It’s obvious that a biomechanical tattoo isn’t for everyone. This tattoo is mostly done by men who want to cover a larger part of their body.
The reason why people decide to get this tattoo is because they want to show something inhumane, or something alien inside of them. It’s usually a representation of the bad things someone’s been through, the dark side of them that not everybody can see. Sometimes, these people even believe that they’re hiding so much from the outside world, that they’re two completely different people.
Either way, you can also do this for the aesthetics. These tattoos are filled with details, as you’ll see, and you’ll need some inspiration before you decide what you’d like to get inked.
Biomechanical tattoo ideas for your arm

A biomechanical tattoo is easy to spot because it looks like the mechanics are peeking through the skin. However, this one looks more like actual armor because there are so many armor-like details. The details and shading in this tattoo make it look like it came straight out of s Sci-fi movie.

This is a very interesting arm-piece. Most of the tattoo is done in black and gray, but the red details actually represent pipes and tubes in the body. Some of the details are very dark in order to make other images pop out even more.

If you want to make your biomechanical tattoo look even more realistic, it’s good to add these tips and tears of skin around the image. It looks like someone scratched the upper layer off to reveal what’s actually underneath.

This is an amazing example of how you can combine the mechanical images with your actual body. This looks like the pipes are connecting through the muscles to your hand. There are still rips of skin around it, and the muscle tissue is amazingly detailed.

This biomechanical tattoo doesn’t have very specific mechanical images. What makes this biomechanical is the fact that there’s something hidden under the skin, and it looks like a tear into another universe.

This placement is perfect, you can only see a bit of it until you turn the arm around. It looks like the pipes are connected over the skin to the next machine. There are so many small details, but it’s mesmerizing how they were able to make the skin tears look so realistic.

This is a very fleshy design. You can see all the layers of skin that had to be removed in order to show what’s actually underneath. The machine itself looks very realistic, but there’s still a red background that shows the human flesh.

This is a well-designed biomechanical tattoo, and just looking at the shading and color saturation, makes your eyes wonder how this is possible. The colors that are supposed to represent the lights in the machine are throwing an actual shadow on the rest of the tattoo. However, the gray and blue saturation is amazing, especially when you consider how realistic this piece looks.

If you’re more into black and gray, then you may want something more simple. This design actually looks like something that came straight out of a comic book. The machine underneath is working tirelessly to make everything function properly! The tears in the skin are very animated, but the tattoo doesn’t call for any realism.

Just look at all those details! You can see all the pipes in the background, but the colors are blended perfectly into the black and gray designs on top. The yellow lights are well-saturated, yet they’re not taking any attention away from the rest of the tattoo.

This is another black and gray biomechanical tattoo that you should definitely consider for your own design. Here, the machines are connected from one tattoo to the next, even over the ripped skin in the middle. It shows a lot of artistry, but it’s also very masculine.
Biomechanical tattoo for your shoulder

If you don’t want to do your tattoo on your forearm or on your bicep, then you may want to consider something that flows from your shoulder down your arm. For example, this tattoo has so many machines incorporated into it, that you can get lost in the design. However, you can still see the rips in the skin that add the bio in biomechanic.

This is a very alien-looking tattoo design. If you want something that looks more like a spaceship than anything else, then you’ve found your winner. There are so many colors here, and that’s why the shading is so important. However, the colors compliment each other perfectly.

Here we have another black and gray design that you may want to consider. In this example, the machines are much bigger, and there are no tiny details that would distract you from the amazingness.

Is it just me, or does this design look like you could actually work on those machines? It looks quite realistic, and the screws that give off the illusion of coming out of the skin, really make this look three dimensional.

There’s a good chance that you’re not interested in something simple. You want something that will be a bold statement and forever show the world the dark side of yourself. This tattoo has a lot of black ink, but the shades of red are what’s so eye-catching. Instead of gray shadows, it’s done in shades of red.

The more you look at this tattoo, the more you can get lost in all the details that are hidden within. The black background really makes the rest of the machinery come into focus.

Even though this is still considered a shoulder tattoo, it’s actually going down onto the chest. All the pipes are connecting different machines, and the composition of this tattoo really makes everything look functional.
Biomechanical tattoo for your leg

How about a biomechanical tattoo on your leg? This is quite a dark design, but the light shading in some places and the highlights give so much depth that everything is perfectly readable.

This black and gray tattoo actually looks like it’s done in different shades of blue that give the effect of actual metal. There are some parts where the dark background is poking through, and you can obviously see that this tattoo took multiple sessions.
Biomechanical tattoo for your back

A biomechanical tattoo can be on whatever part of your body you’d like. So, how about your back? Finally, we have an example of a feminine design. Wings on the back have been a very popular tattoo design, but this one is unique. The only specs of color is the red that looks like blood that pouring from the mechanical spine.

This is a huge biomechanical tattoo. There are no tiny details because the space is huge and you would get lost if there was anything more added. The dark background shading really does do the rest of the tattoo a favor because everything is brought into focus. However, the rips in the skin are shaded to look realistic and they’re well done.