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If A Guy Calls You Every Day, What Does It Mean? 5 Possible Explanations

If A Guy Calls You Every Day, What Does It Mean? 5 Possible Explanations

If a guy calls you every day, what does it mean? Is he really into you?

Does he do it because of some hidden agenda or is he genuinely interested in you?

So you have been going out with this guy for quite some time now and he keeps on dropping hints that he likes you.

You don’t know whether you should get excited or wait for him to verbalize it and make it official.

The biggest hint you’ve noticed is that he calls you every day.

He calls you on a daily basis but he still hasn’t made an actual move, and he hasn’t told you that he wants to make things official.

If a guy calls you every day, what does it mean? Is he just leading you on?

You know that a man who calls you this often is a man who is interested in you, but how far does his interest actually go?

If a guy calls you every day, what does it mean?

DONE! If A Guy Calls You Every Day, What Does It Mean 5 Possible Explanations

Depending on your own interest in this guy, you can determine whether his phone calls are creepy or welcome.

When he calls you this often but he isn’t too specific about his intentions with you, things can get a bit confusing. What does he actually want?

If a guy calls you every day, what does it mean? Should you be happy or concerned?

There are many possible reasons for a guy to call you every day and your job is to look very closely to see the actual meaning behind it.

You should only look for clarification if his answers to your questions don’t give you an actual explanation of the issue.

If you haven’t asked him directly about his motives, maybe you should give it a shot before overthinking it?

No matter what your circumstances are with this guy, there are a few meanings behind regular phone calls from him.

Here you will find an answer to your question of, “If a guy calls you every day, what does it mean?”

1. He’s really into you

DONE! If A Guy Calls You Every Day, What Does It Mean 5 Possible Explanations

As you might have heard multiple times in your life, men are very straightforward.

They don’t just waste time on women they’re not interested in.

If a guy calls you every day, what does it mean? A question like this can have the most obvious answer out there: He really is into you!

A guy who only wants to play with your feelings won’t call you so often.

He might play around with you and text you every once in a while, but calling you is on a whole new level.

Calling you every single day is his way of showing you that he actually cares about you.

Even if he refuses to use those exact words, he’s interested in you. He might just want to take things slowly.

2. He wants something more serious

DONE! If A Guy Calls You Every Day, What Does It Mean 5 Possible Explanations

Yes, a man can be interested in you and still not want something more serious.

However, when a man calls you every day and always puts a lot of effort into the conversations, it’s most likely because he wants something more serious.

You can spot this if you hear that he’s nervous when asking you about your plans for the future or your thoughts on him.

He will always drop little hints like this. Why doesn’t he just tell you what he wants?

Well, maybe he’s just as shy as you are about this topic and he’s waiting for you to make an actual move.

He thinks that calling you every day will give you enough opportunity to do that.

3. He’s very controlling

DONE! If A Guy Calls You Every Day, What Does It Mean 5 Possible Explanations

If a guy calls you every day, what does it mean? Is he being controlling?

To know whether a man is calling you every single day just to control your every move, you need to listen carefully to the questions he asks.

Does he quiz you on where you are and what you’re doing? Does he make you uncomfortable with his invasive questions?

He might even get extremely aggressive over the phone if you choose not to respond to his questioning.

He will start yelling at you and accusing you of being with other men or doing things behind his back.

In the name of everything that is good in this world, please don’t respond to his calls again.

He will get even more frustrated, I know, but you don’t deserve to be associated with a man like this.

An obsessed and controlling man will even go as far as to show up on your doorstep just to make sure that you really are where you said you were.

Don’t let this become a normal occurrence.

4. He’s extremely clingy

DONE! If A Guy Calls You Every Day, What Does It Mean 5 Possible Explanations

Is he alone and bored or is he really that clingy?

The guy you’re talking to might just be extremely needy. Yes, he’s interested in you, obviously, but he’s also very insecure, so this is how he copes with it.

He will call you every day to make sure that you will still pick up. He wants to know that you’re still interested in him.

You can most probably notice this in his voice. He’ll sound very nervous and he’ll ask you questions about himself.

He may ask you whether you’re still on for that date (even if you confirmed it multiple times already).

Conversations like these might last longer than the phone calls you’re used to.

Whenever you try to end the call and move on with your day, he’ll find another topic to talk about just to keep you on the phone for longer.

It’s cute, but it’s also kind of concerning, to be honest.

5. He’s testing the waters

DONE! If A Guy Calls You Every Day, What Does It Mean 5 Possible Explanations

The explanation behind his calls could be that he’s testing the waters.

He might be someone who isn’t into texting that much so he ends up calling you to make sure that you’re actually interested in talking to him.

It’s easier for him to pick up on lies when he hears your voice instead of relying on text messages.

That’s why he’s testing the waters and calling you this often.

He wants to get to know you and see how much you like him.

If he hears you stalling or stuttering when giving him certain answers, those are signs to him that you’re not being truthful.

If A Guy Calls You Every Day, What Does It Mean? 5 Possible Explanations

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  1. Ingrid davies says:

    This guy has phoned every night twice when I’m on holiday but says he does not want a relationship but I feel he is interested.

    • Reva says:

      @Ingrid davies,

      Depends on how long he has been calling you, he may be truly interested but stalling due to fear or something else, one to two days don’t be available to talk and see his reaction if you want more make him step up or just keep him as a friend and move on. He using your emotions to keep you on stand by.

  2. Kathlina says:

    What if a guy you have seen only once in almost 3 years, and says he’s coming to see you,but doesn’t and he lives only 3 hours away, and he calls you only Monday through Friday, and lives in a woman’s basement apartment, and use to date the woman???