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This Is Why You Should Choose The Man Who Loves You More

This Is Why You Should Choose The Man Who Loves You More

Choose the man who loves you more because he’ll be selfless. He won’t make decisions without consulting you. He won’t do what’s best for him without taking what’s best for you into consideration. He won’t only care about his pleasure in the bedroom because he’ll be busy making sure you’re having a great time too. He won’t cancel on you to go out with his friends because he’ll invite you to come.

And he won’t ask you to spend most of your free time with him because he’ll encourage you to connect with other people who you care about. He won’t borrow money from you to buy a t-shirt for himself because he will be giving you the money to treat yourself instead. He won’t take you out to his favorite place, he’ll take you to yours instead. He won’t make the relationship all about him, he’ll make it about you.

Choose the man who loves you more because he’ll make you his queen. He’ll make you his number one and he’ll make you his only. You won’t have to enforce your standards because he will always live up to them.This Is Why You Should Choose The Man Who Loves You More

You won’t fight about stupid stuff because he will pick his battles. You won’t ask him to spend more time with you because he will make you a priority.

You won’t ask him questions like, “Where is this going?” or “How do you feel about us?” because he will show you what you mean to him in actions. You won’t feel like he’s taking you for granted or that you’re settling for less than what you deserve. You won’t question his respect and admiration for you either.

Choose the man who loves you more because he’ll love you the way you need to be loved. He’ll do his best to be the partner you deserve. He’ll be your best friend when you need someone to talk to, your lover when you need someone to validated you, and your biggest fan when you lose faith in yourself.

He’ll take care of you when you are sick, depressed, or just tired. He’ll go out of his way to make your life a little easier. He’ll make you happy without even trying because deep down you know that you’re not in this alone.This Is Why You Should Choose The Man Who Loves You More

When you choose the man who loves you more, you feel loved like you’ve never felt before because for the first time you found someone who reciprocates your investment, matches your commitment, and doubles your love.

When you choose the man who loves you more, you choose someone who has a heart exactly like yours. When you choose the man who loves you more, you choose someone who chooses you over the game, you over his fears, you over your differences, and you over his ego.

When you choose the man who loves you more, you choose the man who understands the real purpose of life. And that’s everything!

This Is Why You Should Choose The Man Who Loves You More

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