You’re scared that he’s about to ghost you. Something feels wrong, though you can’t really pinpoint what, and you have a hunch that ghosting is the most logical answer.
You’ve been seeing each other for a while now and things seem to be okay. They were better before, though.
He used to be very interested in you and you thought that this relationship would last. However, things don’t seem to be going in the right direction.
So, is he about to ghost you completely?
1. You’re only getting one-word answers
It doesn’t matter whether you send him a question or a rant about something that happened at work, he still finds a way to reply with only one word.
He continues to send you very short answers even at times when your message requires a better response.
You’re confused because he didn’t act like this before. He always put effort into your conversations and he never left you questioning the meaning behind his words.
Now, it’s just sad. You try to engage him more in conversations by asking him more questions but there he goes again, just giving you vague responses.
That man’s about to ghost you and you may not even see it coming.
2. He doesn’t text you first as often as he used to
When you first started seeing each other, he would text you first quite often. Sometimes, he would initiate a conversation multiple days or weeks in a row.
You never had to question whether you should text him because he already had his phone in his hands and was typing out a message. Now, however, things are different.
If you don’t start the conversation, you know that you won’t hear from him for days. That’s sad and it makes you feel irrelevant.
You’re starting to question yourself, whether you pushed him to text you first all this time so now he doesn’t want to do that at all. But let’s get back to the most basic advice anyone can ever give you: If he wanted to, he would.
He wouldn’t be deterred from texting you if you’re always interested in having a conversation with him. He’s just going to ghost you very soon.
3. He’s very dismissive when you ask him something
It doesn’t matter whether that question is about where he’s been or whom he’s with, he always finds a way to dismiss it. He makes you believe that your questions aren’t necessary and that you’re just trying to pry.
You’ve asked him those same questions before too but now things seem to be getting worse.
He gets so annoyed whenever you ask him something and he only responds quickly and with a short explanation or he becomes very defensive.
This could also mean that for him, there’s someone else in the picture. Because otherwise, he wouldn’t mind answering those simple questions if he didn’t have anything to feel guilty about.
4. He doesn’t apologize for his absence anymore
When you first started seeing each other, he would always let you know if he was going to be absent. Even at times when he didn’t reply to you for hours, he’d still have an explanation afterward.
Those explanations would always be followed by an apology, especially if he didn’t respond quickly enough.
I mean, we’re all human, so stuff like that happens. However, this man doesn’t apologize for anything anymore.
He replies to you but doesn’t bother to explain why it took him so long. He doesn’t express any regret and that’s because he’s not sorry; you’re just inconveniencing him by asking so many questions.
He would respond to you in good time if he thought that you were important enough. And the fact that he doesn’t even apologize for ignoring your text messages leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
He’s about to ghost you and he won’t be sorry.
5. He ghosted you before
Do you know the saying ‘once a cheater, always a cheater’? Well, that same thing kind of applies to ghosters, as they also tend to get stuck in their vicious cycle of toxic behavior.
You thought that you should give him another chance because he promised that he was a changed man. Obviously, that’s a lie because if he ghosted you once, he’s more likely to do it again.
Why did he ghost you the first time? Does his current behavior look like how he acted when he ghosted you then?
Do you see any similarities? If you do, please make sure to guard your heart well, as he clearly hasn’t changed.
6. He’s not consistent
One of the most important things in any relationship is consistency. Because of that, you can know for sure when a man isn’t going to stay in your life for a long period of time.
He acts all lovey-dovey one day and then he completely ignores you the next. Do you truly believe that a man who’ll be in your life for the long haul would act this way?
If he’s not being consistent, there’s a good chance that he’s losing interest in you and that’s a one-way ticket to ghost town!
You’ll see this sign once he starts getting more comfortable around you. The very moment he feels like he’s won you over, he’ll just start to play his little games.
7. He doesn’t talk about any future plans with you
An obvious sign he’s about to ghost you is that he doesn’t make any plans with you. He’s extremely interested in you when you’re together but he simply doesn’t make any plans for the future.
Even when he does say that he wants to meet up with you, it’s always in the near future. This man doesn’t even bother to make it seem like he wants to keep you in his life long-term; he’s just enjoying your presence right now.
This is always a red flag but especially for a guy who’s a very inconsistent texter. He’ll ghost you and you’ll understand that the signs were always there.