I’ve been meaning to write a letter to my first love for a long time, but I simply wasn’t ready.
Even though so much time has passed since we parted, it just hurt too much that he wasn’t my last love as well.
This letter to my first love is here to help me finally close that chapter of my life now, after all this time, because I finally accepted that my first love wasn’t meant to be my last.
Until now, I guess I still hoped he would be, but the time has come to write a letter to my first love and finally let go of the past.
Dear First Love,
This is a letter for you because we never had a proper goodbye, and it’s about time we get some closure.
You were the most important person in my life, and you will forever be a part of it that I’ll never forget.
I know that we don’t talk anymore, and you have your own life, but I want you to know how you affected mine.
You probably don’t think about me anymore, and you might not even read this letter, but I need you to know that our love changed me.
All of a sudden, I discovered a feeling I never could have imagined would be so strong.
You brought love and excitement into my life, which made me realize how amazing it is to give your heart to someone.
I’m glad you were the person I gave it to because you were the only person that I felt truly understood me back then.
You always believed in me and you helped me see myself through your eyes. The way you saw me was a way no one else saw me before.
It was like you could turn my flaws into what was best about me, and you made me realize that I should love myself.
I thought that you were the most perfect being that ever walked this earth, and I secretly still do.
Of course, you had your flaws too, but they made me love you even more because they were what made you so unique.
I shared my dreams with you, and you encouraged me to make them come true.
You only had eyes for me, but I was still jealous whenever some other girl would go near you.
I couldn’t help myself, because the fear of losing you was too great for me to handle.
You knew all about my insecurities, but instead of getting angry at me for being so jealous, you tried to help me overcome them.
All those times you would try to convince me that I was beautiful and smart still help me feel that way to this day … and that is why I still hold you dear and think about the great times we had together.
Our relationship is something that happened out of nowhere, and it ended the same way.
We never got to have the closure we needed, and that is why it’s so important for me to write you this letter.
I want you to know that, no matter how heartbroken I was in the end, it was worth it to me, just to get to remember the time when we were together.
The love I had for you never completely faded away, and I still dream about the look you gave me before we kissed for the first time.
I know you’re happy with someone else now, and I hope she loves you as much as I did because loving you more simply wouldn’t be possible.
You deserve to be happy, and this letter isn’t here to interfere with your happiness…
On the contrary, it’s here to let you know that I want you to have everything you ever dreamed of.
I don’t need to be there beside you to see your dreams come true; I just want them to.
From the bottom of my heart, I truly hope that your life is everything you wanted it to be.
You taught me how to love, and I’ll forever be grateful for sharing a part of my life with you.
Our beautiful story ended with a terrible heartbreak, and I cried so many nights after you left, but that’s okay.
You taught me how it feels to have your heart broken, and I could have never imagined that feeling before.
It made me stronger and more careful about who I give my heart to.
I couldn’t understand it back then, but I know now that people who love each other hurt each other too.
It’s all a part of life, and having my first heartbreak taught me that I can survive anything.
You were my first love, and it’s time to find my last, so I’m writing you this letter to say those final words I never got the chance to say.
Looking back on what we had, I don’t regret anything. I’m glad our relationship happened, and I wouldn’t trade that experience for any other.
A special place in my heart will always be reserved for you, and I want you to know that, but just like you’ve found your happiness, I should find mine.
To do that, I need to have the proper goodbye with you that I never got to have.
If you’re reading this, you should know that I loved you more than I think I could ever love anyone else, but I have to try.
All I want from you now is to remember me as fondly as I remember you.
I can only hope that you don’t regret being my first love because I couldn’t think of anyone who would be better for the role of my first boyfriend.
The memories of our time together will always make me smile and I hope that you’re happy, wherever you are.
I had the time of my life with you, but the time has come to leave the past behind and start over, with the hope that I’ll love my last love at least close to how much I loved you.
Goodbye, my first love, I’ll never forget you.