Whether you’re a Norse mythology enthusiast or you identify with the Viking culture, you might be thinking of getting a Yggdrasil tattoo somewhere on your body.
Yggdrasil tattoos might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but a strong composition, detailed black ink outlines, and a deep meaning define them and make them appealing to many. What does Yggdrasil stand for, anyway?
Yggdrasil, according to Norse mythology, refers to an ash tree that supports the entire Universe. Yggdrasil bears a resemblance to the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge, but it’s mainly believed to serve as the connection between the Nine Worlds in Norse mythology.
Without further ado, we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite Yggdrasil tattoos to inspire your next ink.
1. A forearm tattoo of symbols
If you’re unfamiliar with the Nordic culture, this tattoo consists of Vegvísir, Yggdrasil, and Águia. Vegvísir is a Nordic compass meant to prevent the person carrying it from losing their way, and Águia is an eagle. It’s the ultimate Nordic tattoo, right?
2. A Yggdrasil tattoo on the forearm
If you’re interested in getting a Yggdrasil tattoo anywhere on your body, you might want to add a couple of Nordic elements to complete the design of the tattoo. In this picture, you can see a Jörmungandr wrapped around a Yggdrasil tree – Jörmungandr is a sea serpent, the middle child of the giantess Angrboða and Loki.
3. A tattoo of Yggdrasil and the Tree of Gondor
The White Tree of Gondor, to be more precise, is heralded in the Lord of the Rings trilogy as a symbol of hope and life renewal. That being said, these two trees make for the perfect tattoo motif because of their striking resemblance and their deep meaning.
4. A detailed Yggdrasil tattoo on the inside of the arm
Detailed tattoos might be tough to sit through, but they’re worth your while. Depending on your personal preferences, you might want to get a Yggdrasil tattoo with all the Nordic symbols that represent who you are and what you’ve been through.
5. A Yggdrasil tattoo on the shoulder and neck
We’re obsessed with the placement of this tattoo, that’s for sure! When picking the perfect tattoo placement, make sure you pick a spot that allows your tattoo to flow, move with your body, and accentuate the beauty of your skin. We suggest opting for a Yggdrasil tattoo that stretches from your shoulder to your neck.
6. A tattoo of a wooden Viking shield with a Yggdrasil tree on the chest
What about a chest tattoo? Chest tattoos are great because they remain hidden for the most part, but you can show them off when you’re ready to boast about your Nordic background.
7. Another detailed Yggdrasil tattoo on the inside of the arm
We’ve got another detailed Yggdrasil tattoo coming your way! With a Nordic compass, a Yggdrasil tree, and a few other symbols and elements, this tattoo promises to attract attention and turn heads everywhere you go.
8. A tattoo of a knotted Yggdrasil tree
A knotted Yggdrasil tree represents the interconnectedness of all things in the Universe. When you’re tired of sitting around, waiting for your big break, or getting angry at the Universe for not having your back, a knotted Yggdrasil tattoo might remind you of what really matters.
9. A Yggdrasil tattoo on the forearm with a Fenrir tattoo on the upper arm
Whether you want to complete a Yggdrasil-inspired sleeve or you simply want to pay homage to another Nordic symbol, you might want to add a Fenrir tattoo to your growing collection. Fenrir, the monstrous wolf of Norse mythology, was the son of the demoniac god Loki and a giantess, Angerboda.
10. A Yggdrasil tattoo on the upper arm
Yggdrasil tattoos can be quite big and bold and that’s why you might need to opt for a tattoo placement that allows them to spread and stretch. A Yggdrasil tattoo on your upper arm might be exactly what you’re searching for – what do you think?
11. A Yggdrasil tattoo on the back
Why wouldn’t you want to embellish your back with a Yggdrasil tattoo? Whether you opt for a maximalist or a minimalist tattoo, you can work with your tattoo artist and come up with something that’s guaranteed to make you happy.
12. A Yggdrasil tattoo on the hand
With a hand tattoo, you need to make sure you’re 100% on board with the design of your Yggdrasil tattoo. Hand tattoos are almost always on display which means they’re difficult to conceal when you don’t want to show them off. Hand tattoos are great for seasoned tattoo-getters and people who know what they want.
13. A blackwork Yggdrasil tattoo on the upper arm
Blackwork tattoos are known for their depth and their bold presence, but they’re mainly known for the fact that they rely heavily on black ink. When you’re 100% sure you want to make a statement with a black ink tattoo, you might want to opt for a blackwork Yggdrasil tattoo.
14. A dotwork Yggdrasil tattoo on the shoulder
Dotwork tattoos are soft and subtle, unlike blackwork tattoos. Dotwork tattoos, for those of you who don’t know, are created by inking a series of dots that come together to create the desired image.
15. A Yggdrasil and Ouroboros tattoo on the inside of the arm
A Yggdrasil tree combined with a circular symbol depicting a snake, or less commonly a dragon, swallowing its tail? Absolutely!
Ouroboros represents the unity of all things, material and spiritual.
16. A matching Yggdrasil tattoo
Yggdrasil tattoos are associated with both life and death, and you might not think to get a Yggdrasil tattoo to commemorate a romantic relationship, a friendship, or even a family relationship. With that out of the way, though, a Yggdrasil tree can be a great way for you to pay homage to a loved one, anyway.
17. A colorful Yggdrasil tattoo
What about a colored tattoo? Colored tattoos might require more time, effort, and energy, but they’re worth your while. A colorful Yggdrasil tattoo will make everyone fall in love with your newest ink.
18. A Yggdrasil tattoo with Nordic symbols
We can’t get enough of Nordic tattoos, that’s for sure! When working on the final design of your Yggdrasil tattoo, make sure you add a couple of symbols and elements that can amplify or completely change the meaning of the tattoo.
19. A Yggdrasil tattoo on the ribcage
Now, ribcage tattoos might not be for the faint of heart, but they’re the perfect placement for a Yggdrasil tree. Whenever you want to send a message to the rest of the world that you’re capable of great things, opt for a ribcage tattoo.
20. A Yggdrasil tattoo with a moon
We’re ending the article with one of the most mysterious Yggdrasil tattoos! A tattoo of a Yggdrasil tree combined with a moon can represent a myriad of meanings, but you’re the one who gets the final say. Moon tattoos represent mystery, feminine energy, and change, after all.