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Your Soulmate Will Never Do These 6 Toxic Things (But A Narcissist Will)

Your Soulmate Will Never Do These 6 Toxic Things (But A Narcissist Will)

Looking for love can sometimes feel like navigating a minefield, especially when trying to distinguish between a genuine soulmate and a toxic narcissist. But fear not! We’re here to clear up the confusion.

In this blog post, we’ll reveal the essential truths you need to know: Your soulmate will never do these 6 toxic things that narcissists frequently exhibit.

So, buckle up for a guide to safeguarding your heart and recognizing the difference between true love and a one-way ticket to emotional turmoil.

1. Make your life a living hell.

Your Soulmate Will Never Do These 6 Toxic Things (But A Narcissist Will)

Narcissists create constant chaos in your life. They belittle you and make you feel worthless, then manipulate you into thinking you’re the one at fault. This results in an unhealthy environment that worsens your feelings with each passing day.

Some people may recognize the effects of narcissistic behavior, while others are more vulnerable and easily influenced. Regardless of which group you fall into, the consequences remain the same.

Emotional abuse can lead to depression or other mental health issues, depending on the duration and severity of the abuse, as well as your emotional strength and stability.

You’re not weak or fragile; you’re stronger than you realize. If someone is turning your everyday reality upside down and making you feel like life isn’t worth living, you have the courage to walk away from that.

Seek out a support system and don’t face this alone. There are people who care about you, but they can’t help unless you allow them to.

2. Ask you to take care of their needs while neglecting your own.

A true soulmate won’t insist that your entire life revolves around them. Instead, they will respect your needs and aim to make you feel loved and cared for.

A narcissist, on the other hand, will see you as a pawn in their game of love. They don’t genuinely care for you; they just want to manipulate you into giving them everything while offering you only the bare minimum in return.

Are you exhausted by how much you do for them? Do they blame you for doing nothing, even though you spend all your days dedicated to them?

That’s how narcissists maintain control over you. If someone makes you feel exhausted and unworthy, they are not truly loving you.

3. Never allow you to take up space.

2. Your Soulmate Will Never Do These 6 Toxic Things But A Narcissist Will

Do you feel the need to diminish yourself for their sake? Do you hold back words you want to say, keeping them stuck in your throat? Do you smile at them even when all you want to do is sit down and cry?

When dealing with a narcissist, you often fall victim to their manipulation and end up prioritizing their needs. They convince you that everything is your fault, so you end up apologizing to them instead of receiving an apology.

Even when they apologize, it’s not because they’re genuinely sorry but because they’re trying to manipulate you. They eventually repeat the same behavior, trapping you in a cycle that never ends.

Don’t trust an apology unless it’s backed by changed behavior. Keep in mind that a narcissist can’t change because their behavior stems from a disorder. No matter how much you try or how much love you give, things will stay the same.

4. Gaslight you daily but blame it all on you.

A narcissist is incapable of admitting guilt. When they do apologize, it’s only to manipulate you. Otherwise, you’ll rarely, if ever, hear a genuine apology from them.

Not only that, but they will also blame you for everything. Even though you’re the one being abused, they portray themselves as the victim to continue victimizing you.

The worst part is that even when you know you’ve done nothing wrong, repeated accusations can eventually make you start believing them.

Daily gaslighting creates doubt, even if you’re emotionally intelligent. The situation worsens when they isolate you from others and remove your support systems. However, because you’re here, you still have some control, and you can escape this situation. We believe in you.

5. Earn your trust in order to keep abusing you.

Your Soulmate Will Never Do These 6 Toxic Things (But A Narcissist Will)

A common narcissistic tactic is to wear a mask of kindness to gain your trust. They seem sweet and approachable, so you open up to them, only for them to eventually use what you’ve shared against you.

They don’t care about comforting you. Instead, they want to learn your weaknesses to manipulate you more effectively.

Everything you say and do will be twisted to serve their agenda. They will make you doubt your own reality to maintain complete control over you.

A true soulmate would never think of doing such a thing to you. They cherish you and aim to help heal your broken parts, rather than using them as weapons. You feel safe and protected with them.

6. Destroy your confidence and ruin your self-image.

When someone loves you, they help you recognize your potential. They uplift and motivate you to become your best self. In contrast, a narcissist does the exact opposite.

They make you feel talentless and tell you that you’ll never succeed because you’re not smart enough. Their goal is to make you depend on them both financially and emotionally.

You see your confidence diminishing as you retreat more into your shell each day. Their words start to seem like the ultimate truth, but they’re not. You have incredible potential, but daily abuse can drain your strength to realize it. When each day feels so challenging, how can you find the energy to chase your dreams?

We understand how hard this is, and it’s okay if it takes time. For now, focus on getting out of this situation. Once you’re in a healthier environment, you’ll start to flourish. I promise you that. Life may not seem bright right now, but it can be beautiful, and it will be.

So, there you have it—six telltale signs that your so-called “soulmate” might actually be a narcissist in disguise. Remember, your soulmate will never do these 6 toxic things, and once you spot these red flags, you’ll know exactly what to avoid. Don’t settle for less; you deserve someone who treats you like the royalty you are!

(But A Narcissist Will)

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