So you’re looking into butterfly tattoo ideas that you can proudly wear on your chest? Despite the fact that these tattoos can have a bad rap, we truly believe that engraving a butterfly onto your skin is a decision worth considering. At the end of the day, your body, your rules!
Now, when it comes to the meaning of this tattoo, butterflies are often seen as symbols of transformation, growth, and a new beginning. This makes total sense since every colorful butterfly you stumble upon has started its journey as a caterpillar.
Even though this is the most common reason why people choose to get a butterfly tattoo, it’s not the only one. Some ink this insect onto their body simply because they appreciate its beauty. Others do it to raise awareness of the importance of mental health.
There are many reasons why you could choose to wear this tattoo on your skin, and honestly, we encourage each one of them. That being said, we wanted to make it easier for you and present you with some of the ideas we love the most. Hopefully, you’ll find something that works for you.
1. Simple butterfly

Are you looking for something simple and wearable? Something that’s not too vibrant and colorful? If you want to remain in your comfort zone, opt for a black and gray style and enjoy your simple butterfly for the rest of your life.
2. Butterfly with a sword

Here we have another black and gray option that’s a bit more noticeable due to the bolder design. A sword and the eyes are the elements that make this tattoo different and not so typical.
3. Lady butterfly

This is a bolder option made for all of you who are willing to commit to a bigger tattoo. If you’re ready to proudly wear something of this size on your chest, then this is definitely a cool option.
4. Enchanting butterfly wings

This dainty tattoo is a perfect design for everyone who’s willing to opt for a more feminine tattoo. We love the idea of getting a tattoo of butterfly wings since it proves that you can give your ink any meaning you want.
5. Traditional-style butterfly

Are you a fan of traditional-style tattoos? Then this black and red butterfly will be your cup of tea.
6. Skull butterfly

Maybe you’re looking for something edgier? Something that will require a second glance for others to realize what you’re wearing on your skin? This tattoo is a great way to achieve that.
7. Butterfly woman

Here we have another bigger design made for people who love their tattoos to be bold and daring. You would’ve thought that black and gray tattoos can’t be much but this design shows just how many details you can achieve even though you’re not using a ton of different colors.
8. Colorful butterfly

Finally, we have something for all of the lovers of colorful tattoos out there. This design will make you speechless since it’s crispy and neat – exactly what you’re looking for in your tattoo.
9. Minimalistic butterfly tattoo

Okay, so this tattoo is minimalistic in the sense of its design. Simple, thin lines and a tiny bit of dot work all add to the fact that it’s easily wearable by anyone.
10. Linework tattoo style

We love this combination of black and blue butterflies and intricate linework. This design will require a steady hand so make sure you pick a tattoo artist carefully since not everyone has the patience to create this piece of art on your skin.
11. Magical butterfly

This butterfly looks like it came straight out of a fairy tale. We love its simple design and how it looks so sleek and elegant on the skin.
12. Cybersigilism butterfly

Cybersigilism is a style that combines natural-looking lines with a futuristic feel. It’s a unique combination that gives really cool results. If you love this method, you’re certainly going to feel inspired by this design.
13. Red ink butterfly

Sometimes, you want a simple tattoo but at the same time, you don’t want something basic that everyone else likes. Then this design is a perfect choice for you. We love the multiple shades of red that give this butterfly a unique look.
14. Black and gray butterfly

You can always opt to make your black and gray tattoo more personal by combining it with a saying that speaks to your heart. It can be literally anything you want which is great since it allows you to make your tattoo more personal.
15. A real piece of art

This tattoo is a real piece of art and is a great choice if you want your body to feel like a canvas. We love everything about it- from all the details to flowy lines and accents of red ink. It’s perfect in every way!
16. Butterfly with flowers

Another thing you can always do to make your tattoo more complex and noticeable is to combine it with flowers of your choice. This will make your design more elegant and feminine.
17. Fine-line butterfly

Fine-line tattoos will never go out of style simply because they’re so sleek and neat. At the same time, this method allows you to create any design you wish. The tattoo above is proof of that. It’s a combination of a butterfly and a skull; an odd choice that somehow works perfectly.
18. Moon and a butterfly

Are you looking for something bolder and more abstract? This tattoo uses strikes of black ink and creates a design that’s different from everything else on this list.
19. Tiny little butterfly

Maybe you’re looking for something tiny that you can easily cover whenever you want to. This design allows you to do that since it’s so small. You can even downsize it if you want to.
20. A swarm of butterflies

If one butterfly doesn’t seem enough for you, you can always opt for a tattoo that consists of a number of these flying insects. Three butterflies sound like a good choice, but you can always opt for a number that feels comfortable to you. Also, we love this color combination but again, you can adjust it to your liking.