls. It could seem awkward or like he’s insulting you, but he’s trying to let you know that he likes you.
19. He doesn’t suddenly stop responding
When a man suddenly stops responding, a million questions go through your mind.
You wonder whether he’s busy with something, doesn’t like you, or is playing hard to get.
The answer could be any of those things, but a guy who likes you won’t keep you guessing.
He will let you know if he can’t talk anymore or he’ll end the conversation in some other way.
People don’t often do this these days, but a man who likes you will. He doesn’t want you to think that he doesn’t like you, which is why he always lets you know when he has to stop texting.
Perhaps he’ll say that he’s busy and that you can continue the conversation tomorrow.
When he makes plans to talk to you again, he clearly likes you. He doesn’t want you to feel like he’s only pretending that he’s busy.
The sweetest way to end a conversation is to wish each other a good night.
20. He sends you good morning texts
It’s an amazing feeling when you wake up and see a text message from someone you care about, just like it is to receive a goodnight text.
This shows that you’re on his mind as soon as he opens his eyes and he probably has a smile on his face when he texts you.
He wants to let you know that he was thinking about you as soon as he started his day, which is a clear sign that he likes you a lot.
You can find some great good morning texts for him that you could use too.
21. He thinks that you’re funny
If he finds you hilarious, he’s obviously interested in you. Maybe you really are funny, but you’re not the funniest person in the world and he acts like you are.
Responding with ‘lol’ and ‘haha’ to almost everything you text him is a very good sign.
You can test this by sending him a lame joke and then paying attention to how he reacts. If he finds it funny, he probably likes you.
Of course, he could just be being polite, but you know him well enough to tell the difference.
When a person likes you, they want you to feel good about yourself, which is why they act silly and laugh even when nothing is really funny.
They want to make you feel acknowledged and important because they care about you.
22. He texts you all day
Do you exchange texts almost all day? You talk about a lot of things and it turns into one very long conversation that lasts the whole day.
This is a very clear sign he likes you, especially if the texting seems aimless.
Most of the time, men need a reason to text you. They text you when they want to find out something or to make plans with you.
If he aimlessly texts you all day, he wants to create a deeper connection with you and it’s because he’s into you.
He doesn’t really have anything to say to you, he just wants to talk to you.
It’s important to him that you know that he’s there, as well as to see how you are.
You don’t have to wonder how to tell if a guy likes you over text if he’s showing this sign.
Does he text you every day? That’s a great sign too!
23. He texts you when he’s with his friends
Does he text you when he goes out with his friends? If he finds the time to respond to your texts when he’s partying, you’re very important to him.
Even when he is surrounded by friends, having fun, he gives you his attention.
It proves that he’s into you as well as that he’s the kind of guy who will make you a priority.
This is especially true if you keep exchanging a lot of texts while he is out with his buddies.
You’re clearly more important to him than anything else, so he definitely likes you.
This is not the kind of guy who would ditch you to go drinking with his friends.
Still, you should understand that he needs some time with them and give him some space.
That way, you’ll let him know that he won’t lose his freedom once he gets into a relationship with you.
24. He texts you when he’s drunk
When people drink, they often become honest and overwhelmed with emotions.
If he texts you when he’s drunk, he’s probably gathering the courage to tell you that he likes you.
Still, you need to be careful because he could just be looking for some fun. It all depends on what he texts you and when.
Don’t trust a man who texts you at 2 am when he’s been partying since 9 pm.
On the other hand, he could even be drinking to work up enough courage to let you know about his feelings for you.
If it happens a lot, however, he might have a problem.
25. He texts that he likes you
Ultimately, a man who likes you could simply write that in a text. Maybe he won’t write exactly, “Hey, I like you,” but he will give you a hint.
He could try to find out whether you like him, instead of letting you know that he likes you. Either way, enjoy texting with him and see how it goes!
Good luck!