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9 Tell-Tale Signs Your Ex Is In A Rebound Relationship

9 Tell-Tale Signs Your Ex Is In A Rebound Relationship

What do you do when your ex moves on before you? Do you get over the relationship and forget the two of you were ever a thing? Do you cry your heart out? Or do you keep your hopes up that your ex’s new relationship doesn’t work out? What are signs your ex is in a rebound relationship?

Breaking up with someone before you’re ready to move on might be one of the most painful things a person can go through. But the pain becomes even worse when you’re met with the harsh truth that your ex moved on with someone else before you got the chance to understand what was going on.

Whether you saw them holding hands and whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ears or showing some serious PDA in front of your favorite restaurant, chances are you’re heartbroken and wondering whether their relationship is serious.

We’ve rounded up some signs to keep an eye on when you’re wondering whether your ex is in a rebound relationship. It might be a lot to digest, but if you’re hoping to get back with your ex, you need to switch your focus and regain control of the situation.

What exactly is a rebound relationship?

9 Tell-Tale Signs Your Ex Is In A Rebound Relationship

Maybe the two of you broke up less than a month ago. Perhaps you were together for more than three or four years before everything went south. Maybe you made plans for the future, talked about getting married and moving to the suburbs, or quitting your careers and traveling around the world.

Whatever the case might be, there’s nothing wrong with feeling betrayed although you’re aware that your ex didn’t cheat on you and didn’t abandon you to be with someone else. Seeing your ex in a relationship weeks after you broke up can destroy your self-esteem and self-worth, but we’ve got your back.

What exactly is a rebound relationship? A rebound relationship might not make sense to you because you don’t understand why you would go from one relationship to another so quickly. But a rebound serves the purpose of filling the void left by a failed relationship – it serves the purpose of moving on.

When you’re in a relationship with someone, you have a sense of security, familiarity, and confidentiality that makes everything seem better and brighter. When you break up, on the other hand, you suddenly lose that safety net that made you feel like you’re on top of the world – and you need a helping hand.

Rebound relationships might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but many people aren’t able to move on from a breakup without getting with someone new right away. We don’t know whether your ex is in a rebound relationship, but if he is he’s going out of his way to get over you and that means something.

What are the 9 tell-tale signs your ex is in a rebound relationship?

9 Tell Tale Signs Your Ex Is In A Rebound Relationship 2

Rebound relationships aren’t serious, they’re emotional band-aids that serve the purpose of hiding from the pain of losing an ex by trying to replace him or her with another person.

If you’re wondering about the signs your ex is in a rebound relationship, you’re probably dying to know if he’s trying to move on without you, get a reaction out of you, or make you rethink your post-breakup decisions. Whatever your ex’s reasons might be, we’re bringing you the tea.

1. The two of you broke up not more than a month ago

If you and your ex broke up less than a week or a month ago, you know that you’ve got nothing to worry about. In this case, he’s in a rebound relationship because he’s struggling to get over you without being with someone new.

It’s a tell-tale sign that he’s not over you when he’s taking her to the places you’ve been to together or when he’s flaunting her on social media a week after the two of you shared a heartbreaking moment together.

2. Your ex’s new partner is the polar opposite of you

If your ex’s new partner looks nothing like you, it’s a sign your ex is in a rebound relationship. It sounds silly, but you know what your ex likes because you’ve been with him long enough to know what floats his boat.

If you suddenly see him with a tall brunette dressed like Victoria’s Secret angel when you’re a petite blonde who wears Converse on date nights, it’s time to address the elephant in the room – your ex is either experimenting with different types of people or in a rebound relationship.

3. Your ex is flaunting his new partner online and offline

9 Tell-Tale Signs Your Ex Is In A Rebound Relationship

You didn’t even get the chance to mourn the death of your relationship because your ex started posting pictures of the two of them holding hands and hugging on social media? You didn’t even get to talk to your friends about the break up because you found out they’re hanging out with the two of them?

It sucks, but there’s a chance your ex is in a rebound relationship. If he didn’t want you to know about her, he wouldn’t have gone above and beyond to advertise every little thing they’re doing together. Whether he’s trying to get a reaction out of you or hurt you, we hope it’s not working.

4. Your ex’s family and friends aren’t on board with his new partner

If your ex’s family and friends can’t fathom that the two of you broke up and that he moved on right away, we’d say that there’s something wrong there. It sounds strange, but his family and friends know what he’s going through and how he’s dealing with the breakup.

If they’re not on board with his new partner, he’s probably in a rebound relationship. It’s true that they might be taken aback by the fact that he hurt you, but that’s not something you need to worry about.

5. Your ex is rushing things with his new partner

You’d be surprised at the number of people who decide to get married right after a bad breakup.

Whether that’s because they’re tired of going through the tedious process of dating and getting to know each other or because they’re in a hurry to form a family because they’re scared that they’ve wasted too much time – we don’t know that.

We do know that if your ex is rushing things with his partner weeks or months after the two of you decided to call it quits, he’s probably in a rebound relationship. While that doesn’t sound like the definition of a rebound relationship, it’s something that happens more often than you might think.

6. Your ex can’t stop talking about you

9 Tell Tale Signs Your Ex Is In A Rebound Relationship 4 1

Maybe your friend overheard a conversation or two and decided to keep you up to date with what was going on. Perhaps your ex’s family was concerned and decided to reach out to you and make sure you know there’s hope for the two of you.

Whatever the circumstances might be, there’s a chance that your ex is in a rebound relationship. He’s struggling to get over you and he needs someone to keep him distracted. He needs someone to be by his side when he’s thinking about you. He’s selfish, but that’s not something you need to be concerned with.

7. Your ex is still calling you or texting you

While that might be an ego boost for you, we suggest you don’t answer. When your ex decided to get with someone new the moment the two of you broke up, he gave up his right to call you or text you – you’re not about to be the other girl, are you?

We’d argue that these are the obvious signs your ex is in a rebound relationship and that you need to keep away from him for the time being. When he’s done fooling around with his new partner, you can decide whether or not you want to talk to him.

8. Your ex is love-bombing his new partner

If your ex is suddenly in love with someone new, planning a future with her, proposing to her, and moving in with her, maybe he’s trying to recreate that sense of security he had when he was with you. It’s true, men are prone to love-bombing when they’re trying to make you think they’re serious about you.

You know that a serious relationship needs time to grow and that’s why you don’t need to be worried about your ex moving on with someone new. You’re better off without the drama.

9. Your ex is in a relationship with for superficial reasons

9 Tell-Tale Signs Your Ex Is In A Rebound Relationship

You can’t go anywhere without your ex popping up and talking your ears off with details about her? You can’t open your Instagram without scrolling through hundreds of her selfies, outfits of the day, and nights out because he posts about her every single day? You might be onto something.

When you start suspecting that your ex might be with his new partner for superficial reasons, remember he’s probably trying to get a reaction out of you or make you jealous. We suggest ignoring both of them and moving on with your life. What do you think?

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