How To Make Your Ex Want You Back: 21 Tips To Get Them Back

Getting back together
By Leslie Blair

Whether it’s your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, you have ended your long-term relationship, but now you want them to give you a second chance and come back to you.

You can learn how to make your ex want you back, but you have to stick to the no contact rule and ease up on the text messages at first because desperate texting won’t get you anywhere.

After the no contact period, it’s time to meet up and remember why you were together in the first place.

Sometimes you will have to move on with your own life and find a new relationship, but if your ex is willing to come back to you and work on your relationship, it’s a good idea to find a relationship coach to help you.

The last thing you need is another heartbreak so remember why you broke up the last time and preserve your self-esteem.

You have to get inside your ex’s mind and come up with a game plan and if you really want a second chance, don’t jump into a rebound relationship right away.

Use the no contact period to change your haircut and find new friends because it is the perfect time to work on your self-esteem and become the best version of yourself.

But don’t forget about mutual friends as well because they could help you find out what’s going on in your ex’s mind.

There are words you can say to get your ex back that I learned when I was trying to find out how to get my ex back, and I will tell you all about them.

Once you finish reading this article, you will know what to say to make your ex want you back, whether it’s your ex-boyfriend or your ex-girlfriend.

How to make your ex want you back

Before you jump into a rebound relationship, if you really want your ex to come back to you, wait till after the no contact period.

Then, when they start missing you, it will be the perfect time to start texting and meet up the next day.

But remember that the no contact rule is there for your own sake and it’s your chance to spend time getting a new haircut and new friends.

Become the best version of yourself and develop a game plan.

Your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend will become your best friend once you find out what to do to make your ex want you back but be careful not to end up in the friend zone.

You need to take control of your own life and spending time with your new friends might get you to start a new relationship if you face the same heartbreak with your ex that you did last time.

But don’t be afraid to engage a relationship coach in your relationship if your ex is up for it, because facing the same problems in the same long-term relationship again is the last thing you want.

To get them to want you back, you have to remind them why you were together in the first place, but you shouldn’t forget about the last time you broke up because you don’t want that to happen again.

Once you are talking again, exchange text messages and meet up the next day.

Let your mutual friends help you become friends again but don’t get stuck in the friend zone because you want to be more than just a best friend to your ex once you have spent enough time fixing what was wrong.

And after you have spent enough time on becoming their best friend, spend enough time reminding them why you were more than that in the first place.

Hopefully, after finding out what to do to make your ex want you back, you will get them to want you back.

And the next day you will finally be happy in love, like you were at the beginning of your relationship.

So read on to discover what to say to make your ex want you back because I will tell you everything I learned when I was trying to find out how to get my ex back.

How to make your ex jealous and want you back

Have you recently changed your relationship status on social media from in a relationship to single?

It’s time to make your ex want you back with our advice on how to make your ex want you back quickly.

Whether your ex is a boy or a girl, listen to this advice on how to make your ex jealous and want you back because once they see how great you are doing without them and how amazing you look, they will definitely want you back.

1. Don’t contact them

Unless you want them to reject you, don’t contact your ex, at least not for the first two weeks or more.

But the best option would be to let them contact you first because you don’t want them to think that nobody else wants you and confirm that they were right for leaving you.

Please never show your ex that you are desperate to get back with them because it will only get them to reject you again.

As I said before, use that time to work on yourself and become better because once they see how great you are doing, they will get jealous and want you back.

Work on your appearance as well so other people will notice you and some occasional flirting will boost your ego and at the same time, get your ex to feel jealous.

So to make your ex want you back, work on yourself and let them go, at least at first.

2. Don’t be negative on social media

Avoid posting negative things on social media because you don’t want your ex to see that you are hurting and after all, you don’t want everyone to know about it.

You can always sit with your friends in person to cry about your ex but don’t let the world know that you are desperate about getting back together with your ex because it will not only get a lot of people to unfollow you and avoid you but will also push your ex further away from you.

What you want is to play it cool and cover your profile with all the pictures of how great you are feeling, how amazing you look, and what an awesome time you are having.

This is how to make your ex jealous and want you back because they are surely stalking your Facebook profile to see if you have found someone new.

It’s a good idea to mess with their mind by setting your relationship status to private, so no one can see it.

That way, they will never be sure whether one of the people in the pictures with you has become your new partner or not.

It’s one of the great ways to make your ex want you back.

3. Work on yourself

You should never think about hurting yourself because nobody is worth your pain and you deserve to be happy again.

So instead of going to a dark place, why not visit a hairdresser and change your appearance.

Buy some new clothes in which you look great and pick up a new hobby.

Go out and meet new people and do whatever it is that will get you to stop obsessing about how to make your ex want you back quickly.

It will happen by itself once they see how great you are doing and that you have moved on.

Put yourself and your needs first and do anything that makes you happy.

If you see anything about yourself that you would like to be different, change it. Hit the gym and release that frustration in a healthy and beneficial way.

The first time that your ex sees you after the break-up, you want to look as amazing as you can but don’t forget to feel that way as well because that is how to make your ex want you back so badly.

4. Don’t get into a relationship too fast

Maybe you are thinking that one of the best ways to make your ex want you back is by getting into a new relationship to make him jealous, but there is no need for you to involve yourself in a relationship with someone for such a wrong reason because simply feeling good about yourself will attract people who will want to flirt with you and flirting is enough to make your ex jealous.

You want to still be available to your ex but not appear like you are. So don’t get involved with someone new just to find out how to make your ex want you back so badly.

It will only make things complicated, seeing as you don’t want to really move on but only seemingly move on to get your ex to chase you.

5. Go out, meet new people and try new things

Now that you have worked on yourself and look and feel the best you can, it’s time to go out and show it to the world, so go out there and meet some new people.

Have fun with your life and stop stressing about how to make your ex really want you back.

Is there something you always wanted to try but never had the opportunity or time?

Now is your chance, so go out there and finally take those acting lessons or try horse riding.

Find whatever it is that you have always wanted to do and do it now.

It will not only lift your spirits but will at the same time help you achieve your goal of being ready to get your ex back.

Enroll on a course about something you have always wanted to learn, like how to start your own business.

Care about yourself and make your wishes come true.

6. Don’t forget to take pictures

While you are out there having fun and enjoying new experiences, don’t forget to take pictures to show the world your new and improved appearance and overall life.

Smile and be happy when you take pictures with other people and post them on your Facebook or Instagram profile.

It will not only get you to meet even more new people but is also a way how to make your ex really want you back.

And that is all very true but the most important thing you need to remember is to enjoy yourself and have fun for your own sake, and the plus side is that it will make your ex jealous.

How to make your ex-girlfriend want you back

If you are looking for ways to make your ex-girlfriend want you back, look no further because I am going to tell you all about how to do so and all you need to do is follow these few steps.

1. Avoid these deadly mistakes

You have to understand that you will only screw up your chances with desperation, neediness, and insecurity.

So read this paragraph on what you must not do when you are finding how to make your ex want you back.

As you have already learned, calling and texting them all the time is a deadly mistake because it will only push them away from you.

Every time you text or call your ex, you are showing her that you are miserable without her and that you are a needy person, so stop that behavior right now.

Another deadly mistake is trying to use pity and beg for her love because it will only make you seem weak, and she will lose all the respect she had for you.

Never let her walk all over you if you really want her to want to be with you again.

Showering her with affection is also the wrong thing to do, as well as freaking out when she starts dating again.

You should also avoid anger and name-calling and stop obsessing about her.

2. Give her what she has asked for

It’s time to stop contact with her and give her what she asked for – a break-up – so give yourself some space and time.

She needs some time and space to remove the negative associations that started with the break-up period and to start missing you.

But that’s not all, because you too could use some time and space for yourself to gain some perspective and get a hold of yourself.

You need to understand that you have to become confident before you can get her back and this no contact period lasts from two weeks to six months depending on the circumstances, but it’s often thirty days.

Don’t text or call her during that period and don’t answer if she texts or calls you.

3. Become someone she won’t be able to resist

That time when you are not talking to your ex is, as I said before, your chance to work on yourself and this is an essential part of learning how to make your ex want you back.

You have to get your individuality back before you can get her back and it’s time to make some positive changes with how you look.

Hit the gym and sweat it all out, go to a hairdresser, get your teeth whitened, buy new clothes and get in the best shape you could possibly be in.

But you also need to make positive changes to your mentality because being a happy and confident person is the only way how to make your ex want you back.

Give yourself time to grieve at first and maybe start writing in a journal.

But once you are feeling a little better, go out with your friends and meet new people.

You are also allowed to go out on a date, and it could do wonders for your overall well-being because you will see that your ex is not the only option you have.

4. Contact her at the right moment with the right text message

It’s time to talk about how to make your ex want you back over text because after you have gone through the period where there is no contact and worked on yourself, you can contact her with text messages.

But there are rules when you want to learn how to make your ex want you back over text, and one of them is that you never send a blank message.

You should also never talk about getting back together or anything else in a needy way.

The rules of how to make your ex want you back through text are that you never argue or say negative things and try to be positive, subtle and fun.

Once you apply these rules to how to make your ex want you back through text, get ready for a text from her.

5. Meet up

Now you can meet up with your ex to build a connection, attraction, and trust, but wait for when the time is right to talk about getting back together.

Do your homework and be prepared for a bad outcome. She will test you to see if you are still desperate and needy, so be on the lookout.

Don’t talk about getting back together just yet and have boundaries.

How to make your ex-boyfriend want you back

If you are looking for ways to make your ex-boyfriend want you back, we will focus now on how to make him want you again.

Use the advice we have already given and read more because your ex-boyfriend will be knocking on your door once you apply these ways of how to make your ex-boyfriend want you back.

1. You need some space

The first thing you need to do after a break-up is get some space even though you want to get back together.

Taking some time away from him is crucial when you want to learn how to make your ex want you back.

2. Learn to be happy by yourself

You have to learn how to be happy by yourself and once you finally are, your ex will see it, and he will regret losing you once he realizes what an amazing person you are.

3. You have to know why it ended

Reflect on your relationship and try to figure out why it ended. A lack of respect or a lack of communication is often the reason why people break up.

4. Come up with a plan

You have to ask yourself what you want to avoid from now on if you get back together with him.

What are the boundaries that you can have for a happier relationship?

5. Avoid making the same mistakes again

Even if you two get back together, there is still the question of the mistakes you two made before and if you will make them again.

Take action to prevent them and seek counseling if needed.

6. Have quality alone time

Rediscover yourself after a break-up and ask yourself who you are outside of that relationship. What do you feel like doing and what are your interests?

7. Get his attention

To learn how to make your ex want you back, you have to learn how to get his attention again. Never seem desperate and always leave him wanting more.

8. Make him jealous

As I said before, making him jealous is a great way of how to make your ex want you back.

Now that you have rediscovered yourself, you will be getting noticed by other guys so don’t be afraid to flirt.

9. Make contact

Once the no contact period has passed, you can make contact with your ex but don’t send him something romantic or seem too eager.

10. Let the past stay in the past

Once you two do decide to get back together, it’s a good idea to talk about what went wrong and how things will be different this time.

Pretend as if you are starting a whole new relationship, so the problems from the past don’t come up the second time around.