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He Doesn’t Give A Damn About You If He Does These 7 Things

He Doesn’t Give A Damn About You If He Does These 7 Things

We all want to be loved, even those who don’t admit it. None of us are meant to end up alone.

All human beings have a need for company and love, and it is what makes life worth living.

None of us should have to go through life alone and having no one to love is hard.

Still, no matter how hard it is to be alone, it’s always better to be alone than in a relationship that doesn’t make you happy.

Of course, you could pretend that you aren’t unhappy, but what’s the point? You deserve to be with someone you won’t have to pretend with.

No one should be just a backup plan for the person they love, because there’s the right person for everyone.

DONE! He Doesn't Give A Damn About You If He Does These 7 Things

You just need to find the right person for you. So, do not settle for just anything just to avoid going through life alone.

Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking they love you when they clearly don’t.

When someone only pretends they love you, it will only bring you a lot of pain. It’s better to be alone than with a person who will never give you what you deserve.

You deserve to be with a person who will always show their love for you. They won’t make fake promises or only say empty words.

If you are not a priority to him, you need to walk away from him and find the right man for you.

Here are the signs he doesn’t really care about you, even if he pretends he does:

1. He doesn’t defend you or even embarrasses you

DONE! He Doesn't Give A Damn About You If He Does These 7 Things

When you are in public with him, and someone offends you, or there’s a situation you’re not comfortable with, what does he do?

If he doesn’t stick up for you and doesn’t take your side, he doesn’t really care about you.

He says he loves you, but he never has the courage to defend you, so how could it be love?

It just shows that your relationship isn’t as good as you might have thought.

Maybe he instead embarrasses you in public. Making jokes at your expense or making snarky comments regarding you in front of his friends isn’t okay.

It proves that he doesn’t care about you because a man who loves you would never do something like that.

You are wasting your time with a man who embarrasses you or doesn’t defend you.

Keep in mind that you deserve much more and walk away from him.

2. He doesn’t try to make up after a fight

DONE! He Doesn't Give A Damn About You If He Does These 7 Things

What happens when the two of you fight? Who makes the first move to try to get back on track afterward?

If you’re always the one who reaches out to him after you’ve cooled off, it’s not okay.

Of course, it’s perfectly normal for couples to fight… but it’s important that both of you want to patch things up afterward.

If you’re the only one who tries to make everything okay again, you’re not with the right person.

It’s not possible that he is so stubborn that he can’t ever be the one who’ll apologize first.

If you believe that that’s the problem, you can test whether he’s stubborn or just doesn’t love you.

Next time, after a fight, don’t call him or text him. Don’t do anything to try to make up and make everything okay again.

Wait for him to do it. See how long you have to wait until he apologizes first for a change.

If he doesn’t do anything to get back on track, you should definitely leave him.

3. He tells you what you can and can’t wear

DONE! He Doesn't Give A Damn About You If He Does These 7 Things

No one has the right to decide what you can and can’t wear except for you.

Your man also doesn’t have the right to decide how you are going to do your make-up.

He can’t tell you that you have too much make-up on or not enough of it.

These decisions are only yours to make. You can wear whichever clothes you want, whether it’s too revealing or something he doesn’t like.

If he tries to tell you what you can and can’t wear, you need to get away from him.

4. He doesn’t introduce you as his girlfriend

DONE! He Doesn't Give A Damn About You If He Does These 7 Things

If he introduces you to others by your name or as a friend, you shouldn’t be his girlfriend. He doesn’t consider you as his girlfriend anyway.

He could be embarrassed by you for some reason, but it’s more likely that he is just scared of commitment. You shouldn’t be with a man like that.

Don’t be with anyone other than a man who’ll proudly introduce you as his girlfriend to everyone he knows.

5. He abuses you

DONE! He Doesn't Give A Damn About You If He Does These 7 Things

You need to understand that no one in this world should be allowed to hurt you in any way possible.

If he abuses you emotionally or physically, get away from him right away!

Men who abuse women are just insecure and weak cowards hiding behind a tough guy act.

They make themselves think that they are strong by lashing out at those they consider weaker.

If a man ever tries to physically or emotionally abuse you, you need to leave him right away. Don’t be afraid of him and don’t ever let him hurt you again.

6. He is not there when you need him

DONE! He Doesn't Give A Damn About You If He Does These 7 Things

When you’re upset about something or just feel depressed, your man needs to be there for you.

He should be your support, comfort you, and help you feel good again.

Even if he can’t help you, he should be there to listen to you, so that you can get it all off your chest.

If he’s not there when you need him, he doesn’t care about you.

7. He doesn’t want to talk about the future

DONE! He Doesn't Give A Damn About You If He Does These 7 Things

All men who are scared of commitment will freak out when you want to talk about the future.

If he doesn’t want to talk about the future you could have together, there’s no future in that relationship.

He considers your relationship casual, and you shouldn’t settle for that.

Walk away from him and find someone who will enjoy planning the future you will have together.

He Doesn't Give A Damn About You If He Does These 7 Things

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