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9 Lies Narcissists Tell That Keep You Up

9 Lies Narcissists Tell That Keep You Up

Ever felt like you’re stuck in a never-ending loop of lies? Narcissists are pros at weaving deceptive stories that keep you hooked and wondering why you can’t just walk away.

In this post, we’re calling out 9 lies narcissists tell that keep you up, breaking down their sneaky tactics so you can finally see through the smoke and mirrors.

Get ready to cut through the BS and reclaim your freedom!

1. “You are such a drama queen!”

9 Narcissist Lies That Make You Stay

A narcissistic man will never own up to his mistakes. Instead, if you dare point out his faults, he’ll turn the tables and blame you for everything. Expect to be labeled a drama queen and accused of being the root of every issue in the relationship. In his eyes, you’re the problem, not him.

He’ll be so convincing that, by the end of it, you’ll start to believe he’s right. The guilt trip he puts you through will make him seem like the good guy, clouding your judgment and trapping you in the cycle of staying with him.

Next thing you know, you’re drowning in self-doubt and negativity. You’re unsure of what you did wrong, but his words linger in your mind, leaving you feeling guilty and confused.

2. “I was just joking.”

Narcissists often reveal their true feelings about you through “jokes.” But when you’re hurt and call them out for crossing a line, they brush it off as just humor. They know exactly what they’re doing, but they’ll never admit it.

Not only will he refuse to apologize, but he’ll also turn the tables and make you feel guilty for his hurtful joke. Remember this: if a joke hurts your feelings, your emotions are valid. Someone who truly cares about you will understand, apologize, and make an effort to avoid doing it again.

3. “I had a tough past.”

6. 9 Narcissist Lies That Make You Stay

We’ve all faced traumatic experiences—there’s no escaping that. It’s part of life. But instead of letting those experiences control us, we choose to rise above them. We strive to ensure we don’t inflict the same pain on others that we’ve endured ourselves.

However, narcissists will weaponize their past to make you feel sorry for them. They’ll tap into your empathy, knowing you can’t listen to their sad stories without feeling compelled to help or stay.

Sometimes, they’ll even fabricate details to intensify the impact. But whether their story is true or not is irrelevant. A traumatic past doesn’t justify abusive behavior—it’s no excuse for treating others poorly.

4. “I only want what’s best for you.”

A common line narcissists use to make you think they care is claiming they’re doing things out of consideration for you. In reality, it’s just a ploy to control and monitor you more closely, masking their true manipulative intent.

For example, he might tell you that your friends are no good and that you’d be better off without them. By doing so, he’s trying to isolate you from those who genuinely care about your well-being, leaving you with no support system and making you more reliant on him.

We understand it can be tough to distinguish, especially when someone constantly professes their love. But trust your intuition. When someone truly cares for you, your body will feel at ease, and your mind won’t be urging you to seek out articles like this one for reassurance.

5. “You’re the only one who gets me.”

9 Narcissist Lies That Make You Stay

When a narcissist says this, he’s trying to make you feel special and secure, creating the illusion that you hold a cherished place in his heart. His goal is to keep you hooked and make you stay, despite his manipulative tactics.

We all crave to be someone’s favorite and to truly understand and be understood by our loved ones. When a narcissist says something like this, it wields significant emotional power, tapping into your deep-seated desires for connection and validation.

But pay attention to when he says this. Does he only mention it right after hurting you or spinning a sad story to make you forgive him? If so, that’s a red flag. It’s a tactic to manipulate your emotions and keep you hooked, rather than a genuine expression of affection.

6. “Nobody else would put up with this.”

This is a classic narcissist tactic to make you feel isolated and dependent. He’ll convince you that without him, you’d be all alone and unable to find anyone else who would care for you. It’s all part of his scheme to keep you feeling trapped and reliant on him.

Don’t ever buy into this. It’s just a manipulation tactic to keep you tethered to him. You are more than capable of finding someone who will treat you with the respect and care you deserve—far better than he ever could!

7. “You’re so ungrateful!”

3. 9 Narcissist Lies That Make You Stay

When you call out a narcissist for their behavior, they’ll quickly counter by reminding you of all the “good” things they’ve done for you. They’ll play the victim, acting all hurt because you supposedly can’t appreciate their so-called goodness. It’s a diversion to deflect from their shortcomings and make you feel guilty.

Don’t let him trigger you. This is just a manipulation tactic to make you feel like the bad guy. By highlighting his “good” deeds, he tries to downplay his bad ones and shift the focus away from his faults.

But here’s the truth: people who genuinely do good don’t need to boast about it. They act out of the kindness of their hearts, not to make you feel guilty or manipulate you into overlooking their flaws.

8. “I’ll change for the better.”

This is a surefire way to keep you hooked. He’ll promise to change, playing into your hopes of a better future that you’ve been dreaming about for so long. It’s all a ploy to reinforce your commitment and keep you invested in the relationship.

So, don’t be fooled by their false promises of change. Someone who genuinely wants to change will demonstrate it through their actions, not just empty words.

9. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

9 Narcissist Lies That Make You Stay

Narcissists use this tactic to activate your empathy switch. When you consider leaving, they’ll make you fear for their well-being, suggesting they might harm themselves. The guilt of potentially being responsible for their harm keeps you trapped, making you stay despite knowing it’s not healthy for you.

Remember, someone else’s life isn’t your responsibility. Sure, in a loving relationship, you might do things you don’t want to do out of care, and they reciprocate. But this is different.

A narcissistic individual who continually abuses you isn’t deserving of your sacrifice. If you want to leave, you have every right to do so. You deserve a life filled with happiness and genuine love. Don’t settle for anything less.

Now that you’re equipped with the truth, don’t let their narcissistic, deceitful games keep you trapped any longer. Remember, you deserve honesty, respect, and a relationship where you’re valued for who you are, not manipulated by lies. It’s time to ditch the drama and step into a reality where you’re in control. Go on, unleash your inner badass and embrace a life that’s as authentic as you are!

9 Lies Narcissists Tell That Keep You Up

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