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15 Signs That You Are Trapped In A Relationship And The Reasons Why

15 Signs That You Are Trapped In A Relationship And The Reasons Why

Sometimes, when we want to avoid a break-up, we neglect our well-being, so we end up feeling stuck in a bad relationship. You might feel like your romantic partner is a narcissist or is suffocating you, and you feel trapped in a relationship.

Are you trapped in a relationship?

15 Signs That You Are Trapped In A Relationship And The Reasons Why

Feeling trapped in a relationship is nothing new, and a lot of people ask themselves if they are trapped in their relationship. Sometimes you are trapped in a relationship with someone who acts like a child or you’re trapped in a narcissistic relationship, but to have a healthy relationship, you have to care about your self-esteem.

Your well-being is just as important as your self-esteem, and you have to have your own opinions and your own friends and not be so codependent. It’s no wonder that you are feeling trapped in an emotionally abusive relationship if you can’t have your own friends or your own opinions.

The first time you went on a date with your romantic partner, everything seemed great, but now you are considering letting go and starting a new relationship because you are feeling trapped in the relationship that you are in now.

Maybe your significant other is a narcissist or is suffocating you, or you are trapped in a relationship with a child. Whatever the situation in your case, this article will help you see the signs you feel trapped in a relationship and what to do when you feel stuck in a relationship, as well as how to leave the relationship you feel trapped in. You will also learn why guys feel trapped in a relationship.

So if you are thinking, “I feel stuck in a relationship. Why do I always feel trapped in relationships?” read on about the signs you feel trapped in a relationship and discover the reasons behind feeling stuck in a relationship.

Signs You’re Unknowingly Trapped In An Unhealthy Relationship

15 Signs That You Are Trapped In A Relationship And The Reasons Why

Feeling stuck in a relationship is hard, as well as admitting, “I feel stuck in my relationship,” and sometimes we are being trapped in a relationship without even realizing it. When you are trapped in a relationship, the first thing that you need to do is to realize it and say, “I feel trapped in a relationship,” so in order to do that, read these signs that you are trapped in a relationship and find out for sure.

1. You don’t feel like talking about it

When was the last time you listened to your gut? Because you should listen to it more often and it will tell you when you feel trapped in a relationship. If you don’t want to talk about your bad relationship, it’s a sign that you might be trapped in a toxic one. When was the last time you talked to your friends or family members about your relationship? Maybe you actually know deep down that you are feeling stuck, but you are so afraid of letting go that you don’t want to talk about your unhappy relationship with your friends and family members because you know that they will find out that something is wrong and you won’t be able to pretend anymore.

2. You are always the one who takes the blame

When you are trapped in a relationship, you will always be the one who takes the blame for everything. Your partner is probably doing something that is making you believe that it’s always your fault, and that is a classic toxic relationship. You need to care about your self-esteem and realize that you are in a toxic relationship instead of thinking that everything from the first time you went on a date was your fault.

3. You think that it will pass

Women who are trapped in a toxic relationship will often think that it’s just a phase and that it will pass, especially if they are codependent, so they ignore the suffocation. But codependency is a bad thing that often leads to an abusive relationship, and it’s time that you realize that you are trapped in a toxic relationship, and it is not just something that will pass if you just wait long enough. If you are in an abusive relationship, break up and leave right now because things aren’t going to change.

4. You’re not even considering a break-up

It’s hard to let go of any relationship, but if you can feel the suffocation and your gut is telling you that you are not in a healthy one, but you don’t even think about letting go, you are trapped in a bad relationship. You need to realize that you are trapped in a bad relationship and do something about it. It’s not the end of the world if you have to end this relationship because it might make room for a new one that’s better and healthier. Read more about what to do when you feel stuck in a relationship.

5. You always put him first

If you just allow him and his desires to come first, you are probably trapped in a narcissistic relationship. Have you stopped dreaming and having your own desires because you are always thinking about his dreams and how you can help him achieve his goals? Out of nowhere, everything has suddenly become all about him. This is a clear sign that you are trapped in a loveless relationship, and it’s surprising that you aren’t feeling caged with him. You need to realize that you are in an unhappy relationship and that you deserve so much more because your dreams should be important too.

6. Only he and his issues are your topics

If you two talk only about him and his issues, you are trapped in a loveless relationship. There is something wrong in your relationship when the only topics are him and his problems. Constant communication about everything is important in a relationship, but men sometimes make us believe that their problems are much more important than anything else. But you need to snap out of it and realize that the more you ignore your own problems, the longer you will be stuck in an unhappy relationship. The suffocation and codependency have to stop.

7. You often want to be alone

Everybody needs some time for themselves away from everyone but if you wish to be alone more often than you wish to be with him, that is something else and it is what you do when you feel trapped in a relationship. You should ask yourself why you prefer to be alone and not with him and read more about what to do when you feel trapped in a relationship.

8. You have forgotten about your ambitions

Setting aside your issues is one thing but forgetting your ambitions is a whole other thing. Does your partner support your ambitions or is he making you forget your ambitions because he thinks he has more important goals to achieve? Think about the answer to this question because forgetting your ambitions is a sign that you are trapped in a relationship.

9. You are choosing to avoid success

If you are choosing to let your partner succeed first by avoiding success, you are trapped in a relationship. Even if your partner hasn’t directly told you to put your dreams aside, but you are doing it willingly, it’s still a sign that you are trapped in a relationship. In any case, choosing to avoid success is very wrong, and you shouldn’t be doing so.

10. You think his terrible comments are just his sense of humor

All of us have sometimes made terrible comments and said things that hurt another person’s feelings, and that is normal. But it’s your job to call him out when he makes a terrible comment. You should tell him when he is being a douche, but if you don’t call him out and even think that his terrible comments are just his sense of humor, you are trapped in a relationship.

11. You sometimes accidentally talk about it with your friends

You don’t want to talk about your relationship, but sometimes a few secrets slip out in a casual conversation, and you say something about not being that happy with your partner, so your friends dig deeper and find out that you are actually trapped in a relationship. Stop changing the topic when they confront you about it and let them in on how you have been doing because they might be able to help you see your situation more clearly for what it really is.

12. You come up with excuses for him

All of us sometimes make excuses for our partner, but when it becomes a habit and happens often, it’s not healthy anymore. If you are making excuses for your partner even when it’s not really necessary, you have a problem. Why do you think that you are responsible for your partner? When he makes a mistake, do you talk about it or do you help him come up with an excuse to justify it?

13. You are drained emotionally

I don’t know if you are aware of this, but emotions are powerful. Check yourself from time to time to make sure you realize that you are hurting, when you are already badly hurt. It should be easy for you to know if you are emotionally drained, so don’t ignore that fact. Be honest about your emotional state. Don’t be so scared to admit that maybe you are in a relationship that’s wrong for you. Checking your emotional state and making sure that you are not emotionally drained will help you decide what to do about your relationship and if it is time to end it before it gets even worse.

14. You are no longer dreaming of great things

When did you stop thinking about good things for yourself? When did his needs, his goals, his ambitions, and his issues start coming first? Maybe you don’t even have the emotional capacity needed to feel good, and that is a big problem and a sign that it’s time to leave that unhealthy relationship and start thinking about yourself. Don’t let your bad relationship kill your soul and your spirit. You deserve great things and you should be dreaming of them.

15. You really want something else but don’t know what

There are a lot of signs that you are feeling trapped in a relationship, but one of the clearest ones is when you have an unexplainable desire for something else, but you can’t really put your finger on it. And you don’t even feel comfortable talking about it with your friends because you don’t think you are prepared for the realization that conversation will bring. There is nothing wrong with you, but there is definitely something wrong with your relationship, and it’s about time you do something about it.

8 Key Reasons for Feeling Trapped in a Relationship

15 Signs That You Are Trapped In A Relationship And The Reasons Why

1. You have changed

In a long-term relationship, it’s normal that you and your partner both change, but when you are not the same person you were before, it could be the reason why you are feeling trapped in a relationship. Maybe he is not happy with the person you have become, or you don’t like the way he has changed. If your partner has changed and that is the root of your problems, try talking to him about it and calmly and politely explaining to him how this change has made you feel.

2. Both of you need some space

Even in the clingiest of relationships, both partners will need some space from time to time. Personal space is important so you can relax. Giving each other space doesn’t mean that you don’t love each other but that you respect each other and understand how some space could be useful for your relationship. It is a way for you two to re-energize and start afresh. If the reason behind why you feel caged in a relationship is because you are not getting enough space, try talking to your partner about it and asking him for some understanding.

3. You should spice things up

Maybe the monotony is killing your relationship and you just need to spice things up a little bit. When you have been in a relationship for a long time, a lack of excitement is normal but you need to work on it and keep the romance alive. When was the last time you had a date night? Light some candles and let romance do wonders for your relationship.

4. You are not communicating

Everyone knows how important communication is in a relationship but we still tend to have a lack of it in our relationships. Your relationship is on the wrong path if you are not communicating in a meaningful way because communicating is not just talking about the weather. You have to talk about your troubles and routines because it’s necessary for a healthy relationship.

5. You have subconscious fears

Sometimes the reason for feeling stuck in a relationship lies in subconscious fears such as a fear of loneliness or separation. Both of you are probably neglecting your individual interests so you have become codependent. You have adopted your partner’s activities, friends, and hobbies and given up your own, and that is causing you to fear to end the relationship. People who have been together for a long time feel lost without their partner and have an identity crisis. Maybe you have never lived alone before and that is the reason why you are afraid to end your relationship.

6. You don’t have autonomy

If you are not a separate, independent and emotionally secure person, it might be the reason behind you being trapped in a relationship. A lack of autonomy is making you more dependent on your partner and it makes separation difficult. That is why you are feeling trapped because you are struggling between craving independence and the security of a relationship, even if it’s a bad one. You shouldn’t be feeling lost and empty when you are alone, nor should you feel responsible for other people’s actions and feelings. You need to know that you can make decisions on your own, and you shouldn’t be taking things personally. You should know that you can initiate things, do them on your own, say no, and ask for space when you need it. Also, you need to have your own values, opinions, and friends, and not be so easily suggestible.

If you are not as described, that could be the reason behind you feeling stuck in a relationship because you can’t leave, but you are afraid of getting close.

7. You are in a relationship because of something else

Whether it’s because of children or because of money, if you have a reason for being in a relationship other than being in love with your partner, that is the reason behind you feeling trapped. You have to understand that you deserve love, and so does your partner, so if you can’t give it to each other, you better end things and find someone with whom you will be able to have love. Because children, money, or anything else that is making you stay just isn’t enough reason to give up on love.

8. Denial

The reason why people get stuck in a relationship is often denial of their problems. You may minimize, rationalize, or excuse your partner’s behavior and cling on to the good times, but they are going to be very rare. You might believe that things are going to be better and still have hope for your relationship, but don’t deceive yourself and deny your own pain, which should motivate you to change and get help. Ignoring problems and pretending like they are not there is never a good choice, and it never makes the problems go away, but only makes them bigger. Stop being in denial and face the problems you are having because you might need to break up to be happy again, and that is perfectly fine.

Feeling Stuck in the Relationship

15 Signs That You Are Trapped In A Relationship And The Reasons Why

It was great while it lasted, and it might have lasted for a while, but lately, you feel that something is wrong. But it’s not just a feeling because he is not letting you go where you want, when you want or do what you want. You might be in a toxic relationship, and it’s time to do something about it.

The best sign that your relationship is toxic is when your partner starts not allowing you to see your friends or go for a coffee or lunch. It will only get you to see the people you love less and less until your partner becomes the only person in your life, which was his goal in the first place.

If he is taking your phone to check what you have been doing and with whom you have been talking, even though you have given him no reason to doubt you, you have a problem. Does he also get angry when you don’t answer the phone right away?

Relationships like that are toxic, and it’s time you end yours. If you have recognized your situation in the signs and reason I listed above, you really are trapped, and it’s time you sit down with your partner and have a talk because you shouldn’t be a prisoner, and you deserve real love.

So if it’s time to end things with your partner, do it and don’t look back because you deserve better, and there is someone out there who is just right for you, so don’t keep them waiting anymore. Only you can set yourself free and get out of a relationship that is toxic, so if there is no way to fix things or you don’t love each other to begin with, end things now and search for true love.

Nobody deserves to be trapped in a relationship, and you should be an independent and assertive person who deserves to be happy. There is no reason why you should stay in a relationship that is not allowing you to be happy.

15 signs That You Are Trapped In A Relationship And The Reasons Why

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